WDW by iPhone

Wow, you sound like you're having a blast! - We're having a blast - of artic cold. My little weather thingie says it's 18.3 degrees and the wind is whipping out there - gotta go take my flag in or it'll blow away!:scared1: I gotta get me an I Phone - this is really cool.
Sounds like y'all are having a fabulous time!

Can't wait to hear the wife's reaction to the cruise.

If you're looking for someplace to eat near EPCOT, don't forget how much the Podcast crew loves Yacht Club Galley

Yacht Club, yeah that sounds like good idea! I forgot, is it a TS or CS? With no ADR is it possible? On Test Track now gotta go!
Well the Galley st the Yacht Club is now called the Captains Grill. It looked good but we just didn't have enough time after Test Track and some other detours to sit down and eat before the cruise.

After stopping into a giftshop at the board walk to buy myself a Mickey pullover because I was to summer crazy to think ahead about the cool evening and didn't want to be tied down by extra bulk, we arrived at the Bayside Marina. At this point we were all hungry having only a biscuit at Mickey D's early this morning and a couple slices of pizza at lunch and power walking the parks all day. We meet KristineN (from the DIS boards) and her husband to share the cruise. Herself and my wife were both celebrating birthdays this week. The questions had been coming at me for about an hour before the cruise. No one could figure out what we were about to do and the suspense was just killing them.At 8:30 we boarded the boat and took off. By now they had put two and two together and realized what we were about to do, but still not sure what to expect, well neither did I really. Thank goodness for the on board snacks, a real life saver! Marci our cruise capt. Did a great job of narrorating the cruise and we even learned a few new tid bits. We parked under the brigde near the International Gateway among other Disney cruise boats and within minutes Illuminations began. It was a great new way to experience a show we had seen several times before and being able to share the cost with other DIS board members really made this adventure a must do! My wife was both surprised & entertained by this cruise, I just hope she feels the same about her B-day lunch at WCC tomorrow;-)

At midnight we are finally hitting the sack. Tomorrow will be our M.K.day and it looks like its going to be another warm sunny day (of course).

Our pod crew have proven to be an illusive bunch, its like trying to catch a lepracon, but once you do, you get a pin:-)

My eyes are now burning, its time to crash. Stay tuned, iPhone...uFun!
Good morning everyone! We're up, ready and excited(well the kids hate me, they think I'm leading some kind of sleep deprevation experiment) but my wife & I are all smiles:-)

After breakfast at the the End Zone we are off to the park of all parks, M.K.
Our goal is to do all of the rides and shows that are either new or have been updated since our last M.K. Visit in June of 2006.
Of course Figaro Fries are on my list too now (thanks Kevin)

I'll be sure to post an update from inside the park today!
Have a great MK day! Here we woke up to 13 degrees with a stiff wind - ouch!

Sounds like you had a wonderful cruise!:thumbsup2
I iPhoned my way through WDW, too. Great for getting information and for keeping the child amused on flights, etc., as well. I keep a stash of videos and songs on it for him. I also use it to take pics and send them straight to flickr so my friends and family can follow along with my trip while we're there!
Hey Cyber....

Enjoy your day. You wont see any of us in the MK today. It's recording day.

Have a great time.

Hey Cyber....

Enjoy your day. You wont see any of us in the MK today. It's recording day.

Have a great time.


A new podcast show is definitely worthy of missing me at the park.

Well after a Team Disney & Disney Universty Company D visit and a quick stop at Cast Connections , we are just now getting off the tram at M.K. The day is nice and bright with plenty of sun! Its going to be a magical day.
Sorry Cyber...tonight was Bob's birthday dinner.

We were at the Celebration Town Tavern.


ok then, where are you today tomorrow and the next day, I so want a pin!

and my Dis addiction is bad I am postmg from the back row of ariel via iphone
Alright another iPhone junkie, rock on Wildeoscar! WCC was a blast. We had never been to the Wilderness Lodge so we did'nt know what to look at first. The lobby was breath taking. So we get to the counter at WCC for our 2:10 ADR. Deputy Doug was our server (great guy) and he got our drink order right away. We ordered the chips & dip appetizer, good but not 8.50 worth. Then all of the sudden the fire alarm in the whole hotel goes off and everyone starts looking around at each other wondering if this is for real. The CM's looked confused to. Then a manager came out and said that the whole building had to evacuate! So here we are at my wifes B-day lunch at a beautiful resort and we're sitting on the grass:-(

thankfully only five minutes went by and we were ushered back into the restaurant. Three of use ordered the pulled pork BBQ sandwhich and my daughter got the smoke house turkey sandwhich. Now I have read other WCC reviews and most are not favorable, but we all loved it. The food was great and the antics were fun and in good taste. Now about half way through our meal doug came out with a wooden horse my wife gave me an evil look as he pulled her from the table and handed her the pine pony:-)

She was intructed to gallop around the restaurant as the rest of us sang happy birthday. Now my wife is fairly reserved so this was a big deal for her and she might kill me once she sat down. Having the kids with me saved my neck and we all laughed and told her to sit down, eat and stop "horsing" around!

She also received a happy birthday pin from deputy Doug and was told to wear it for the rest of the day. So far she has been wished a happy bday 11 times. Right now we are sitting down eating our Dolewhips, none for you Bawb!

OK the family is yelling at me now for being on my iphone to much. I better put it away. I guess technology does have its limits, and that limit is an angry family;-)

Figaro Fries here we come, treadmill tomorrow.
We had about an hour and twenty minutes before wishes stared. M daughter had really been looking forward to riding Space Mountain but time was running out and the stand by time was 55 minutes! Man thats cutting it close. So as we stood out in front of Space Mountain working through our delima, a nice man came up to us and said he had four fast passes that he cant use, would we like them? Boom, Disney magic lives!! As we strolled right by the stand by line and all the way up to the que line, we felt like we had just been given an extra hour to do with what we wanted because that is how much time we saved. The kids rode the tea cups twice and we all rode the TTA with our "free" hour. Hunger was with us again, time for food!

But just as I pulled the door open to the village haus a CM stops me and says they just closed:-( the much anticipated Figaro fries will have to wait for another day. Another long day draws to an end. We are in line waiting to take the tram back to our car. We will swim at the resort pool for an hour or so and then crash hard tonight. Its still 63 degrees to the pool with feel nice, besides we won't see another outdoor open pool until after Memorial day.
This is great---keep sending and BTW----did you see how coocookycold it is in Richmond, VA today?!

Enjoy that pool tonight---did they have a moive playing at the pool? Just Curious.
This is great---keep sending and BTW----did you see how coocookycold it is in Richmond, VA today?!

Enjoy that pool tonight---did they have a moive playing at the pool? Just Curious.

When I was checking the weather from my iPhone a little while ago, I did notice that it was 29 degrees in Richmond right now. I can't even to begin to express how bad I want to move down here, I just can't stand cold weather.

When I get home tomorrow night, I'm putting our house on the market. Doug from WCC told me that he and his wife just bought a house in St Cloud that is 2200 sqft with a four, thats right four acre lot for $220,000.

I do not see any movie playing, but I did see Narnia playing at the pool over at the Yacht Club last night while we were waiting for our Illuminations cruise.
I can't even to begin to express how bad I want to move down here, I just can't stand cold weather.
I'm with ya there. If it was up to me, I would have been there long ago. However, my wife doesn't do heat and humidity well, and basically our entire family is up here. Maybe someday......

cyberbox2 said:
Doug from WCC told me that he and his wife just bought a house in St Cloud that is 2200 sqft with a four, thats right four acre lot for $220,000.
That makes me want to cry. $220,000 in my part of MA gets you a 900-1000 sf condo, and because it's a condo, a $200+ a month homeowner's dues payment!

Like I said, it makes me want to cry.

BTW, I'm really enjoying the quick hits you're giving us. As I bundled up to take my dog out in the 15 degree weather tonight, I thought of you and your family suiting up for a dip in an 82 degree pool. It warmed me up a little. ;)
I'm glad you enjoyed WCC. We like it, too. Bummer about the fire drill, though!!

Deputy Doug was our server when we ate there in December. The day we were there, it was my dad's birthday. I asked Doug if I called my dad, would he have the restaurant yell "Happy Birthday" to him. He said, "Sure, just let me get the drinks for the next table while you call him." Doug took a bit longer than I was expecting and my dad was all "I don't want to keep you from enjoying your dinner" so I hung up with him. Doug came back and asked where my dad was. I told him how my dad didn't want to keep me on the phone and Doug said "Well call him back!" I dialed the number and then Doug asked for my dad and said it was Deputy Doug calling because he had someone that wanted to tell him something. Doug then shouts out to the whole restaurant "This here is grandpa Allen & he couldn't be here with us today, but we want to wish him a Happy Birthday, so on the count of three, yell Happy Birthday." My dad ate it up!!
I'm glad you enjoyed WCC. We like it, too. Bummer about the fire drill, though!!

Deputy Doug was our server when we ate there in December. The day we were there, it was my dad's birthday. I asked Doug if I called my dad, would he have the restaurant yell "Happy Birthday" to him. He said, "Sure, just let me get the drinks for the next table while you call him." Doug took a bit longer than I was expecting and my dad was all "I don't want to keep you from enjoying your dinner" so I hung up with him. Doug came back and asked where my dad was. I told him how my dad didn't want to keep me on the phone and Doug said "Well call him back!" I dialed the number and then Doug asked for my dad and said it was Deputy Doug calling because he had someone that wanted to tell him something. Doug then shouts out to the whole restaurant "This here is grandpa Allen & he couldn't be here with us today, but we want to wish him a Happy Birthday, so on the count of three, yell Happy Birthday." My dad ate it up!!
Quick hijack:

That's a perfect story for what Pete was looking for in the new segment he talked about on today's podcast. You should call the voicemail and retell it there. Great story.

End hijack.
Quick hijack:

That's a perfect story for what Pete was looking for in the new segment he talked about on today's podcast. You should call the voicemail and retell it there. Great story.

End hijack.

Midway through typing it, the same thing dawned on me. I will call it in when I get a chance.
Yeah that sounds like something deputy Doug would do, thats very cool. Well After looking around at some homes for sale in the Deltona area, we are finally heading home. We still aren't even past Jacksonville so its going to be a long night. Its still 76 degrees and I'm not looking forward to getting back Richmond:-(

I have set a date of May 24th to move here. If I set a date I can hyper focus and make it happen. The job is going to be the biggest hurtle, but I'm sure Deltonal needs a computer tech.

Wow these four days felt like a week as much as we were able to fit in. It was a blitz but I'd do it again next week if I could.


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