Disney and Autism Photos

My DS4 with autism LOVED TOT! But...my DS11 with austism refuses to go on it.

Wow your son is brave!! I can't imagine taking my 4yo on TOT, I thought he was going to have a heart attack on Dinosaur! Afterwards he kept trying to point his stroller toward the entrance so we could go home!
HEre is one from our first trip! you can tell she was not diggin Mickey.

Oh we have been through some DL meltdowns as well! But its totally a learning experience. We ended up skipping TWO character meals. We missed Goofy's Kitchen, and Minnie's Breakfast. I was bummed at first then thought, she isn't up to it, its better to miss out then give my kid a sensory overload and have to miss most of our vacation. We learned, and totally ok with it. Next time we will go for longer period of time and spread things out much more.

This is my door loving daughter. Georgia went to EVERY door in toontown, and what having such a blast just trying to open them. THANKFULLY, she didn't get upset when they never opened.

My Dh tried to get dd to look at the camera for most of this ride, haha this is the best picture out of all of them. What do you expect. THere was so much to look at who would want to take a picture then!

This one is my "proud mommy moment" DD got on one of the horses for the first time in 3 years! the first time we put her on one, she had a meltdown that lasted HOURS. We learned then never to do it again. She always wanted to go on them, but always ended up on the benches, and it was rare if we got her on those. This time she was so ready, and proud of herself for getting on the horse. At first she wasn't sure, but then Her face just shows my mommy moment. I was bawling, I had no make up left after that ride. I was sooo happy. Just over joyed that my little girl was able to over come and ride on something like that was totally worth all the money in the world. People were looking at us on the ride, and I was telling EVERYONE! "Its her first time, and she LOVES it." Even the CM asked us if she was Autistic and I said yes, they let us ride again. there was a HUGE line (we did have a GAC) but we didn't have to get off. that was the best moment in my life so far (beside giving birth.)
Just over joyed that my little girl was able to over come and ride on something like that was totally worth all the money in the world. People were looking at us on the ride, and I was telling EVERYONE! "Its her first time, and she LOVES it." Even the CM asked us if she was Autistic and I said yes, they let us ride again. there was a HUGE line (we did have a GAC) but we didn't have to get off. that was the best moment in my life so far (beside giving birth.)
I can see all of that in this photo. You can just see by looking at her how important it was to her.
here are a few more.

Georgia's favortie Lilo. She was so excited to see her. She totally was not ok with Stitch which at first I was shocked, but I knew it might happen. so I wasn't heart broken. But Lilo was playing patty cake with her for about ten minutes!

This is our daily trip to the first aid station. hahaha Had to have the earplugs. Even thought we still had the ones from the day before, it became a short little "must" the first thing we did in the park was head there. you can see her little "lost tag" on her pants. She kept saying "If I'm lost, pull on my pants" hahaha

This was our life saver. We were able to sit in these before getting on many rides. She got the feel of the seats before trying the actual ride. Another first. It was our last day and she went on Dumbo, the horses, the storybook boats, and Nemo! That was the best trip ever. Still wasn't able to see Santa, but heck that is ok! haha
Oh we have been through some DL meltdowns as well! But its totally a learning experience. We ended up skipping TWO character meals. We missed Goofy's Kitchen, and Minnie's Breakfast. I was bummed at first then thought, she isn't up to it, its better to miss out then give my kid a sensory overload and have to miss most of our vacation. We learned, and totally ok with it. Next time we will go for longer period of time and spread things out much more.

This is my door loving daughter. Georgia went to EVERY door in toontown, and what having such a blast just trying to open them. THANKFULLY, she didn't get upset when they never opened.

My Dh tried to get dd to look at the camera for most of this ride, haha this is the best picture out of all of them. What do you expect. THere was so much to look at who would want to take a picture then!

This one is my "proud mommy moment" DD got on one of the horses for the first time in 3 years! the first time we put her on one, she had a meltdown that lasted HOURS. We learned then never to do it again. She always wanted to go on them, but always ended up on the benches, and it was rare if we got her on those. This time she was so ready, and proud of herself for getting on the horse. At first she wasn't sure, but then Her face just shows my mommy moment. I was bawling, I had no make up left after that ride. I was sooo happy. Just over joyed that my little girl was able to over come and ride on something like that was totally worth all the money in the world. People were looking at us on the ride, and I was telling EVERYONE! "Its her first time, and she LOVES it." Even the CM asked us if she was Autistic and I said yes, they let us ride again. there was a HUGE line (we did have a GAC) but we didn't have to get off. that was the best moment in my life so far (beside giving birth.)

It looks magical! I got tears just reading your story, so glad she enjoyed herself you can see the delight in her eyes:)
This one is my "proud mommy moment" DD got on one of the horses for the first time in 3 years! the first time we put her on one, she had a meltdown that lasted HOURS. We learned then never to do it again. She always wanted to go on them, but always ended up on the benches, and it was rare if we got her on those. This time she was so ready, and proud of herself for getting on the horse. At first she wasn't sure, but then Her face just shows my mommy moment. I was bawling, I had no make up left after that ride. I was sooo happy. Just over joyed that my little girl was able to over come and ride on something like that was totally worth all the money in the world. People were looking at us on the ride, and I was telling EVERYONE! "Its her first time, and she LOVES it." Even the CM asked us if she was Autistic and I said yes, they let us ride again. there was a HUGE line (we did have a GAC) but we didn't have to get off. that was the best moment in my life so far (beside giving birth.)

Awww this brings tears to my eyes, and what a beautiful picture to remember it by!!!!
Thanks everyone. I love telling it. I would shout it from the rooftops if I could. I get all emotional just talking about it most of the time!
Thank you all for sharing your pics and stories. I will be taking my ASD son for the first time in 37 days to WDW and I am nervous and excited. Keep sharing your inspirational stories, pics, and advice.
Princess Kell; WOW; that moment is just amazing! I'm so glad you captured it on film. I can definitely relate to a ton of pictures just staring into space or grimacing into the camera- Thank God for digital cameras!

Preschool mom: Thanks for the contemporary info. I have a DD who is sensory avoiding and a DS who is sensory seeking. We like to mix it up in our family. I'd like to stay a little closer (right now we are booked at PORS and planning to use our car-we can park in handicapped parking d/t my mobility issues.) But I was worried because I have read elsewhere that it can be loud. I appreciate your info.
Thank you all for sharing your pics and stories. I will be taking my ASD son for the first time in 37 days to WDW and I am nervous and excited. Keep sharing your inspirational stories, pics, and advice.

Have a great time. Like with everything, go with no expectations and let him enjoy whatever he finds amazing about Disney World! Can't wait to see your pictures!
Here you can see she is pulling my hair sooooo hard! hahaha she really wanted to go up to see Minnie, we went up three other times and got closer each time so before Minnie was leaving they asked us if we wanted to try again. They were so great.

This was her first time on this ride and can I tell you she HATED it. It was the bumps when it jumped tracks. Oh lord we had to stop early to get off.

Here she is in the tea cup before going on it. again, we loved these!
Here she is in the tea cup before going on it. again, we loved these!

We may have to try those next time if they aren't too crowded. Ben was really anxious of most all the rides. We have recently found youtube and have been watching lots of rides and fireworks displays and it really seems to be helping. He hated Barnstormer in January. The first time we watched Barnstormer on youtube he said it was scary, but then the 2nd time he said "play it again" and now he enjoys watching it. Hopefully now he will know what to expect, how long it lasts, etc and will like riding it! Now the funny thing is he loves watching the countdown to blastoff of Mission Space but there is no way I'm taking him on it! LOL :rotfl2:
Here are some that I love.
First one is from our very first trip when DS was a little over 3 1/2 in Ariel's Grotto (no longer there) in Sept 2000 :


This is from Sept 2006, waiting in the GF lobby while we checked in:


And this is from MNSSHP (same trip) dressed as a doctor with his scrubs and cap:
ugh, any idea why my pics from flikr won't show up? I linked correctly using the IMG button...

Here's the links in order:

Not sure why they didn't work imbedded, but I was able to see them from the links, very cute! My son is only 4 but its always good to see pix like yours and think maybe one day he will be able to "pretend" enough to be able to dress up like a doctor, or something else and get it, ya know? Tell you son he makes a very handsome doctor!

We have never been to Ariels grotto so I didn't even know there was a fountain back there...good info for future visits!! Looks like fun!
Not sure why they didn't work imbedded, but I was able to see them from the links, very cute! My son is only 4 but its always good to see pix like yours and think maybe one day he will be able to "pretend" enough to be able to dress up like a doctor, or something else and get it, ya know? Tell you son he makes a very handsome doctor!

We have never been to Ariels grotto so I didn't even know there was a fountain back there...good info for future visits!! Looks like fun!

Thanks Luci, I told him & he just grinned & said to say thanks to you. To clarify he has Asperger's Syndrome and is doing really fantastic these past few years. He even wrote a book about himself called "The Same But Different...Explaining my life with Asperger's Syndrome" to share with kids in school about his differences but about how everyone is really a bit different in their own way. It went over really well & when we moved to a new school district (and a whole new way of life--suburbs to rural) he did great.

Oh--and Ariel's Grotto, at least the way it was pictured, no longer exists that way IIRC, it was torn down for the Pooh Playground..I think!


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