Dining Plan or no Dining Plan-What to Do?


Aug 17, 2005
Hi everyone,
I need your help making a decision. We will be going home for the very first time as DVC owners at SSR in December for 8 days.:banana: :banana: We already had a MYW package booked at Pop Century before deciding to become DVC owners. We are obviously canceling this.
There will be 6 of us-Myself my DH, my 9 year old daughter,my mom,my sister and her husband.
We were going to do the dining plan and already have all of our ADR's.
Should we still do the dining plan.? Just wondering if it makes financial sense or would it be cheaper to pay OOP for everything.
We have done the dining plan in the past so we know how much food you get. Do you guys feel it is worth it for the money? This would probably be our last year using it because we feel the changes for 2008 are not good at all.
We as a family do not eat alot, but like the dining plan because of the flexibility. For all 6 of us it will be 1,650.00:eek: This seems like an awful lot of money. What would you do ? Any advice would be helpful!
I now that there have been changes for 2008. The way we calculate whether or not to utilize the dinning plan or not is to determine the price per day using the dinning plan per person. I believe the dinning plan per day for adults is around $38. Which a typical day at WDW will run you much more than that.

The changes that we encountered last December were the changes in the menu. I.E. the Turf Club and the Concourse Steakhouse identical menus. Only slight differences.

My other point would be to check your ADRs to verify whether or not you can use the DP for them. If there is a majority of places that do not offer the dinning plan, then it's not a true value.

One final note, even though they have a ton of food at most places, you can opt to not eat everything. I realize this detracts from the value, but at some point you just can't eat anymore.
This is just my opinion but in my calculations for 8 days with a party of 6, it amounts to around $35 per day per person. I think it is strictly up to you. Since you have all of your ADRs already, then you can calculate approximately what you would be paying oop and weigh it against the dining plan. Our family, like you, probably won't be doing the DP again because of the changes (and the fact that it is just too much food, plus the children's limited menu selection). It is a matter of personal preference and what might work well for one family, won't for another. Good luck with your decision and have a great trip!:)
The simplest way I've found to calculate the "is it worth it?" question is to add up your typical meals at the places you have planned and compare that cost to the cost of the dining plan for the vacation.

For example, we're visiting in December and I made the estimate/comparison below- I only counted those things we would normally order ie. I didn't count dessert at Whispering Canyon because we never buy dessert here. I even compared the different restaurant choices we might make if we were paying oop- like going to Trail's End and Casey's vs. 1900 Park Fare and Cosmic Ray's. We came out almost $50 ahead by using the dining plan...and will have much more food! And this is just for 3 days. I used the menus at allearsnet.com for my estimates.

For next year we're not going to count appetizers and tip in the calculations and it may show a very different result. But I'm still going to do the comparison to make our decision.

Dining cost comparison-

Table service- Whispering Canyon, Liberty Tree, 1900 Park Fare(?)
Counter service- Roaring Forks, Cosmic Ray’s, Food Quest
Plus a snack each day…

Table service-
WCC- Skillet meals, drinks, w/o dessert (DDP includes) $92.45 + tip $16.64 + tax $6.47 (7%, might be higher) = $115.56
LTT- making guesses and averages…approx. the same as WCC, but including dessert. = $115
1900 Park Fare- $114.95 + tip $20.69 + tax $8.05 = $143.69

Cost of Table Service meals= $374.25

Counter Service-
Roaring Forks- sandwiches at $7, desserts at $2.50, and drinks at $2.09, kids’ meals and tax= $52
Cosmic Ray’s- if not counting chicken and ribs meal, same as RF $52
Food Quest (Cheesecake Factory)- Kid’s meals a little higher, don’t include drinks= $58

Cost of Counter Service meals= $162

Total cost of meals not counting snacks= $536.25
DDP cost= $416.85
Savings= $119.40 plus cost of snacks

Meals if we don’t use DDP-
Trail’s End (approx. $93), Whispering Canyon (approx. $115) , LTT (approx. $115)
Food Quest (approx. $58, because we’ll likely get dessert at Wonderland Café), Casey’s (approx. $40) (not counting lunch at Earl, which we will pay for oop regardless)
Snacks- at least one per person per day at $3 each (approx. $45)

Total- $466
We are DVC members and found that we saved a lot last year when we used it. We were there in June and purchased the dining plan, for the 4 of us it was $800 for the week. We kept our receipts and added up what it would have cost and it came to $1200 for the week. We were able to do some dining that we had never done, such as Hoop De doo revue, because we didn't want to spend $50 per person before. If we go with just the four of us again we will do the dining plan. We are doing 2 days there this fall before our cruise and will probably not use it because of the short amount of time but for longer stays it is great.

First of all one CAUTION: When you cancel your previous reservation, be sure they don't automatically cancel your ADRs at the same time. Be very sure they understand that you're still going -- just staying at DVC rather than the Pop. ADRs have nothing to do with where you are staying, but if they are somehow tied to your ressie, they could get canceled.

Second, as far as value, I like the straightforward comparison of the cost of eating as you would normally eat compared to the cost of DDP. Too often people do a comparison of what they would get through DDP vs the cost of DDP, but that's really a fairytale comparison unless you would actually eat that way paying OOP.

The other option I would explore is the DDE card. You have to have an AP to qualify (or be a Florida resident), but the DDE may be a better option even if you have to buy one AP to get it. With an 8 day stay, the DVC AP may be less expensive than regular tickets anyway.

One DDE card is good for 13 months (so you can use it for multiple trips), and it gives you a 20% discount on ALL food and beverage (including adult beverages) at participating restaurants...for up to ten people in your party. The participating restaurants are basically the same as DDP, but I don't believe you can use DDE for CS meals or snacks.

The DDE may be more flexible and cheaper than DDP. However, you also have to check the blackout dates for DDE. There are some days in December when you can't use DDE because of blackouts.
For our last trip in Feb we decided not to do the DDP or DDE for our trip.

We added up the prices for what and where we wanted to eat and we weren't saving any money. Add to that the hassle of counting points, figuring out what you can have for snack & CS, and just plain thinking about the plan during our vacation along with the over abundance of food that they offer made it not worth it for us. Also since you are prepaying your meals if anyone become sick and doesn't want to eat you have already spent that money.

Our family is a little different and consists of a 'Disney Adult' and a Vegetarian, and we don't tend to eat desert at every meal, so your situation may be very different.

I would just sit down and do the math. Go on Allears and select what you would, as Jim said, normally eat and compare.
We used the DDP for the first time last Feb.(using it again in nine days:cool1: ). I saved the receipts for everything. Even paying oop for an extra breakfast at crystal palace we still saved over $150.00. We ate more than we usually would have, but it was nice to have all of those extra snacks for the flight home.
One point about the snacks. I drink about 100 onces of water per day. At WDW, that is an expensive venture. The snacks come in handy to keep hydrated. You may not be getting the best bang for your buck by getting water with your snack. However, I get to reduce the cost of all of that water by using snacks. Plus with all of the food, you don't need to eat food for your snack.
One point about the snacks. I drink about 100 onces of water per day. At WDW, that is an expensive venture. The snacks come in handy to keep hydrated. You may not be getting the best bang for your buck by getting water with your snack. However, I get to reduce the cost of all of that water by using snacks. Plus with all of the food, you don't need to eat food for your snack.
This post would drive a lot of folks on the DDP board nuts (they're always looking to wring every last penny out of DDP), but I think Jason's point is well taken. You really do need to stay well-hydrated at WDW. Many people are getting a LOT more exercise than they are used to, and even in December you are likely to have some warm days.

We each take a large bottle of water to the parks, and then we refill at the water fountains. But we also occasionally spend a snack credit for water.

The best snack I've ever had (with the possible exception of a lobster roll at F&W) was an ice-cold bottle of water while waiting an hour to see Ariel in the 90 degree heat.
If your trip is this Dec....
I would definately do DDP...

It is changing next year....taking some of the value out of it...
Having the tip included....is big IMO...

We just came back....It is a lot of food....
However....just don't order everything....

Even doing this....on the DDP we still came out ahead...

Sounds crazy.....I used every one of my snack credits for
bottled water....
Like a PP said.....I drink a lot....I get water with every meal....
and also for my snack....

some places they have the lg bottles of water which makes
it a "betta deal".....but if I don't have to buy a lot of water
that is a win-win.
Hi everyone,
I need your help making a decision. We will be going home for the very first time as DVC owners at SSR in December for 8 days.:banana: :banana: We already had a MYW package booked at Pop Century before deciding to become DVC owners. We are obviously canceling this.
There will be 6 of us-Myself my DH, my 9 year old daughter,my mom,my sister and her husband.
We were going to do the dining plan and already have all of our ADR's.
Should we still do the dining plan.? Just wondering if it makes financial sense or would it be cheaper to pay OOP for everything.
We have done the dining plan in the past so we know how much food you get. Do you guys feel it is worth it for the money? QUOTE]

Last year we went with the following group - DH, myself, DSD,DSIL,DGS4,DGS1 1/2, DSIL's aunt, DH's ex, DSD's half sister in a 2BR and a studio at OKW. We waffled back and forth about the DDP and the fact it would be over $2000 all together. In the end we did it and are doing it again this year. We would not normally eat at this many TS places and would not eat as much but - even figuring out what we would eat it was at least a break even situation. The real benefit was not having to ask for separate checks for the various groups and singles involved or worrying about splitting up a check where two people ordered the twin lobster tails at Capn Jacks and one ordered a vegetarian dish while the others were in the middle with other entrees. No one had to stop and think about how what they were ordering was affecting their budget. It was paid for and that was that. Everyone was free to eat as much or as little as they wanted and since we all paid for our own share of the plan it was up to each individual to decide if it was worth it for them. Our ADRs are in place and now it is just the last minute details. Oh yes with the changes in the plan next year we will have to review everything again and make a decision based on the real or preceived value of the plan in place when we go. It will also depend on the makeup of the group and who is paying what bills.
We used it in August for the 4 of us. It really worked out well during the 5 nights we had it. Three TS meals paid for the dining plan. We really used it well and actually took dessert to go one night.
We have used it a couple of times, and much prefer it when it is just the 2 of us. It gets a bit complex when there are more than one family group staying in the same villa. That being said, we ARE doing it with our DS/DDIL and DGS's in November. We figure even if they end up eating more than their share of credits, we will come out ahead.
Thank you all so much for all of your quick replies and advice.
I think I almost have my husband convinced that we should do it this time.
This has all helped very much:) :)
We have decided NOT to use it. DH is a burger & fries guy and doesn't want to be tied down with a tightly structured meal schedule, DD is always on a diet and is picky, and I just don't want the hassle of keeping track of credits, worrying if I am getting my money's worth, etc.

Generally we eat a lite breakfast in our villa, then eat our big meal (CS or TS) late afternoon in the park, then head back to the resort. Boma & Ohana are both must-dos for us, so for those dinners we get the earliest ADR possible. Many days this is it for meals.

F&W Festival means lots of grazing!

I don't think the DDP fits with our habits, but I can certainly understand how it can be a great value for others.
We are doing it this year. Not sure about the future with the changes.
Last year we calculated what we paid and we came out ahead. We love the character dinings and always do 1 TS per day. I liked that most items were included in the DDP, I paid OOP for a few items (water, soda, special snacks) but everything else was included. It made budgeting much easier.
We have done the DDP for each of our last 4 trips. I have always been a huge supporter of the plan, stating how great is has worked out for my family.

Well, that finally changed this time around. We really felt that the DDP prevented us from having the type of vacation we wanted.

As JimMIA stated, if you are figuring out the value, then you need to compare it with what you would actually order if paying OOP. Would all adults get an appetizer? Would you buy 2 desserts a day? etc. That is the best way to figure out value.

The other thing to take into consideration is character meals. For our May trip, we did FIVE character meals (I know, I know...it was SO over the top! :rotfl2: ). But character meals are something we do each trip, and usually multiple times (but 5 was too many even for us!). However, the cost of just the character meals--which we would have certainly done regardless of the DDP--covers the cost of the DDP for one day (when including tax and tip--soon to be gone from the DDP). Thus, the CS and Snacks were like bonuses to us for our May trip.

But for our August trip--we were actually annoyed by the plan. We felt way too constricted. We knew that it would be way hot in August, so we specifically planned a low-key trip, with lots of pool time and minimal park time. We totally did not want a huge meal in that kind of heat. Even though the restaurants are blissfully cool, when we are that hot and sweaty, etc., we just don't want to eat a lot. DH and I discussed it a lot on this trip...we would have much rather had two TS meals each day, though each one very light...split an appetizer and maybe even split an entree (NOT because we are cheap, but because that was what we really wanted). And then do something similar in the evening. We felt very locked in....if we had our TS at lunch, then come evening, we really just wanted to relax at Olivia's and share a couple of appetizers, but no....we had to find CS, etc. It just bummed us out. It is hard to get across in this post, but we discussed it several times...the DDP really put a damper on this trip for us. Even without the upcoming changes, we decided that next trip it will be the DDE for us.

There ar TONS of threads discussing the DDP vs. the DDE for DVC members (lol--how many acronmys can you get in one sentence? :rotfl2: ). Go ahead and search and you will find more opinions than you know what to do with!

Good luck!
We are planning a trip to WDW for February 2008, staying for eight nights. I have been looking into the dining plan and wasn't sure if this was a good deal or not. This thread is very helpful.

I was still wondering though.... what are the changes for 2008?

Is it that we will have to pay out of pocket sales taxes & gratuities?
Anything else?

Thanks in advance for the help!
we are going in a little over 2 weeks and are trying the plan for the first time and I can't wait...

all of our ressies are made and the only think I am worried about is feeling tied down...but we can always change or cancel a meal if we want..i won't worry too much about the "deal". We are doing the plan bc we know what it costs and can pay up front and we can try a bunch of places we normall would not eat.


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