Girls Only Disneyland Trip - Old Thread

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Where's the blushing smilie when you need it....:rotfl: Yep it was my tree that was held against its will behind a gate.

Sorry I haven't been on much lately. Life has been hectic lately. I am so in need of this vacation. March needs to hurry up!!!

No, that's not what I meant silly. I just meant you are more Wendylady than WendyGirl is all.:goodvibes

Yep, I'm a lady all right! ...unless of course I've been drinking. (I hope Auntie Mel didn't read that :rolleyes1 )
Where's the blushing smilie when you need it....:rotfl: Yep it was my tree that was held against its will behind a gate.

Sorry I haven't been on much lately. Life has been hectic lately. I am so in need of this vacation. March needs to hurry up!!!


Was your tree ever given parole?

And yes......March needs to hurry up and get here.
I never heard that before and I know one of the marketing guys from Grey Goose. Are you pulling our legs?

If so, then the guy that works for Kirkland is pulling mine! But I'm inclined to believe him. Even if boys suck.
Congratulations on the new car! :car:

Fun fact: Did you know the Kirkland brand vodka is really Gray Goose?

That is a good fact to know--I wonder what brand the other "house Costco" brands really are? I actually gave up buying Starbucks ground coffee and buy the Kirkland brand--it is great. and cheap! Sigh--I want to go to Costco--I wish they didn't close so early. (plus I need coffee filters!) I am also bringing at least one bottle of the Banfi Rosa Regale (I think Linda is too). It's to die for.

Sarah :thumbsup2 on the new car.

Molly: when you get a chance, let's think about a name with Sarah--and Dawn--does your Mom have any ideas? Feel free to pm us.

Oh, and as an aside, after an afternoon/evening yesterday of cookie making with a 6-year old and a 2 year old :scared1: I am still picking cookie dough out of the grooves of my dark wood floor in my kitchen . . . . .

Congrats on your new car!! How fun!!

So did you take pictures of your cake?

Yes, I have taken pictures of all the cakes...I will try to post them if I ever get a chance to be on at home!

No, we will work on it together--as a team--just like in the game!!!!


Okey dokey, I will start thinking and am looking forward to working on it with you! And according to one of the ladies here I am "intelligent" so who knows, anything could happen!

Hey, does anyone know why Billy Hill and the Hillbillies isn't on the schedule after Feb. 23? I am really wanting to see that show this time as I have never seen it before but it is not listed on the schedule! Please tell me it will be running while we are there! I don't see it on the closed list, but I know they are doing some construction in that area!

I should probably leave it up to Molly and Cheryl to determine our scavenger hunt group name. I ran one past Cheryl but lets just say it was a dud! Oh well. I know they will think of something great!


Oh gosh don't ask me right contribution would be something like "cough cough hack hack oh gawd I don't wanna hurl again". :headache:

So I bought a new car on Thursday...It is a red Hyundai Elantra 2008. My DH picked the color since he will be the one driving it. I feel really good about the deal we got and since we paid off my car the morning we bought the new car, our car payments will actually go down!

Lucky! Hubby absolutely loves Hyundai as a company, and from his car dealership service department days, he knows that they are very safe, too. And there's the Korean thing. :)

We're still upside down in a boat of a car, with a horrible loan...we were totally desperate and let the dealership get us the loan, and you do not want to know the interest we're paying. Our goal is to pay extra to the principal/principle? until we get at least even with its value, and just end up even and start a better loan with a new car...sigh. It's really really bad when you turn in a leased car, then just after you've finished paying off all the lease end stuff, your now only-car loses its brakes while hubby is driving it down a hill....:eek:

Hey, does anyone know, so that hubby is prepared for what he might witness while helping his mother tomorrow, what is involved in the "right before a colonscopy" stuff? Hubby has to take MIL tomorrow and we were thinking that he wouldn't see anything weird as she is gotten ready and taken away, but Kelly's surgery prep thing has freaked me out. Hubby has NO interest in seeing his mom swabbing herself, but since there's a language barrier he'll need to stay as long as they might be telling her things, b/c otherwise she won't understand.

So any head's up you'd like to give hubby?

Poor dude has to stop by the drugstore to get a face mask, so he doesn't spread his dread disease to his mom or anyone else...IMO he should have had her cancel it, but he didn't think to do that, being worried about me during those days...have I mentioned that I've been really super-sick? When I get sick I do it right!
Thanks for the congrats on the car! In 2004 we bought my car and my dh got the old one. He has been putting up with that one for a long time now without complaining and I know he is really excited to have this one to drive. It also makes me feel so much safer when he has to drive the kids around!

Oh gosh don't ask me right contribution would be something like "cough cough hack hack oh gawd I don't wanna hurl again". :headache:


Lucky! Hubby absolutely loves Hyundai as a company, and from his car dealership service department days, he knows that they are very safe, too. And there's the Korean thing. :)


We're still upside down in a boat of a car, with a horrible loan...we were totally desperate and let the dealership get us the loan, and you do not want to know the interest we're paying. Our goal is to pay extra to the principal until we get at least even with its value, and just end up even and start a better loan with a new car...sigh. It's really really bad when you turn in a leased car, then just after you've finished paying off all the lease end stuff, your now only-car loses its brakes while hubby is driving it down a hill....:eek:

Hey, does anyone know, so that hubby is prepared for what he might witness while helping his mother tomorrow, what is involved in the "right before a colonscopy" stuff? Hubby has to take MIL tomorrow and we were thinking that he wouldn't see anything weird as she is gotten ready and taken away, but Kelly's surgery prep thing has freaked me out. Hubby has NO interest in seeing his mom swabbing herself, but since there's a language barrier he'll need to stay as long as they might be telling her things, b/c otherwise she won't understand.

So any head's up you'd like to give hubby?

Poor dude has to stop by the drugstore to get a face mask, so he doesn't spread his dread disease to his mom or anyone else...IMO he should have had her cancel it, but he didn't think to do that, being worried about me during those days...have I mentioned that I've been really super-sick? When I get sick I do it right!


Good luck to dh! and his mother!
The tour should only take an hour to an hour and a half--should be plenty of time to get to BB.

Good to know.

Fun fact: Did you know the Kirkland brand vodka is really Gray Goose?


I wonder if Bavaria from the Transportation forum would know. She knows *everything*. She knows that the Trader Joes brands of chocolates and jellies are actually quite high-end European brands that cost much more when they have their own label on...

Yep it was my tree that was held against its will behind a gate.

Post it again, please!!!!!

Or I'll cough on you.:upsidedow
Oh gosh don't ask me right contribution would be something like "cough cough hack hack oh gawd I don't wanna hurl again". :headache:

:rotfl2: Ok, seriously, every time I read that I start laughing so hard the people here at work are looking at me funny!
That is a good fact to know--I wonder what brand the other "house Costco" brands really are? I actually gave up buying Starbucks ground coffee and buy the Kirkland brand--it is great. and cheap! Sigh--I want to go to Costco--I wish they didn't close so early. (plus I need coffee filters!) I am also bringing at least one bottle of the Banfi Rosa Regale (I think Linda is too). It's to die for.

I hate thinking that I am paying much more for a label. Never tried the Kirkland brand so I am not sure how it tastes. I just know Grey Goose is delish. Damn labels.
Oh gosh don't ask me right contribution would be something like "cough cough hack hack oh gawd I don't wanna hurl again". :headache:

Lucky! Hubby absolutely loves Hyundai as a company, and from his car dealership service department days, he knows that they are very safe, too. And there's the Korean thing. :)

We're still upside down in a boat of a car, with a horrible loan...we were totally desperate and let the dealership get us the loan, and you do not want to know the interest we're paying. Our goal is to pay extra to the principal/principle? until we get at least even with its value, and just end up even and start a better loan with a new car...sigh. It's really really bad when you turn in a leased car, then just after you've finished paying off all the lease end stuff, your now only-car loses its brakes while hubby is driving it down a hill....:eek:

Hey, does anyone know, so that hubby is prepared for what he might witness while helping his mother tomorrow, what is involved in the "right before a colonscopy" stuff? Hubby has to take MIL tomorrow and we were thinking that he wouldn't see anything weird as she is gotten ready and taken away, but Kelly's surgery prep thing has freaked me out. Hubby has NO interest in seeing his mom swabbing herself, but since there's a language barrier he'll need to stay as long as they might be telling her things, b/c otherwise she won't understand.

So any head's up you'd like to give hubby?

Poor dude has to stop by the drugstore to get a face mask, so he doesn't spread his dread disease to his mom or anyone else...IMO he should have had her cancel it, but he didn't think to do that, being worried about me during those days...have I mentioned that I've been really super-sick? When I get sick I do it right!

being one of the (clearing throat) more senior members of our group and having recently personally having undergone the dreaded colonscopy, I think that you DH will be just fine. Most of the "personal" stuff will ahve been done today (hopefully) and your MIL will have spent the day in the bathroom (I hope). The most he will see tomorrow is them inserting an IV. I wasn't even awake when they did the swabbing and whatsuch. And it doesn't take very long--15-30 minutes tops. And they give you lovely color-coded pictures of your insides--suitable for framing.
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