Animal Crossing Issues...

Oh Lisa - I'm so sorry - that was me last year - out of work. Now I have too much going on. How does that happen. Keep your spirits up and let me know if you want to talk. I've been there.
I'm sorry about you losing your job. Trying to find a new job in this market stinks. I hope you find a new one soon:hug:

Oh Lisa - I'm so sorry - that was me last year - out of work. Now I have too much going on. How does that happen. Keep your spirits up and let me know if you want to talk. I've been there.

Thank you both. I am devistated only because it has been like my family for 21 years. There are a few positives though. I will be able to spend the summer with Matt and not have to send him to camp (lots of AC time!!!:cool1:) and our Community College offers free tuition for laid-off county residents so I am going to look into that. There is actually a meeting on Monday that I have to attend. I have NO idea what kind of classes I would even want to take. So for that I am totally :scared1: at the thought of it.

But thanks again so much!:grouphug:
Forgot to write....our morning turnip prices are 177. We will be heading out around 11:00 am (EST time) and can leave our gate open if you need to sell. Not sure what our afternoon prices will be but feel free to check it out. If you need our info, just send a PM!!!

Forgot to write....our morning turnip prices are 177. We will be heading out around 11:00 am (EST time) and can leave our gate open if you need to sell. Not sure what our afternoon prices will be but feel free to check it out. If you need our info, just send a PM!!!


Can I come visit you? I have no turnips but I'm desperate for foreign fruit and it's not often I'm online :lmao:

K has anyone that has tried to visit other towns recently received an error message stating that the person may have disconnected from game or removed from friend list?? The last time I tried to visit Nancy, I received that message and now Luke just got it for us. We are still on but totally confused about that!:confused3

Also, is there a limit to how many people you can have on your list to send mail to? I only have 5 and I am trying to send to Luke and even though I entered his FC info, I can't send him a letter. The man needs fruit!!!!! Am I doing something wrong?? I have 3 AC Disers on my list and my two neices.

Hey Lisa.

We haven't played in over 3 or 4 weeks. So busy!!!! We can't even remember when to set our wii for to go back! I'll have to verify that I have your friend codes still in place. I maxed out my number of friend slots, so you should be in there still.

If Luke managed to get to you and actually visit your town, then you can mail him stuff. If not, then it won't work.
Hey Lisa.

We haven't played in over 3 or 4 weeks. So busy!!!! We can't even remember when to set our wii for to go back! I'll have to verify that I have your friend codes still in place. I maxed out my number of friend slots, so you should be in there still.

If Luke managed to get to you and actually visit your town, then you can mail him stuff. If not, then it won't work.

:scared1::scared1::scared1: 3-4 WEEKS??? Holy crow! your gates girl, I can take care of weeding and watering seeing as I have nothing else going on!!! :rolleyes1

We lost a neighbor yesterday so we had to run around and move our flowers...Matt went to check our grade....D:scared1: So we have our work cut out for us tomorrow when he is off.

Let us know if we are still on your list (Matt will be crushed if he knew we got bumped from Gusitown!!!:guilty:
Don't worry Lisa. Ian will hack Gusitown and all will be fine. :banana::banana:
:scared1::scared1::scared1: 3-4 WEEKS??? Holy crow! your gates girl, I can take care of weeding and watering seeing as I have nothing else going on!!! :rolleyes1

We lost a neighbor yesterday so we had to run around and move our flowers...Matt went to check our grade....D:scared1: So we have our work cut out for us tomorrow when he is off.

Let us know if we are still on your list (Matt will be crushed if he knew we got bumped from Gusitown!!!:guilty:

Hi Lisa! I'm sooo sorry to hear about your job ):

We're still catching up from the cruise (I have vacation brain drain and "airplane ear") and had to do some real weeding yesterday in the real world.

But returning to AC is working out fine. We went back to May 8th (a day it was raining) and we're progressing forward a day at a time (but we're making them 12 hour days so we can really catch up). Imagine my joy today (Mother's Day in AC), not only did I get a carnation - but - it was raining again!!

We're still catching up on our reality tv - we'll be watching the Survivor finale tonight, then maybe we'll be up to visiting and hosting visitors. Meanwhile, our hybrids are still safe and sound in our houses!!

Oh yeah, and the cruise was fun too - we're hoping to get to play AC with Becks and Gav from the UK and Yvett and Emiel from the Netherlands (when Yvett gets her Wii speak).

I'm excited to hear that the carnations get hybrids too!!

Hi Lisa! I'm sooo sorry to hear about your job ):

We're still catching up from the cruise (I have vacation brain drain and "airplane ear") and had to do some real weeding yesterday in the real world.

But returning to AC is working out fine. We went back to May 8th (a day it was raining) and we're progressing forward a day at a time (but we're making them 12 hour days so we can really catch up). Imagine my joy today (Mother's Day in AC), not only did I get a carnation - but - it was raining again!!

We're still catching up on our reality tv - we'll be watching the Survivor finale tonight, then maybe we'll be up to visiting and hosting visitors. Meanwhile, our hybrids are still safe and sound in our houses!!

Oh yeah, and the cruise was fun too - we're hoping to get to play AC with Becks and Gav from the UK and Yvett and Emiel from the Netherlands (when Yvett gets her Wii speak).

I'm excited to hear that the carnations get hybrids too!!


Thanks Lois. I am still trying to figure out "what next" and let me tell is a strange feeling when you have only had one job that lasted 21 years!

I am glad that all is well in AC. We now have a 4th carnation from the 3 we got on Mother's Day!:goodvibes

Enjoy your TV catch up. We have a bunch of Prison Break and tonight is 24 season finale.:sad1: Not ready for those to end!!! Oh and DWTS is on tonight and then AI...seems like next week we are in for som crap TV until Big Brother starts up in July!:thumbsup2
Please somebody tell me you'll be playing on Friday or Saturday night. My hubby got me a much-wanted and much-requested gift for our Anniversary today...a WiiSpeak!!! Woohoo! No more pointing and clicking! I'm so excited to try it out. :cool1:

Hello Renee!! I can play!! It'll probably be Christmas in my town still. I'm sure Melissa might show up. Melissa?! Okay Nance, how bout making time for your old forgotten friends??? Aren't you dying to hear Renee's voice?
Please somebody tell me you'll be playing on Friday or Saturday night. My hubby got me a much-wanted and much-requested gift for our Anniversary today...a WiiSpeak!!! Woohoo! No more pointing and clicking! I'm so excited to try it out. :cool1:


Congratulations Renee!!! I am not sure if will be on Friday night. We are going to visit friends in Pittsburgh this weekend and have to pack PLUS my husband and son (okay...and me too!!) have become addicted to Phillies baseball and there is a televised game on Friday night so I have a feeling that may win over AC. :eek: But hope to meet up soon!!!!
Hello Renee!! I can play!! It'll probably be Christmas in my town still. I'm sure Melissa might show up. Melissa?! Okay Nance, how bout making time for your old forgotten friends??? Aren't you dying to hear Renee's voice?

I will try to make it. Do I have to bring outfit changes????

Thanks Jan for the AC are too cool. I have been trying to fix up the outside of my house for an appraisal and haven't been on AC for most of the week. I sure hope it is raining on some days.
So shall we set a play date for tomorrow night? Does that work for everyone? I have to work until 6:00pm, then do dinner, etc. If it's nice out my kids will probably have me outside until the sun goes, around 8:00/9:00pm EST? Let me know! :goodvibes

8:00 pm sounds good. I will try to make it. If you are going to Jan's bring some extra outfits, hats, glasses, etc. You have to dress differently for Jingle the reindeer to give you presents. If he recognizes you, then he won't give you another present. It is a lot of fun. Jan and I played a few weeks ago but with more than two people it will be easier to find the reindeer.
Okay guys - I'm here. Ian and I are working on bringing the town to the current date - an arduous process, even for hackers.

We would love to come tomorrow. We've been so busy!

BTW - Melissa - meant to tell you I love your logo shirt. Rolf would be so pleased - if he still lives in our town.... I have to check that tonight....
8:00 pm sounds good. I will try to make it. If you are going to Jan's bring some extra outfits, hats, glasses, etc. You have to dress differently for Jingle the reindeer to give you presents. If he recognizes you, then he won't give you another present. It is a lot of fun. Jan and I played a few weeks ago but with more than two people it will be easier to find the reindeer.

Can I come??? My character Lovely just got a new outfit and she'd like to show it off. I have to send you her info (I've got to write this stuff down somewhere, like in my datebook).



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