Wk Of Sept 29 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick post. I haven't read your posts this week yet, but I wanted to mention I had my first WISH encounter this weekend. I went to CT to run the Bigelow Tea race and I had the pleasure of meeting Judy and her husband Charlie. They were so incredibly nice. It's really neat how even though we'd never met before it was so easy to talk to them. And, I just have to say, you should have seen the smile on Judy's face when she crossed the line with a new PR. It was fantastic.

Have a great day everyone.


Hi Everyone,

Just a quick post. I haven't read your posts this week yet, but I wanted to mention I had my first WISH encounter this weekend. I went to CT to run the Bigelow Tea race and I had the pleasure of meeting Judy and her husband Charlie. They were so incredibly nice. It's really neat how even though we'd never met before it was so easy to talk to them. And, I just have to say, you should have seen the smile on Judy's face when she crossed the line with a new PR. It was fantastic.

Have a great day everyone.


And did you also get to meet the cabana boys? :rotfl:
Hello, WISHers!

Well I figured today's run would be a stonker after 10 miles yesterday, but it was pretty good! The hip was fine (I iced it when I got home anyway) and I got a little over 5 miles done in 50 minutes. Yay! Let's hope I can keep it going 'cause I've got a 14 miler coming up on Friday!

Stephanie - PD for the foot - hope it's not a stress fracture and is better!

Laurie - WTG with the 9 miler!

ironz - Green with envy that you just went to WDW!!! Hope it was magical.

Vic - Congrats on running the whole 5 miles!! Bagels are my fuel of choice.

Kim - :banana: :banana: :banana: for your first half!

Kiena - After ToT I'm AT LEAST going to change shirts (into the race shirt, probably), wash the face, change hats and wipe down as much as possible. Maybe some baby powder might help? Might try it.

Becky - 10 miles instead of 8 - WTG! Watch out for those gators!

Cam - Lots of :wizard: for your back!

Craig - Fantastic pace on your 15K run! Good luck with your half.

Terri - Hope you're feeling better and able to get ready for your coming half!

Kristi - How's the knee? Hope it's getting better!

Kim - Hip is better, thanks! I got a black toenail after the WDW half last year and it hung around until April or May, when it finally fell off. It's just now grown back! (I used some dark toenail polish to disguise it!)

Nancy - WTG on your 11 mile LW! Sounds like you're all set for Baltimore!

Lou - WOW great pace on your 10 mile! I wouldn't mind being stuck at 8:22!

Judy - You can't be left out when you PR on a 5K! Congrats! :banana: :banana:

monte - So sorry about missing out on that medal. It will make the Mickey medal that much more special -- you can do it! You've got plenty of time to work on pace and figure out the blister situation.

Angie - Hope you're not quite so down and hanging in there. It's your back, right? Countdown to RFTT is pretty short - have fun!

Sunny - WDW 2008 would be absolutely amazing! Hope the third opinion concurs!

Jen in GA - Congrats on a green September!!

Erica - So glad you found the phone. Also, glad you realized it had been lost!

Jeanne - Smith Creek is my second home! I'm there Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and (usually) Sunday. During the week I'm doing drop off/pick up so it's in and out, but Sundays are game days. (Not this weekend -- we've got an out of town tournament!) Made me laugh about you going up to the lady with the cast -- I was looking for one of those at the soccer fields in Raleigh the past couple weeks!

Cindy - Cool WISH encounter!

Leana - Fabulous photos! What a beautiful place to be.

Jackie - How's the recovery coming? Hope soccer went well this weekend. We had 3 games total and came away with 2 wins (DS), 1 tie (DD) and most importantly NO injuries! DD took a ball in the mouth but other than a bit of soreness is just fine. Watch out for those fire ants at Smith Creek!

Happy training, all!
Feeling all cocky about my Green September, and now both my DH and I have fevers! It came out of nowhere- I'm blaming weather as long as I can...

Monte- sorry about the medal, but if it makes you feel better, in real life (as in not WISH life;) ), out of all my friends, family and acquaintances, TWO have run marathons. Seriously, I talk about it all the time, and only TWO have completed 26.2 miles. And to do it with a raging blister!?! You totally rock! :cool1: (And I second the sock thing!)

Leana- beautiful pictures! Hey, those of you in cold places, do you actually go out on your runs in just tights for your lower half?! Do running pants work well or are they annoying? I've only recently gotten past feeling self-conscious running in my neighborhood, and I'm thinking it's going to be a little scary when I have so much spandex on...:rotfl:

OK, apparently my desk isn't going to clean itself... stupid desk!:rolleyes1

Jen in GA
Real quick.....
Ran 5.1666 today:rotfl:
8.40 pace....I did not take off the time my JRT, Zoe, stopped to pee. THis seems to be my pace right now so I will go with it. I hope to get it down so I can maintain that pace for 26.2.

Monte - I am so sorry you are disappointed...but you DID complete a marathon so this banana is for you!:banana: :banana: :banana:

Jen in Ga - Hope you feel better soon!

Leana - Love the pics! You look beautiful! WTG on the runs!

Cam - Please be careful...do not push too hard. Don't worry about me, I ate a PAN of brownies over the weekend and feel much better now....:love:

I know I missed many..but I am moving into a NEW office!:woohoo: Just hung my MICKY, DONALD, and GOOFY Bling from all my WDW marathons/Goofy's. May take my other Bling later on
Cam - Hope you're feeling better! PLEASE be careful - like Craig said, the most important thing is to be healthy in January.

Monica - You FINISHED!! And in January you'll have lots of WISHers cheering you on - you'll get that Mickey medal for sure.

Renee/Jeanne - I skipped Saturday's game at Smith Creek anyway. After Friday night's football game (go Wildcats!) my foot hurt so bad that I decided to take it easy on Sat, so I stayed home. Sunday DD's team actually had more players than our opponent's team - first time in many seasons - and the other team had to forfeit. We scrimmaged but ended up with a much shorter game (no complaints from the parents, or the girls!) The rest of our games are at WRAL except for one stray game at WFR Middle School.

Christa - Yay.... on the new office. You know you have to take the most important medals first right?!

Cam - I hope you get that shoulder taken care of ASAP and start feeling better.

Monte - I second what everyone else has already said!! You FINISHED!! That's more than most people out there can say, and with the support of TNT and the supports of all of us WISHers in January you will get that medal!!

WWDave - I am still trying to figure out what I am wearing for TOT. I keep tossing around the idea of dressing up, but I'm just not sure yet. The weather shouldn't be too bad at al though. This past year was a little warmer, but still not HOT.

Jen in GA - I don't know if you are more concerned about the cold or the appearance when it comes to the tights. I'll go with weather first, I live in North Florida (seriously north, like the last exit before Georgia north) and in the coldest temps I have never needed more than a pair of good running tights. It just doesn't get THAT cold, and your legs stay pretty warm cause they're moving all the time. My upper half goes from cold to hot, cold to hot, cold to hot, constantly. I feel like a moron taking my gloves off putting them back on over and over again!! As far as appearance wise. I don't really care what people think about what I am wearing when I run. The way I look at it is they aren't off their bums out there running in the cold and until they are they don't get to say nothin' about what I am wearing while I do!!

Well... I told DS and DH that if they did this to me I would beat them both. So if I call asking to borrow some of that bail fund we usually set aside for the rowdier crowd ya'll are gonna have to forgive me. They went and got me SICK! Runny nose, itchy throat, sneezing, and the worst part is the coughing!! It seems for the most part to all be in my head and throat (not in my chest yet) but I told them ahead of time I can't afford to miss any training!! I forced myself to get in my 4 miler today, though I slowed down my pace to accomodate the crappy feeling. I ran about a 9:30 mpm. I'll probably keep the same pace maybe a bit slower for my 8 miles tomorrow. I actually felt better after I ran though, kind of like it knocked some of that junk loose, ya know?! Here's hoping I get better soon, and once I do I am not giving out any more kisses until after January, it's too dangerous!!

Hi everyone!
Quite a week ahead of me (and behind me) but since that might constitute LTO, or WTO I shall spare you the details. I ran yesterday-my goal was 12 miles. But, since it's hard to get actual miles, I decided to run time. So, I figure around 2:12:00. I ran the first mile on the track. Oops--too slow. I did a couple loops with a couple mile loops around the track and I figure I was about 3 minutes off. So I ended up running 2:16:23. That's slower than I'd like; I'd like to run the ToT in the same time as the Minnie or better but at that pace, ain't gonna happen. Sigh.

Cam: :wizard: :hug: pixiedust: you are such an inspiration to us all! You must get better. Rest, let someone else do the work!

Judy: CONGRATULATIONS on a PR!! You go girl!! :woohoo:

Monte: so sorry to hear about your race time. Remember though, you did it! You have done something most people have not--a marathon. You have a starting point for TNT so you know what you need to do!

Leana: even though it seems a bit early to me for snow, the pictures are gorgeous!

Christa: 8:40 per mile pace is fabulous compared to mine. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I aspire to that time but know I will never make it!

Renee: great job on the run!

Erica: funny cell phone/running story: yesterday I ran 12 miles and passed a woman going on the same path I was. I passed her twice and each time she was running while talking on the cell phone. It sounded more like she was making an obscene phone call! :rotfl: Glad you found your phone and still had a good run!

Sunny: it's so good to see you back on the boards and doing so well! When do you go to the (MD) doctor and what did he say?

WWDave: where are you?

Calcio: :hug: :love2: you will do GREAT in the BAA 1/2 this weekend however you decide to run it. You are my rock, my inspiration.

Today is a rest day. Tomorrow I run 6 miles. Ought to be interesting after 12 yesterday. I could barely walk when I was done. Using the foam roller really helped. Hope everyone has a great evening.
Hey team!!!!

Nancy Thanks, I can't wait to hear how Beth did. I can't believe she found me in all those people, it was great to see her for a second and get a hug. Congrats on your 11M and you will rock in your 1/2 in 2 weeks

Lourodrigis Good luck on your 18M

Judy Thanks:hug: Congrats on your 5K

MOnte Thanks, feeling great today, except my black toe...actually have 2 of them now. Congrats on completing your first marathon that is amazing.!!!! You know Mike met me at the finish line and the only thing I asked his was where is my medal....I can imagine how disappointed you are in not getting your medal but what a accomplishment to finish a marathon!!!!:hug:

Erica Glad you found your phone.

Leana Love the photos, Canada is a beautiful county, but I am a bit biased;)

Renee Glad to hear the hip is better

Dana Feel better soon:sick:

Martha Congrats on your 12M!!!!!

Yuck!!!, gotta go to work tomorrow....I can get use to 3 day weekends:banana: :banana:

Have a great night all!!!

Hey everybody! Today I did a 3 mile run. I finished in 28:48 with a 9:33 pace. This was fast for me, as lately I have been around a 10:10 pace. So, I am feeling great about my progress, and I really can't wait for the marathon in Jan.

Cam--I hope your back is feeling better! WTG for getting your 10 miles in but take it easy if you pain gets any worse, you don't want to let it get so bad that you can't do any training.

Craig--Awesome job on your 15k this weekend, you were flying. Good luck in your half next weekend! Whatever you decide to do, you are going to do great!

Terri--Hang in there! I hope you are feeling better really soon! :wizard:

Kristi--Hope your knee is feeling better!

Stephanie--Hope you had a safe trip back to Arkansas. And, I really need to find more races that I can get a free pair of running shoes!!

Kim--You are going to do great in Jan. With one under your belt, you know better what to expect, which means you will do great!!

Nancy--I was just thinking the same thing about my running route, I am getting a little bored with it. I think it is good sometimes to change up the route! Good Luck in your upcoming half..you will do great!

lourodrigis--WTG on your 10 mile LR this weekend! You are flying! You had to rub it in about our poor Mets blowing it this weekend! I was at the Mets game on Friday night and yesterday, and it was PATHETIC!!! I can't believe that they collapsed like that, a few weeks ago, people around here were talking about the Mets going far in the playoffs...oh well, at least we still have the Yankees.

monte--Sorry you didn't get the medal this weekend, keep in mind that you did finish and that is a major accomplishment. You can definetely cut that time off before the marathon in Jan. Just keep up with your training and you will be fine. Hope the blister is feeling better.

Angie--Your USF Bulls looked great this weekend against West Virigina. I am looking forward to the USF game against Rutgers. Big Rutgers fan here, I have season tickets so I will be there when they play USF. They blew it this weekend against Maryland! Oh well, not a good sports weekend here in NY!

Leana--awesome scenery in the photos!!

Renee--Glad to hear you had a great run today and that your hip isn't hurting!

Christa--great job on your run! Have fun moving into the New office!

Dana--Hope you are feeling better soon!

Sorry to anyone I missed, but time to go eat dinner!
Ok team, I'm back - there is no way I can catch up, - but I did read, so I give a general WTG on everyone's work out.

Nothing from me today - I am still recovering from my WDW trip - does 17 hours in the MK count as training??? I wanted to get to the gym, but DH is having a major RA flare up, and I spent the day making a meal plan and grocery shopping. We are now basically glutten free vegans - I hope the new diet helps, because the meal planning and shopping were HARD. I did let my 4 yo pick out fruits in the hopes that he would eat fruits he picked out -he currently only eats bananas and applesauce. He picked out a coconut and dinosaur egg plums - we'll see.

I hope to get some running in tomorrow - and just to add, in case anyone is interested, my WDW Triathlon report is up on the week of 23th thread.

I promise, personalized posting tomorrow!

Monte: so sorry to hear about your race time. Remember though, you did it! You have done something most people have not--a marathon. You have a starting point for TNT so you know what you need to do!

WWDave: where are you?

Martha I was busy getting in trouble over on the Tot thread, I'll never learn.

Yea Judy!!!! GO QUEEN:snooty:

Monte you will have a much better time without the blisters. We need a thread for blister remedies. I know that hurt your time much more than 19 minutes. When good feeling toes you should be able to beat 7 hours easily.

I had a nice 6 miler with my lady this morning and got the jeep repaired, Life is good.

Have a great evening y'all.

Drive by....
3 miles on the track: 36:17 with neg. splits.
Knee feels ok - so we'll see how it is when I get up tomorrow.

Go Judy, go Judy! :woohoo:

Sorry for everyone I missed. I have a zillion things to do before bed!
Judy - No trip to the ER...Either a PR or the ER...One might think one reason you do these races is just to meet cute paramedics. :lmao: Out of all the reasons to do races, I have to admit that this one did not cross my mind. ;)

Now to run off before the Queen attempts to knock my head off. :rolleyes1 By the way, congrats on getting the PR.

Hey team... last night I ran three miles, no walking breaks except to cross 3 intersections. I was pretty proud of myself. I ran with my buddy Sadie (dog), so that is why I walked the intersections, the cars freak her out!

Judy - I am so proud of you and your PR. And here you were babbling about no training. See, you CAN do it!!!! :banana:

Kristi - You have become a little speed demon lately!!!!

Dana - Cold season is looming up here in the northwoods. I soon will start my daily vitamin C dosing to keep it away. During training, colds are my biggest fear! GET WELL SOON!

Monte - Don't fret the medal... YOU FINISHED!!! TNT will get you that 19 minutes and you WILL finish in 7 hours at Disney. Don't you worry about that!!!

OK, gotta get some work done!!!
Greetings -

Did 3 miles on the TM this morning. I have to admit I was a little stiff and sore at first. :rolleyes:

Thank you to everyone for your kind words on my PR. :goodvibes I very obnoxiously hung my race number on the wall right next to my desk at work. Naturally, no one has even asked me about it. Fine. You guys are the only ones that care.

- I agree with what Kristi said about doing WDW. :hug: If nothing else, the sheer momentum of your crazy racing team will pull you thru! :upsidedow

- Thanks for posting the very cool pics! :thumbsup2 You look so cute in that first one!

Christa - Hey, new pic, new avatar! What's going on over there???? I do love that Evil Queen. She's my favorite! :hyper:

Bill - I swear that never occurred to me! But now that you mention it.... I'll have to mention that strategy to my single friends. ;)

Kristi - Thank you! Now, if I could just lose some of this excess poundage I could really step on the gas. :rolleyes1

Jen - Oh thank you. Hey I hear ya about the colds! I'm starting on my Airborne regime soon. This place is a hotbed of germs. People tend to bring there sick kids into work which makes me nutso!! :headache:
Stephanie – Congrats to you and DH on your marathon! Y’all did awesome!! Very cool that you get a new pair of shoes out of the deal.

Laurie – WTG on the 9-miler!

Vic – Glad to hear that the bagel seemed to have helped. WTG on the 5 miles!

Kim – Congrats on your half marathon!! Great job!

Becky – Nice job on the 10-miler!

Cam – Hope you’re feeling better!

Terri – Yuck! Hope you’re also feeling better!

Kristi – PD for your knee!

Nancy – WTG on the 11-miler!

Monte – I’m so sorry you didn’t get your medal, but you did finish! And that’s a HUGE accomplishment!! I bet training with TNT will be helpful and you’ll be sporting a Mickey medal come January.

Jen in GA – Yay for an all GREEN September! That’s awesome. Hope you and DH are feeling better.

Leana – Those photos are beautiful!

Renee – Glad your run went well! And no hip pain? That’s great!

Laurie – Great job on the 3-miler!

DH and I did a 1.25 mile walk yesterday. Nothing to write home about, and it was still pretty hot and humid, so we didn't push it to try to go any longer. They're saying we may get a cold front early next week, so we're all keeping our fingers crossed!
Greetings -

Did 3 miles on the TM this morning. I have to admit I was a little stiff and sore at first. :rolleyes:

Thank you to everyone for your kind words on my PR. :goodvibes I very obnoxiously hung my race number on the wall right next to my desk at work. Naturally, no one has even asked me about it. Fine. You guys are the only ones that care.

Christa - Hey, new pic, new avatar! What's going on over there???? I do love that Evil Queen. She's my favorite! :hyper:

JUDY GIRL! YOU ROCK! If the EQ is your fave, does that mean I am your FAVE?:love:

WTG Jen on the run! Running with dogs is a mixed blessing...on one hand, they are fun and keep you going; on the other hand, they stop when you don't want to!

Dana - :wizard: :wizard: for your :sick: .

Biked 20 today. Ave around 18 MPH. Was a little stiff at first and could not get into a good grove...then I remembered (about 12 miles into it) I had forgotten to eat this morning!:eek: That is a first!:lmao:
I biked the last few miles around my neighborhood and realized that my mileage I have been posting is wrong. I measured it by the google GPS thing and it has been too low. After biking it, I think I have a better idea of how far it is. Do I need a Garmin or what? THis makes me feel better, b/c I felt like I was working hard and not getting the results I thought I should get.:confused: SO I have actually been going faster than I thought I was.:banana:

Off to get ready for work!
Dancing rehearsal tonight...for the Big Mama's Attic show. JIC you do not know...this is the show I volunteer to do at my church for our children's worship time. We have 2 locations so on Sunday I:
1) Rehearse through the show at 8:30
2) Do a show at our main campus at 9:30 for around 200-300 children (3 - 2nd grade)
3) Travel around 20 minutes to our North campus with around 15 other people and do the show at 11:00 for another 200+ children (same ages)
And all this in a dog outfit with full makeup! This is my xtraining.....and I wonder why I need a nap on Sundays!:rolleyes:
Thanks for all the support guys...you're the best! I spoke w/ a co-worker who hikes alot and she recommended "Mole Skin?" to wear while walking. Has anyone tried that and how did it work for you. Someone else suggested putting Vaseline on my feet prior to walking. I'm going to email the TNT trainer and see what they say. Thanks again guys I can't wait to meet everyone in Jan.:goodvibes ....guess what I woke up to???I hate to use a four letter word.....SNOW:headache: lol We have close to two inches so far...and so it begins.


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