To Cook or Not to Cook, that is the Question?

Okay, getting ready for our first trip 'home' and my question is, how many owner's cook during their vacation? I don't cook at home now :rotfl2: so I'm trying to figure out why anyone would want to cook on vacation? :confused3

As for 'home cooking', I have a husband for that.:cool1: He is a much better cook than I am, and my three boys will back me up on that one!!

Okay, I can handle cereal, eggs and toast, other than that, look to the Man.

We cook all but 2 meals a week we only eat out 2 meals in a weeks time the rest of the time we cook in teh room it is far more convenient and we also know what teh ids are getting that way.
DW cooks at home. Nobody in our family cooks while on vacation. We do like the refrigerator though and the coffee maker.

Don't like to drive while on vacation either.
Okay, getting ready for our first trip 'home' and my question is, how many owner's cook during their vacation? I don't cook at home now :rotfl2: so I'm trying to figure out why anyone would want to cook on vacation? :confused3

As for 'home cooking', I have a husband for that.:cool1: He is a much better cook than I am, and my three boys will back me up on that one!!

Okay, I can handle cereal, eggs and toast, other than that, look to the Man.

Ok, we cook almost all the time..... we don't like the restaurant atmosphere... we are just comfortable cooking for ourselves (just us two), but when it comes to the bacon and eggs... I AM THE MAN. I love breakfast and really love to cook it. All-in-all we find it more relaxing and much cheaper to cook for ourselves..., but again this is just for the two of us.
I am not ashamed to say it either!!

Cook! Cook! Cook!

LIFERBABE and family enjoy our villa and I enjoy cooking for my family. I dont get to cook often at home and my boys are picky and rarely like restaurant food. (they call holiday food "family reunion food" and wont touch it when we join our family for holidays and everyone brings a dish:rotfl2: )

If anyone wants some easy recipes that my boys love, please pm me!!

DDP = a whole lotta food my kids dont want to eat! I will do it on Adult trips but family trips, I will COOK!!:love:

DVC is about family and my family likes a home cooked meal:laughing:
We're still new to this, but LOVE the dining plan. DH was planning to go w/o it this summer and changed his mind - cost less than just having a TS every few days and CS every day! But we also will do some eating in - breakfast, esp, since my kids begin "starving" as soon as they wake up! :rotfl: And we'll have some "comfort foods" for the kids on those nights they are just too tired to eat out (DD5 begged to go back to the room for Easy Mac instead of Olivia's last trip!) I am no gourmet, so can't claim to eat healthier in the room. We like to try new foods and cuisines, so the DP is great for us - and gives us opportunity to try some dinner shows and "signature dining" as well.

BTW, I panicked when DH decided to add DP last week - I expected July to be
booked solid, but I got every thing I asked for, with many times to choose from! It was harder to get my ADRs for January! (altho we did have 7 people instead of 5!)
Breakfast is in the room 99.9% of the time. Sometimes someone might stop in and out of the resort during the afternoon and grab a quick snack/lunch also. Evenings are always out but I can also count the times we ordered or bought something and had it in the rooom (2/3 times total).

Honestly, I am also contanstly picking up/straightening out - which drives my family crazy.:eek:
Vacation time is way too precious to spend time cooking!

That's what the DDP is for! Everyone stays fed and we stick to reasonablt nutritious meals and can do more fun thingsat the parks/resorts- priceless.
One of our family favourites is a nice roast done in the crock pot with some potatoes and carrotts we also love to throw a lasagna in the oven or do some pancakes or french toast and mac n cheese.
Wow!! Thanks everyone. It seems we have great mix here. As for me, like I said, I'm not the cook, my DH is. I will buy cereal, milk, fruit, some veggies, chips and cookies. I will however, bring coffee from home :coffee: as I'm not a big fan of the coffee served at WDW (not trying to start a coffee debate, just a personal prefence). We are a family of 5 (3 boys) and they are all fairly healthy eaters, they love vegtables always have, so I'm fortunate not to have to worry too much about they eat.

Now if I could just figure out a way to get out of doing :laundy: I'd be happy camper. At least I can now do the wash in the room as opposed to down the hall in a very small laundry room, which is where I left overnight on our last visit.

Looking forward to having the space and the kitchen, even I don't take full advantage.
I will however, bring coffee from home as I'm not a big fan of the coffee served at WDW (not trying to start a coffee debate, just a personal prefence).

I don't think there's any debate about that, LOL!

Have a great trip!
I like to cook....actually only at I know it seems wierd. I can't even figure it out.

We don't really care for the food at the parks. It's overpriced and not that great. I feel like we pay more for the experience than the food. Plus there are other things I'd rather spend my money on ;)

To each their own....

Liferbabe...would love to have some new recipies to try. Can you pm me?

We cook!!!

All breakfasts (eggs,ham,fruit, toast), hefty sandwiches made and wrapped for anyone to grab for lunch, fruit and ice cream on hand. We keep salad makings and frozen pizza around for evenings. In a week vacation we typically have 2 TS meals out (the leftovers come backfor other lunches), and just occasionally Counter Service if we are in a park and hungry.

We actually like cooking on vacation. To actually be able to put together a good breakfast or a lovely light meal without a client phoning (or showing up), to be able to take a leisurely approach to preparing and sharing a meal without one of us rushing around because of an appointment or looming deadline - it's a real luxury and makes it vacation!
We ALWAYS have breakfast in the villa, and try to cook a few meals there as well. Sometimes we have guests that prefer it or can't afford to always eat out, so we cook most meals then, but we request that they help! LOL!
We love our DVC kitchen - that was part of the reason we bought DVC, to cut down on eating out costs for five - we always have breakfast together in our villa (never happens at home), and we're usually back at the room at lunch time for a break and trip to the pool, so we fix something easy for lunch. Dinner I make before we head back out to the parks. It's so much more enjoyable to load a dishwasher and wipe a counter while looking out at palm trees and knowing I'm heading to another park any minute!!!:cool1:
We always have breakfast in the villa. Since our trips are for 10 days, we plan about half of the dinners to be at a sit-down restaurant and the other half we grab quick service or DH cooks (hey, he loves it and who am I to argue!).
We too justify the expense of DVC by eating some meals in the villa. There is just too much food on the dining plan--I doubt if we'll ever do it again.


Same here. We did the DDP for the first time last month when we stayed at the WL but I don't think we will do it again. It was just more food than we needed or wanted. But it wasn't convenient and fun too. We'll be at OKW for our first trip home in August and I'm sure we ill eat breakfast in the villa everyday and some lunches too. But we will prolly eat dinner out for all but one nights of our stay.
I don't cook much at home, my schedule puts me in much later than DH and DS18 (who is always hungry). At HH I made lasagna, spaghetti with frozen meatballs, later meatball grinders, crockpot chicken and rice, and we grilled burgers and hotdogs one night. We ate out at Sea Shack, and Guiseppes. Breakfast was in the villa. With DS and 2 friends, eating out more would have required a home equity loan!
:eek: Cook? On Vacation? I don't cook at home much less on vacation. The only thing I do is cereal for breakfast other than 1 or 2 mornings. And if I want to save some money sandwhiches and snacks. But heaven to Betsy, COOK?:rotfl2:

If the breakfast is going to be coffee and cereal, maybe yogurt/fruit, we eat in the villa, but some mornings call for Tonga Toast or eggs, and then we go out. Either Lunch or Dinner is a restaurant meal, and the other one is probably left overs or grilled cheese sandwiches if I brought my little sandwich grill. We do buy lots of fruit and yogurt maybe cheeses for snacks.

We have shortish visits, my dream vacation would be to spend 2 weeks in a one bedroom and cook some meals and really be at home. Hopefully that will happen someday.



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