HS Toy Story Mania: [Merged Threads]

We just got back on Wed. On July 2 we were at the rope drop, got to Toy Story and it was broken down. Luckily we got a fast pass, but is was for
6:15. We checked back a couple of times to see if it was fixed. When it was up and running we used the GAC to ride. People that were behind us in the FP line rode before we did, using the alternate entrance(ramp). When we went back to use the FP we were through before the 1 wc family got loaded. There were probably 6 families lined up at that time to ride. The cm told us that they could only use the 1 car because another car would not fit at the same time. If the original wc car came back while the "extra" car was loading it would cause a big backup. We all loved the ride:thumbsup2
The couple in front of us at the ride when it broke down were so ugly and mad that we would be "allowed" to use the handicapped access without a wheelchair.
Great - and when the couple in front of you OWNS the park, and its attractions, they may be entitled to be irritated; but under NO conditions can their being ugly and mad be justified (not to mention, you were behind them - you weren't delaying their access to the ride vehicle in ANY manner). Some people just aren't happy unless they're upset :confused3
Thanks for posting the movie! It is neat to see the ride in action.

It also made me see the string-pulling action - the number of times as well as speed you have to repeat the pulling would affect my wrists and cause pain. I do carry my wrist wraps with me at Disney for if/when the pain gets bad enough to need them (I know, I know - I should use them as soon as the pain starts, but...), so I'd put them on for the ride regardless of how my wrists felt. (Or, if they gave me the accessible car, which I don't need but it sounds like some ppl get it regardless when they use the accessible loading area [which I would need], I'd use the button instead of the string.)
I too always thought "rider switch" meant you stayed in the same area but for this attraction we were told we'd have to return with our "rider switch pass" meaning we could go back through FP vs. the regular line.

It should mean that and did mean that when I was at Disney last year (before this ride, of course, but on other rides my SD couldn't go on, we only waited in line once and switched out when one of us [there were only two of us] came back - although in Test Track the lady was too impatient to wait to tell the loading CM my case, so just stuck me in the single-rider line, which did have me wait a few more minutes, but we were taken out of the main line early to get my friend's ECV and my SD over to the other side of the track). To make you go back in the line is NOT a reasonable accommodation or equal access, which is required by law. If they try to do that with me when I'm there, they will hear about it (in a nice but firm way, of course - I'm not one of those complainers or rude ppl, just somebody standing up for my actual rights [not wants]).
I was on it again a couple of days ago and they had two accessable cars running. It appears that they have their procedure down to a science, as they loaded a person in a power chair ahead of me with plenty of time to have the ride vehcle dispatched before the nex accessible vehicle came into the special boarding area.

And the standby time was about 90 minutes. However, with two accessible vehicles running there was no long backup of people once you got to the special load area. Unlike when there was only one vehicle running.
Thanks for the update, CF! :thumbsup2 It's good to hear that the kinks (as in problems, not the band :rotfl:) are getting ironed out, now that everyone is more accustomed to the ride and loading system. Pretty much every project in the world goes through a stage like this, and it's impressive how quickly Disney is getting through it! Fingers crossed it will get even better, and even smoother as things carry on.
I was trawling round online today, and thought some of you might find this video interesting:


It's from the Disney press pages, and shows a sort of 'advert' for the ride, without a voice over (intended for news programs to use when reporting on the new ride). It has some fairly helpful shots of the cars moving and stationary, as well as showing the guns in action.

Hope this is of some help to someone! :thumbsup2
That's really good video since it's shot from 'outside' the ride car. All the other videos have been from people riding on it, so you could not really see that much about how the cars actually look and work.:thumbsup2
Great to hear the two accessible cars are running! I'm glad they've got it worked out and the line is not backed up.
That's really good video since it's shot from 'outside' the ride car. All the other videos have been from people riding on it, so you could not really see that much about how the cars actually look and work.:thumbsup2

Woohoo! Being a Disney geek finally pays off!! :rotfl:
I liked the video as it shows the rides in motion. It gives a better explanation about going around the corners for example. Big hugs and someday I hope to race you in WDW. :woohoo:

Psst, where do you get them decals for people your run over? I got to get some of them, lol.
I liked the video as it shows the rides in motion. It gives a better explanation about going around the corners for example.

Woohoo! My Disney geekery is on a roll with this one! :rotfl:

Big hugs and someday I hope to race you in WDW. :woohoo:

You're on! Last one to the big ugly Mickey hat buys the pins? :lmao:

Psst, where do you get them decals for people your run over? I got to get some of them, lol.

I don't bother with decals, you can't update them quick enough ;). I just go with putting a notch on my chair's frame. It's a shame really, I've almost scratched off all the paintwork. :rotfl:
I have just (yesterday) been on the DCA version of TSMM. The queue is almost 100% outside and no theming. The stairs are on the exit instead of the entrance side, and they do also have the special load/unload area with the special ride vehicles for people who can't do stairs.
My wife and I rode TSMM at DCA the first weekend after it opened twice (not planned, just happened that way). We thoroughly enjoyed the ride but not necessarily the experience of the attraction. (This is my first post, so forgive me for not knowing exactly how the threads work--but I'm learning.)

We loved the ride and highly recommend it. Our only complaint was that there was no separate accessible line. We didn't mind being in the regular line as it was fully accessible but once we got to the boarding area we were rerouted to the accessible loading area. We had another 20 minute wait after that since there were several parties ahead of us and there was only 1 car in service.

The first time I rode was with my wife in the accessible vehicle. The second time was in the 2nd vehicle. Even though I faced the opposite screen, I didn't really see any difference.

We didn't see any fastpass line at DCA.
Now to get me an ECV to put notches into. Hey Mike sorry about not getting to meet you this time. It is just hard for me to talk on the phone when I am slice pork and am late for dinner. Imagine a large old lady acting like a hungry 3 year old. Also honestly I always thought Mike was a girl, lol. All this time and who knew. I will keep wishing for a quick WDW trip next month before PI closes and Pocohantas closes as I never saw the show and it has been 10 years.

As for the video, people say their opinion but one person's insignificant bump is another person's "OMG get me the morphine" gigantic speed bump. I have no problems on raft rides but for some people who have back problems it is. I wish there were more videos like that one to show people how rides work. It might ruin the fun of seeing something the first time but I rather see the spoiler and not ride than ride and for the last half be in pain and hoping it would stop. I had that happen on Kilamanjaro Safari where the back row jarred so bad that for the last half I was braced and hoping for it to end.

OneSpark you are on, but I do have a lot of weight to slow me down. hmm, There has to be a place that soups up ECVs. I wonder what it would be like to be in an ECV at 30 mph. :rotfl: :woohoo: Rope Drop time would be fun to see me yelling "Eat my dust".:woohoo:
I'm planning our first family trip to WDW in Jan '09. My DS (4) has ASD. I'll be getting a GAC mainly because he will have a very difficult time waiting in long crowded lines. I'm also planning to use FP and other planning to make it so we'll never need to use it because the waits will be short enough for him to handle.

Then came the Toystory ride at HS. I know he'd love this ride. But it's new and I wasn't planning on being at HS early enough to get a FP. So... that leaves two options: 1) Change plans get do HS in the am one day or 2) Use the GAC to wait in an alternate area.

Has anyone done this yet for TSM? What was the waiting area like? It isn't the wait time so much as the crowds. If they just branch you off to the wheelchair line, that might be Ok if it's more wide open then the stand by line.

Or maybe by Jan the ride won't be so popular and it won't be an issue. :rotfl2:

The route to the disabled load/unload area is just before the staircase and really does not cut down on the loading time at all. Also, it is possible for it to take longer in the disabled load/unload zone than n the main line.

The queue is very well themed which may work to keep his attention.

Since it is that far out you may want to do some work on your schedule to do DHS first thing one morning. Also January does tend to be fairly slow.

One thing is there may be heavy crowds beginning January 24th since the Super Bowl is in Tampa on February 1st.
OneSpark you are on, but I do have a lot of weight to slow me down. hmm, There has to be a place that soups up ECVs. I wonder what it would be like to be in an ECV at 30 mph. :rotfl: :woohoo: Rope Drop time would be fun to see me yelling "Eat my dust".:woohoo:

Hey! You can't have a souped up ECV, that's cheating! My wheelchair doesn't even have a motor (unless you count the fella's legs :rotfl:)! Maybe if we started the race at the top of a hill; that way we could also total up a few more notches on our scoreboards! :lmao:

Isn't it lovely how the magic of Disney brings people together and brings out the best in them? ;) :rotfl:


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