um...guys? The necessity of undies?


needs more kool-aid
Jan 31, 2006
If I send my boys to the parks in swim shorts so they can get wet on rides, pop jets, etc., all they want, do they need underwear to walk around all day? I know as a woman, underwear isn't a necessity since it, um, doesn't hold anything in place. :rotfl: But will my boys be uncomfortable without it?
I know my husband always wears undies with his swim shorts. He says otherwise he chaeffs (sp) really bad:confused3
If they are too little to give a good answer, or too old to do anything but "aww mommmmm" you when you ask, I'd just let them figure it out, and have some unders and another set of shorts for each of them in your backpack. :)
If I send my boys to the parks in swim shorts so they can wet all they want, do they need underwear to walk around all day? I know as a woman, underwear isn't a necessity since it, um, doesn't hold anything in place. :rotfl: But will my boys be uncomfortable without it?

I'm just guessing here; but you might want to reword the beginning of your post, I'm hoping that they "wet" in the restroom...:rotfl2:
If I send my boys to the parks in swim shorts so they can wet all they want, do they need underwear to walk around all day? I know as a woman, underwear isn't a necessity since it, um, doesn't hold anything in place. :rotfl: But will my boys be uncomfortable without it?

I think it would be fine for a day, but not more than a day. From working with kids in the past, it's always a good idea to NOT let the kids go around in swim trunks all day, multiple days in a row. They will get a rash if you just let them "dry out" several days in a row.
Yeah, I would think that the mesh lining in those bating suits will eventually rub things raw down there, and not be very comfy for them.
Yeah, I would think that the mesh lining in those bating suits will eventually rub things raw down there, and not be very comfy for them.

Yes it will. I wore my bathing suit all day at IOA knowing we'd be riding a lot of water rides. I had to walk bowlegged for all of the next day. Luckily I had packed some Goldbond's medicated powder so I was fine the day after. Sorry for too much info. :goodvibes
I HATE soggy boxers, so when I know I'll be getting wet on rides I usually wear my Columbia water/hiking shorts which have a mesh lining. I apply Body Glide a couple times during the day and I'm just fine.
Like the PP, I wear quick dry shorts and shirt that I usually wear canoeing. Mesh lining works well without chafing. Body glide is a good idea also.
:rotfl2: Well Since I am a boy I will answer,:scratchin

:hourglass :beach: Normally when I am done in the pool I cannot walk around wet for that long. ::yes:: :hourglass With swim trunks this is worse. Yes, it does rub "Down There". Normally on the sides but it HURTS the next day.

Well there is a non descript answer.:crazy2: (PM me if you want a detailed one:) )

LOL I would say wear the undies just to be safe.
Mom said it best.. "Always wear clean underwear in case of an accident."

Moving this thread to ThemeParks Community.
If you don't have underwear, there is a bigger chance of becoming exposed if you sit the wrong way.
My son is 16 now so he takes care of himself but when he was younger and we would go to sea world for the day to play in the water park I would carry around a FEW pairs of dry undies for him so that when we dried out and wanted to walk around he could put em on and be comfy..... like his Dad. Dad carried his own dern underoos tyvm.

DO NOT forget your ziplocks! Those things are vaca savers ;)

HAH I just thought of something, if my son knew I was openly talking about his twig n dingle berries he'd KILL me!
Adidas Swim Shorts have a proper underpants style lining rather than mesh and therefore don't chaf as much as the mesh ones do.
OK, so last night I was kinda embarrassed thinking this was a stupid question, but the kids had overtaken the computer and I couldn't back on to delete it. :blush: But this has turned out very helpful. 10 days wearing swim trunks sans undies = not a good idea.
I'm just guessing here; but you might want to reword the beginning of your post, I'm hoping that they "wet" in the restroom...:rotfl2:

oops! at their age they better not be free tinkling all over the Magic Kingdom. :rotfl:

Adidas Swim Shorts have a proper underpants style lining rather than mesh and therefore don't chaf as much as the mesh ones do.

Thanks! I'll look into those. Taking extra dry undies will work, too, except you know I'm going to end up carrying them.

Um... It's more of a necessity than you might think.

Just an FYI there.

Buzz...ewww! I don't even wanna go there! :upsidedow


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