Are you breastfeeding a toddler?

I am almost nursing a toddler!! I am still nursing my 11 month old dd and don't plan on stopping until she is at least two. (That is, unless she has other plans!)

I went back to work when she was 6 weeks old (and college). You could say I have formed a love/hate relationship with my breast pump!
Wow how weird!! Im an MDC mom too! Im new to the dis site though.. my username is the same on both boards! I went to the Magic Kingdom in December and my youngest nursed frequently (he was 7 months old at the time). We are currently planning 2 trips.. A cruise to the Bahamas and Castaway Cay 4 nights in November and then another weekend in the Magic Kingdom in January. DS is turning 1 tomorrow and just started showing interest in solids a few days ago, so I feel like we will be nursing forever (or at least for a few more years.. my goal is at least 2 and then I will add 6 months everytime I reach the new goal) so I know we will be nursing on the cruise and at MK
Tiffany, I just bumped our MDC thread for you! We are on the Finding a Tribe forum!

And happy birthday to your son!
I went back to work part time, 3 days a week for total of 20 hours when DD#1 was 4 months old. I pumped (I had my own office so I just made time and locked my door.) I stopped pumping at one year, and only nursed her when I was around her. We continued to nurse until she was 27 months old.

My 2nd DD I was at home full time for. She nursed until she was 30 months old and my body ran out of milk. She still wanted it, but was taking in so little that my body wasn't making it. I miss it. I think we still would be nursing if I had milk. I don't mind long term nursing. Then again I don't drink or do anything else that I would have to cut out because of nursing. I did have to change my diet drastically with my 2nd because of her food allergies, but it was so worth it in the end.
Hi there! Hadn't seen this thread before. Still nursing my three year old. Like another poster said - I think I'm done but she's not so sure. We've started talking about weaning. I'm really having trouble with having "my space" and "my body" and feeling "touched out". So we've been talking and I think she and I have agreed that she'll stop nursing when she turns four (in January) but maybe when her brother turns five (in June at Disney). I loved the nursing but I think I want to stop before it turns sour (the relationship, not the milk).
Mine was almost 2 years old at Disneyland while breastfeeding! I love the set up they had for nursing mothers! I actually loved hanging out in there as long as possible. Never had to hunt down a location they just popped up in any land we were in and it was so private. I am with you though, my kids are healthier than their counterpart cousins at the same age because I believe I breast feed them till they were 2! I wanted to have a nursing station at home, it was really, really wonderful there and the ladies in their to assist with anything you needed was awesome!!!
I'll be nursing a toddler in about two weeks. My little baby is almost 1. I tried to wean from pumping last week at work but my body just wants to keep making milk. Can anybody give me some advice on how to manage weaning from pumping at work and continuing to breastfeed when I am home with my DS?
Just saw this thread.... YAY! So many nursing mamas! How wonderful. My little guy recently weaned (he's now 22 months), which many of you know makes you both :sad1: and :)
I'll be nursing a toddler in about two weeks. My little baby is almost 1. I tried to wean from pumping last week at work but my body just wants to keep making milk. Can anybody give me some advice on how to manage weaning from pumping at work and continuing to breastfeed when I am home with my DS?
It depends how much you have to pump at work and how often you plan on nursing when you get home...say you pump only once at work and plan to nurse three times at home...and you pump at work in the am (when milk is usually more) then I'd pump just a minute less every few days - so say you pump for 15mins then you'd pump for 14 for 2-3 days then 13 for 2-3 days etc and then you might have to increase your other feeds during the rest of the day to make up for milk not being produced in the am or you may see a greatly reduced amount of milk being made....unless that is what you want! You basically want to make sure you don't get to engorged from not pumping - so take it as a slow wean from your pump and you should be ok!
Our now 10 year old only nursed till she was 3 months old we went to Disney and she stayed home so we didn't have her nursing that long. Our other 2 stopped around the age of 1 I think. I am not sure how long my wife will nurse our next one due in june I guess it will depend on how long the kids wants to take the milk.
It's so awesome to see how many other bf'ing moms there are :)

And lots of MDC moms, too, which is always cool!
My dd is 30 months today. I can't believe it. She is still nursing about once a day, but there have been a few days this week where she didn't even ask. I think she may be winding down.

I just remember telling myself in the beginning to just make it to six weeks and it would get so much easier. And it definitely did. And then one year was my goal... and then 2 years.. Lots of precious memories and moments spent gazing into those beautiful brown eyes :cloud9:
Wow.. it flew by so fast.
I'm still nursing DD 15months. Although I wish she'd cut back her 4aday nursings to 2aday. (drop the middle of the night and middle of the day ones). Any tips? Other than that I don't mind waiting for self-weaning...just I need sleep!

Also, have you ever been away from a DC for 24 hours while nursing? DH and I were invited to a wedding 4 hours away and we'd like to go, but babies don't mix well with fancy weddings.

We went on a four day trip to disney when are son was 14 months he did just fine. I took my pump and just pumped when he would breastfeed. He was grouchy of course but he survived and is still happily nursing. 16 months and still going strong.
my best friend had difficulty BF-ing her DD after 10 WEEKS. she said the milk production was just extremely low, and the baby wasn't getting full enough, so she switched to formula. she wishes she could have gone on a little longer for some more convinence!:goodvibes
Ah, I thought this was going to be a typical Disboard debate about the horrors of EBFing.

I wouldn't consider myself an EBFer. My Bub's- he quit this past Christmas. I know he nursed Christmas Day- don't remember him nursing since New Year's. LOL. Just one day- he was done. He was only 15 months old.

But I'm still proud of my accomplishment- particularly since he was my third child and the only one I've nursed (I pumped for six weeks for my second). And I PROUDLY support all other BFing Mommas, here and everywhere. Now when I see one, my heart just melts. So for those of you BFing in public- please know- not everyone is thinking 'ew'- some of us are fondly reminded of our babies' younger days.
I'll be nursing a toddler in about two weeks. My little baby is almost 1. I tried to wean from pumping last week at work but my body just wants to keep making milk. Can anybody give me some advice on how to manage weaning from pumping at work and continuing to breastfeed when I am home with my DS?

I pumped 3x a day until my son was a year old, then I weaned from the pump by making the pumping sessions shorter, then dropping one pump, then dropping the next until I wasn't overflowing with milk at work! It took about three weeks to totally stop the pumping. Then we just nursed at home after work and on weekends. It worked out fine. I actually quit my full time job and I work part time now. He is 27 months old now and still nurses when he wants to at night and the days I'm home and it seems to work out just fine! Good luck weaning from the pump!

What is an MDC mom? I keep hearing that here and I have no clue what it means!
I can't imagine why anyone would think it's their business how old the child a mother is nursing is.

I breastfed my daughter, who is now 5, for only 4 months and my son, who is now 15 months, for only 4 months also. For both, I would have LOVED to go longer, but had to stop for different reasons.

My daugther just one day decided she didn't want to nurse. My son, on the other hand, wanted to nurse all day and all night. I couldn't keep up!! :lmao: Poor little man was hungry!

When I have another baby, I DEFINITELY want to nurse longer.

Good for all you moms!! :thumbsup2
Linda- way OT, but I'm drooling looking at your signature ;) What an awesome Christmas present for your family!


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