"Disneyland isn't a place appropriate for an infant"


<font color=deeppink>Support me in my Disney mania
Jun 13, 2005
That's the quote I got from my SIL when suggesting that they bring the baby (who will be 6 months old) to Disneyland for one of the days that we're there! :confused3
I was actually angry :mad:, since she didn't say "oh, we're not comfortable with that" or that "she wouldn't do well with an all day trip" or any sort of comment about her or them, but I thought it was pretty much a slap in the face with her saying it's not appropriate! Pretty judgmental, IMHO.
We took DS at 6 months and he loved it! We took DD at 13 months, and other DS at 16 months and they both loved it too!
Oh well. Thought many of you would find it amusing!
We've always taken our babies to Disney parks. It is awesome for them!!!!

They love the lights and colors and even the softer rides like It's a Small World!
I dont relate to those who put their lives on hold because they have an infant....or worse, exclude them from a wonderful sensory and learning experience. Unless they are very teeny or very ill or fragile, I think they can go! They nap nicely in their stroller. They eat as usual. I think some mamas just cant be bothered! Maybe she really didn't WANT to go and used having a baby as an excuse???

Awwww, and enjoy the Baby Care Center while your there! :cloud9:
Wow, we've been taking our DD's to DL since they were under 2 months old. They are now 2 & 4 and LOVE DL. There are so many rides an infant can go on. When I was nursing I would go into the Baby Care Center, which is so nice. The babies would nap in their stroller while we walked around or found a quiet corner for a quick snack. Many times people comment on the fact that my girls aren't afraid of POTC, when many children are. It's because they've been going on it since they were a few months old.:) We just recently went to DL with an out of town friend and her 6 month old, who really seemed to enjoy herself. I think even when they're that young they still feel the "magic".

I agree with UtahMama 100%.
Yup, none of my kids are the least bit afraid of Haunted Mansion or POC. They go when they are wee-little! My 2 1/2 year old LOVES the Matterhorn!

I LOVE the CM's in the Baby Care center! They really must hand pick the most caring ladies to work in there! :love:

Another alternative that seems to work is bringing a nanny to DL (Luckily I have a 17 year old who is the BEST "manny"!) in case you'd like to ride with your DH!
We take full advantage of the baby ride share, to the delight of my DS7 and DS8 who get to ride twice!
First of all, as an infant, all they need is to be loved, held and fed!! That can be accomplished anywhere you go, so why not go?? Second of all, my kids go where I go. I don't have sitters and I'm not willing to sit home for years and years until they are older! Third of all, it is hard for some people to imagine going with an infant. The way I figure it, I have to do the grocery store, the bank, help at DD's school, the Post Office, PTA meetings, dance classes etc all with an infant along so why not have fun at Disneyland!!

Some of my absolute favorite memories are when we went with my kids as infants!! (Read the solo trip thread and I talked about one of my best ever!) No, an infant very young may not get much enjoyment out of it, but I do and like I said, my kids go where I go. Plus at that age, they do what you want when you want, they are easy to tote around and are usually still immobile which makes it much much easier IMHO!! Plus a huge bonus is they are FREE!

In other words, she may just not be cut out for it, but to make a blanket statement like that is untrue (and you can forward her this post if you like!) Some can handle it, some can't! I have a friend who's sister lives 10 miles from DL and has two kids ages 4 and 2, and hasn't gone yet because she doesn't think she can handle it where I go alone with my three since they were 5, 2 and 2 months old and my trips have been wonderful!!

We've always taken our babies to Disney parks. It is awesome for them!!!!

They love the lights and colors and even the softer rides like It's a Small World!
I dont relate to those who put their lives on hold because they have an infant....or worse, exclude them from a wonderful sensory and learning experience. Unless they are very teeny or very ill or fragile, I think they can go! They nap nicely in their stroller. They eat as usual. I think some mamas just cant be bothered! Maybe she really didn't WANT to go and used having a baby as an excuse???

Awwww, and enjoy the Baby Care Center while your there! :cloud9:
Agreed! Our baby is 5 months old has has been to DL twice. She loves looking around, listening to the music, and being snuggled in her sling all day! Have fun!:hug:
Our youngest was 7 months last year and we loved every second of our trip. I used the BabyStation quite a few times, she napped in her stroller, or since it was "low season" (March) I was comfortable enough to nurse her on a bench or whatever. Your SIL is really going to miss out! Does sound like quite a few of my family members though, lol!
That rates right up there with "I dont know why you are taking them, they arent old enough to remember it". I hate that comment. So should we just stay home until our kids are old enough to remember everything they do? I think not!
Well, my oldest dd started going with us at 4 months (AP)- so she went for a year. Second dd's first trip and subsequent AP was at 7 months- it's easy to go with a baby- they still sleep in strollers or slings, they can ride a lot, and they love people watching, looking at the lights/sights.
You guys are, like, my most favorite people ever! :love: I wanna hang out with all of you! :banana:

To the OP's sil, ugh! While we didn't go when DS was so young (we didn't even THINK of it, especially b/c my San Diego-living brother came up to visit us rather than us visiting him), we did go when DS was under 2, and he had a blast! If we have another, hope hope hope, I'd take him/her any time, assuming I am up to it.
We took our daughter at 3 weeks old and had a great time, We asked her Doctor if it was ok to take her and he said if she is healthy enough to leave the hospital, she is healthy enough to go to Disneyland.
When I first married, I believed we would take our twin daughters to Disneyland when they were around 3 or 4 (so they might remember some of it, as everyone told me). At 19 months old, one of my twins developed Meningitis and almost died. I am eternally grateful that she survived and promptly took her to Disneyland a few months later after she was fully recovered. The girls were just shy of two. I have video of the total look of amazement and wonder on their faces! I appreciated the fact that I still had two children to experience life with. I NEVER waited until the age of 3 or 4 again. I have 5 children ages 20, 20, 16, 12, and 8. We take them to Disneyland for the first time when they can tolerate the 7 hour drive well and the weather is pleasant. After they pass the really young baby stage, all bets are off weather wise!
Babies may not remember the trip but they do experience the joys of being with family and the sites and sounds! I loved watching my babies in Disneyland and I cherish those memories! What kid wouldn't like to see a baby picture of them in Disneyland? What ADULT would not like to see a picture of them smiling as a baby at the happiest place on earth? One of my daughters was just old enough to barely sit up in a stroller and she reached out for a Pooh stuffed bear and she clutched it for the rest of the trip. She was facinated by everything, and we were facinated by her! If you want to bring your babies bring them. If you don't, don't. JUST don't let other people tell you what is best for you or your children. Go with your heart:lovestruc and you will have no regrets. All trips aren't perfect, they are what they are! Each their own adventure.
:love: I admit I used to be 'one of those people' who thought that babies didn't belong at Disney parks. I'd heard of cranky people dragging their infant and other kids through the park all day and the poor babe being hot, dehydrated and sunburned. We actually postponed our trip once DS2 arrived, because we didn't want to take an infant along, thought it would be a lot of hassle. (Though that's a personal reason.) ;)

Now that I've been to the park and seen lots of happy babies, I think to each their own. Good parents will be conscious of keeping their baby safe and hydrated in the hot, sunny weather, and find a quiet, shady spot when baby needs a break from the overstimulation. If you think you and your baby would enjoy it, go for it! If you don't, then wait until your baby is a bit older.

We went when DS2 was 28 months, and he had a blast! People told us he wouldn't remember a thing, but (7 months later) he still talks about it and begs to go again. Even if he didn't remember it, we have the memories of him throwing himself into Goofy's outstretched arms, clapping in happiness on the Pooh ride, and his lovefest with Minnie Mouse! It was the best vacation, and we can't wait to go back!
Raising my hand....I'm a terrible mother....I took my kids all as infants to BOTH Disneyland and WDW and I wouldn't trade those trips for all the tea in China! Heck, they were ALOT easier to pack as infants into the parks when we could use strollers and have them NAP during the day!!! Plus the character interactions are just incredible for them! One of our favorite FAMILY memories is when my DD was only 12 months old and just starting to walk...we were in Animal Kingdom and happened on all the characters from the "meet" trails gathered together...she RAN from character to character hugging them all and dancing with them....she had 9 characters to herself (and her older brother) for 20 minutes!

Of course, I'm the bad mother who also makes them say "please" and "thank you" and be respectful to everyone! :eek:
That's ridiculous. Just like several other posters have said, although an infant probably will NOT remember going there at such a young age, the many sights and sounds will be very stimulating to their minds, and babies need a LOT of stimulation, almost constant. I'm going this July with my family and my DD will be just over a year. I know she's going to love it!! :goodvibes
we took our baby to disneyland too. the first time she was six months old and it was great!
we just got back from DL a couple weeks ago - we celebrated her first birthday there - and again it was fantastic. she loved all the characters and had no fear of them.
the music, the rides, the characters and all that fun surrounding her - she had a blast.
we plan on taking her again when she's 21 months old. :goodvibes

maybe your SIL is just feeling a little jealous...... that's not for you to worry about though!;)

have fun!:yay: :cheer2:
We took our 3 girls to DL for the first time last year and our youngest turned 6 months old on our visit. She loved it!! She was a complete terror on the airplane, which was a nightmare. But, once in the park, she was all smiles! She just hung out in the stroller and rode on my lap for the rides that she could go on. It wasn't bad changing diapers and getting bottles ready. We had a fabulous time. Maybe what your SIL means is that she couldn't handle taking a baby to DL. Some people just think it is a stress. But for us, it wasn't bad at all and we all had a wonderful time! :wizard:
Sign me up on your SIL's list of the worst mothers on earth. :thumbsup2

If I were you, I'd be the worst SIL in the world...wait until the kid is ages 3-13, and remind them that those pictures taken in 2007 were on the trip when their Mom didn't want to take them to DL!!! popcorn::
All my kiddos have been to DL before they were even born. My youngest DD went to DL when she was 4 months old. She is now 2.
My mom always told a story about how I cut my first tooth in line for It's a Small World.

We first took our kids a year ago. DS1 was turning 3 and I didn't want to throw a party. So we packed up all the grandparents and took both boys (3 and 6 months, at the time). The baby was thrilled to be held all day, or worn in the sling. He LOVED the Tiki Room, too. And it's a Small World--it turns out--is a great place to nurse a thirsty baby!

So we went back to DCA for DS2's first birthday in October. He loved it!


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