We were "that" family

(Inspired by the "happiest place on earth" thread)

In case anyone missed them, I would like to share some memorable lines from our recent WDW vacation that probably had other people shaking their heads in wonder.

Will anyone else admit to being "THAT" family or was it just us??

:rotfl: Not only have we been "THAT" family. My kids are teenagers!! :scared1: Please tell me how a 16 year old can still whine like a 6 year old.

some classics:

"We never get to do what I want" quote from my youngest son AFTER
arriving at WDW to celebrate HIS birthday!

"Jordan got to buy what he wanted" quoted after being reminded that he spent all of his money in the Lego store the night before so we were not buying him a $100 football Jersey.

I've often wondered if choking the life out of my kids on space mtn would cause them to close the ride down. :headache:
OH we were that family once, I was the loud one, we were outside of Crystal Palace and I was trying to buckle dd age 15 months, into her stroller, and DH says, Hun those people want to take a picture, and I glared and said Well they are gonna have to wait until I buckle OUR daughter into the stroller so she doesn't fall out! Ooi vey dh was not happy with me and I got POd at him for requesting I move her before buckling her.
This is the best thread, thanks for the laughs

and we will so be one of those families, as when I get tired I get cranky.

We will so be that family in January when it will be DH, me, DS3, my parents and brother, and his parents and brother. If I don't utter a curse word or two, it'll will be a small miracle. I am alternately looking forward to and dreading this experience.
Well there was the time on our recent trip when we were trying to leave Hollywood Studios and the bus took over 20 min to arrive. It was hot as..well you know and we were all tired. We were heading back for naps and swim time. My 2yr old wanted up and then down and then up and then down (all said in a whinny voice) My older two were doing the "Mom her foot is in my space" which made the offender put her foot closer to her sister. Then the victim did it back. I was not patient and told them all to stop and not move or say a thing to the bus arrived. I also glared at my DH for not doing a thing to help.
Then we were that family outside of ASMu waiting again for a bus. I asked DH to get a map for Magic Kingdom. There were no maps outside where they usually were. So I told them they were inside by the concierge desk. So he goes in and comes out empty handed. Why? Because as usual he didn't listen to me. I said "Fine! I will get it myself because after all I have to do everything around here." In my defense I was PMSing and did get my unwelcome visit the next AM. The poor man behind me said "I'll make sure they hold the bus for you." It didn't matter since the bus still wasn't there when I came back with the map which was right where I told him it would be.
I now realize that most of my stress revolves around the bus not being timely-which didn't happen often but was darn annoying when it did. Next time I think we are renting a car.
Of yes, I was the one who uttered the four letter f word in Magic Kingdom, after a trying day. Hubby hadn't been interested in giving any input in the planning, even though he had been asked for months what he wanted to do, and all of a sudden, he starts making suggestions in the middle of our day at MK, and then 10 seconds later, he changes his mind, and then again, then 'or we could go here, or we could go all the way across the park to there'... So I threw my passporter book and plans at him and said the bad word, along with a long tirade of what he could do with his sudden ideas :rolleyes:

So sounds like my life:rotfl:

Hubby did the same thing at HWS, all the while complaining about having to pick up the rental car, yet that was his only obligation in preparing for the entire trip
We were that family too . . .

It was Sept 2006, and I was there with DD5, and my MIL :scared1:, and my DH's aunt. We were going into AK, they were riding ECV's, I was walking. As you all know it is about 200 degrees hotter in AK. I was hot, tired and really cranky. My MIL ran my foot over about a dozen times, and I got really mad. I yelled at her and told her if she ran my f ing foot over one more time I would drive that ECV over her and park it up her A. Well needless to say, she never ran my foot over again. I never talked to her, let alone anyone like that, expecially in the happiest place on earth. I felt so bad, it wasn't really loud so I don't think anyone heard, except her.

Then one day we went to Epcot and she bumped into me and said maybe we should see the park seperate, they would go one way and DD and I another.

I will never go on vacation with her again. This time it is just me and DD.:cheer2:

I must say I am laughing so hard at these.:rotfl:
We have been THAT FAMILY on so many trips that I can not even count...

Classic is my daughters first trip at around 2 1/2 we have reservations for lunch at Crystal Palace they can not find our ressie of course. I am mad a my DH and say just leave my daughter is in her stroller trying to get out to stand in the stroller and see the events at the Castle. The stroller flips I freak throw her in the stroller and say we are leaving. My DH says wonderful I am sure they have you on film...:eek:

Then last year during free dining will never go again. We are at MK at closing. There are not enough busses to get back. I have never seen so many people. We have both kids in the stroller my DH decides that he will do crowd control. He starts to yell everyone if your bus is at the left then move left and so on for the right. Well the kids ages 3 and 4 loved that..They kept saying daddy say that again. I wanted to crawl under a rock...:confused:

Oh yeah and for my 3 year old son to repeat to my husband in MK well Daddy your just and A**hole...Oh what joy...

Ok I better not say anymore...no more dirty :laundy:
From my 4 year old the first night: "Is August over yet?" (She had been calling Disneyworld "August" because during the pre-trip days we would always say we are going on vacation in August.)

She ended up having a great time, and towards the end she kept saying, "We'll go home in 100 minutes". Which I guess to a 4 year old is an eternity. :rotfl:

My DH and I didn't fight at all that I remember, but I remember I wanted to strangle him when he kept saying he wanted to eat at Coral Reef. Seriously, why didn't you mention this BEFORE NOW? Like I can get an ADR for 5 people there now. You are just going to go to LeCellier as planned and like it.

Oh, there was a point I told DH to go off and "do something" because he was grating on my nerves and I just wanted to be alone with the kids. I can't even remember why now.

All I have to say is..I LOVE Disneyworld, but right now (after a week of constant togetherness) I like my roomy house more!
We were that family in 2005 on the day after Christmas when DH decided that he would oversleep and make us late for our 9:05am CRT breakfast ressie. The ressie that I got up early to get on our 180th + 10 day. The ressie that DD-15 had wanted for 4 trips and I had been unable to get. The ressie that was the 1 meal I wanted, among the 10 days of meals I had diligently planned and worked to get ADRs for. The ressie that DH clearly didn't care about...

We "ran" through the MK that morning and made it to CRT at 9:25am. I was just about in tears, DD told DH that he had ruined the trip and she never wanted to travel with him again, and I told DH he could just go back to the (drop the bomb word) camper and spend the rest of our trip there because I didn't want to see him and I'd be happy to give away his @#$% ticket because he clearly didn't need to use it. Yep - we sure were THAT family!!

[Thank goodness for the CRT greeters - who calmly gave us another seating, who gave me a handful of "pixie dust" for better luck for the rest of the day, but who had to tell DD that the Fairy Godmother (who DD wanted to see more than any other character except Eeyore) wasn't there and then proceeded to get us an impossible-to-get ressie for 1900 Park Faire later in the week so that DD could see her. They were truly life-savers!!]
Well we are about to Be that family. So glad we are not the only ones. I am going to work very very hard to control my temper but I know we will have our challenges. One 3 year old who tends to throw tantrums (doesn't matter if she is tired or not) and has developed a terrible fear of costumed characters (since we booked our trip and our Free Dining ADR's). One husband who hates to fly and doesn't like rides or heat. One 17 month old baby, who actually is really good but is after all, 17 months old and wants to run and is not going to like waiting. One 5 year old who is, well, a 5 year old boy and is very loud, although come to think about it this may be a great place for that. One mom who has had to plan the whole thing, is the only one who knows anything about disney and will be completely relied upon for everything. Add in a single hotel room, lack of sleep and I know we will have some ugly moments. But I also know we will have a lot of great ones. If you see a crazy family with 2 little orange haired girls and one brown haired little boy thats us.
...and as we were getting ready to go to MNSSHP when a cast member called my daughter a beautiful princess (she was soooo proud of her dress) and my son corrected him saying, "No, she is a FAT princess!" :eek:

:rotfl: Not sure why this one left me laughing so hard, but it did. Probably because its EXACTLY what could happen in our family!!! :rolleyes:
Great thread! Last trip my dd, then 5, complained "all we've done here is ride rides, when am I going to get to PLAY!". Then later on the bus ride back to SSR, apparently older dd (then 8) must have PO'd her little sister who proceded to give her a huge slap upside the head. Lots of screaming, punishing, etc. I'm sure we were quite the talk of the bus.

I won't even get into later in the week when ds (then 2) manifested a nasty stomach bug all over MGM. (Uh, ma'am, you may not want to put your daughter right there for a picture, you are about to step in my son's puke....)
Sometimes I felt like the Beverly Hillbillies meet the Grand Floridian!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

oh this thread is making me LMBO!!!!
yes, I think we could have been "that family" on our last trip!
trying on hats at animal kingdom...........my ds " mama i like this one"
me........ " oh it looks cute"
dd........."no it doesn't he has a BIG head"


my ds has longer hair, he got called princess, my dd snapped at the poor CM........"he's a boy, can't you tell , he has on BOY clothes" as she rolls her eyes.
As you can probably guess from my siggy, we have our share of sibling fights. However, it was the weirdest thing - we went to WDW for 6 nights, and did the 3 night cruise, and they didn't even bicker ONCE! They held hands in the parks, hugged each other, used their gift cards to buy each other pins... However, the magic was over the minute we got home - the very instant! :rotfl2:
We were "that" family at least once a day... Between the heat, walking, having to wait to eat, not sleeping right I think it should be expected. All in all we had a great time...
I LOVE you all!!! :grouphug:

I feel so much better after reading that we are not the only ones!!!

"You will have fun or I will kill all of you." (me to 2 teen boys.)

"What the F*** are you doing" (dh to 8yo, after 8yo ran over dh's foot with stroller, very loud, very public AK pathway.)

"Shut up! you are being a loud a$$, and people can hear you!" (me to dh after he screamed at 8yo....I was quiet though.)

"Quit crying!!!" (to soaking wet 3yo in the rain.)

"Stand in this line or else!!!" (me to 15yo for not wanting to ride Snow white and/or Pooh.)

"I will kill him mom, I really will." (15yo re: 13 yo whining about lines.)

Yeah, we're THAT family...a lot like Rosanne's family...LOL (but true!)
I don't want to be THAT family - but I know we will be!!! I always refer to us as the Griswalds whenever we travel!

My boys fight and my daughter is a total wiseass with a big mouth (God I love that girl since she's just like me!!! LOL)

We don't go to Disney until October but I can tellyou a funny from her when we were in DC in April. She was 4 3/4 at the time and insisted on riding in a carriage or having DH carry her every where we went.

One morning at breakfast before we headed out for a trolley tour around DC - DH told her that we weren't taking the carriage and she would have to walk that day. She looked at him in all seriousness and in a her nice big loud voice said: "Dada, walking is for losers."

I thought the older couple at the table next to us were going to pee their pants.


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