Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 2

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:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I feel the same way some days.....

Lori...loved the Beach Club pix...I think I gained 5lbs just looking at them! :eek: All that chocolate.....THAT is a LOT of work...worth it tho...absolutely gorgeous works of eats! .....gee...I really hope SOMEONE gets to EAT it and it doesn't go 'waste' :rolleyes1

This was of course at Animal Kingdom when we were there in Sept 06. Ally had bought this safari suit the day before and wore it to the parks. The year of a million dreams celebration had not quite started but they were gearing up for it. These cm's stopped us while we were on our way back to EE for the morning, made a big deal out of Ally being a famous safari guide and asked for her autograph. She was on :cloud9:. Later in the day the cm at the entrance to the safari ride gave her a special certificate that gave us unlimited FP's for the safari for our party. She got several comments throughout the day on her outfit.

Anyway, here are some pics:



How cool! I bet she WAS thrilled to have such a fuss made over her..... :goodvibes Ya haveta admit, when you wear a GOH badge, or a 'costume' or whatnot, the CM's really do go out of their way for the kids :rolleyes: And that is a great picture!!!

Had to post this one too. This is Ally, Madison (my granddaughter), and Mikey at Chef Mickey's celebrating Madie's 3rd brithday.


This is the granddaughter you always speak of? She is SO that face....

Ya know....I was secretly hoping Tricia would stop by and PUI :rolleyes1 oh well....guess she was havin' too much fun.... :confused3
I want 17 days too!!!!

i did 15 days last year.
it did not go over well with mr mac.
this year i am cutting back a few days.

I'll tell him. He's at work right now and I just tried to call his cell phone, but he didn't answer....he must be without a signal or real busy. I talked to him the other night about going ahead and making ressies, but he said we need to wait to see what his schedule is going to be. I say we should just stick with PLAN A.

what's plan A?

yeah 100.00 would have been nice to pay but at least I did have to pay a deductible on the 12,300.00 in damage to the duplex or least thats what my landlord charged the insurance co.:scared1: :scared1:

I agree...if you're staying onsite, might want to think about making ressies...peeps are saying rooms aren't available and such...sounds like a busy summer.... :rolleyes1

go when i go........i wanna meet you all......

That'd be cool...another DISer at the meet :banana: Sounds like the family is really pushing for CA tho :rolleyes:

We used to go for no more than 10 we ended up with 17 I'll never know....okay, wait, I have an idea.... we only need 5 nights to get to the next level of LF, I told DH if we're staying 2 or 3 nights, may as well stay 5 and get to the next level! :thumbsup2 I would love to be there all summer....but ya know...we were gone for about 2 weeks this summer, and I was needing to feel "productive".... sitting around in the pool all day really doesn't "satisfy" you after a week :rolleyes1 :rotfl: I hope you can cover the DVC to do all summer....that'd be great!! :yay: Pop in DIS meet at Lori's place.... :rolleyes:

big party at lori's place.....
i'll get out the mapquest and be there in about 16 hours.
who is bringing the munchies?

i'll bring the tp so we can do up that one certain person's house lori has mentioned before.....:rolleyes1

Yes, a man of the cloth and a friend of ours for a long time. It's just the way things happen around here and they are wondering why so few girls signed up this year. I can guarantee there will be even fewer girls next year.

That will be the summer of 2010 and at least 6 - 7 weeks, although I wouldn't mind at all staying down there all 12 weeks! We will spend some of it at Vero Beach too. I should be able to meet up with lots of homies.;) DH probably won't be able to stay that long but I plan too with at least Ally.

then go for a few days in the early fall and hang with me.

who wants to bet Raven is hearing 'screaming' again? :rotfl: She's gonna be ticked she's got pages to ketchup on :rolleyes1

you know me so well..........
after i finish posting this, i need to read the thread to be current...

Where is she? You know she usually gets my Cliff Notes!

cliff notes i will do.......
bubba;s mom will tell you where i am.


about an hour ago, she went to watch 'forensic files'

what a memory!

raven said after midnight we can post xmas smilies...well, it's almost 12:30am, that counts :goodvibes

yea, this is poster month.
i have some kewl smilies for christmas to put up here.
I played the flute.

Just like the girl in American Pie.

Well, I mean I never did what she said she did with her flute... but I played the flute... like you are supposed to... I'm going to shut up now... :rolleyes1

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hey I finally rolled over 2000 posts! It only took me 6 1/2 years. Think I could possibly get close to 3000 by the end of the year???

you can do it.
i'll build a fire under you.
it helps a person move fast.......

congrats for climbing in the numbers.
keep it up and you will pass janet soon.
Glades Central is one of the best high school football teams in America. They play 4 quarterbacks and hit you with big plays combined with speed, speed, speed.... Naples was behind 10-3 at halftime for the first time this season. Our starting quarterback was out with a sprained ankle and his back up made a couple mistakes. The second half we displayed some speed of our own and WON THE GAME 27 - 24! PAYBACK! That was the biggest hurdle to State. Cocoa is next and, not to talk trash or anything, they don't have a chance.

mac- I think I heard you yellin' but it was way too early. Must have been Chicago time.


way to go......

next time i won't use my bullhorn to scream from chi town to fl.....



7-4 Seattle @ 5-6 Philly philly wins it :thumbsup2

3-8 Atlanta @ 2-9 St Louis GO FALCONS:yay:

5-6 Denver @ 3-8 Oakland Raiders get 'er done! :3dglasses

My collapsing, sucked like hell last week 7-4 Giants at 5-6 Chicago.....I am still so mad I dont care! :mad:

4-7 Cinn @ 8-3 Pitt Steelers, fer sure:goodvibes

Monday night- 11-0 New England at 4-7 Baltimore..
well, last week NE nearly lost seriously, it may be a good game....may be a blowout.....:idea: :confused3

hey the bears won last week, that should make you happy....:rolleyes1

Lori - I've been here a year and a half longer than you (OMG - I'm at 8 years - let's celebrate! :banana: :banana: ) and I just broke 1500 posts! Guess I really don't talk enough. If it wasn't for this thread, I'd probably be under 1000 still! (Note to go back to Mac's last tally and check it out!)

macraven 1,200
bubba's mom 1,199
RVGal 638
yankeepenny 527
loribell 484
keishashadow 477
marciemi 370
tlinus 336
GemmaPixie 275
AlexandNessa 266
Metro West 216
roseprincess 203


some of these Jelly Belly jelly beans I am eating are nasty:scared1:

I am sitting here freezing my a$$ off, it is 12 degrees outside and the wind is howling and we will get Marcie's snow monday.....maybe even tuesday.....:rolleyes1

Tricia- you handled Fluffy Muffins with grace and diplomacy. :goodvibes
I hated her type in school. just wanted to beat the pink stuffing right out of them.

well- here goes-
remember, I AM monkish.:rolleyes1

everything is wrapped. will all be mailed monday.
Cards are done, will be mailed monday.
all shopped and totally finished with xmas.
my secret ornament has been delivered.
since we are not decorating this year or doing lights( i only do it every couple of years anyway) that is not an issue.

Please dont hate me. well, go right ahead. I will still love you all anyway.

homie, do you hire out?
i'm still about to get up and do last nights dishes....

the jelly belly factory is about a 10 minute drive from my house.
i go there frequently for the tour and free samples.

they advertise locally of discount days where you can buy the rejects.
I'm really working hard at it! The bad thing is this is pretty much the only thread I post in, there are a few that I do every once in a while, so you guys might get real sick of me if I try to get to 3000.

there is a fun thread in the games section i post on.
it is the like it , hate it, never tried it food thread.

you'll get to 3000 before the end of the year i bet
This is pretty much the only thread I post in too....I will venture out to the UO boards and help answer questions, I will read the DCL forums, but don't even go to the Disney side....I barely have enuf time on THIS THREAD! :headache:

Heck...I've been playing ketchup from this morning alone for almost 2 hours now....

I worked this morning, and came home and waited a bit for the boys to get back from shopping ;) Then we went tree shopping.... that was 2 hours and we were on the way home at dusk! (We needed to get a tree today cuz we are runnin' short on time!) Got it home and set it up....
(DH cutting the bottom off)

(getting ready to "let 'er down")



(in case anyone didn't feel like going back to see that pic)

Then I went to the store because tomorrow is gonna be a yuckie day and figure we'll stay home and decorate the house (inside) and maybe make cookies....depends how far we get with the decorating :rolleyes:

So, now I'm tired from ketchuping.... Tricia is gonna grumble again at all the pages she needs to ketchup on.... :rolleyes1 But, I'm sure her "gals nite out" was well worth it :thumbsup2

"I'm tired....think I'll go home now."
-Forrest Gump

wow, i noticed how clean your house was.
i almost posted a video of my cat.
but after seeing you have carpet, i can't post mine now.
we have carpet under all the junk that shows in the cat video..:eek:

great pics of mr bubba and son.
So....after all the crazy games today....who plays OSU in the NC game?

I would have to pick...LSU.


i am with you on that one todd.

hey, is this it on the discussion?
haven't read that far to the present yet......
Ah, but the relevant thing is that now if Ohio State's in the top 2, then (according to my football guys at least!) Michigan would be going to the Rose Bowl! I know - yippee! Can't see how they possibly deserve to go? :confused3 But this had the guys here all excited and watching the games tonight and cheering for the outcomes that occurred!

7-11's in Michigan sold alcohol too. Here in Wisconsin we don't even HAVE them at all (or anything similar). We were just mentioning that this afternoon when we needed to stop in the storm to get only hamburger buns (for chicken sandwiches - no we weren't grilling burgers in the snowstorm!) and wine (which I'm drinking right now coincidentally!). Had to brave a big grocery store miles from home rather than a 7-11 less than a mile away.


marcie, while you don't have the quick mart or 7-11 in greenbay, all the BP 's up there have the grocery section inside.
the PDQ stores are just like the 7-ll.
wisconsin has the PDQ, BP, Quick Mart, gas stations like 7-11 does where you can get the slurpees, drinks, buns, food, etc.

i think Kwik Mart started in LaCrosse area and moved the 7-11 down to the border area of illinois.
Man, you guys are responding fast! Two responses from when I read until I posted and another two while I was typing!

Barb - oh, man, am I supposed to have sent my ornament already? I BOUGHT it - thought that meant I was doing well!

Metro West - I just don't know! I think you could make arguments for so many schools and whoever I pick I KNOW the experts won't agree. I should choose a team just to guarantee they won't be in it!

hello wino marcie when you type and drink. :laughing: jk

ornaments need to be sent out by dec 12 as the deadline.
Morning folks.

Just wanted to say that I'm done with the thread that was supposed to be a celebration about Universal's increase in attendence. But thanks to "Universal-Excitement" he has completely derailed the thread and continues to irritate everyone who responds.

So....I'm done with that thread.

Have a nice day!

todd, i replied on that after i saw what you posted.
don't leave it.

think of it as supporting one of the moderators helping to inform the public about uo stats.
i had soooo many pages to ketchup on, i forgot the other things i was gonna post now....

loved all the pics i saw, loved how others have really clean houses, like the idea that the big party is at lori's this next weekend, so happy rose won the tickets for the plane and now can do the orlando trip, granddaughter and daughter about 4 years apart? both just little doll in the pic.

never have been away on christmas time for vacation.
always had to juggle schedules of sons in college and home for break time.
prior to that, never made travel holiday plans due to unexpected lousy driving or flying weather out of chi town.

haven't even started on christmas yet.
have an artificial tree hidden among boxes in the basement, ornaments also...just have to get the time to dig it out. youngest son loves the tree and bugging me for it.

need to buy cards, gifts, bake cookies.

i'll get my butt in gear by the 20th and get it all done then
I spent a productive day out shopping. :) The mall really wasn't that crowded. Found a parking spot right near the door! Amanda (DD24) went with me. Two guesses who I bought the most presents for. She found a gray wool coat with toggle buttons and a hood. The hood will come in handy running between buildings for her classes. Saved $120 on it. :woohoo: That Macy's 20% coupon came in handy, plus it was on sale. Amanda is a whiz at finding good deals. When she was in high school and prom time rolled around, she always found a gown for like $20 or $30 in the clearance section! Sure saved me a bundle. :love:

Found the ornament for the exchange today. Boy that turned out to be more of a challenge than I had thought! Was hoping to get it mailed tomorrow, but they are forcasting 8-12 inches of snow. Uggg, I am not ready for this.

Got a pork tenderloin with pineapple salsa cooking for dinner. :yay: I'd better go check on it and find a veggie or two.










-i ate fudge and drank lots of coffee today....

-every year at this time, some folks get all weird and decide that the creche at city hall,/public spot is no longer acceptable. they also do not want christmas carols in the school pagent, and all calendars marked winter /december vacation. fights/lawsuits ensue. the battle continues.
yet, and this is a big yet......
a woman teaching school lets her 6 and year old students name a teddy bear. parents go ballistic and went from jail and beating her to within an inch of her life are now screaming off with her head.
welcome to the holidays and the peace on earth notion.

okay= i'll shut up now. someone else take the microphone please.
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