IMHO - Stupid marketing campaign

Well, I guess the marketing is working for some people - as they are planning their trips in hopes of getting some "dreams". Personally, I never viewed planning Disney trips as that way. Just going to Disney is crazy, I mean, magical enough.

Also, another logic I do not follow from some of you - Since some of you are saying a lot of people going to WDW these days don't even know the promotion is going on, how can the promotion itself be a factor in the increased attendance?
It's amazing that people keep taking a thread and moving back into the standard response - "If they expect dreams and upset not getting them they are the only ones to blame."

That is because it is very easy concept to grasp...for some. There is an even simpler concept...if it upsets people that much, don't go.:rolleyes1

Just like if I buy a lottery ticket, expecting to win and then get genuinely upset if I don't, that's my fault.

I've actually seen some people (on here and in person) complain because they won something, but it wasn't what they wanted to win. The "dreams" given out vary from large to as small as a certificate or free ice cream or experience. But alot of people don't like those...they want the big prizes...the castle stay, the fastpasses.... If THAT isn't setting yourself up for disappointment, I don't know what is!
sorry but GOING to Disney is the 'prize'. Its not a right, its a privledge. And its possible if people werent so concerned with hunting down the dream squad, they'd realize magical moments are happening all around them.

Many people just cant afford to go to Disney, and its really upsetting to me when people who can afford multiple lifetime trips, come on and complain that theyre not getting enough free stuff.

You want magic? Make it happen for yourself and your children and then be pleasantly surprised if Disney does one for you.
That is because it is very easy concept to grasp...for some. There is an even simpler concept...if it upsets people that much, don't go.:rolleyes1

Just like if I buy a lottery ticket, expecting to win and then get genuinely upset if I don't, that's my fault.

I have yet to meet someone who is upset that he/she did not win lottery. I think most sane people know that you have a better chance of getting hit by a lightning than winning a lottery like Powerball.

But I keep reading things on here about people getting disappointed (even if for a few seconds) about seeing other people getting dreams and not them. That's what got me thinking.

Again, my main point is that, to me, the marketing campaign is a silly one. I expected better things out of imagination of Disney (or should I say, Pixar, now ....)

I know that we all agree that people should not expect anything from this marketing, should just enjoy themselves, and we agree to disagree on the value of this marketing campaign. This thread is just spinning in circle and I am just bored at work ....
This thread is just spinning in circle and I am just bored at work ....

Me too!:banana:

I've never seen anyone get upset over not winning the lottery either--that's my point. I guess it's just safe to say that like all campaigns, some are going to like it, some aren't. I didn't really care for that last promotion 25 yrs or something? When the gold was put on the castle...?
So, some of you actually book a WDW vacation in the hopes that you win something, i.e. night in the castle?
Nope. In all seriousness, I book a trip to Disney because, well, it's Disney World. I've been going since LONG before the Year(s) of a Million Dreams, and the end or not of this promotion will not be what changes my travel plans.
sorry but GOING to Disney is the 'prize'. Its not a right, its a privledge. And its possible if people werent so concerned with hunting down the dream squad, they'd realize magical moments are happening all around them.

Many people just cant afford to go to Disney, and its really upsetting to me when people who can afford multiple lifetime trips, come on and complain that theyre not getting enough free stuff.

You want magic? Make it happen for yourself and your children and then be pleasantly surprised if Disney does one for you.

This is my point exactly. We know some people are idiots who cry and whine about not getting "free stuff". "We didn't get an upgrade" "We didn't get towel animals" "We didn't get a dream fastpass".

Can't fix stupid people.

But, from marketing point of view, why use this campaign then?

1) Many people have said, a lot of people don't even realize this campaign is going on. So, why have it?

2) The few who knows fall into two categories - the ones who know going to Disney is THE magic in itself and the ones who feel that they're robbed if they don't get the "free stuff".

So, why alienate your clients, idiots and non-idiots alike? They all have wallets and they all feed the Mouse.

I just want to go on the record that my dream for our upcoming trip is to get our younger DD onto a ride other than It's a Small World. Two years ago, that was the only ride she rode over and over again for a whole week. OMG. Someone save me.
1) Many people have said, a lot of people don't even realize this campaign is going on. So, why have it?

1) A lot of people do realize it's going on, and a lot of those are visiting Walt Disney World, or Disneyland, specifically because of the marketing and the program
2) Of the Guests who arrive without prior awareness, once they get there and realize something special is happening, then of course they want to win something too.
1) A lot of people do realize it's going on, and a lot of those are visiting Walt Disney World, or Disneyland, specifically because of the marketing and the program
2) Of the Guests who arrive without prior awareness, once they get there and realize something special is happening, then of course they want to win something too.

The dream giveaway is the basis for the marketing campaign that puts the Disney brand and awareness out in front of people and get them thinking to go to WDW. But do people go because of Disney brand or because of the giveaway?

Now if the campaign is just for brand awareness and putting the Disney brand in front of people, then the giveaway is just a crutch. No better than any other sweepstakes out there. Again, I say, Disney is too lazy to come up with something different, something more Disney. I guess after their anniversary celebration couple years ago, they have to let their marketing agency have a break.
2) The few who knows fall into two categories - the ones who know going to Disney is THE magic in itself and the ones who feel that they're robbed if they don't get the "free stuff".

I talk to a lot of people while I'm at Disney. Ive never once in the past year (and thats probably around 50 times to the world) heard someone complaining they hadnt won something. The only things I consistantly hear complaints about is how hot it is, how expensive it is and how crowded it is.

People are aware of the 'Year of a Million Dreams' but they dont book vacations banking on winning a dream. They go to Disney because going IS a dream come true. They push the YOMD brochures in your hotel pack, on signs, etc. Anyone currently 'planning' a trip to Disney is aware (those who dont plan... well forget winning, their vaca will be a struggle)

The only people ive heard complain, have been people on these boards.

'Just back no dreams'
'1 week In Disney, no dreams won' etc

Guess what? Ive been to Disney World 50 times in the past year and havent won 1 dream. Heck, i havent even been behind or in front of people that won. We get to the parks early, we stay late we just havent been in the right place at the right time. Is it a biggie? nope.

I just dont get why you're even spending time thinking about it if you feel like I do. Who cares about other people? There are people who 'get it' about disney and people who dont. Let the ones who dont 'waste their money' and be miserable. I feel I get my moneys worth of dreams and then some.

Ive read about people who won a night in the castle and REFUSED it because they thought disney was trying to sell them DVC. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink.
Why I think about it? Intellectual (or someone may put it - unintellectual) exercise? Bored at work? Trying to get people like you to post? :)

It is true the only people who whine about it seem to be on this board only. At the parks, I am too busy chasing after my kids to talk to other people.

I am not sure why you get so worked out about it. I am not whining about winners. I am not whining about non winners. I am just wondering the effectiveness of the marketing campaign as it is. Nobody should get so worked up over it.
Why I think about it? Intellectual (or someone may put it - unintellectual) exercise? Bored at work? Trying to get people like you to post? :)

It is true the only people who whine about it seem to be on this board only. At the parks, I am too busy chasing after my kids to talk to other people.

I am not sure why you get so worked out about it. I am not whining about winners. I am not whining about non winners. I am just wondering the effectiveness of the marketing campaign as it is. Nobody should get so worked up over it.

I get what you're saying, but there is no solution. Some people will be dissasisfied no matter what. If its the year of a million dreams or with the quality of their burger at chilis or how often their friend calls them or whatever. People love to complain and point out how someone else got treatment they didnt. And after spending 1200-5000$$$ on a trip people tend to feel entitled. So if THAT family got a dream, they DESERVE one too! its people on vacation. For further research please view National Lampoons Vacation. ;)

Sorry folks, park's closed. Moose out front shoulda told ya.
1) Many people have said, a lot of people don't even realize this campaign is going on. So, why have it?
I'm not trying to be rude, so please don't take it as such, but that kind of reasoning is rather illogical. No matter what campaign Disney does, there will always be someone who isn't aware of what's going on. So then why not take the reasoning to the extreme and say to heck with ANY campaign. After all, why have it if there's someone out there who doesn't know it's going on? Just because someone isn't aware of a campaign doesn't mean that it shouldn't exist.

2) The few who knows fall into two categories - the ones who know going to Disney is THE magic in itself and the ones who feel that they're robbed if they don't get the "free stuff".
Where are we getting the numbers that only a "few people" know? For all we know, the majority of people do know.

So, why alienate your clients, idiots and non-idiots alike? They all have wallets and they all feed the Mouse.
Disney isn't alienating anyone. The people are doing it to themselves. Right now The Disney Store is running a sweepstakes for a trip to WDW and DL. We've had several people enter since the sweepstakes began. Should DIsney be blamed for "alienation" if the guests from our store don't win? After all, they walked into our store and were made aware of the sweepstakes (since the entry box is at our registers, we have a sign right by our tickets announcing the sweepstakes, and we have flyers we put into our bags that talk about the sweepstakes). Or do we take it for what it's worth: simply a chance to win? This isn't Disney alienating anyone. You've even agreed with us that people have only themselves to blame if they expect to win. If you agree to that, then you also must take that to its logical conclusion...that Disney isn't alienating anyone when people create their own disappointment. If we're going to talk about alienation, then we should discuss things that are outside of this campaign: alienating children for having height restrictions, alienating pregnant women or those with health issues, or brunettes & blondes for pirates shouting out "we want the redhead!" (I don't feel alienated there...I AM a redhead :lmao:). Of course those are silly examples, but I'm just making a point that anyone can feel "alienated" about anything, but that doesn't mean that it's Disney's fault or that the campaign isn't effective. It clearly IS effective otherwise they wouldn't be seeing park attendance increase (this past quarter had a 15% increase in attendance then the same quarter last year...during the Happiest Celebration campaign).

Even before this campaign began or was even announced, there were people with a sense of entitlement..."I wasn't given a free upgrade! I wasn't given a free this or that...etc etc etc!" The campaign has nothing to do with it. Those attitudes will be there regardless of a campaign.
Even before this campaign began or was even announced, there were people with a sense of entitlement..."I wasn't given a free upgrade! I wasn't given a free this or that...etc etc etc!" The campaign has nothing to do with it. Those attitudes will be there regardless of a campaign.

My point exactly here. Why make this attitude worse? Rude and me-me-me people are already out there, why make it worse for them? What does this campaign accomplish? Yes, it's brand awareness. But there are better way to do it without giving these self-entitled people more fuel to throw onto the fire.

Please keep in mind that these people do not annoy me :) I go to Disney for the sake of my kids and see their eyes light up. I am just slightly annoyed that Disney doesn't have the imagination to come up with more original branding campaign.

What's next - The Year of Million Character Meets
I think the first poster saw alot of dreams given out on there last trip. And did not receive anything.
Most people do not even have the money to go to WDW at all. Yet others go 1,2,3 or More times a year. Plus the average person really does not know what they are giving away anyways. They are just there for the fun. It is Diser`s like us, who know the in and outs of the whole promotion. Then they are very disappointed when they win nothing.
Just be happy you are going. I know i am.:yay:

We are so very happy to go!!We are counting down!!
Please read our pre-trip!!
Thank you,
:flower3: :flower3:
Do you know how many people walk through those gates and don't even know this is going on??? We were just there and I heard people talking when they saw dream fast passes around people's neck and had no idea that disney was running this promotion. My own family had no clue (my sister is our travel agent and she made all the arrangements), so our husbands and our mother had no clue that this promotion was even going on. For anyone to actually get "upset" because they didn't win a dream is just plain silly.

That's so true, We can't wait to get to WDW.
We will be at POP Sept. 22-OCt. 1
Counting down the day's!!
Read our pre-trip report!!
Thank you,


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