Something About Nothing.......part 2 (please join us)

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Hmmmm, I am chatting with my bad self. :lmao:

Not that I expected anyone else to be up at this insane hour.

Anyway, Brab and Alison, I wound up buying tanning lotions on EBAY Express. Wow, I could not believe how much cheaper they were than at the salon. I got an Australian Gold, Dream On (I've used that before) for about $10. Most of the online places wanted $25-33, and it's about $45 in my salon. Bonus. :thumbsup2

I think I am going to try to take a nap.
Morning all!
I just told her in an email that we value her freindship and we would like to continue the friendship if she wants to. I even apologized if I had hurt her feelings from October. I guess I'll just leave it alone now and see what she does.

Rose - it looks like you have done everything you can do - you offered the "olive branch". If she doesn't want it - know you can't do anything more.

Sending you :hug: :hug:

:) jennifer
And where will you and your DH be young lady. Remember, they still may be able to hear you. ;)

Can you believe DS actually said - you two have to stay in your bedroom - you can make out?? I thought this was funny, but DH did not. After we ate, I went to the bedroom alone and DH stayed awhile longer with the boys, then he went to the messy cold downstairs room.:)
I'm up too. Keeping it down for Barb. Speaking of Barb, I would like a step by step to great tanning. . . is that a stupid request?? If you've already posted this, I can't find it.

So I fell asleep early last night (after I found the Captain and I had to use diet 7up cuz no coke in the house) and I forgot to take by bra off (yeah, I know, tmi) but I slept fitfully cuz a) I wasn't supposed to be asleep yet b) bra is the most uncomfortable thing to sleep in and too tired/lazy to take it off and, here I am, wide awake for the last hour. I got the coffee on though and cleaned up the mess from my unsupervised children last night.

Here's some random thoughts. . . I need a new coffee bean grinder; my dh can get up, take the dogs out in freezing cold and be back asleep in 10 minutes or less; I didn't watch or read any news yesterday and I kinda liked it; the urge I had last night to throw my puter through the window has subsided; I didn't finish paying bills last night so now I haveta do it today also. . . and all random thoughts going through my mind stopped after that one. :confused3
Good morning to you Metro.

Jodie - sorry I missed you this morning. Had intended to get up earlier, but alas I didn't. Sorry you are ill but at least you've got a great bed to be in. I sent away for the info package on the Tempurpedic bed as well. Our problem is that I can't pay that much for a bed without trying it - and of course, we would have to drive over 2 hours (to Pittsbugh or Charleston) to see the bed (or the Sleepnumber). Alas, I just purchased a memory foam mattress topper at Thanksgiving and it is doing fine for us.:)

Marcie - saw a couple threads on CB yesterday about teenage and car insurance - you may want to check out.

The big snow storm is not supposed to hit us now as it is going further north (janet - its coming for ya). So, we have tix for Hairspray tonight. DH of course is not going - as it is not a ball game. I am taking DS with me - although he is protesting. He really likes music - it just isn't cool to go to plays. We'll see what his thoughts are tonight.

Enjoy your day - off to prepare some tax returns.

:) jennifer
Here's some random thoughts. . . I didn't finish paying bills last night so now I haveta do it today also. . . and all random thoughts going through my mind stopped after that one. :confused3

Hey Wendy. Perhaps I could loan you DH - he :love: to pay the bills. He is a great money manager. He was always good in math and doesn't get to use math everyday in his job (like I do), so he goes through our checkbook and bills about twice a week. I just bring him my paycheck and he is happy.:cool1: I am quite happy also as I don't have to do this (after being an accountant all day).

Good morning from SC. Looks like a major storm hitting back home. I sure hope my kids stay off the roads!!!
Hey Wendy. Perhaps I could loan you DH - he :love: to pay the bills. He is a great money manager. He was always good in math and doesn't get to use math everyday in his job (like I do), so he goes through our checkbook and bills about twice a week. I just bring him my paycheck and he is happy.:cool1: I am quite happy also as I don't have to do this (after being an accountant all day).


Maybe so. . .is he expensive?? Things are reverse in our house. . dh just puts his check in the bank and assumes/expects everything to be taken care of. He only wants to discuss finances if he wants to make a purchase that is over our agreed upon limit. I don't so much like being the one to deal with it, but I'm way more organized which makes me better at it. My dh hasn't had to pay bills or deal with our finances since, well, never.

I enjoy the feeling of security in knowing we are fortunate enough to be able to pay our bills and have some disposable income. . . especially these days. . .but I dislike the actual work of it. I don't mind the math. . cept when the bottom line just doesn't add up to what I want it to ;)
Good morning from SC. Looks like a major storm hitting back home. I sure hope my kids stay off the roads!!!

We had a pretty bad night here too. Pouring rain all night and now the winds are trying to uproot the trees!

It's actually sunny. . so far. . . and no weather activities. . . least I don't think but since I watched no news yesterday, who knows what could happen. Living in Illinois an all. . . . around here, if you don't like the weather, you just wait 5 minutes.
To My Dearest Friend Tricia,
You are so off the Christmas Card List now.

The 99 Team Fan Club


You guys make me laugh! Thanks for being...ahhh, real I guess.

Back from dinner. There is a restaurant right around the corner(as the crow flies{ from me. I enjoyed 32 ruma amd cokes, ooops make that 5. Tha's about the limit for me. anymore and I'm waking up with the room spiining. I also had the combo special. Fried clams and maine shrimp. Surprise, it's the only thing i eat there. With a name of the Ocean Garden, you should order seafordd right?

But no, DH orders steak and wonders everytime why its not good. Listen up, buddy, its a seafood restuarant...jeez
its not rocket science.

CrP, its only 9 oclick and I'm in for thenight seeing as its going to be icey in a bit and DH didn't wnat to be driving, and he knows after 3 drinks i cannot dirve, heck I can't even type. But i"m blaming that on the new glasses that I got today. why didn't someone tell me that bifocals are a pain in the butt. My eyes can't find the right spot on the lenses. I think I'll go back to the contacts.

:lmao: That makes me miss Gemma! Of course, with Gemma's pui's, you usually couldn't understand her. At least I understand these.

Sounds like you had a good time last night Sharon! Good to have you back., can we just call it "Car of Today"?? :confused3

Yes. That's what a lot of the broadcasters have started saying... or COT for short.

Hey Homies!

I've been MIA for a few know.....real life stuff.....We got a lot of snow here today, but it's all melted now. The kids got out of school at 1:30 today, so they felt happy and ripped off at the same time. Zack (DS14) said that his school came close to a riot! He said that they were all wanting to go outside and play in the snow. They even started a petition and the assistant principle said that they needed 2,000 signatures to go outside in the snow....His school is only 7th and 8th grade, so there are probably about 450 students in the whole school. Anyway, he said that at lunch, they locked the doors into the hallways in the cafeteria and that there were teachers standing guard at the exterior doors to make sure that no students went outside to play in the snow....poor kids! I kept looking out the window at work today thinking about how Zack(DS14) and Jacob(DS10) had to be going crazy wanting to play in the snow. They got their chance when they got home though, but it was mostly gone by the time I got home from work.

It's kinda funny and sad all at the same time to think of 7th and 8th graders in "lockdown" so they don't riot over playing in the snow. Sheesh. Like the kids are going to be concentrating on school work and learning much on a day like that?

Good...then you can please pay me for the hamburger you ate yesterday! :thumbsup2

Alright Wimpy... :laughing: know....that little dude that lives on Drury Lane???

I wuz wondering if anyone would get that! ;)
Edumacate me pleeze :hyper:

Before every race, there is an inspection of every car by Nascar officials... making sure the cars are within the legal guidelines/limits. That used to be all they did, until they figured out that some teams were doing quickie modifications during pit stops, etc to give their car an advantage. Now, there is a post race inspection as well.

Carl Edwards car was found to be missing the cover from the oil reservoir in the post race inspection. Edwards team maintains that the bolt holding it on simply came loose and it fell off... which is highly likely, given that several drivers have had loose caps in post race inspections lately. The problem is, in all the races where the drivers had a loose cap, they were docked 25 driver points (a slap on the wrist)... so, a precedent had basically been set that says Nascar has to punish this infraction. For the missing cap, Edwards got docked 100 driver points (moving him from 1st in Sprint Cup points, to 7th) AND 100 owner points (not a slap on the wrist, a slap in the face). His crew chief was fined and suspended for the next 6 races.

Everyone was expecting him to get 25 or maybe 50 driver points, but the penalties he's been hit with could take him out of the running for the Cup for the season. I haven't heard yet if he is going to appeal the ruling.

Katie ... the big 2-4? Please. I just found a pair of shoes in my closet older than that.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Can you believe DS actually said - you two have to stay in your bedroom - you can make out??

:eek: :rotfl:

So I fell asleep early last night (after I found the Captain and I had to use diet 7up cuz no coke in the house) and I forgot to take by bra off (yeah, I know, tmi) but I slept fitfully cuz a) I wasn't supposed to be asleep yet b) bra is the most uncomfortable thing to sleep in and too tired/lazy to take it off and, here I am, wide awake for the last hour. I got the coffee on though and cleaned up the mess from my unsupervised children last night.

Here's some random thoughts. . . I need a new coffee bean grinder; my dh can get up, take the dogs out in freezing cold and be back asleep in 10 minutes or less; I didn't watch or read any news yesterday and I kinda liked it; the urge I had last night to throw my puter through the window has subsided; I didn't finish paying bills last night so now I haveta do it today also. . . and all random thoughts going through my mind stopped after that one. :confused3

Ugh. Trying to sleep in a bra. Mucho uncomfortable.

And the DH thing? Yeah, Brad is the same way. He can fall asleep and wake up like he's turning a lightswitch on and off. Need to get up? Flick! He's awake. Time to go to sleep? Flick! He's asleep. Makes me mad sometimes.
Morning all!

Morning Todd!

So, we have tix for Hairspray tonight. DH of course is not going - as it is not a ball game. I am taking DS with me - although he is protesting. He really likes music - it just isn't cool to go to plays. We'll see what his thoughts are tonight.

I took Brad to see Beauty & the Beast when it was in Atlanta. He enjoyed it okay. I took him to see Phantom of the Opera and he fell asleep. I gave up after that. :rolleyes: Maybe I'll be able to take the boys when they get older.

Good morning from SC. Looks like a major storm hitting back home. I sure hope my kids stay off the roads!!!

It just started snowing here. The predictions for overnight never happened. Now it looks like we'll just get a few flurries and that'll be it. It's supposed to be in the 50s again tomorrow. :confused:
Hello all ..

Barb. Share the cheat sheet any time . :thumbsup2 And no matter who gets a new mattress and breaks it in those bannana's are just WRONG in so many ways . :lmao: :rotfl2:

So I hear I share a B-Day with Matt . Sorry to say I am a Little older then he is .:rotfl2: . But In my heart I am still only 21. :lmao:

So DH :love: gave me a gift card to Coach awhile back and from the nice people there I got a 25% off coup. So what did I do yesterday . Shop ! Well I got for my trip to USF/IOA a Hip Bag and some flip flops. :) Very Happy NOW . I am almost ready just need a swim suit and then I am ready to go .

So I tried to read everything I missed but I will never be able to Ketchup if You guys keep moving at this pace.

Gotta go busy day already . I hope to get back tonight to say hi and let everyone know how the big dinner out goes.

BTW someone asked about DH and the sleepnumber bed well we are all adjusted now and we LOVE IT . Sleeping much better now .
Yes...I sent my mother a birthday arrangement last summer...she LOVED it!

We don't have it in our area at this time. . . but I WAS thinking of sending one to dh and dd's while at HRH. They look so YUMMY and are very unique!!
Before every race, there is an inspection of every car by Nascar officials... making sure the cars are within the legal guidelines/limits. That used to be all they did, until they figured out that some teams were doing quickie modifications during pit stops, etc to give their car an advantage. Now, there is a post race inspection as well.

Carl Edwards car was found to be missing the cover from the oil reservoir in the post race inspection. Edwards team maintains that the bolt holding it on simply came loose and it fell off... which is highly likely, given that several drivers have had loose caps in post race inspections lately. The problem is, in all the races where the drivers had a loose cap, they were docked 25 driver points (a slap on the wrist)... so, a precedent had basically been set that says Nascar has to punish this infraction. For the missing cap, Edwards got docked 100 driver points (moving him from 1st in Sprint Cup points, to 7th) AND 100 owner points (not a slap on the wrist, a slap in the face). His crew chief was fined and suspended for the next 6 races.

Everyone was expecting him to get 25 or maybe 50 driver points, but the penalties he's been hit with could take him out of the running for the Cup for the season. I haven't heard yet if he is going to appeal the ruling.

Did you hear about Robbie Gordon. . . he appealed his ruling and won. . .well sort of. His points were returned, but the monetary fine was increased. . . the manufacturer paid it though because it was their bad.
Did you hear about Robbie Gordon. . . he appealed his ruling and won. . .well sort of. His points were returned, but the monetary fine was increased. . . the manufacturer paid it though because it was their bad.

Yep. It was a big deal because they almost never reverse or alter their original decision. I'm hoping that Edward's team can build some kind of a case for an appeal. (Hear that Penny? :flower3: )

So DH :love: gave me a gift card to Coach awhile back and from the nice people there I got a 25% off coup. So what did I do yesterday . Shop ! Well I got for my trip to USF/IOA a Hip Bag and some flip flops. :) Very Happy NOW . I am almost ready just need a swim suit and then I am ready to go .

So I tried to read everything I missed but I will never be able to Ketchup if You guys keep moving at this pace.

Sounds like a good shopping day!

Don't let the Ketchup worry you. Keep up when you can, just drop in and say HI when you can't!
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