Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Youcanmakethis.com has a flounce skirt pattern that is super easy to do. If you just want one layer for the skirt just do the bottom layer. If you look at the pattern you'll see what I'm talking about.



Thank you. I was looking for a really basic (yet cute!) dress pattern. Sorry, I just re-read my post and it was confusing. I have a circle skirt pattern...although I like the one you posted better :headache: Might have to get it anyway!
Oh Beth, she is SUCH a gorgeous child! You always take the nicest pictures, too! Very professional looking! I love the Minnie-d up shirt and the pettiskirt. I wish Tessa would wear hers *sigh*.
Hi Everyone...just thought I would share a few pictures I took of my little one in her new black pettiskirt....all "Minnie'd up"....:rotfl2:





OhMyGoodness! So stinking cute! I love it - especially her top! Did you make it?
My lord...don't check this thread in a couple of hours and you have 10 pages to catch up on. OK experts...I posted my first dress about 10-15 pages back (shirred top, teal Tink sundress). Obviously, this was super easy to make. My next project is a circle skirt :eek: DD is all about wanting to wear either skirts or dresses to Disney this year...which means I better get good at sundresses! Anyone know what the best beginner pattern is?

I love CarlaC's portrait peasant dress pattern at youcanmakethis.com. I think it's the easiest dress pattern out there. I've used it a LOT! Her Simply Sweet dress is pretty easy and there are several different styles to choose from.
Thank you. I was looking for a really basic (yet cute!) dress pattern. Sorry, I just re-read my post and it was confusing. I have a circle skirt pattern...although I like the one you posted better :headache: Might have to get it anyway!
Well I actually used that skirt pattern and added it to the CarlaC Simply Sweet Tops and Dress pattern and made the dress that I posted for the big give. I just shortened the bottom layer of the skirt so it wouldn't be too long with the longer bodice that I did.
I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:

This is SUCH a DARLING outfit!!! Girl you are SO flippin talented!!! LOVE IT!!! I would wear it!!! :goodvibes

Hi Everyone...just thought I would share a few pictures I took of my little one in her new black pettiskirt....all "Minnie'd up"....:rotfl2:





Holy Adorable!!! What a dolly!! I'm such a sucker for the pettiskirts!!! love it love it love it!!!!
I love CarlaC's portrait peasant dress pattern at youcanmakethis.com. I think it's the easiest dress pattern out there. I've used it a LOT! Her Simply Sweet dress is pretty easy and there are several different styles to choose from.

Well I actually used that skirt pattern and added it to the CarlaC Simply Sweet Tops and Dress pattern and made the dress that I posted for the big give. I just shortened the bottom layer of the skirt so it wouldn't be too long with the longer bodice that I did.

Thanks Ladies! I'm a little nervous about the dress (okay I'm nervous about the circle skirt too). I know that it's a DISboutique promise to show off any/all creations :worried:....Well if they come out awful, it will be good for a laugh right?

Speaking of laughs...I'm having a totally mommy moment as I'm typing this. DD has bronchitis and an ear infection so I kept her home from day care today...which means we cuddled on the couch watching Disney movies all day. DD finally let me get up and check my email (and Disboards of course) and she ended up falling asleep sitting up next to me. But I just realized that I'm still singing along to HSM2 and she's asleep! Why am I leaving this on the TV????
Oh Beth, she is SUCH a gorgeous child! You always take the nicest pictures, too! Very professional looking! I love the Minnie-d up shirt and the pettiskirt. I wish Tessa would wear hers *sigh*.
:cloud9: Aww thank you so much Heather!!! I love taking pictures and my kids are my favorite subjects. LOL. Thanks for all the kind words!!!:hug:

OhMyGoodness! So stinking cute! I love it - especially her top! Did you make it?
Thank you so much!!! :goodvibes That shirt is one I made last year but I totally got the idea from one I saw somewhere. So I definitely can not take credit for the idea. Anyway, my DD LOVES that shirt and wants to wear it all the time. It is getting rather small on her though but she will not part with it. Hahaha.

Holy Adorable!!! What a dolly!! I'm such a sucker for the pettiskirts!!! love it love it love it!!!!
LOL...thanks, you sound like me...I love how cute the petti's are on the little ones! :goodvibes
I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:

Fantastic Job HEather!

Hi Everyone...just thought I would share a few pictures I took of my little one in her new black pettiskirt....all "Minnie'd up"....:rotfl2:





Such a cute outfit! Love it!
Miss Cammie :eek: ......I had no idea! :confused3 I am so glad you are ok!:hug: I worked at a group home for severely autistic kids when I was in college. We had "interesting" days like that but none that involved me...thank goodness!
the boys with jack sparrow. this guy was GREAT. He spent a lot of time with the kids. he made Jackson spin around so he could check him out. When Jackson told him that Cooper was Captain Hook, he said "we have a problem, mate, he doesn't have a hook. Do you think we can call him captain-no-hook?"

And finally one of Cooper in the boneyard. I like this picture because it makes Cooper look big, not that I want my baby to grow- he is just so little. Just for reference, the shorts are 12-18 months and the shirt is a 2T. Cooper turned 3 last month.

That is all for now. As I am going through the pics, if I see a good one of the custom, I will post it.

Trip Report! Trip Report! Trip Report!
Such handsome little guys! Looks like they had a BLAST!!!! :)

:cool1: I wanted to share a couple outfits I made for my DS (Sorry about my messing desk)

Finally figured it out :lmao: Blonde here :rotfl2:


OH SO CUTE!!!! Great job! Those DD's of yours are just about gorgeous!!! :cutie: :cutie:

Taking a break from jobhunting (I work 2 jobs part-time but now that i'm not a student anymore I need more hours..!) I just bought my first YCMT patterns :cool1: I got the Aivilo flapper purse, She loves me she loves me KNOT handbag, Sweet pea versatile handbag and Aivilo pocket messenger bag! Yeah i'll be doing a lot of bagmaking it would seem, they make great gifts though so that's my excuse :rotfl2: I used some money I got from eBay selling so TECHNICALLY they didn't cost me anything, that's my fuzzy logic and i'm sticking to it ;)

Good for you! I have the EXACT Same logic! If it came out of my paypal account, it was FREEEEEEE!!!! Works everytime! Of course, I can justify just about anything...

OK. If I can knock out the rest of my Togs this week (2 more) I will get to my big give outfit on sat. We were gonna have a weekend w/ just us and the boy, he's been awfully morose lately- he had to write a poem like Andy Warhol (sometimes I am red .....) only his said he was grey like sadness and white when he is invisible... I don't really know where it is all coming from, but kids w/ high IQ's often have a hard time socializing and I think he has issues about wanting to invite kids to his BD party and he doesn't think they will come. I have tried to offer every possible solution, not having a party, inviting his whole class etc.. but he just thinks noone will want to come. It is a sad thing to watch your baby go through. Especially since I am 30 and I feel the same way most of the time. It is breaking my heart, BUT DH is probably going to have to work so maybe I can get my big give outfit finished up and the kids can get some time w/ my parents. They haven't seen them in a while.

:hug: My DD10 is exactly the same way. Always has been. It's tough to watch because we love them so much! I've seen a change this past year in school (he turned 10 in Oct.)...he's definitely coming out of his shell a lot more...just give him lots of love, like you do....he'll appreciate it! Good job, mama!

Last night Lily said she was going to be a pirate.. She said " ...but first I am going to be a princess, when I grow up I will be a pirate" I don't know if I've mentioned that my DH and his cousin had our boys convince (they are 10 now and have caught on;) ) that when men in the Ruck family turn 18 they become pirates??? So it was really funny, my MIL said "well, it's in your blood":rotfl: Anyway that was last night and just now I accidentally ran across this picture


PS. That's my mom w/ her
And just because everyone was saying how she is more of a middle now, I thought I'd post this picture, because I LOVE IT, it is from Thanksgiving 2006


She was soooo cute, I just can't stand the thought of her turning 10 TOO!!!

and in case I have not WHINED enough lately, I just realized I have a wedding to go to on Sat. and I am WAY too fat to go to a wedding!!! UGH!!! I thought it was later in the month. I also have to get clothes for the kids and myself to wear. I guess I could make Little something....that's just insane, fah-get about it!!!

SOOOO CUTE!!!! :lovestruc
I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

That is gorgeous! Your applique is wonderful; don't be insecure about it at all. I "cheat" on all of mine and use digitized machine appliques. :) My favorite detail is the topstitching though. That must have taken forever! So much love in the dress--I know it will rub off on the new owner. :love:
Okay, so I have been back for a few days now, but I have been SUPER busy as my baby is turning 5!!!!!!:( I can not believe she is going to be 5 on Friday! Why do they have to grow up so fast?:confused: Anyway, I have been making about a billion of the stinkin' crayon rolls and I am still not done, but I am sooo close! ANd uh yeah, a birthday outfit, well haven't even started it yet, and have NO IDEA what I am going to do!!:scared1: :eek: Just wanted to say thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, the trip was FANTASTIC!!! and everyone was totally fine! I think my dh and I have decided that we need to go off by ourselves more often!:woohoo: Anyway, there is just tooo much to try and catch up on, so I am not even going to try, but I see we are going to start a new thread soon so I can just start from there, right?
I am trying to come up with just simple outfits for gifts and playwear. What do you think about this?



I'm not totally finished with the fish. I am going to give them each an eye made out of a blue sequin w/a bead in the center.

Be totally honest!

Lovey the fishies! So cute! Little Munchkin is adorable too!!! :love:

OK I want opinions before I break out the sewing machine lol.
This is what DD 4 is wearing tomorrow ... I am debating doing an applique where the red in middle is the bodice or the center strip.

So of course DS 1 has to match he has shorts but I could not be that simple ... insert eye roll here.

Without the shorts

With them
And since 16 month olds are rarely still enough to actually see what they are wearing here it is.

I do not like how the whale bleeds through the water but it is tomorrow so I am sucking it up and taking one for the team on that one. Since he is so little it looked strange centered hence the off center so yes that is on purpose lol. Now my question should I make some cute little saying to match it or just leave it as is? Should I mess with DD's outfit or do you think it is ok the way it is?

I think they're both perfect! And water is clear, so...why create more work for yourself? That's my motto! I :love: that fabric! I NEED!

I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:

WOW! :worship: :worship: :worship: Absolutely amazing! Are you for real? I :love: it! Isabelle will flip!

Hi Everyone...just thought I would share a few pictures I took of my little one in her new black pettiskirt....all "Minnie'd up"....:rotfl2:





Okay, how adorable is that girl? What great style she has! I want a petti for me, seriously...why does youth have to be wasted on the young? :bitelip: So unfair.
I ALMOST FORGOT! I had pictures of my babies taken the Saturday before we left and they are GORGEOUS! If you want or are bored you can view them at http://www.kaybrownphotography.com/mp_includes/index.asp! On the right side click on order/view pics, then click view all events and we are the first one listed: Adkinson!

oh. my. goodness.

Your girls are so fabulously ADORABLE!!! I love kissy picture!!! How darling!!! Thanks for sharing them with us!!!

did the girls have fun with their grandparents?!

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Hi Everyone...just thought I would share a few pictures I took of my little one in her new black pettiskirt....all "Minnie'd up"....:rotfl2:





Love it!1 Your DD is so pretty and I can't wait to get my DDs pettis!!!!

I ALMOST FORGOT! I had pictures of my babies taken the Saturday before we left and they are GORGEOUS! If you want or are bored you can view them at http://www.kaybrownphotography.com/mp_includes/index.asp! On the right side click on order/view pics, then click view all events and we are the first one listed: Adkinson!

GORGEOUS!! I love the kissy one also and the side by side closeup! Glad you had fun on your trip!
OK I want opinions before I break out the sewing machine lol.
This is what DD 4 is wearing tomorrow ... I am debating doing an applique where the red in middle is the bodice or the center strip.

So of course DS 1 has to match he has shorts but I could not be that simple ... insert eye roll here.

Without the shorts

With them
And since 16 month olds are rarely still enough to actually see what they are wearing here it is.

I do not like how the whale bleeds through the water but it is tomorrow so I am sucking it up and taking one for the team on that one. Since he is so little it looked strange centered hence the off center so yes that is on purpose lol. Now my question should I make some cute little saying to match it or just leave it as is? Should I mess with DD's outfit or do you think it is ok the way it is?
I had this problem with some flesh toned fabric. I just peeled the piece up and ironed it on to some really thin white muslin and then put heqat n bond on the back of the muslin and ironed it back on. I din't show after that and it didn't add to much bulk.
I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:

This is wonderful!! I love the top stitching.
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