Something About Nothing.......part 2 (please join us)

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Well we have a very nice concession stand and a very nice ball field. All are courtesy of those wonderful fund raisers we have. And I was warm tonight while everyone else was freeing their rears off!

Concession stand is right behind home plate. :thumbsup2 got to see the whole game and stay warm.

No heat, but there is ac for when it gets hot out. We had coffee & hot chocolate, frito chili pies, nachos & hot dogs. It is a very nice building and well insulated. Since it was warm out yesterday it was warm in the building. I even kept leaving a window open cause it was too warm.

So...what I'm that you VOLUNTEER for concession stand because it's got the AC (or warmth) and perfect view of the game :rolleyes: Good plan sista!

trial husbands?
mine was longer than a trial, more like a sentence........:laughing: .

:eek: :lmao:

This fundraiser is for the pizza and cookie dough. I'm sure we will get something, but I'm not hitting anyone else up.

I haveta admit....the cookie dough and pizzas are good.... seems people don't mind the 'edible' fundraisers as much.... :confused3 least I don't :rolleyes1

I am so bad with names so forgive me if I am messing them up . I am lucky to remember my own sometimes :rotfl2: .

Would you like a cheat sheet like Tammy got?? ;)

Maybe, we should get another dog. My DH & DS need to learn to pick things up off the floor, clothes for example. :rolleyes:



:lmao: :lmao:

Oh, here's another pic from our quick Feb 23 trip. It's my baby sis and me (or I guess I should say me and my baby sis, since I'm on the left):

being blonde is only a frame of mind..........:laughing:

We should start keepin score of how many Ms. Fairy is missing here :sad2:

The boys still sleep in a room painted Hundred Acre Wood green with Winnie the Pooh wallpaper border. Yeah, that's leftover from the nursery theme when Daniel was born.

I'll change it someday. :rolleyes:

Priorities huh? ;)

there is so much we should do in our house but i never had the time.

Whadda mean "had"??? :confused3 You are one of the busiest people I know!

Heck the house can wait. My money goes to vacations!

:worship: priorities.... :rolleyes1

macraven said:
yup once we reach 235 pages, i'll set up part 3 for us.
i'll have phamton do a link between the #2 and #2 so we won't lose anyone.

Okay, screw the big bathroom... I call the sunset peach room with a HOT TUB! :banana:

we are having the remodeler put in 4 hot tubs.
you get one of your own......


I'm hungry!:mad:

No you're not :confused3 You're Fletch! :thumbsup2

It's supposed to cool down again this weekend but I won't tell you what the temps are going to be...I don't want to get yelled at. :laughing: :laughing:

Veeerrryyyyy smart man! ::yes::

Tammy.....I meant to ask how your neice and her friends made out at UO with the rain??
Sweet Lord Jesus in Heaven ... it only took us a full year, but Mike and I **finally** bought a new bed. For wonders never cease .....

We tried the BellaSonna bed that I thought we'd like and it was too firm. So we went with the Tempur Pedic Celebrity. Bonus, that was a bit cheaper than the BellaSonna.

I want a new kitchen ... that will happen in about 8 years from now...

Mike & Jodie :confused3 new's officially christened :rolleyes1 AND she saved money! :thumbsup2

You'll get to enjoy the kitchen for several years before ya move/retire.....I thought you didn't cook? :confused3 What's up with the new kitchen? :confused3

i know people.

:eek: You gots "people"??? :eek:

wah, i'll never figure out how to multi-quote....

Bottom right box...(box with quotation mark in it) click that, makes it red. Once you hit 'reply', every box you clicked on with the quotation mark will come up in your reply box. Just take out what you don't need/want and make sure you include the brackets around the words: quote and /quote. :teacher:

I will return on Tuesday!

Good...then you can please pay me for the hamburger you ate yesterday! :thumbsup2
well, looks like I get the bad parent award today. had to take Niles to the vet. 16 pounds of yowling furball . all the way there and a lungfull when we got into the door back home. they gave me a long tube to use to get a pill down his throat. imagine, an ugly bad footed 41 year old trying to get a pill down a cats throat. stay tuned. we could end up on cnn, or worse, youtube. he will be fine. momma here feels real bad. really guilty. i'll get over it.

I'm sorry to hear about kitty....altho never easy, a Mom's gotta do, what a Mom's gotta do..... Hope he's doing better by now... Intriguing about the 'tube' tho...never heard of that one :confused3

Negative, grasshopper. I must be Found. I *may* come to a meet, but only when the Time is Right shall ye Know.


Well then we just "might" inform you of where & when we are meeting.:snooty: ;)

oh SNAP!! :eek: :rolleyes1

He is being kinda Ogreish isn't he! Or is he being donkeyish????j/k


The Muffin Man?? know....that little dude that lives on Drury Lane???

...don't get me started on airfair. If i hadn't have had rewards & vouchers for part of the travel we wouldn't be going.:sad2: I booked early & complained about the $ then; now it's more than $624 per person on "sale":eek: lowest priced carrier (SW).

:scared: Feel silly for complain' now...dontcha?? :rolleyes1 I checked ours the other day....bought for $ $149 down and $118 home :eek: :sad2: With new fine imposed on SW at PHL, guessing rates are only gonna increase :headache:

NOT fun! Our (then 17 year old) cat had a stroke in August of 2006. She recovered somewhat, but until we finally had to put her down in April of 2007, we had to give her pills TWICE a day to prevent seizures.

Sorry to hear that....that is heartbreaking.... :(

okay- now I really think Dm works at Earthquake.


We're going in June and July....will happily pick you up a Shrek and send 'em your way! :thumbsup2

Why are you thinking he's working Earthquake/Disaster??? :confused3

for 3 years, i had to give insulin injections to one cat every 12 hours.
then monthly vet visits with glucose testing regularly.

now i give arthritis meds and thyroid meds to the same cat.

i'm surprised she still loves me with what she goes thru in order to get the medicine down her. sad :sad2: I'm guessin' the meds make her feel "good" and she loves you for that....besides...she knows who feeds her :goodvibes
I agree with 3. I don't really follow baseball so I have no idea if Derek is hot or not???:)

Not imho :sad2:

So, I am looking at Value Resorts... either Movies or Pop, most likely. The Pop has the advantage of a separate bus and all that. The Movies would be strictly because of the theming. Joshua loved it the year that we stayed in the "Buzz & Woody hotel".

And I would, of course, get us to MNSSHP at least once. IF we make the trip. Do they have dates for MNSSHP somewhere? I checked the Disney site and couldn't find anything.

Mummy dust (or SHOULD it be pixie dust?) that you get to do this trip! :wizard: :wizard: After the way your year started, I'm sure the boys would have an excellent time :cool1:

BTW, we sent off our corporate taxes yesterday like good business owners. Only had to pay the state $10. Feds didn't want anything. Good deal!

good job Buddy! :thumbsup2
Well, I can't stay up any's late and I gotta go nite nite! Sweet dreams to all the homies!:cloud9: I hope Mac comes by and turns the lights out and locks up!
i've been thminking deeply on where DM will be toiling:idea:

Twister! curious to hear YOUR theories.... :scratchin

keishashadow said:
eBayer still hasn't got back to me to confirm receipt of my payment

any word yet?

keishashadow said:
mac So have you seen ANY AAA rates yet for October:confused3 @ WDW? i read about the pricing structure change as to the seasons overlapping @ resorts, didn't know the weekends were now higher:headache: ...just makes it easier for us to justify heading over to Universal for the weekends;) as long as their rates don't go much higher lol

There ya go :thumbsup2 You are slowly transforming to the darkside.... :rolleyes1

Oh, I forgot to mention how very BRAVE our very own Janet was on the CB yesterday! You should've seen her post on a thread asking who should be nominated for president from the DIS. She posted that since the country was asking for change, she would nominate anyone from the Universal boards.



NOT only did I read it...I voted too :teeth: Way to go Janet!!!!

....its bronchitis and its due mainly to smoking cause


Time for the patch, my friend.;)


Just a quick fly by to let you all know that Matt did great on his drivers test! He got a 95 percent with only a few small "reminders".

So I guess we have another driver in the house! Now it's time to call the insurance company! :faint:

Congrats to Matt! :cool1:

if you wanna compare junk in the trunk, I've got a landfill sista!:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:lmao: :rotfl: :lmao: oh you guys....c'mon..... :rolleyes:

... looking for Mr DIS-bar TF :confused3

My new form of entertainment at work is when Dumber complains to me about something Dumb screwed up. :laughing:

:lmao: (Sorry FOR you....but the names you give these people crack me up..... :lmao: )

congrats to matt and congrats to eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a month now.

wait and see how much your insurance will go up....
have i told you what we were hit with when ours started driving....

i dread that day :scared:
I was just going through some old Disney pics.

Joshua's first time meeting Mickey:


Daniel's first trip exploring Pluto:


I didn't know if I ever posted pics of my guys when they were younger-er 'uns.

How cute.... (like I mentioned before)....looks like planning that trip is stirring up some old feelin's....huh :scratchin

Life seems to be getting in the way a lot lately for all of us. I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

Yep :sad2: And it's only going to get worse with the nicer weather coming....longer outdoor soccer practices, more time spent practicing outside at home, yardwork.... :guilty: the list just goes on and on.... :sad2:

loribell said:
Won't it be funny if I wasn't able to meet you in California but am able to meet you in Florida. :hippie:

Janet just lives on the other side of the state from me...and I met her for the first time in Mville :rotfl2:

just wait till she gets the quote.
we had $3300 added on with 3 teen sons.


Realized that the event i agreed to drive youngest DS & his bud to (a Wii Mario Smash Bros competition that begins @ 10:00 pm on Saturday) is THIS WEEKEND, not next & it's not @ the mall gotta go an exit on the turnpike for that baby:rolleyes1 Then, stick around for the pre-sale of the game itself @ 12:01 am.

Forgot it was a time change day, forgot about having to head out of dodge early in the am for the RiverRats game up in the frozen tundra too. Oh, yes, a snow storm is supposed to hit Saturday too, 1/2 foot in Pittsburgh - Erie's in a snow belt & gets the lake effect too...a foot easy. It shall be an adventure:3dglasses

I gets to go to the eye dr. tomorrow am & get a visual field test & whatever else they decide to throw at me...i get such a :headache: from it...anybody else get them done? Have i mentioned that i have night blindness and get to drive back on the turnpike in the dark from the tournie? Least i won't have to deal with headlights coming the other way.

Going to be an exhausting weekend for YOU huh?? Just be VERY careful driving at night.... go granny slow :thumbsup2 Sorry to hear the eye doctor appt. didn't go well... :hug: ...just have fun this weekend and forget about it till Monday! ::yes::

ur a busy bee

i know.... :sad2:

:idea: wanna trade? :rolleyes:
Hey peeps,
Looks like I've got lots of ketchuping up to do. :scared1: I don't think it will be tonight thought. Another bad day for me. :sad2: I'll ketchup tomorrow.

As long as you bring Mac a're usually excused :goodvibes

I rode my bike today and got to work earlier than normal?

I've got my money on "not sitting in traffic" :rolleyes:

Count me in as a Survivor Fan -
Perhaps Joel got a little KARMA for backstabbing Mikey and his girlfriend.

I really like Cirie ...... I really like her this time as she is THINKIN' way early.

Yep....I REALLY enjoyed Joel's little smirk disappearing and the "uh oh" look on his face :lmao:

I didn't mean that I didn't like Cirie at all.....just don't matter to me if she stays or goes :confused3 HOWEVER....I will give her the brains behind the Joel move..... Joel ousted Mike for being a 'leader' and 'control freak'....which is exactly what he turned in to.... THEN, Cirie "getting" they were voting off the weaker players....good for her....realizing SHE was gonna be included sooner or later :thumbsup2

Someone please explain why Fletch and I are up before 5:30am.:confused3


See....I think that you & Fletch think you are drinking coffee....whereas, Jodie and I know you are drinking from the cup o crazy!

hasn't gotten that high here yet - will have to let you know, need gas today

:confused3 ...and??

We stayed at the All Stars 3 times when the boys were younger. We enjoyed it then, but I'd NEVER do it again now. I could care less about the room size -

We don't care about the room size either (with just the 3 of us)...which is why Value resorts are perfect for us! We only sleep and shower in the room....that's it. Don't use the pool or anything else..... For a family that doesn't spend ANY time at the resort, the All Stars are perfect for the budget! :thumbsup2

Well yes in a way trying to go cold turkey but trying to wing myself by instead of smoking like one every few mins to maybe one every 45 mins and then going on to 1 an hour and so on and in the past have almost quit that way but just about everyone I knew smoked so it made it hard and now no one really comes around me that smokes so maybe it will stick this time :lmao: and to the rest of the homies a Good Morning

Good luck and DON'T give up!! Quitting is the easiest thing you'll ever do!! :hug:

Have any of you tried that Jif Peanut Butter and Honey?

:sad2: sorry

Okay, that makes sense. I never put the two together, but that's probably it. Washing his hair is his favorite part (other than playing with his tub toys).

Consider yourself LUCKY!!! Almost every child that age I know absolutely HATES their hair washed :headache:

I hate my dentist. There, now you know.

I already knew that :confused3 Tell me something NEW that I don't know :hyper:

BTW, I'm having a hard time remembering I'm ketchuping, instead of catching up. Forgive me, if I slip from time to time. ;)

It's okay....if nothing else, ketchuping (invented by mac) let's others know that you've at least read thru the pages to see what's up with everyone..... :hug:
Is "nap" a code like "crosswords"?

nap + new bed =

they are saying before its all over we will get from 6 + inches of snow and thats more than we have had all winter :confused3

:eek: Tracie, Mike & I haven't even gotten 6" of snow TOTAL for this winter.... :confused3 (but, I ain't braggin'....cuz it'll come back 10-fold soon :eek: :headache: )

What's up with the golden homie award? :confused:

Barb hands out the Golden Homie Award for us to add to our signature... whenever the mood strikes her. :goodvibes

yep....pretty much.....
Just a fun little somethin' my DH created.....on HIS mssg. boards, the admin "created" a similar award....handed out for something really good (like Tricia cleaning her basement, Lori ketchuping like 20 pages) or for something that totally catches me off guard or really makes me laff....something 'deserving' like that.... of course....bribes accepted also :rolleyes1 :lmao:

tarheelmjfan said:
I'm staying far away from all you humpers. :scared1:

:confused3 we don't bite :rolleyes1

tarheelmjfan said:
I've noticed the search function works better, but that's about it. :confused3

::yes:: I've noticed and I agree!

PS eye dr. appt went bad, REALLY bad...have a month to decide between surgery or drops...

:hug: Can you TRY the drops and if they don't work, last alternative?? :confused3

:woohoo: I love daylight saving time. I really wish they'd leave it like that year 'round.

me too :(

RVGal said:
You want mine for the night so you don't get lonely?

:eek: :lmao:

(I'm guessin' not....she's got "other" plans :rolleyes1 )
That knee injury of Penner's seems pretty bad. The clips for next week show the doctor telling him it's infected and if the infection gets into his bloodstream, it could be fatal.

Didn't I hear last week about a survivor having to go home due to medical?? :confused3 Can't remember....

Speaking of pink reminds me of this.


:lmao: :lmao:THANK YOU for sharing that!! :lmao: (Like how he made it "manly" by putting the stripe under the eye....the PINK stripe!) :lmao:

Hi all-
I guess I need to vent about something
A girlfriend of mine wants to chuck the friendship.

Sorry to hear that did the right thing shooting her off an email....ball is in HER court (so to speak)...if she doesn't 'send it back' to you....well, quite frankly, you don't need friends like THAT :sad2: Glad to hear your Dad is hanging in there :goodvibes :wizard:

I asked earlier, but didn't receive a reply. What makes Landshark so great? How does it taste? Inquiring minds want to know.

:confused3 Sorry....I didn't answer cuz I don't know??? I always have margarita... :rolleyes: We got it here too...$30/case :eek: Yep...glad I don't drink the 'shark :thumbsup2

I Can't Post!!!!


Hopefully not the 'liquid' Captn. Oh, and 20lbs :banana: :woohoo: :banana:

Today is Matt's Birthday (DF) and he is the big 2-4. My little boy is growing up so fast

belated (but in our defense...we didn't know :confused3 )


And, since when is 24 a "big" anything? :confused3

Don't make me have Barb get out the whacking smiley again. :mad:

atcher service:

Oh, and Penny... I'm going to casually ask here if you have heard about Carl Edwards penalty points for his post race inspection violation.

Edumacate me pleeze :hyper:

To My Dearest Friend Tricia,
You are so off the Christmas Card List now.

The 99 Team Fan Club


Now, nice :flower3:
CrP, its only 9 oclick and I'm in for thenight seeing as its going to be icey in a bit and DH didn't wnat to be driving, and he knows after 3 drinks i cannot dirve, heck I can't even type. But i"m blaming that on the new glasses that I got today. why didn't someone tell me that bifocals are a pain in the butt. My eyes can't find the right spot on the lenses. I think I'll go back to the contacts.

Good to see ya Sharon! :lmao:

Sell the MIL house yet?

Hey Homies!

I've been MIA for a few know.....real life stuff.....

Barb, thanks posting the recipe! Someone responded though and said that they didn't think the wings were the same.

You guys have been quite chatty, and there is no way I can "ketchup" but just remember I luvs ya all!:grouphug:

Hey yourself...sorry I missed you...was ketchupin myself.... for 4 hours now :headache: :sad2:

Sorry to hear the snow didn't 'stick' around....stinks for the kids...great for the adults!! I didn't think the wings were the same...but I tried. Have you tried search engines on the interent? Good luck! :hug:

Oh, here's another pic from our quick Feb 23 trip. It's my baby sis and me (or I guess I should say me and my baby sis, since I'm on the left):


Okay...compared to sis, YES...i can see your tan!! She is really cute....and looks like she's related to ya.... unlike the piece of crap I stuck with for a sister...she looks NOTHING like me....thank God!

I'm here, but trying to read back to "ketchup." I'm on information overload and can't even comment.....

Welcome to my world sister :headache:

Well, I can't stay up any's late and I gotta go nite nite! Sweet dreams to all the homies!:cloud9: I hope Mac comes by and turns the lights out and locks up!

I'm hittin' the hay too....starting work LATE tomorrow....that is unusual...but, hey...I'll take it!!!

Whoever has the alarm set for the morning PLEASE KEEP IT DOWN!!!! I'm sleeping in cuz it's 1:45AM here.... :guilty:

Lights out.

Doors locked.

Cats & dogs are done and asleep.

Everyone is job here is done!

Nite everyone.
Sleep tight.
Don't let the bed bugs tickle :rolleyes1


I'm up, stop nagging!

Ugh, I spent the whole day in bed yesterday. Literally, not euphemistically. ;)

I am not sure what's going on with me. I am not sure if my body doesn't know what to do since I am just coming off midnights and then going back on Monday at 1045 pm. Or, if I am having a reaction to the tetanus shot I got Thursday. I was fine Thursday, but Friday I woke up with it throbbing (still is) and then I was going through the sweats followed by the chills. Sadly, I still have an appetite.

Katie ... the big 2-4? Please. I just found a pair of shoes in my closet older than that (they were part of an Easter outfit I saved for some reason?).

Barb and Alison, where do you buy your tanning lotions on the web?
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