What I wish I would have known BEFORE getting to WDW!

My son is allergic to latex also. Well actually he is now latex sensitive. I would take a latex ball (I know I am a BAD mom)and help him roll it . At first i would just have him barely touch it. Now though he can touch latex balloons and balls but cannot have it against him for a long amount of time.
The latex free Band aids are pretty easy to find. We have a BIG box of.....latex-free MICKEY band-aids right now from the dollar store:cool1:
I really wish I had known that several of the ride queues are unshaded. But after reading about the neck coolers and misting bottles, I'll be more prepared next time!
These are my favorite tips:

1) Kid's Emergency ID:
Print out one of those small metal "pet" id tags from the machine at Wal-Mart (at the entrance/exit) with your child's emergency info on it (name, your name and cell#). Then lace it through their shoe lace. This way they can't lose it!

2) Dish Soap:
Get one of the dish soap "wands" at the dollar store and fill it before you go. Stick it in a ziploc bag and pack it. Toss it at the end of the trip if you want.

3) Clorox Wipes:
I always pack a small bottle of clorox wipes for the room. (Yes, I'm a little bit of a germaphobe!)

4) Umbrellas:
Pick up 1 umbrella per person at the dollar store. They hold up pretty well and you can toss them or "gift" them to someone arriving when you leave.

5) Beach Towels:
Pack a few for the pool and/or waterpark because they are not provided!
memory stick (s) to download your digital pics. they are a fortune in the parks ! sunscreen , tylenol .
How do you guys handle the heat of the August sun when it comes
to running shoes... do you guys still wear it with sox..... or do most
people just not wear running shoes ??

thanks !

I just bought new socks that are supposed to wick away moisture - and so far - they are working well. Now, it is not as hot in Philly right now as it gets in August in Disney, but I'm sure it'll be fine. We sweat a lot and we have always work sneakers with socks while in the parks.
I would love someone to share a packing list or sample itineraries. My e-mail is njdivorceattorney@yahoo.com


numerous childhood trips- OFF SITE
2) Dish Soap:
Get one of the dish soap "wands" at the dollar store and fill it before you go. Stick it in a ziploc bag and pack it. Toss it at the end of the trip if you want.

Love this idea - would be great for washing refillable mugs.
(1) email addresses to mail pictures from Kodak place in Immagination.

Oooh where is this? Would love to send home smug pics when on holiday!!

mo x

It's by the Figment ride - it's very cool! You can "morph" your photo onto a lot of different things (I turned myself into a cat last time!). Since I didn't have everyone's e-mail addresses last trip, I just e-mailed it to myself, then forwarded it to friends.
(1) email addresses to mail pictures from Kodak place in Immagination.

Oooh where is this? Would love to send home smug pics when on holiday!!

mo x

I think someone already told you it is after you come out of the Figment ride. You take a picture and then you can add things like hats and glasses to your picture to make it funny. We like to do this and then we send a copy to ourselves and to our family and friends. It makes a unique photo of your time at Disney. The kids love making the picture their own creation.:goodvibes
I love to travel and hate "needing" something I could have brought from home, so I made a travel checklist for myself and one for my son. Now, I feel better because all I have to do is scratch thru and go, makes packing easier (40 items and counting, thanks to this thread)

I always take safety pins (small & large), never know what will break, snap, need "holding together".
Lots of packets of hand wipes-the kind you get at Kentucky Fried Chicken-they smell better or the kind that you get at BBQ restaurants, I keep them in my purse and in the car. LOVE them! Can carry lots without bulk (but my son gets embarrassed everytime I get my "stash".)

And I NEVER travel without every med imaginable! Tylenol (arthritis & PM), OTC allergy pills, Pepto tablets (always have these on hand~good for the doggies upset tummies too), Amodium AD, band-aids, Neosporin.

Bought a "set" at Walmart, Neosporin, band-aids, hand sanitizer and it comes with a red plastic container that the Neosporin and the band-aids fit inside of. It's red and easy to find when needed right away. (I could NEVER find it!)

Thanks for this thread!!
It is better to be prepared. I can understand the embarrassment, but it is worse to have the mess all over the face and hands. I always keep some on hand. By the way, I love the pictures. Your dogs are adorable. What breed are the dogs?
That is awesome about adding to the pictures. I like things that help children show their creativeness.
Hi, Thanks. Colby, is a mix, 9 years old, rescued from the shelter and Barkly, 6 years old, is a Yorkie, I bought him from a father that just lost his daughter in a car accident (he had bought him for his daughter).
We have a 8 month old shepherd mix puppy, that was rescued from a wash basin. How do you put pictures on the posts? I think that it is like a signature. Would love to post the picture of our puppy.
These have been mentioned before but I will stress again that some of the things we have found to be the MOST valuable over the years are:

the pop-up hamper - also great for college kids LOL!

If you do have a Medic Alert condition pick up an extra bracelet or necklace from Walgreens or walmart. I forgot my diabetic necklace once and Super WM in Kissimmee and 3 walgreens later they were all out of stock. Another time I broke it. So toss an extra one into your bag so you have a spare.

night-lites or a small lantern - nothing like 6 hours with no power in an entire city with no power!!! We bought a small lantern - about 5 inches tall at a walgreens - not huge but works great for when the power is out.

As far as the photos if you go to the main disboards index menu up near the top there is a 'Quick Links' - select the second section - User Control Panel and Edit Signature I believe to insert photos into your signature.
Well, it doesn't work for me. Now, I need to see what I did wrong. I was trying to add the picture of Max for the signature, and no luck.

Now, it works


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