Meli & Shaun's Wedding Trip:Sunset Pointe/Victoria & Albert's - Our Last Full Day

Congrats and great photos!!!!

We will be taking our 5 yr anniversary photos in that same spot in June:)
Everything looked so beautiful! And I love your dress, I was looking for a dress with a similar neckline, but couldn't find anything that pretty.
You looked beautiful on your wedding day! I love the hair and makeup :)
Thank you! Ivy Trellis did a great job :)

The food at V & As looks amazing! I've always wanted to eat there. Your wedding was gorgeous! Cant wait to hear more!
Thanks! You should eat there one day...its expensive but its one of those meals that is completely worth it at least once.

Melissa -_ Thank you so much for taking the time to do such a detailed TR! You looked beautiful and everything (except your family drama) seemed to be perfect! I am so glad that you and Shaun enjoyed your day! Oh, and kudos to him for changing his shoes! My kind of guy! The feet HAVE to be comfortable! Congratulations on putting together such a gorgeous event! :hug:
Thanks :) He was so happy with changing shoes. He was jealous of my comfy flip-flops I wore all day as my wedding shoes.

Congrats and great photos!!!!

We will be taking our 5 yr anniversary photos in that same spot in June:)
Thanks! Nice! Sunset Pointe is gorgeous for photos!

Everything looked so beautiful! And I love your dress, I was looking for a dress with a similar neckline, but couldn't find anything that pretty.
Thank you! I got my dress from Alfred Angelo. I loved that neckline.
You looked beautiful! I love your dress, simple and elegant at the same time. Sorry you had so much drama on your special day. I am enjoying reading your trip report.
The groom's cake was AWESOME!!!! What a cool cake!!!

Sorry you had to deal with that drama before walking down the aisle.
You looked beautiful! I love your dress, simple and elegant at the same time. Sorry you had so much drama on your special day. I am enjoying reading your trip report.

The groom's cake was AWESOME!!!! What a cool cake!!!

Sorry you had to deal with that drama before walking down the aisle.
Thank you. I love our cake too. Mickey is currently ontop of our fridge until we move & he can get properly displayed :)
February 9th, 2008 – The First Day ALONE!
We woke up at 7:00am, as we are naturally early risers anyway.

I looked at the mirror to see if my hair stayed together despite me sleeping with it & it did! I was amazed :) which was perfect for the Pirates & Princess Party we were going to attend tonight.

I went & got us breakfast from Captain Cook’s & brought it back to the room for us to eat in bed together. I had Tonga Toast & he had pancakes. The Tonga Toast wasn’t anywhere as good as the previous day’s.

I called bell services & asked them if I could get a pick up at 9:30am as we were having the limo pick us up at 10:00am & I wanted time to buy a few things in the Poly Gift Shop. I was told they don’t reserve time like that and to just call about 5 minutes before we needed them.

I called my mother as she was going to stop by to pick up my wedding dress to have it cleaned & boxed for me. She is going to ship it to us once we move & I’m going to have it turned into a quilt. She told me she was still getting ready, & she’ll call us when she is on her way to the Poly from the Contemporary so we could meet her in the Lobby.

Shaun & I packed up the last bits of luggage & made sure we had everything from the room in the pile by the connecting door. We watched TV until my mom called and she was on her way.

We met her in the lobby & took her back to the room. She got the dress & I gave her the rest of the bottom layer of the wedding cake as there was no way we could eat all the cake we had. We said good-bye & we were finally ALONE! For the rest of the trip – no phone calls – no family.

At 9:05am, we called to get Bell Services to help move our massive amount of luggage. 9:30am, they still haven’t showed. I went outside & they were knocking at the door of the room next to us. And they told them they weren’t ready for bell services yet. I stopped them & said, I called for help but I was ignored as I wasn’t there call.
I call Bell Services again and tell them what happen, someone would be on their way right away.
9:45am, no one was there, so we call again.
9:55am, bell services shows up for the room next to us. We are annoyed as the limo was meeting us at 10:00am and we still haven’t had our luggage moved after almost an hour. Shaun goes to the desk to deal with this and just get a cart to use ourselves. While he is dealing with this, they send someone over stat who was annoyed by the whole thing. We load up all the luggage and get it to the lobby. The guy was rude and just stood there at the front for a tip, he didn’t deserve as Shaun found out they were sending someone to my room, they would just go to the room next to us as both of us were going to be leaving. Ugh!

Well, we finally get our luggage & our cakes in the limo and head to the Wilderness Lodge where we were greeted by a very nice luggage handler who carefully placed our items on two carts – including giving all the fragile stuff their own cart as he knew they didn’t need to get harmed.

We check in and find out our room was ready and were told it would be ready by 3:00pm, so we headed back to the limo and went to Fantasia Mini-Golf Course for some relaxing fun. We knew it would be cheap since AP holders get 50% off.

Golf was fun! I got like 4 hole-in-ones and Shaun was jealous (although I did have a couple max out at 6 holes so it evened out) I ended up beating Shaun by like 4 strokes as I had a 53 & he had a 57. Not bad since neither of us had done Mini-Golf In Years.





After golf, we got our souvenir Donald Golf Balls and headed back to the limo. It was funny as our limo guy was sleeping and he felt bad that he didn’t open the door for us but we told him we aren’t like that and we didn’t care. He asked where we wanted to go next & it was getting close to noon and Shaun was getting hungry. He asked if me if he could go to McDonalds so he could finally get a real burger that didn’t dissolve upon pick up as he was very disappointed on the 5th.

So, we went to McDonalds where it was ok. I’m not a big fan of the food there, but I knew we had Narcossee’s that night so I didn’t mind.

It was a little after 1 where we just decided to head back to the Wilderness Lodge & see if our room was ready. I went to the front desk to check while Shaun went to his favorite ride. It wasn’t ready so Shaun and I decided to head to Downtown Disney where we got some shopping done and got back to the WL by 3:00pm. I call the number while hanging out in the lobby as the check-in desk had a line and got a wicked rude lady on the phone saying it isn’t going to be done until 4..I mentioned we were told it would be ready by 3 and she said, deal with it and hung up. Little did I know this would be the first of many problems of the day…

We hang out in the lobby and look at the shop until 3:50 when I call again and was given our room – 1138. We got to the room and were disappointed. The bed you could tell was old & worn as it was curved in the middle and you could feel the springs, the bathroom door was broken and there was mold on the roll in shower and the patio door had trouble locking. Shaun & I were crushed…if this is what they were going to give us for requesting a king size room, we would have much rather had two queen beds with a view of the service area.

We called luggage services at 4:00pm and told them our luggage would be under either one of our last names and gave them the tag numbers. I was told it would be 5/10 minutes. 30 minutes later they called & asked us if we wanted our luggage now and I told them yes. 20 minutes after that, we still didn’t have our luggage and I went upstairs to the desk and asked them what was going on and they let it slip that they lost the luggage. I was pissed. I was crying. And then, the lady gives me a mickey sticker to cheer me up. It wasn’t appriecated. The lady got snippy and I ran back to the room to cry, as we needed to be leaving as our dinner was at Narcossee’s in 30 minutes and we were going to be late and we needed to change. Shaun was mad that his bride was this upset, considering the less than magical experience we were having.

At 5:20, our luggage finally shows up & I open our top layer of our wedding cake…

I went back to the lobby where Shaun was talk to the manager and I was still in tears. The manager wasn’t helping. And he says he’ll fix the door while we are out. I’m still crying and he’s like what do you want me to do & I flip. I was so aggravated that I was spending $1700 on this…I would have much rather just have stayed at the Poly even if it meant a shorter honeymoon. I told him that thanks to these issues, we are now missing our dinner at Narcossee’s and he tells us he’ll give us free tickets to PI (wow…saved us a big $23 there for all the frustrations) We also asked just to be moved to the standard room we reserved…we didn’t care if it had two queen beds as we rather have an acceptable room than to be able to spread out while sleeping. He told me us it couldn’t be done then and I rush as we are now late to dinner.

Coming up…Dinner, Pirates & Princess and Does our WL experience get better?
We take our $4 taxi ride to GF as it was the only way we wouldn’t be horribly late, although 15 minutes late to me is unacceptable as it makes me anxious.

We sit down & I decide I need a drink. Shaun needs one to, so I get a Pear Nectar Martini & Shaun gets a Sunken Treasure (big surprise there huh?)

Now, I haven’t been to Narcossee’s in about 8 years where my parents & I had an awful meal and we decided to never go back. I decided to try it again after trying to figure out where we could go before P&P Party and Shaun isn’t a fan of attention restaurants (so no Chef Mickey’s or Ohana’s)

We look over the menu and quickly decide…
I started with a Caesar Salad which was as good as the one at the Yachtsman.
Shaun started with the Buttermilk Fried Shrimp.

They were awesome. Shaun gave me one for exchange of some of my salad.

I then ordered my glowtini as I had finished my martini. Mmmm…I now have a huge collection of glow cubes after this trip.

Both Shaun & I got the Filet which was good.

Needless to say, Narccossees is now back on our list for restaurants to attend.

After Dinner, we were finishing up and I overheard the table across the way from us talking about their Disney Wedding they are having in December, I don’t remember exactly how it happened now, but I ended up sitting at their table for a few minutes to talk to her and let her know a few things (and about Randy and other outside vendors that can be used) Shaun was laughing at me about it all because he thought it was funny to run into another Disney Bride at dinner like that.

After Dinner, we headed to the Magic Kingdom for the Pirates & Princess Party. After we fought the crowds on Main Street which was making Shaun nervous about the party (I told him it was because of all the people leaving & he didn’t believe me)

We got some treasure at the nearby stops and then I made the executive decision for our first ride to be Pirates! What better way to start off the party?

It had no wait…& we got the boat to ourselves! It was awesome :)

We did more treasure hunting and decided to go on Big Thunder Mountain. This would be Shaun’s first time on BTMR as in June 07 we just never got a chance. He loved it! Again, no wait.
Looking Out During Our Walk to Liberty Square

We watched one of the bands that were playing in Liberty Square and then headed to the Haunted Mansion. I love the new Bride Scene!

We decide to do a couple attractions in Tomorrowland and then head to Main Street to watch the Parade. I don’t usually watch Parades, but it was one of the special things of the party so I wanted to get my money’s worth.


At this point, I was freezing. I never got a chance to get my sweater out of the luggage in all our chaos, so we go to the shops & I find a cute Pirates & Princess Party Zip-Up Sweater and it was on sale for only $29 and considering Disney’s usually prices, that is a steal!!!!

That’s when I got a call from a friend from some on the Disboards. She wanted to meet up so I waited for them at the beginning of the hub at the Magic Kingdom as Shaun visited his favorite ride again ;)

We all watched the fireworks together and chatted. They teased Shaun for marrying this old ‘hag’ and that’s when he realized that meeting people from the internet wasn’t so bad, well in controlled environments at least like that.

Shaun & I were tired at that point, and while there was still 2 hours left of the party we decided to head back to the Wilderness Lodge.

By this point, I had calmed down a lot. Shaun & I approached the front desk and asked to speak to the manager again. It was a different one this time, and we just explained, calmly this time, could we please be moved to a room that didn’t have these issues. We don’t care about view (especially since we paid for a Standard) we don’t care about a king bed, we just want a room with a decent bed, a locking bathroom door, and no mold. The manager told me he witnessed the issues earlier and that he would put us in a ‘true’ King Room rather than a Handicapped (which the earlier manager had mentioned didn’t exist since they only had ‘20’ king rooms in the whole place, which I know is wrong thanks to the Disboards) He said, he wouldn’t be able to move us tonight as they were full but we were on the transfer list & to call early in the morning to get it started. We thanked him and went to back to the room.

Back in the room, Shaun & I preceded to deconstruct my hair. This took like 30 minutes in itself because we kept finding bobby pin after bobby pin. I must have had like 75 of them in there! It took about 3 washings of my hair to get all the hair spray out. And we drifted off to sleep and dreamed that our stay would get better…
I'm really sorry about your issues at WL. That totally sucks. I love that place so it's disappointing that the Cast was rude and the room was unacceptable. I hope it got better for you!

Did you get to see the fireworks at the Pirate and Princess Party? They are my favorite!!
My gosh,can you catch any breaks!!!Well I hope this trip report gets better and people stop making you cry :(

I can't wait to go to the PPP!!! That will be our first night alone together,everybody leaves friday afternoon! I love the pic of Ariel and Eric,she is my fav!!
I'm really sorry about your issues at WL. That totally sucks. I love that place so it's disappointing that the Cast was rude and the room was unacceptable. I hope it got better for you!

Did you get to see the fireworks at the Pirate and Princess Party? They are my favorite!!

Thanks. I'm sure my attitude didn't help things initially with the first manager but when I get upset especially with all the things that happened (the ruining of the wedding cake top) I got sent over the edge and I couldn't hide my emotions much more.

We did see the fireworks. Shaun & I loved them. So much better than Wishes!
I would have freaked to if my cake looked like that!!!
Thanks. I'm sure my attitude didn't help things initially with the first manager but when I get upset especially with all the things that happened (the ruining of the wedding cake top) I got sent over the edge and I couldn't hide my emotions much more.

We did see the fireworks. Shaun & I loved them. So much better than Wishes!

I dont blame you for getting upset. It was the first day of your honeymoon for petes sake! Dont worry...the managers are used to it ;) I'm glad the 2nd one tried to help you out.

I'm very glad you got to see them! They are the best fireworks of all the parties I think!
My gosh,can you catch any breaks!!!Well I hope this trip report gets better and people stop making you cry :(

I can't wait to go to the PPP!!! That will be our first night alone together,everybody leaves friday afternoon! I love the pic of Ariel and Eric,she is my fav!!
It does get better, I promise!

You'll have so much fun at the PPP. The crowds weren't bad at all. Everything was walk-on in the areas we were in. We didn't do anything in Fantasyland though as we figured that is where most of the little children would be. Shaun even enjoyed it after he told me he didn't think he would be too fond of it since he didn't really understand how the parties work and he wants to do it next year if they happen while we are there.

I would have freaked to if my cake looked like that!!!
Good to know, I'm not the only one that would have freaked.

We are going to order the mini-castle cakes next year to make up for it while at Narccossees or Citrico's.

I dont blame you for getting upset. It was the first day of your honeymoon for petes sake! Dont worry...the managers are used to it ;) I'm glad the 2nd one tried to help you out.

I'm very glad you got to see them! They are the best fireworks of all the parties I think!
I'm glad the 2nd one was much better too.
February 10th – Animal Kingdom

We wake up at 6:30 and get ready. We had a message on our phone already saying we were approved for transfer, THANK GOODNESS! And we just needed to go to call and confirm acceptance, which we did.

We call luggage services to have them pick up our stuff and store it. We tried to convince the guy to put both last names on it & he refused. Needless to say, Shaun & I were worried that we would get a repeat of yesterday once the new room was ready which wouldn’t be done until this afternoon anyway.

So we headed to breakfast at Roaring Forks and it was crowded! Luckily we found a table in the hallway to sit at.

We then headed to Animal Kingdom for opening and got in right towards the end of the opening show at the Tree of Life. We couldn’t really see it or hear it where we were, we just waited until they let us off so we could head straight to the Safari.

Shaun got his first real taste of the Disney Dash…that is, rushing to get to the ride and playing zig zag through other guests. He understood after we were in line and saw how many people were behind us and how few were ahead of us.

We got front row seats. And Shaun loved the ride. You see, his favorite animal is a hippo for some reason. In fact, he was so excited that I got him a wooden hippo from Namibia. So he was glad he got to see them finally.

Other random pictures:


After the Safari, we went to get fastpasses for Everest, except the attendant just handed us fast passes for about 30 minutes later. Sweet! Ears are working :)

We then were going to walk towards Dinoland where we saw that Nemo was starting in 10 minutes and there were still a ton of seats left, so we decided to do that instead. Shaun thought it was cute. I liked it better this time than when I saw it October.

It was then in the period for the fast pass so we headed to Everest.

We then had lunch at Yak & Yeti.
We ordered the Prawn Chips…but they never came…but they did let like 50 parties in at the same amount of time so it probably was a miscommunication with the kitchen and the waiter was nice about it (plus the table next to us was being wicked pains and you could tell he got flustered)

We also got two of the yummy alcoholic beverages. I think we got the Shanghai Express and Bonsai Blast but I’m not sure.

I got the Tempura which was tasty.

Shaun has the Beef & Broccoli.

After lunch, we decided to do its Tough to Be a Bug & then the Lion King. Only thing I hate about the Lion King is the mass exit at the end that is so slow moving. But I love the show!

We decided to head back to the Wilderness Lodge to see if our new room was ready and it was!

We then arrived at Room 5073. An inner courtyard King with a true bathroom (which don’t exist if you ask a certain manager)

This was much better than the previous room. Still had minor issues but in all honesty, we weren’t going to complain over those especially after our initial room.


Shaun went downstairs to hand them our luggage tag so they didn’t ‘lose’ our luggage again and it quickly arrived.

Once the luggage arrived, we unpacked again and got settled into the room for the next 6 days.

We had dinner reservations at CRT tonight at 5:15. Around 4:15, we got dressed and headed to the boat dock to take the red flag over to the MK. We didn’t have too long of a wait.

Our first stop in the Magic Kingdom was to the jewelry store to get our gift resized so that we could actually wear them. (BTW, it makes me smile everyday & my Disney-Crazed co-workers are wicked jealous)

We checked in at CRT where we were created by Cinderella & actually got a good picture, however, its currently in a box of packed stuff so I can’t scan it in.

After about a 10 minute wait we were called up to the Dining Room for Dinner.

I started with the Vegetable Rolls…which were rather greasy & didn’t set well with my stomach.

Shaun got the Salad which he wasn’t a fan of because the dressing was sickly sweet.

My main course was the tortellini which was bland.

Shaun had the Prime Rib which he didn’t eat half of as it was bad.

We then received a special gift from Cinderella in celebration of our marriage…two champagne glasses :) That made the meal right there.

And of course, we had the best part of the meal & the only thing we actually ate the entire thing of: raspberry sorbet.

Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much out of this meal as reviews are so mixed. The food was disappointing but the restaurant is very pretty inside & I’m happy for our glasses. Apparently our wedding got us through so quick we didn’t see whatever little show they put on in there for the dinner guests, but that’s ok with Shaun & me.

We headed back to the Wilderness Lodge and relaxed. At like 8, I got hungry again since I didn’t eat much of dinner so we got a $16 cheese plate & two alcoholic beverages To-Go from the Territory Lounge. Shaun & I discovered at this point, Goat Cheese really isn’t that bad. We still don’t do blue cheese though.

At 9:30 we watched the Electrical light Parade from our balcony which was very relaxing. Shaun loved it! In fact for the rest of the week, he made sure our door was open at that time so he could hear the music.
Great photos and great report. Your wedding and everything looks so nice. We stayed at the WL a few years ago for Thanksgiving and I believe we had the same room. I'll have to go home and check my pictures as I always take a picture of the room number. I just loved keeping the glass doors open and hearing everything outside.

I am trying to remember what you got at at the jewlery store in the MK. I'll have to reread your report and see if I can find it - or maybe you can just post again.

Great photos and great report. Your wedding and everything looks so nice. We stayed at the WL a few years ago for Thanksgiving and I believe we had the same room. I'll have to go home and check my pictures as I always take a picture of the room number. I just loved keeping the glass doors open and hearing everything outside.

I am trying to remember what you got at at the jewlery store in the MK. I'll have to reread your report and see if I can find it - or maybe you can just post again.

That would be too funny if we were in the same room.
We didn't buy anything at the jewelry store in MK, but we got our DFTW gift adjusted there. I didn't post what it was because of the whole 'secret' thing which is why it is vague ;)
February 11th, 2008 - MGM

This part of the report will not have any pictures. This is because to me, MGM (or excuse me, Disney’s Hollywood Studio) has two rides not condusive to bags. I hate doing the grip of death to make sure my bag stays in place at RnRC or Tower of Terror as it takes away from the fun.

We woke up, got breakfast and headed to MGM. We got in line where I see this bride/groom in the line waiting for open & I think its Carrie; however, I’m not going to say anything just in case it isn’t her. However, once the gates are opened and people are waiting inside the park for opening, the guy says congrats and I say it back. Then I ask a question: Are you Carrie? And it was! She however, has this picture of the meeting. Maybe she will be kind enough and post it :)

Over the course of the day, we definitely kept running into each other. In fact after RnRC, they were right in front of us in line at ToT where I told her about the shorter line trick since she was about to go in the long line.

After ToT, Shaun & I looked through the shops and were given free chocolate covered Marshmellows from the Candy Store. Score! We then headed to Star Tours where once we got in line, we were evacuated for some reason we never discovered but the entire building was evacuated. So we figured it would be a good time for Muppets which was enjoyable as always.

I wanted to go see Beauty & the Beast since it has been about 10 years since I last saw it, so Shaun begrudged himself to go along with it. It was a good show but I realized why I hadn’t been back in so long.

We slowly headed over to the Brown Derby as we had our lunch reservations there. The food was excellent as it always is. I had the Coconut Shrimp Appetizer & the Cobb Salad & the Crème Brulee for dessert. Shaun had the Chicken & the Flourless Chocolate Cake. We also were sprinkled with our second magic of the day when we were given free champagne with strawberries :)

We were pleasantly full and decided it would be a great time for the Great Movie Ride and it was. Star Tours was running again when we walked over there so we went on that and we then went to watch the movie at Walt’s Dream as Shaun hadn’t seen it before. He really enjoyed it as he learned a lot about things he never knew about Disney. We decided to call it a day, and head back to the WL.

When we got back to our room, I found this on the bed:

The Contents:

It was a gift from a friend and I was pleasantly surprised by it!

After relaxing and enjoying some Rosa, Shaun talked to me that he wanted to start getting into pin trading as he saw some that he liked so we decided to buy him a starter lanyard. We decided to look at the pins downstairs in the lobby where we got him one.

We decided to skip our dinner reservations at Chefs de France & just eat at Roarin Forks where we enjoyed a pepperoni flatbread & chicken fingers.

After Dinner, I did laundry and Shaun started looking online about pin-trading basics as I never traded before either so I couldn’t tell him.

We enjoyed the Electrical Water Parade again from our balcony & called it a night.
loving your trip report, i hope we get as much pixie dust as you did
What a great TR so far. I love it! I realy feel like I am there with you guys. LOL

Where did that wine basket come from? I would love to surprise my DF with this and this is the best wine!


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