Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts too........ Part 2

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Hiya Girls! Just got in around 11pm last night and soooo tired - plus my allergies fired up on the drive home so I was miserable. I have trouble driving at night so DH did most of the driving - a little under 6 hours on the road, but with the dog we couldn't eat in the car so that made the trip a bit longer.

We went into the closing Friday morning and the attorney asked us how long we were in town because they didn't have our check yet! We were a little hesitant, but we both agreed it wasn't the fault of the buyers and they had movers loading up their old house ready to move into our house that afternoon, so we went ahead with the close because the attorney "promised" to deposit our check between 2-4pm that day once the wire came in from the buyer's bank. No problem. Until they called to tell us they (the lawyers office) were all leaving at 3pm (the lawyers themselves all left at noon) so nobody would be around to receive the wire and deposit our money! Jeff was fired up!!! I called my wonderful realtor and he got it all resolved to where the attorney's office just cut us a check and deposited for us. Whew! It was a little tense for awhile though. And Jeff's dad was such a jerk when we told him about it. He kept saying, "I'd have walked away and not signed anything...." When I tried to explain that it wasn't fair to the buyers, they had movers, were looking forward to moving into their new house, etc, he just didn't care.

Both Jeff's parents are that way. If they are miserable or inconvenienced, they think it's only fair that someone else should be too. That's why I was so nervous about Disney but they were fine there. Way back when their dog died suddenly and the vet wanted to do an autopsy. When I said they should let the vet do the autopsy to save someone else the pain she was going through, her exact words were, "if I have to suffer like this then other people should have to also." :eek: See what I deal with?

Then this weekend I was going to board our dog, cause he's big and their little foofoo dog doesn't like him. Jeff's mom told me to bring Bucky and they'd be fine. Well believe it or not they got along great! Bucky would paw at their dog though and Jeff's dad got so mad because his poor little dog couldn't defend herself. She was the one instigating the play time!!!! She loved it! I got so mad one time that I told Jeff to go pack the car cause I was taking my dog and leaving! It got so ridiculous. They are dogs, let them play! Anyway, glad to be back!

Tina - happy birthday a few days late! Sounds like you got a lot done. 100 annuals - that's a lot of planting girl!!!! Congrats on the chairs, too!

Jillian - the cake was so cute! I started cake decorating when Ally was a baby - I bought the Wilton character pans and really had fun doing it. Then a friend of mine got me into the pattern transfers - literally copying a picture onto the cake and then filling it in. Lots of fun but I haven't done one in a year or so.

Laura - so sorry to hear about the job. When I worked at Enterprise, I "got quit" as we liked to call it, because they forced me to quit. I had never been in trouble, I was one of 5 female branch managers out of 60 SC branches. I was the ONLY one married with a child. They didn't like that. My branch was not the best, but by far not the worst. I was like in the top 40% though of the state. So when my manager came in out of the blue and told me I needed to start looking for a job, it came out of left field. But I had been turned down for a promotion when I was 7 months pregnant - hmmm, wonder why? It is a male dominated company and I raised some questions, and had a lot of people backing me up. I guess I stirred the pot a bit too much and next thing you know, I'm gone and talking to an attorney. But because Jeff was also a branch manager in the area, I couldn't really go after them because there we were with a 6 month old baby and so we couldn't afford to BOTH be unemployed. But I know I could have really gone after them. It was a horrible situation. And my last job was one that even though I liked the job and the people, my boss was very hostile at times and at least once a month I would tell Jeff that I was quitting. But I admire you for not just walking out - never burn your bridges, and always rise above the crap that you're dealing with! ;)

Debbie - any word on your neighbor??? One of my best friends has a son who was diagnosed as bipolar when he was about 12. They could not figure out his meds, because he was going through puberty, and he ended up being committed for a year and a half, to a state hospital. He had been in an out of hospitals for years, and DSS even came in and threatened to take their daughter out of the house if they didn't commit their son. Needless to say this family has been to hell and back with him, but he is now finishing his first semester in college (still living in a kind of half way house to learn how to live on his own) but it just about tore my friend to pieces.

Now I find out that my neighbor's 14 year old son is bipolar and I'm hesitant to leave Ally in their house because I know what my girlfriend's son was like with sexual urges he couldn't control, etc. That is why they had to get him out of the house. I know I shouldn't judge my neighbor, cause my friend's son was soooooo badly affected, but it's hard not to worry.

Tammie - I do feel like rich with the check we just got, but under ordinary conditions we would have put it into a new house. Now it's just going back where it belongs - back into Ally's college account, and savings. It was scary wiping out almost all bank accounts to get this house. Not having sold the other house was not fun.... But it's done now and it's a huge weight off our shoulders!

Tessa - so sorry the back is still bad! Have you seen a doctor yet? And yes, once you get ready to book your next trip, I'll be all about you staying on property - at a value resort! During off season it's $79 a night! You can't beat that - you can't find a moderate regular hotel room for $79 a night over here! We love us some Pop Century!

Oh, y'all will love this - MIL wants to do Disney again in 4 years!!!! :scared1: Jeff and I told them we can do it whenever, but everyone needs to pay their own way, no DDP, and we do 8 nights with maybe 4 dinner ADRS together, and that's it! SIL will have one or two more kids by then (they want 4) and we're not babysitting or waiting on them. They couldn't handle two, let alone four! But since SIL hasn't paid for a trip since they got married 9 years ago, we figure she won't go for it. I swear, I don't think I can take it again! And then I had to teach MIL to download her pics on her camera that SIL got her for Christmas 2 years ago. She normaly calls us and we all go in together on a gift, but for some reason she just got FIL in on this one so she could look like the hero. Jeff was so mad at that! It's games like this that upset us so much.

I tried to respond by memory after reading 4 pages this morning, so if I forgot something, I'm sorry!!!! Hope y'all have a wonderful Memorial Day!!!!
OMG! 27 days for Cammie, 32 days for Tammie! Hey look! I made a rhyme! :rotfl2:

OH, almost forgot, our bestest friends who are coming to visit for the week of 4th of July, are planning a trip to Disney with their boys who are 3 and 6 right now, in a year or two. Guess who she asked to help with the plans!!!! I love it!!! But she is as much of a control freak as I am - probably more! So I will introduce her to Disboards when they're here. She will totally absorb all the info, and then she probably won't even need me!
Woo hoo! I just got our final ADR for September - Raglan Road! However, I think I'm still gonna keep trying for Rose and Crown. But now we're confirmed for RR, Chefs de France and Tutto Italia. I feel so much better knowing that we're trying 3 new places (I cancelled Flying Fish :( ) and not paying anything out of pocket now. FF is great but it was 2 TS credit so we would have to pay for it out of pocket.

OK, off to shower now and get to the pool for the Memorial Day festivites!
Yes, it's me again!!! I almost forgot to tell you - Ally got lice AGAIN!!!! I found them in SC this weekend. We did the treatment and the live bugs were just a few, but I pulled out 80 nits!!!!!! And there's still a few more that I find each day! I don't know whether to tell the school or not, but I think they need to do a class by class check and inspect every child. I'm pretty sure that this is not a reinvestation of the first time, but rather a second investation. Make sense? Something is up and I'm beginning to get a complex! Poor kid just started crying when I told her cause the lice killing shampoo just burns her scalp so bad.

Erin, what was the shampoo that you recommended that helps ward off lice? Where are you anyway????
Hey there just checking in after a long weekend

Kara-Yeah on the house! sorry about the nits. My head itches just thinking of them. Does Ally's class lay down ever or do they share any thing that would come in contact with their bodies? Reason I am asking is I remember when lice went thru Dsis class they had all the kids keep their backpacks in garbage bags. At least school is almost out.

We were missed by the tornado yesterday by 2 miles. That is the second time in 4 years one has come close to the house. I was at work and Tim was with the girls away from home. My cousins house was in the line of the storm. Tornados are funny. It seemed to come down the middle of the street. One side was really damaged and the other not a bit. Her house was fine. Just makes me thankful we have a basement.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Kara- Yeah on the house. Poor Ally. I hope that stuff does not burn her scalp this time. I Would contact the school it maybe coming in from somewhere else.

Long Weekend here too. My brother had his last HS baseball game today he was crying so depressing. He graduates HS next week and I can't believe it.
Hi Ladies,
Happy weekend to you all.
Happy belated weekend Tina!!!
I missed you guys!
LAURA!!! I am so glad you are OK. I heard about that 2 year old and cried! That has to suck so bad worrying about the weather like that.
Kara..welcome home...you were a busy girl! Glad you are still sane! Relatively speaking of course.
I am pooped but thought I would try and catch up here. What will it be like when I am in Naples??? A week without Debbie6221, what will you guys do???:confused3
Hey, my smileys are all in different places!
Tessa...yes! I agree! Someone DOES need to win the lottery or something. Maybe I should at least start playing.....
Hi Tammie...I will have to go check out you thread.
BTW Did we lose Erin?????
Thanks for the bipolar comments and for your well wishes. We will see....I hope she can be strong!
I had a great weekend. Great weather! Great family time!
Now tomorrow the weather will drop to the 50's! ***!
Kara- Yeah on the house. Poor Ally. I hope that stuff does not burn her scalp this time. I Would contact the school it maybe coming in from somewhere else.

Long Weekend here too. My brother had his last HS baseball game today he was crying so depressing. He graduates HS next week and I can't believe it.

Wow! He should be crying , right! It sucks to grow up!
Jillian, I forget how young you are...you talk just like us old ladies!
Oh Kara...the lice!! I would be flippin mad!!!! That poor DD of yours. I feel so bad for her and you!
Welcome back, girls! We had a cold, rainy weekend. We got our oldest, Ryan moved back over here on Sat., and yesterday we went over and helped them clean out their house, which they are renting to friends for the time being. We got half-price lunch at Sonic drive-in as it was brand new and they were having a training day! :cool1:

Today, we went to the cemetary, picked up some Mickey Head paint chips for a countdown calendar for DGS, 3 Myles and cooked burgers and hot dogs for the kids. Ryan and Dana came over with little Mason. We played some dice and watched Bachelorette. Tomorrow I've got to get back to work.

Kara, you must be so :furious: - I don't know how you can deal with it! Glad you got your closing done. I can't believe they thought they could just blow you off for the weekend. Your in-laws are a piece of work.

Jillian, it is so hard to watch those seniors and their parents finish those milestone games - it is the end of a really great time in their lives.

Laura, glad you're okay. I remember those tornado days.

Debbie, thanks for keeping us all together and the funny and disturbing emails! :goodvibes

Well, have to get some sleep - have a great week everyone!
BTW Did we lose Erin?????

Erin, what was the shampoo that you recommended that helps ward off lice? Where are you anyway????

I'm here I'm here .. I just got back from France last night ... Did 5 days in Disney Paris, was only meant to be 2 but they had a deal on annual passes so we bought them and went 3 more days so have already had 2 freebies yayayay!!!!

Kara Tea tree is the best thing .. in a shampoo to keep them away once you get rid, you have my full sympathies, like i said before we had them for weeks and weeks and i was at the end of my rope at the end ... i also cut DD's hair and she has to wear it up every day for school and i check once a week every week now, yes you could say i'm a little obsessed now hahhaha

Big hello to everyone else :wave2:
Kara - the stuff we use here that suffocates the little blighters is called Hedrin


great stuff - put on overnight wash out in morning do again a week later in case any were in the eggs still - no burning, no organo-phosphates no nasty stuff at all. You need to ask for Dimeticone if you don't get the Hedrin brand over there

If you can't get it over there drop me a pm and I'll send you some - it really is that good... both girls have had one "infestation" and got rid of both first time with this stuff - also made their hair really silky...

Just checking in after a rather busy weekend myself. Seems I have yet again overcommitted myself prior to a trip. We have a playdate today, and then another on Thurs. The Thur one is here - and the mom that is coming over is a neat freak. My house is so.... well.... not neat right now. I'm sure she will walk in and be like :scared1: !!!! I have to clean like mad between now and then. I need to shampoo my carpets again (just had it done Jan and they are trashed again with sippy leaks from the kids! :headache: )

Laura - wondered about you when I watched the news the day before yestereday. I'm glad that you are okay. We go through it so much here, but because of whatever, no one ever builds basements (I think it is a mold/hummidity issue) so they get REALLY scary here. We've thought of adding a tornado vault to our garage.

Kara - LICE AGAIN! Poor Ally. Hopefully the teatree oil will help. I was reading Body and Soul (whole living magazine) last night and they were coming up with different homeopathic things for deod, and teatree oil was mentioned as a powerhouse against a lot of things - but they did caution to test a small area of skin first as a lot of people find it a skin irritant, so try a small patch on her wrist first before washing her head in it - especially since she complains of the other burning and is fair.

The house - what a fiasco! So sorry you had to go through that. Are you sure that your in-laws aren't my parents??? :rotfl: :confused3 That so sounds like things they would say. I sware... at least you get to call them inlaws. It's really tough when they are your parents. :rolleyes1

Erin - WOW! Glad you are back! I can't wait to see pics :yay:

Debbie, Cammie, Tammie, Tessa, Pam, Jillian & everybody... HI!!!

Off to pray that this playdate gets rained out in a few hours. It is in a pool - which is fun if you have one kid to supervise, but with two, let's just say I dread those playdates. :worried:
Thank you Tessa and Erin! I'm going to call Ally's school later and let them know what is going on. I found out that she shares a cubby with 4 other kids, so I think Laura is right in that she is getting it from one of those kids, since their backpacks and jackets all hang together. AARRGGHH!!! This is just so frustrating!
Renee I did the same thing before we left for our trip. I had to work and then scheduled playdates for the girls on that Saturday. We're just being "crazy" mommies trying to keep our kids entertained.

Kara how much longer will Ally be in school?

Hi Erin! Can't wait to hear about DLP :)

I have one goal for this week and that is getting my trip report done. I love the ads on the bottom of the screen, lice and house refi's
Laura - I'm so glad you're okay! I remember being at my uncle's cabin in MN one summer and a horrible storm came through, and of course, being a small summer cabin there was no basement or cellar. Scary! And growing up in Missouri, we spent many nights in our basement there. Glad everyone is okay though!

Renee - good idea about testing the tea tree on Ally first. Jeff doesn't think I should tell the school cause if they find even one nit they will send her home. They are so hard to get out that I've found after doing the regular treatment with the shampoo and then the comb out gel, I just lay her in my lap and pull them out with my nails. I pulled out over 90 this weekend! Just imagine if we hadn't caught it so early and those eggs had hatched! :scared1: But I'm afraid that if I don't tell the school, what if she gets it again? That medicine is basically a pesticide. Not exactly good for her, ya know?

Erin - we want more pictures!!!! Great job on the passes too! :banana:
How's it all going Cammie!!! I know, I know...maybe the lights on and you're not there! (the story of my life)
So....glad you're still here Erin!!!! Can't wait for more trip details!
Hi Kara, Jillian, Tina, Laura, Tammie, Tessa...
Renee...I so hate cleaning. No one ever comes over because I NEVER feel like my house is clean! How sad is that!
Courtesy of RumbleyTumbley..............
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