Has Anyone Ever Seen A Celebrity In Wdw

We were in Cosmic Ray's this past Christmas trip behind the CM assigned to Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser, How I Met Your Mother) and his companion. They were there briefly and then went to sit at their table while the CM stood in line for their food.

(Neil was the CP narrator starting the next night.)
i saw courtney cox and david arquette on their honeymoon. they were getting off of dinosaur while i was getting on. they were getting some kinda vip treatment as they were taken out a different way with security.
In Nov 2006 we saw Steven Tyler of Aerosmith in AK.


My DS7 would DIE if he saw Steven Tyler. He loves all things Aerosmith which is so funny because neither me or my husband are fans.

Anyway, about 10+ years ago in my early 20s, we saw Howie Mandell at the Beach Club. He wasn't a total jerk but not exactly the friendliest man I've ever met either, but I can sort of understand with his germ phobias.

And once while working at Liberty Inn in Epcot during my college program I met Scott and Melissa Reeves (Young and the Restless and Days of our Lives). They were there with their children and were very nice.
woah! steven tyler! i would've peed my pants!!
i really like this thread!!!!

Last trip (aug 06) we saw some basketball player being escorted around by CMs (i had NO clue who he was, my cousin knew him though)

SO I haven't really had any celeb encounters @ WDW> But I HAVE met a DIsney channel star outside of Disney...


Zac Efron anyone....? :cloud9:
I sat down next to George Lucus at EPCOT a few years ago after Mission Space opened. I had just rode the ride and after exiting I sat down outside next to him. He was waiting for family members to get off the ride.
I'll put this here so my girls can drool a little!
It was taken in January.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:
In 2003 while staying at the Poly, it was a late night and my DD20 and I were in the pool which was virtually empty other than some older folks. Along one of the paths came A. J. McLean (not sure of how to spell his last name) from The Backstreet Boys. My DD had been a huge fan as a teen and I recognized him immediately from seeing him hanging on her walls. (Not literally :lmao: ) I quietly told her to look and she did -- neither one of us jumped out of the pool or squeeled or anything else, just looked in surprise. He noticed that we noticed and rushed around the pool quickly. A few minutes later, after we had pretty much forgotten it, a guy his age came out ..... wearing the same thing that AJ was wearing just before!!! Perhaps to get us off the scent? I mean, I suppose we were stalker material given the fact that we ..... ummmm ...... didn't even get out of the pool. :rotfl: The "imposter" sat down near us and said, out loud, to anyone ... "I'm here alone and that's okay. Disney World is cool for someone who is alone." And then he left. We burst into laughter and everytime we were near the conceirge building they were in, we would wonder, out loud (not too loud) if that poor boy on his solo trip was doing okay.

Last June we saw Duff from Guns N' Roses with his wife and kids. They seemed like they were having fun -- eating lunch in front of Rosie's All American at MGM. And although I've been a huge GR fan, we did not approach them -- hey, it's my vacation too!!!

That is tooooo funny!!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
we saw DeShaun Foster in line for soarin' last february. He was with his gf/wife who talked to my 4 year old son the entire time we were in line. It was very sweet. Of course, Gabriel (my son) had no idea who they were. LOL
We just got back last Sunday and we saw Kyle Masse (Cory in the house) coming off of the Tower of Terror. My kids had gone back on the ride so they didn't get to see him. I had to ask a CM who he was!! He was very nice. Took pics with anyone who wanted one and hung around another minute then left through the side door with his family and 2 CMs.
Oooooh...I have two!

Two years ago we were at DL and I was following my youngest through a pack of people...he sorta got ahead of me and I was focused on keeping my eye on him. I almost ran into a woman with several children...escorted by another woman. When I looked up at her to say sorry, it was Maria Shriver! She looked startled and then relaxed when she realized I meant her no harm. Her sidekick was eyeing me pretty seriously.

And many more years ago, before Beauty and the Beast got its own theater at MGM, we went to see the show. My DH was excited because he saw some GREAT seats. When we tried to go sit in them, we were told that they were being saved. He got a little indignant, reminding them that seating was first come, first get! Anyhow, we found other seats and didn't think more about it. Then my toddler got loose and ran down the aisle (seems to happen to me a lot.) I followed him, and when I got closer to the front noticed people staring and whispering in the direction of those "saved" seats. I looked over...Billy Joel, Christie Brinkley and daughter. He had done a concert in Orlando the night before, so wasn't a HUGE surprise once we thought about it. Turns out they were estranged at the time, but I don't think they had announced it yet. (And she looked adorable, even without airbrushing--just had her hair back in a french braid and a sundress on.)
Didn't see this, but if I did, I think the entire Universe would just end:


As you can see from my avatar I think I would be a DEAD person if I saw that. There would be no living with me and I think my boyfriend would fly home, right then and there LOL.
We saw Shaquille O'Neal in Toontown with his children. We could not see the kids as there was a mob around them, but you couldn't miss Shaquille. We also saw the fellow that has his whole body covered with Disney tatoos. He has been on tv featuring his Disney collections and home. He was waiting for the bus at The Boardwalk.
Years ago when Al Gore was Vice-President he was there. He was surrounded by a lot of security. We didn't get a good look. But, we did see his motorcade come in late at night from the balcony of our room at the Contemporary.
I saw Leann Womack (Spelling). She's a country singer.

I also saw a designer from trading spaces (Dark hair, Pony tail) as they were in Tampa earlier that week to do a house.

That's it folks.
I didn't see them, but we were in WDW when Hulk Hogan and family were there several years ago.
Mitchel Musso from Hannah Montana:love: :love: :love: at the boardwalk last summer! i screamed I LOVE YOU because we didnt want to wate in a line to see himm! and he said i love you too!! omg i almost DIED!!


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