Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts too........ Part 2

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Renee - good idea about testing the tea tree on Ally first. Jeff doesn't think I should tell the school cause if they find even one nit they will send her home. They are so hard to get out that I've found after doing the regular treatment with the shampoo and then the comb out gel, I just lay her in my lap and pull them out with my nails. I pulled out over 90 this weekend! Just imagine if we hadn't caught it so early and those eggs had hatched! :scared1: But I'm afraid that if I don't tell the school, what if she gets it again? That medicine is basically a pesticide. Not exactly good for her, ya know?

Erin - we want more pictures!!!! Great job on the passes too! :banana:

Try using a different make i know that if you use the same stuff on the nits they build up a resistance so try a different make of lotion!! Also the Tea tree shampoo i use is made by avon so i know you guys have that there and my DD has soriosis on her scalp and it never irritates that in fact it helps it so good luck!!

Oh the deal on the passes was amazing :banana:

Hi Erin! Can't wait to hear about DLP :)

Erin - WOW! Glad you are back! I can't wait to see pics :yay:

Pics and info on DLP all on the way girls ... We had an amazing time!!!

Kara - the stuff we use here that suffocates the little blighters is called Hedrin

Yes that stuff is excellent and no smell either!!!!
Hi all - I'm here!

Erin - Can't wait to see your pix and hear all about DLP!

Kara - Yuck about the lice. I, fortunatley, have had no experience with that problem so can't really offer much to the discussion.

Hi Debbie, Renee, Laura, Tammie, Jillian, and Tina! Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend.

I'm miserable with allergies right now - headache, sneezing, sore throat. It's a beautiful day today and I just want to shut all my windows! You should see the layer of pollen on my deck furniture - ICK! Of course, it doesn't help matters when I just spent the past hour outside cleaning my car. Of course, I asked my dad to take care of that for me this weekend; gave him money to take it someplace and he came back with just the outside cleaned - and not very well, I might add!:headache: He said he didn't know I wanted the inside clean too - DUH!!! My car was filthy! We survived the weekend with my parents but my dad is turning into a real PITA! He does nothing to help and is just cranky and bored most of the time. Lauren even commented that she wishes just Nana could come up next time!:laughing: My mom was fine and managed to voluntarily do some things for me around the house, so that was nice. I think my mom realizes that there's nothing she can do for me with Amanda, so she at least pitches in in other areas.

In the meantime, I've got my sister emailing me about the stress-free and enjoyable weekend she was having because our parents were with me! Brat! I'm just so glad my dad isn't coming to Disney w/ all of us in Nov. I think it's really sad he doesn't want to because he's simply incapable of sucking it up and dealing but -- his loss!

And, btw, did you guys notice they've changed the selection of smileys on the right-hand side of the screen? Webmasters are mixing things up a bit!
Cammie - too funny about your sis emailing you! Mine does the same thing when our parents are visiting me! And I think our dads may have been separated at birth! Mine drives me insane, which is why when Ally and I go to see them this summer we're only staying for 3 days! Dad and I fight so much cause we're a lot alike (at least according to my mother). But the older they get, both my parents are just getting cranky. I can't deal with them!

Yes, what is up with the smilies! I'm so confused! I wanted to say something funny, and ended up with :moped: Then I got mad about that and put in :hippie: I don't handle change very well!!!!! :santa: See????
maybe they are trying to be ::cop: or :joker:

It will be fun to see the new ones Debbie finds.... ;)

Y'all love this. I was at Costco this am. I figured Katherine was good so we'd get a shake to bring home with us. She's been great with straws,. So I set her in her seat in the back with the shake and unload the cart into the back of the truck. I come around and she is covered in ice cream ! She was smiling and laughing like nothing was wrong.

Our friends are contemplating a trip to WDW next summer. She said she wants me to plan it for them because I did such a great job with ours. Should be interesting
Laura - cute story!!!! I can just picture it, especially the giggling!

I'm trying to catch up on old Desparate Housewives - who knew I was 4 episodes behind!!!! So I've watched two so far today. I can't believe Mallory is a drug dealer!!!! And does anyone else find Tom incredibly hot?
I think he's hot! But he's not your type is he? I thought he needed to be dirty and unshaven!:duck:
maybe they are trying to be ::cop: or :joker:

It will be fun to see the new ones Debbie finds.... ;)

Y'all love this. I was at Costco this am. I figured Katherine was good so we'd get a shake to bring home with us. She's been great with straws,. So I set her in her seat in the back with the shake and unload the cart into the back of the truck. I come around and she is covered in ice cream ! She was smiling and laughing like nothing was wrong.

Our friends are contemplating a trip to WDW next summer. She said she wants me to plan it for them because I did such a great job with ours. Should be interesting

Very funny! Not really! I feel like that's how fast everything goes awry in my life!
I think he's hot! But he's not your type is he? I thought he needed to be dirty and unshaven!:duck:

Now now!!! Actually, Sawyer is just about the only dirty boy I like. Most of my boyfriends were clean cut, boy next door types. OK, just 3 episodes left! Guess I was actually 5 episodes behind. Whew!
Thanks! Back at ya!
This weather needs to change! How do you go from 80's to 50's! That is insane!
Last night at the flowermart where I occassionally work. Yes I am insane. We had to bring in the frost blankets because the tropicals were going to get damaged. Can it be summer yet? At least it is sunny here.
HOly guacamole!!!!!!! Was that the season finale of DH? OK, now I need to get caught up on Grey's! Glad we're not busy at work this week!

Tonight Jeff works late so Ally and I are heading out for girl time! She invited Nana to come with us to Disney when Daddy has his golf buddies down for a weekend! Yikes! Hopefully Nana will decline (which I'm sure she will - I hope!).

Hot and humid today, but not very sunny. Supposed to be into the 90's by Thursday with nasty humidity. I think our nice spring is about over......
Cammie! Don't get zapped! :faint: Just had to use one of those new smileys! We have thunderstorms today and through the week - it was high 80s last weekend when I wasn't here - now cold and rainy all week. nice to have the grass watered, but this is crazy. I have to go pick Jim up from work - he rode his bike! Have a great week!
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