January 2009. . . Calling all Snowbirds ~ Part II !!!

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Okay, my new Disney Snowbird friends. I need some prayers....

A bit of background....My mom had three heart attacks in March (she's 74). My younger sister and I flew out there at that time to be with her when she went into surgery for stints (my mom is in southern California, my younger sister and I in Indiana). We knew someone should be "with" her while she was in surgyer...See, she's remarried, but her husband is a royal jerk. He was not in the hospital during her surgery. If I can recall, he came in around 3 hours after she was out, and then only stayed with her about 15 minutes. That's a completely different story...

Fast forward to today. At the time mom's stints were put in, the doctors discovered and aortic aneurysm located in her abdomen. Since that time, it's grown. She has been cleared for surgery by her cardiologist, and had an appointment scheduled for next Friday to meet with her PCP and schedule the surgery to remove the aneurysm. I received a call a few hours ago from her - her doctor called her and the surgery has now been scheduled for Tuesday! I'm working through some things to try to figure out a way to be out there with her. It doesn't appear that any of my other siblings (there are 5 of us) will be able to make the trip (we're scattered all over the US). So, I just need prayers directed her way that this surgery is a success and that she recovers quickly. We know the recovery will be long - her doctor has warned her 6 months minimum with a home-health care nurse (he wanted her to go into assisted living). I hate that she's so far away from any family...I've tried to talk her into moving back here, and she's agreed, just is in no hurry to do so.

Thanks, my snowbird friends!!


Prayers and good thoughts to you and your family.:hug:

WooHoo! :woohoo: I passed through 500 posts and didn't even notice! PARTY! :cheer2: :banana: :yay: :cool1: :woohoo:

I'll join in the party for ya...better late than never, right!

:dance3: :cheer2: :banana:
Could someone pass me one of whatever Glo is drinking? I'm in need, too.

Do you remember a couple of weeks back that I told you about the jewelry store robbery that I witnessed?

WELL! Today, I was at work waiting for the kiddo that I was working with to show up and I learned that there was a bank robbery not far from where I was. The suspects led police on a high speed pursuit. They were shooting out of their car at the police before crashing. From there a HUGE man hunt took place to find them. One in custody, one dead and one at large, armed and dangerous. Not far at all from where I live. The robbery took place in the York area and the manhunt took place about 20 miles north where I live.

I think it's time for us to move :scared1: Seriously, though. We don't live in a high crime area at all. The nastiness must be moving north from York for some reason.

Traffic was a mess. It took me about an hour to get home, where it usually takes about half that time. I'm so glad my car has a GPS. Who knows where I would be right now :lmao:

Kim~So glad your kitty came back!

Maggied~ happy to hear that DD doesn't have a break. Sprains are nasty but should heal faster.

Dawn~Sending prayers your way for your mom. I hope her surgery is easy and the recovery is speedy!

UGH! I'm off to bed!
Yup! This girl is done in as well! Oh shoot, before I can actually get into my bed I need to clear it of all the junk that has accumulated there all day long! Our bed seems to be repository for EVERYTHING! :confused3 NightyNight! :cloud9:
Okay, my new Disney Snowbird friends. I need some prayers....

A bit of background....My mom had three heart attacks in March (she's 74). My younger sister and I flew out there at that time to be with her when she went into surgery for stints (my mom is in southern California, my younger sister and I in Indiana). We knew someone should be "with" her while she was in surgyer...See, she's remarried, but her husband is a royal jerk. He was not in the hospital during her surgery. If I can recall, he came in around 3 hours after she was out, and then only stayed with her about 15 minutes. That's a completely different story...

Fast forward to today. At the time mom's stints were put in, the doctors discovered and aortic aneurysm located in her abdomen. Since that time, it's grown. She has been cleared for surgery by her cardiologist, and had an appointment scheduled for next Friday to meet with her PCP and schedule the surgery to remove the aneurysm. I received a call a few hours ago from her - her doctor called her and the surgery has now been scheduled for Tuesday! I'm working through some things to try to figure out a way to be out there with her. It doesn't appear that any of my other siblings (there are 5 of us) will be able to make the trip (we're scattered all over the US). So, I just need prayers directed her way that this surgery is a success and that she recovers quickly. We know the recovery will be long - her doctor has warned her 6 months minimum with a home-health care nurse (he wanted her to go into assisted living). I hate that she's so far away from any family...I've tried to talk her into moving back here, and she's agreed, just is in no hurry to do so.

Thanks, my snowbird friends!!


I will keep your mother in my prayers. I hope that she has a speedy recovery.

I'm off to bed now too Snowbirds. If we decide to have a chatty weekend, we could definately be onto a new thread by Monday! I won't be around too much, but I will try to contribute as much as possible! Good night!
What a day!

Northern Disney Girl, I am glad your kitty came back and all is well.

To all other Snowbirds that are hurting right now, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. There are many hard times going around but I know we can all pull through. Thank goodness for our faith, and friends.:grouphug:

My bets are we can have a new thread by Monday.
To all of those that wish to see what that fried chocolate bar looks like, I will attempt to post the links here. Some you may have to scroll down to see. One person said it was a friend Snickers bar.




I hope these work and you can now see a picture of the fried chocolate bar. If you cannot see it from these links, my apologies, I am not the tech person in our household. Me with a computer, :badpc: .

This will be our first time with the DP. Back in 2006 we ate at Pecos Bills, which we loved and Columbia Harbour and had a bad experience. I was wondering if anyone has tried any of the following CS restaurants that we are now considering and have any insights you wish to tell me about them.


Casey's Corner-I have read their hot dogs are big and tasty
Cosmic Ray's-Has anyone had the 1/2 chicken and BBQ rib combo?
El Pirata Y el Perico- I thought it was attached with Pecos Bill, so does this mean it is closed too?
Main Street Bakery-Is it true that it is a good as it's reputation?
The Pinocchio Viiage Haus-What is really good there and where is the best seating?


Catina de San Angel-Do you think there is enough that picky children will eat here?
Electric Umbrella-Any thoughts on the food and where the best seats are?
Sunshine Seasons-Is the food as good as the other DISers say it is?
Yorkshire Country Fish Shop-Is it the best fish and chips you have ever had?


This is a hard one for our family as this is not our favorite park. Does anyone have any good CS suggestions for this park?

Pizza Planet-We have a DS that loves Buzz, should we stop and eat here or is not that themed inside? As well, how is the food?


Flame Tree BBQ-What are really good and tasty items to order from this CS?

Downtown Disney- We are now going to try Cooke's of Dublin, it sounds very interesting.

These are a few places we are thinking about.

One day we are resort hopping; does anyone have a great resort CS that might be a cannot miss?

Thank you in advance for any advice that can be given.

Hello Snowbirds,

I promise this will be my last post tonight. Sorry for all the questions but here is one more.

My workplace has photo memory cards on for a great price for a 1GB card. My thoughts were to buy now, one for each day of our stay. We are planning on purchasing the Photopass CD too. My thinking is that I can then label each card after use and we will then be free to take many nice regular photos and wacky photos too and not worry about missing photo opportunities due to saving the card for the whole vacation. My other worry is if we misplace the camera for whatever reason, I will not have lost all my photos up to that time.

We have contacted our camera company due to more memory cards coming out with higher GBs and they suggest the camera can only handle a 1GB card. We have tried 2GB, it works well, but the 1GB cards are much cheaper at my store and I receive a staff discount.

Does any Snowbirds have any suggestions on how many cards I should purchase, example, one for each day of stay, or should I save $$ and only purchase 5 cards and that should do a 13 day stay?

For the record, I am a shutterbug, and enjoy taking photos of the regular but also the off the beaten path photos too. I also hope to do a TR and post photos of the food too. My DH humors me, as he is the one that downloads and edits them. What a sweetheart I have for doing this for me.:love:

Thank you all again. I was quite chatty tonight.


P.S. I too am now past 50 posts, woo hoo. I can't wait until my 100th.:cool1: :cheer2: :jumping1:
Happy Saturday....haha yes I'm still up!:lmao:

Remmy: I use a 2 GB in my camera. It works fine. I have a Panasonic TZ5 (I think...;) ) I've had it for a few years now. Like I said, it works fine. It holds all my pictures, just like I want it to.

As far as how many to have...I have no idea! I travel with my laptop however and every night we all download our pictures (we will have 4 cameras on this trip with 5 people going:rotfl: ). My suggestion would be to do some research. How many pictures would your camera hold with the different memory cards. ( I found mine holds more if I changed a few of the settings )
Kimberly, I'm so happy to read that your kitty came back! I remember one of our cats got out and I was absolutely frantic! He came home about 2 hours later, totally freaked out by whatever he saw in the big, bad world. He never tried to escape again, so it must not have been a pleasant experience!:rotfl2:

So, how're my peeps doing? I am trying to figure out when I should print off the iron-ons for the t-shirts. I found clear iron ons here at Office Depot. I wonder if they have the dark ones? I've been looking at samples of the t-shirts people make, and I always prefer the look of the darker ironons. They seem more vibrant and the background color doesn't show through the design. What do you all think?

Good suggestion about wearing long sleeve t-shirts underneath the shortsleeve! I hadn't thought of that. THat's how my 9 year old dresses anyway, so he'll be happy!:lmao: Then their t-shirts will show up all around the park. I hope he doesn't rebel on wearing matching t-shirts. He's just now getting into the whole "That's not cool, Mama!" stage.:cool2:

Since we're flying, I'm not sure I need to buy so much to entertain the kdis for the trip. I think I'll make an activity book and have some kind of a special treat for each of them on the plane.

I'm also toying with the idea of giving the older 3 kids their own fanny pack that will contain their own personal junk. And a disposable camera for each of them, so they can snap some shots of the world at their leisure. I figure they could even carry a small autograph book in it. I refuse to become the packmule on this trip! I want to get a sling style backpack that we can keep basic supplies in. And we'll have a stroller too, so we can keep raincoats under the stroller.

I don't want to go back to the hotel during the day. I know...I know...it goes against all advice, but our days are almost all short. We have dinner reservations at 4:30 or 4:45pm and then we go back to our hotel. So, Id on't want to forget anything we might need. But I don't want to take too much either.

I love planning. But sometimes I overthink everything!:headache:

I've got an Arabic lesson today. Hope you all have a lovely day!:rotfl:
Morning Snowbirds.

I actually got to sleep in today until 8AM!! That's a miracle for me. I've not slept until 8 for ages . . . Ahhh, the joys of having a 4 year old.

I feel like I finally have our trip completely squared away now. We are going to take a rental car from the airport so that we can visit family then we will drop off in DTD. For the return trip, we hop aboard ME. It seems like a lot of work to get to my Happy Place, but it will be worth it.

I just want to give a quick shout out to the sports teams of the day:


We are . . . . PENN STATE!

Keeping my fingers crossded for wins all around today!
This will be our first time with the DP. Back in 2006 we ate at Pecos Bills, which we loved and Columbia Harbour and had a bad experience. I was wondering if anyone has tried any of the following CS restaurants that we are now considering and have any insights you wish to tell me about them.


Casey's Corner-I have read their hot dogs are big and tasty
Cosmic Ray's-Has anyone had the 1/2 chicken and BBQ rib combo?
El Pirata Y el Perico- I thought it was attached with Pecos Bill, so does this mean it is closed too?
Main Street Bakery-Is it true that it is a good as it's reputation?
The Pinocchio Viiage Haus-What is really good there and where is the best seating?


Catina de San Angel-Do you think there is enough that picky children will eat here?
Electric Umbrella-Any thoughts on the food and where the best seats are?
Sunshine Seasons-Is the food as good as the other DISers say it is?
Yorkshire Country Fish Shop-Is it the best fish and chips you have ever had?


This is a hard one for our family as this is not our favorite park. Does anyone have any good CS suggestions for this park?

Pizza Planet-We have a DS that loves Buzz, should we stop and eat here or is not that themed inside? As well, how is the food?


Flame Tree BBQ-What are really good and tasty items to order from this CS?

Downtown Disney- We are now going to try Cooke's of Dublin, it sounds very interesting.

These are a few places we are thinking about.

One day we are resort hopping; does anyone have a great resort CS that might be a cannot miss?

Thank you in advance for any advice that can be given.


I've not been to all, but can answer a few....

DHS - Pizza Planet. I was actually impressed with the pizza there. For a counter service credit, you get a side salad, personal pizza, dessert and drink. The themeing isn't bad - LOTS of video / arcade games:)

Epcot - Sunshine Seasons IS really good. There's a huge variety, too, so I'm sure everyone could find something to eat. I think I had a salad, hubby had fried chicken, I think, don't remember what MIL had, and DS had a chicken leg platter. For the littlier ones on the dining plan - a lot of different choices than at the normal places.

Sorry, that's all I can help with!
No one is around this morning...must be the saturday morning late sleepers. I wish! My kids were up at 7:45 which is not too bad. It is a gloomy day here in jersey....rainy.
My hubby went to his moms this morning. Her patio steps are falling apart so he is going to go over to fix them..He is a good boy;)

I am supposed to have a few friends over tonight to watch the phillies game but they are saying it may be cancelled due to weather. We'll see.

Onto more depressing news......I have small doubts that we should even take our January trip...:scared1: Hubby says we should just do it..but I feel a little crazy doing it with the economy the way it is and who knows how the country will be next year. We have already been twice this year. It seems slightly selfish...I don't know I am just thinking out loud. We have to decide by 45 days before which I guess is in November.
Good morning Snowbirds! :goodvibes Hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far. My kids were good to me and let me sleep in. Poor DH had to go into work very early this morning.
To all other Snowbirds that are hurting right now, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. There are many hard times going around but I know we can all pull through. Thank goodness for our faith, and friends.:grouphug:

Very nicely put Remmy. I was just going to say something similar after reading through the last couple of pages. We are all here for each other. We all met for a reason. I feel very blessed to have such a great support group. Our thoughts and prayers are going out to all those in need right now. :grouphug:
NDG - So glad to hear that your kitty came back! :goodvibes That is amazing. Your kids must be thrilled!

Peanut - As for the May wedding, that's a tough one. I probably wouldn't leave my kids on Mother's Day. But that's just me, I rarely leave the kids anytime! We got married the middle of May and never gave Mother's Day a thought. So now all of our anniversary trips include the kids because I can't leave them on Mother's Day! :upsidedow I guess you just don't give something like that a thought when you are planning your wedding and don't have any kids yet.
Okay, my new Disney Snowbird friends. I need some prayers....

A bit of background....My mom had three heart attacks in March (she's 74). My younger sister and I flew out there at that time to be with her when she went into surgery for stints (my mom is in southern California, my younger sister and I in Indiana). We knew someone should be "with" her while she was in surgyer...See, she's remarried, but her husband is a royal jerk. He was not in the hospital during her surgery. If I can recall, he came in around 3 hours after she was out, and then only stayed with her about 15 minutes. That's a completely different story...

Fast forward to today. At the time mom's stints were put in, the doctors discovered and aortic aneurysm located in her abdomen. Since that time, it's grown. She has been cleared for surgery by her cardiologist, and had an appointment scheduled for next Friday to meet with her PCP and schedule the surgery to remove the aneurysm. I received a call a few hours ago from her - her doctor called her and the surgery has now been scheduled for Tuesday! I'm working through some things to try to figure out a way to be out there with her. It doesn't appear that any of my other siblings (there are 5 of us) will be able to make the trip (we're scattered all over the US). So, I just need prayers directed her way that this surgery is a success and that she recovers quickly. We know the recovery will be long - her doctor has warned her 6 months minimum with a home-health care nurse (he wanted her to go into assisted living). I hate that she's so far away from any family...I've tried to talk her into moving back here, and she's agreed, just is in no hurry to do so.

Thanks, my snowbird friends!!


We are hoping and praying that everything turns out well for your mom. :hug: Please keep us posted.
Shelly..thanks for the input. My husband asked me last night "do you think your mom would have left you and your sibs when you were young on mothers day?" My answer was no...which pretty much mgave me my answer.
This will be our first time with the DP. Back in 2006 we ate at Pecos Bills, which we loved and Columbia Harbour and had a bad experience. I was wondering if anyone has tried any of the following CS restaurants that we are now considering and have any insights you wish to tell me about them.


Casey's Corner-I have read their hot dogs are big and tasty
Cosmic Ray's-Has anyone had the 1/2 chicken and BBQ rib combo?
El Pirata Y el Perico- I thought it was attached with Pecos Bill, so does this mean it is closed too?
Main Street Bakery-Is it true that it is a good as it's reputation?
The Pinocchio Viiage Haus-What is really good there and where is the best seating?


Catina de San Angel-Do you think there is enough that picky children will eat here?
Electric Umbrella-Any thoughts on the food and where the best seats are?
Sunshine Seasons-Is the food as good as the other DISers say it is?
Yorkshire Country Fish Shop-Is it the best fish and chips you have ever had?


This is a hard one for our family as this is not our favorite park. Does anyone have any good CS suggestions for this park?

Pizza Planet-We have a DS that loves Buzz, should we stop and eat here or is not that themed inside? As well, how is the food?


Flame Tree BBQ-What are really good and tasty items to order from this CS?

Downtown Disney- We are now going to try Cooke's of Dublin, it sounds very interesting.

These are a few places we are thinking about.

One day we are resort hopping; does anyone have a great resort CS that might be a cannot miss?

Thank you in advance for any advice that can be given.


Casey's Corner is always a must do for my family. DH loves the hot dogs and the kids love the mini-corndogs. I'm not much of a hot dog person, but I love the cheese sauce they have at the fixings bar. I think it's for the hot dogs, but I put it on my fries!

I have always heard that Cosmic Rays is very good, but we've never been there. Because we always go to Casey's! :rotfl:

We went to Electric Umbrella in May. Probably the best CS we have had at Epcot. We sat upstairs by the window and could see everything that was going on outside!

We didn't really care for Sunshine Seasons, but a lot of people like it.

We liked Pizza Planet. Haven't gone there since 2005, but it was good when we went.

For DTD we like Wolfgang Puck Express. But we might try Cooke's this time.
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