Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 5

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And, to keep it on topic... Here's a sample of the above, notice the "Minnie" dot outfit on the daughter, and the DIS green on the Mom & Dad!
Deann, these Barbie outfits rock! Your dd has the most fabulously decked out DIS Barbie house ever!!! Love the 101 Dalmations & characters in her bathroom!

I loved Barbie & created outfits outta my Mom's fabric scraps all the time. Seriously, I was like in Jr High & secretly playing with Barbie still!

I loved decorating her "house" & creating new outfits. My "house" wasn't from Mattel either, it consisted of LP jackets (for those old enough to know what I'm talking about) as walls. Then I'd cut out photos of stuff from Sears & JcPenney catalog I'd dream for my house & tape it onto the "walls". (Like a baby grand piano & fabulous furniture!)

Barbie's couch was made out of a kleenex box with stuffed fabric for cushions. Barbie's plants were scraps of silk plants shoved into toothpaste caps etc. It was so much fun creating for her! My Barbies even had a rockin' disco with John Travolta (the LP from Saturday Night Fever was the backdrop! he he!).

My Barbie never dated Ken either, he was to much of a pretty boy. She would steal our neighbor boy's G.I. Joes to date! ha, ha! Sorry, you took me back there in my little girl memories. Ahhh, to be young again....
DH and I decided to go out to lunch today.

On the way there a tractor Trailer decided to pull out in front of me. He told the police officer he didn't see me. The officer gave him a ticket. I wasn't going very fast but.. .

Now my van is a mess. . .


Thankfully we are all okay.

Drive carefully girls there are some crazy people out there.
That was sooo scary! Glad everyone is okay!


Thats Maddi, Minnie and Me !!


I included this shot so u can see the amazing back that Princessswsf Amy made, her work is gorgeous! I was so happy with my customs!
(and thanks for all the nice comments about our daughter) xoxoxo Happy 2008 all !!
Karen, aka Mousekamaddi

LOVE these pics! How sweet! Your little girl is sooo adorable!

Ok, another embroider machine update. Less than 36 hours, and I LOVE IT! Here's the first things I'm comfortable posting. Again, these are on scraps - but you can see the possibilities!

Just an embroidered outline

And my first machine applique!


OK, Tom, are you convinced?
WOW! You are doing much better than I am, however with a very sick one year old, I haven't had any time! We were at the emergency room with her last night for quite some time! I am hoping she starts feeling better soon so I can practice with mine!

Howdy everyone!
Looks like everyone has been busy. I had a semi rough day, but managed to do mini-makeovers on my girls tonight. They wanted me to post a picture. We are headed to see the mouse soon, so I managed to make the ugliest outfit I'd ever seen. I haven't completely scrapped it yet, but pretty close.
I hope the van driver is okay. What a horrible experience...I hope you are feeling better soon...

These are pics of an outfit that SallyFromDE came across and thought this design would be really cute as a Minnie outfit. I love the idea of the flower pin on the sash (Minnie's daisy would be so cute there!)


Here, you can see that the waist band is a sash that is attached with the flower pin


OOOOOHHHHH! I like this!
Here's a thought....use this guy & have a DISner from the boards (I like Amy M_I_C_K_E_Y's designs) create a deseign with the quote "Anyone can cook!"-Chef Gusteau....

Use that as your transfer for the aprons. Depending on how many guests are coming, Oriental Trading has the best prices on aprons (I think). If you don't need a lot of aprons I'd get them from Hobby Lobby store (they go on sale a lot).

My computers wiggin' out so I can't link you, but has great Birthday Party tips & photos, including how to make a pinata. You could make a wheel of cheese pinata (for Ratatouille) or an Eiffel Tower (for France in Ratatouille) or a chef hat pinata. I have a Family Fun Party book that shows how to make the pinatas, it uses a balloon as the base. I think that could be the top of the chef hat.

My kids love to cook & play chef. Over the summer break we learned a lot of new recipes from PBS Sprouts show. We had aprons from Hobby Lobby, but they needed chef hats. I didn't have time to make them from a I whipped these up for our bake-a-thon with cousins......

They were inspired by UtahMama's "dew bonnet"/trash bag hat photo in her TR. I made the base with white foam & cut a tall kitchen bag down for the top. I had them wear these for a very short time & under constant supervision. I would not recomend using plastic bags for anything with kids otherwise.

WOW, I'm sold, but broke! "Whip me up" a few of those, 'k? Awesome!!
Great job on short notcie! THese are really cute pics! Looks like everyone is having fun!

DD's totally punk outfit.

The appliques and bottom of the shirt are made from hankerchiefs DD found at Hot Topic.



Please excuse the mess on the shirt. DD left the shirt at my sister's house and apparently she had been eating cake batter. Also that is DD's little toes in the picture.

How cute! And the outfit is totally "punk"

Not quite sure how that happened but Sunday is her birthday. I "whipped" up this dress )over the course of the week) with fabric I had stashed away. I did learn how to put tulle ruffles under the top layer and now its fuller. With all of the layers and ruffles its actually heavy! I used leftover scraps to make the bow!!!

Sorry the pics are a little dark.....don't know why...dumb camera :snooty:


Here's the netting


And the bow


Its really late (or really early) so I gotta get some pics of her in it tomorrow! :goodvibes Good night sisters (and Tom) :angel:
LOVE this! I really like the bow!

Heathersue - i just wanted to say that i love seeing pic of your little man, he reminds me so much of my ds. My sons name is Blake and he is 15 months old. You may disagree with me and think they look nothing alike, but i think its the hair and eyes that are simular. These 2 pics were taken on his 1st birthday on 11 sep 07, in the morning after he woke up.




Oh My! What a cutie!
I finally got some pictures of the Beaded Tiaras the girls and I made the other day.

Lyddy was in a ver silly mood last night though!

She was eating Fruit Loops, and playing with them. She thought she was hilarious!


And, then I begged for one more good picture!

And, then I took some pictures of her in her Monsters Inc. nightgown I made the other week:

However, she was more interested in watching TV

She had just gotten back from my Mom's house. She left here with wavy hair, and came home with straight hair. Very odd!

Okay, my stuff got messed up somehow. Anyway, Lydia is just tooo cute, even when she is silly! Love the nightgown and tiaras!
While Dh is on a boys weekend hunting, I'm surfing & hunting for DIS fabric. Can anyone help me out, where o where, was this fabric? Is it discontinued or where can I buy some?....

Also, who does this belong to again?.....

I'm now in search of Jasmin or Aladdin fabric. I'm just looking for a few 6x6 swatches. Anyone know where I can get some?

TIA, to those in the know. Thanks for supporting my obsessions girls, and Tom.
Hmmmm, I'll just quote myself since it seems you're ignoring me
I'm so sorry!! I hate it when I get ignored and I'm so sorry I did it to you!! I didn't see your post and I have no idea how I missed it!

DH and I decided to go out to lunch today.

On the way there a tractor Trailer decided to pull out in front of me. He told the police officer he didn't see me. The officer gave him a ticket. I wasn't going very fast but.. .

Now my van is a mess. . .

Thankfully we are all okay.

Drive carefully girls there are some crazy people out there.
How scary!!:scared1: I'm so glad you're okay!! On a lighter note, I thought an actual tractor pulled out in front of you until I looked at the picture. We call those things a "semi truck".

Back in Sept DH and Dallas took the neighbors truck to the flea market to pick up some new furniture I had this guy build, I drove in the car seperately. They left before me to go home, well on my home I see a traffic jam, then someone in a red shirt, DH had on a red shirt, I was pratically on it before it really truely hit me it was them, but from the first slow down I was like oh god, on no, not them please! Thank goodness they were both okay for the most part! Lady pulled out in front of them talking on her cell phone (we dont even own one so I totally despise them now, even though I hated it before when people drove and talked). She got ticketed, but now months later and I am still out the $300 for the carseat, $600 for the furniture (I have it atleast but banged up, it was for my sewing room) and thousands for medical bills, mainly just back and neck pain on DH. The nightmare still lives with me, I am super sensitive and won't go near that road.

We drove to disney the next week and cried the entire way there and home, DH just didn't get it. It was so stressful to remember what happened and try to drive peacefully!

Anyways, so glad you are okay. Sorry to ramble.
I can't imagine the fear in your heart when you saw that! I know every time Henry takes the kids somewhere without me, I get so scared that something will happen to them! I'm a MAJOR worrier!

Well, aren't you a cute bunch!! It's great to get to see what you look like, too!

Ok, another embroider machine update. Less than 36 hours, and I LOVE IT! Here's the first things I'm comfortable posting. Again, these are on scraps - but you can see the possibilities!

Just an embroidered outline
Wow, that's absolutely amazing! I didn't even realize this was a possibility!

What a couple of beauties!

My computers wiggin' out so I can't link you, but has great Birthday Party tips & photos, including how to make a pinata. You could make a wheel of cheese pinata (for Ratatouille) or an Eiffel Tower (for France in Ratatouille) or a chef hat pinata. I have a Family Fun Party book that shows how to make the pinatas, it uses a balloon as the base. I think that could be the top of the chef hat.

My kids love to cook & play chef. Over the summer break we learned a lot of new recipes from PBS Sprouts show. We had aprons from Hobby Lobby, but they needed chef hats. I didn't have time to make them from a I whipped these up for our bake-a-thon with cousins......

They were inspired by UtahMama's "dew bonnet"/trash bag hat photo in her TR. I made the base with white foam & cut a tall kitchen bag down for the top. I had them wear these for a very short time & under constant supervision. I would not recomend using plastic bags for anything with kids otherwise.

WOW, I'm sold, but broke! "Whip me up" a few of those, 'k? Awesome!!
You're just so crafty, you're putting me to shame!!! I love the pic of the boys as chefs!!

I have this machine--The Costco Brother 7700. I got it for Christmas. So far I really like it. The button hole feature is way cool! Easier than any other machine I've had. I got it at Costco a couple of weeks before Christmas (yes I had to go pick up my own present, DH tried and failed :confused3 ) It was on sale for $159, definitely worth it at that price!
How much is that one? :rotfl2: Just kidding!!

I just love to celebrate the gift of them in our lifes, I consider myself truly blessed. They are the answers to many prayers.

This actually made me cry. That's the way I feel about my little miracles!:hug:


Quick cross your fingers....I may get to go to Disneyland in February!!!! WhoooHoooo!!! My DH may have to go to CA for a week of business and if so he said he would bring the family!!!! He said I could do Disney or Knotts Berry Farm while he worked and then maybe we could even go to Sea World and stay a few extra days!!! My brother and my best friend live in CA so this would be super cool as I would get to see them as well.

Ohhh I do hope this works out!!!!! Hehehehehe.:cloud9:
YAY!!! I hope you get to go!

shameless plug i have updated my Trip report go check it out.
I got all teary when I was reading about you meeting Spongebob!! I just love your TR!

Hi everyone:wave2:

It has been so long since i last posted on this site, but i try to hop on every day to see what everyone has created. ( i usually hop on when i get my 2 youngest down for their naps, so i can sit back with a drink or something to eat and relax.)
So glad to see you posting!! Don't be a stranger!

That is so!! It's so original, too!

Not quite sure how that happened but Sunday is her birthday. I "whipped" up this dress )over the course of the week) with fabric I had stashed away. I did learn how to put tulle ruffles under the top layer and now its fuller. With all of the layers and ruffles its actually heavy! I used leftover scraps to make the bow!!!

Sorry the pics are a little dark.....don't know why...dumb camera :snooty:
What a sweet little dress and the bow is fantastic!!! I love them both! It's great how you got the dress to look so poufy!

Heathersue - i just wanted to say that i love seeing pic of your little man, he reminds me so much of my ds. My sons name is Blake and he is 15 months old. You may disagree with me and think they look nothing alike, but i think its the hair and eyes that are simular. These 2 pics were taken on his 1st birthday on 11 sep 07, in the morning after he woke up.

Wow, they do look alike!! Those eyes and that hair!! What a gorgeous child!

I still think of Sawyer as a baby, I forget how big he is really getting! When I asked him today if he wanted a piece of pizza, I wasn't really expecting a real answer, but he looked at me and said plain as day, "YES!" It took me by suprise! I just love that boy! :lovestruc
The poor kid, he'll always be a baby to us!

Happy New Year! Glad you all seem to be doing okay despite some things that have been going on (that crash looked awful!!). Just got back from celebrating my bday at WDW, it was CROWDED!!! and COLD!!! but, we had a great time. I saw a few customs, but people were wearing coats so it was kind of hard to

Im getting ready to start my big 40 scrap mickey sweatshirt!! Thanks to those who offered to send me some scraps to make the Mickey heads out of!! I cant wait to see them!!! Im not sure yet how many different fabrics I will have, but Im soooooo excited!!!!

Has anyone done any little einsteins outfits lately?

Thanks, Wendy:wizard:
Nice to see you back! I hope you have pictures to share!

I am so far behind on this thread. But, instead of trying to catch up, here's what I did last night!

And, to keep it on topic... Here's a sample of the above, notice the "Minnie" dot outfit on the daughter, and the DIS green on the Mom & Dad!

I haven't checked out your link yet, but I'm lovin' the Barbie picture! :rotfl:
What is up with this server?!!! Grrrrr! Hey, woo hoo, IT guys...can you help us ladies out???? Do we need to help post a job on for some new IT assistance? Just Kidding! Ahkkk, frustration...this is a vent!
While Dh is on a boys weekend hunting, I'm surfing & hunting for DIS fabric. Can anyone help me out, where o where, was this fabric? Is it discontinued or where can I buy some?....

Also, who does this belong to again?.....

I'm now in search of Jasmin or Aladdin fabric. I'm just looking for a few 6x6 swatches. Anyone know where I can get some?

TIA, to those in the know. Thanks for supporting my obsessions girls, and Tom.

I don't know, but I LOVE those fabrics! If you find out, please let me know!

Ok, those with embroidery machines, I'm hoping you can help me out. When you're working on a shirt (or anything that has a "back" to it - if that makes sense?), how do you keep the back side of the fabric out of the way so that it doesn't get caught in the stitching? Is there a trick?

By the way, Nana - I checked out that link you listed. Thanks so much! I read her tip about stick stabilizer, and gave it a shot. Wow, that seemed so much simpler. Do you do this all the time? If so, where do you buy the stabilizer?
I don't know, but I LOVE those fabrics! If you find out, please let me know!

Ok, those with embroidery machines, I'm hoping you can help me out. When you're working on a shirt (or anything that has a "back" to it - if that makes sense?), how do you keep the back side of the fabric out of the way so that it doesn't get caught in the stitching? Is there a trick?

By the way, Nana - I checked out that link you listed. Thanks so much! I read her tip about stick stabilizer, and gave it a shot. Wow, that seemed so much simpler. Do you do this all the time? If so, where do you buy the stabilizer?

Hi! I don't know if you already know this, but there is a futura group on yahoo. I just joined the and they have been super helpful with all of my one zillion questions about this machine! So if you haven't joined, it is really a great group! I hope I can soon start playing more with my machine, as soon as the baby gets well!
ANother way to do this is:

Hoop the fabric and, using quilt basting spray, place the applique fabric on top of the base fabric, cut out bigger than the applique will be. After the first set of straight stitches, stop the embroidery and closely clip the applique fabric to the stitches while everything is still in the hoop. Then, put the hoop back on the machine and le tthe stitching contuinue. No fear of misplacing appliques or your cutting not being perfectly placed or cut.

I do a lot of embroidery machine applique this way. it is very quick, and I just use my scraps to applique with. I don't even have to pre-cut them, I am soooo lazy, lol.

OK, back to world of laundry. We just got home,

Hey that is not the lazy way that is the SMART way....or at least it is the way I have been doing it for 6 years now...:lmao: Nana
Tom - can't wait to see what you come up with for Belle. I wanted to try her too, but wasn't finding any fabrics that I loved so it's on the back burner. Waiting to see what you found!!
I did join that group - I didn't even think to post that question to that group until you said that! I should probably spend some time there and help figure a few things out. I'm not a big yahoo fan though - I hate navigating through things there.
Fingers and toes crossed I hope you get to go.

:goodvibes Thank you so much!! I really hope we get to go!!!

A $50 one! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Thanks Beth!!! Unfortunately, she knows that I think she is too stinkin cute!

Well she is cutie...LOL!!!

WOO HOOO!!! I sure hope you get to go!!!!! That could be fun with the baby! I've been reading Misty's and Lori's trip reports of DL and I'm thinking that I would really like to go there someday!

:yay: Oh I know, I have been so excited since he told me last night. I sure hope they tell him next week if he will be attending the class out there. I need to know ASAP so I can start making my plans...hahahahaha!!! I will have to check out some of the Disneyland TR's!!! Thanks!!!!

YAY!!! I hope you get to go!!

:wizard: Thanks. I am hoping for the pixie dust! It would be so cool.
I don't know, but I LOVE those fabrics! If you find out, please let me know!

Ok, those with embroidery machines, I'm hoping you can help me out. When you're working on a shirt (or anything that has a "back" to it - if that makes sense?), how do you keep the back side of the fabric out of the way so that it doesn't get caught in the stitching? Is there a trick?

By the way, Nana - I checked out that link you listed. Thanks so much! I read her tip about stick stabilizer, and gave it a shot. Wow, that seemed so much simpler. Do you do this all the time? If so, where do you buy the stabilizer?

For the first question various sizes of Aligator Hair clips work really well, or in a pinch clothespins the kind with the spring.

Second question: Sticky Back Stablizer!!! LOVE it! USE IT ALOT! Works great when you want to embroider something that can't or is difficult to hoop. Namely like towels!!! Readily available at Joann's either on a roll or in a package. It is usually kept on the notions wall. The first time I bought it I bought the ppkg to see if I would like it and went right back and bought the roll. Pricewise you definately use a 40% off coupon on it. Another good thing to have on hand is water soluable stablizer. like Super Solvy or Ultra Solvy it works great to hold the loops down when you are embroidering something with a nap like towels, velvet etc. you put it on as a topper. I also use UltraSolvy hooped to embroider hairbow ribbons. You hoop the Ultrasolvy, spritz it with water (it get sticky 'cuz it is dissolving a little) lay on the ribbon you want to embroider and let it dry. Nana
Well I picked up the Cinderella pillowcase today. Went shopping at JoAnn's and Leigh helped pick out some fabric.
Looked around at some knits, to try my hand at that, but didn't see any that caught my eye. Had to get out of there before Leigh drove the cutting table ladies crazy! :crazy: She likes to ring the bell, and ring the bell, and ring the bell!
Our daughters must be twins...we went to Walmart yesterday to pick up the pillowcase, and wound up with all three, the Tink, Mermaid, and Cinderella. Unfortunately the girls were with me and now Tink and Cinderella reside on their pillows..I managed to keep the Mermaid.
But they too have the ringing bell syndrome. ding *cringe* Ding *cringe* DING DING DING *okay...that's it....Mommy's gonna lose it**;)
Whoo hoo! We went to costco and I got the new brother machine today. I totally do not need it but what the heck. I have an old brother from walmart that I never touch and the big disney embroidery/sewing machine which is a dream, but now I have one that I can easily take with me wherever I go! I am so excited!
I don't know, but I LOVE those fabrics! If you find out, please let me know!

Ok, those with embroidery machines, I'm hoping you can help me out. When you're working on a shirt (or anything that has a "back" to it - if that makes sense?), how do you keep the back side of the fabric out of the way so that it doesn't get caught in the stitching? Is there a trick?

By the way, Nana - I checked out that link you listed. Thanks so much! I read her tip about stick stabilizer, and gave it a shot. Wow, that seemed so much simpler. Do you do this all the time? If so, where do you buy the stabilizer?

I kind of fold the shirt up at the sides and almost turn it inside out kind of rolling the extra, since I usually "babysit" the machines I can watch and see if it is ever in the way and just move it a bit. I have never had an issue that I can think of where the excess got in the way.
I did join that group - I didn't even think to post that question to that group until you said that! I should probably spend some time there and help figure a few things out. I'm not a big yahoo fan though - I hate navigating through things there.

I know what you mean! It is too hard to find things and everything is done through email! It is really WAY more difficult than it should be! However, I like that they all have futuras so they are really helpful when you have a question!
Yeah, they are about $5 at Walmart and you get both princesses! You can't beat that, and the faces are beautiful on there. Lots of possibilities!

Just so I understand since I'm thinking of making a Cindy dress, these are actual pillowcases in the bedding department? Not the pillowcase panels? I know I'll have to take both DD2 and DD4 and Wal Mart is really not a place I cherish wandering around with them:rotfl2: ! They are usually pretty good but somedays, not so good. One of my neighbors was in the fabric dept. and her son was playing with the bell and the lady took it away! I know it's annoying but it is too tempting for little ones, I just can't blame them! It was kind of funny and he looked a little shocked when it happened but he doesn't here the word No too often so I'm sure it was surprising!
They are in the bedding section! It is so funny that the pillowcase applique has become a "trend"!LOL I can't believe I started something that other people actually thought was a good idea!:rotfl:
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