MMMM So Good! Trip Report #2, Jon turns 39, again!

LOTS of that goin' around and sorry, no pictures. You have to use your imagination. That will come in handy when you get to the part about...well, you can just imagine! :rolleyes1
If his birthday was on day three, why was he wearing a Birthday buttton on day two? :confused3

Hmmm were you scamming the system? :rotfl2:

Hell I would!

He got it at check in on the 1st day and I made him wear it all the days we were there! Jon didn't want to wear it and I said, "Dang it, wear it....!!!"

Later in the week, Jon said that he was going to wear again when we go in September! :lmao:

If I could stay anywhere at Disney I would first stay at The Contemporary cause it personifies my childhood ideal of Disney World; then I would stay at The Boardwalk because that area is so picturesque. :cloud9:

But Jeff I must say that flirting with the ladies to score Fastpasses is so mean...did Wally teach you that?

Im there with ya girl! I remember the Comtemporary being advertised on Sunday nights during The Worderful World of Disney TV thingie....

Well, I wouldn't call it flirting, really, I think she was just happy to assit some guests that were not yelling at her. ;) There were other folks in there yelling and screaming b/c something was not right.....I actually took some pics of the counter space they used in that area to share with my co-workers b/c we are suppose to be getting a new building at my work and we needed some ideas......

Awwww, Wally's not feeling the love today.... :love:

Oh, Wally....I luv always make me crack up!

Sorry your already back at work. :sad1: But OHHHH am I loving this TR!!! Isn't it great when your minding your own business and a CM just does something special like the free fast passes?? Just a little pixie dust here and there...:wizard:

Im glad you are loving it and I can't wait to start reading yours...;)

It was a nice suprise! We were loving the pin book and she actually let us trade more than 4! She was stricken with my gay southern charm...;)

Well I'm feeling warmth that's for sure.

I love it when you give us a visual aid! LOL!

Did you pee in the pool again? :flower3: *hugs

Clear the pool everyone!


July 9th, Thursday

Hey Everybody! Before I start this portion, I just want explain something. Rainy, gloomy weather does not set well for Jon. As for me, I rather just crawl back under the covers and not leave the house at all. We all know that is true to say the weather affects everyone moods and today verified that.....

Now, onto the big day, Jon turns 40 today!

I woke up about 9am which is late for us. It was nice sleeping in after an eventful day at DHS. I hopped out of bed and began to sing the Happy Birthday Day Song to Jon (without the Cha Cha Cha thingie, I hate that!) Anyway, Jon wakes up and says "Okay, its raining outside, my head is so stopped up and I'm not feelin' it this morning...." I went to the window and opened the curtains. And indeed it was raining, dark and so gloomy. I was thinking to myself, oh no! :scared1:

It's one thing to wake up and the sun is shining, but its another when you actually wake up to dark clouds and down pouring of rain. I refused to let us down!

I headed to the bathroom and started getting ready for our day. I had planned this day for breakfast somewhere at Epcot and visit the World Showcase, Jon loves the countries, esp. Japan. So, I thought that would be a good choice.....

While I was getting ready for the day, I kept hearing Mr. Birthday Boy in the sitting area of our room and the wrost mood ever. was setting in.....

"We are in the Sunshine State and look at all the Sunshine today...yeehaw!"

"Out of all the days..why rain today??"

"My shoulders and neck are not feeling the best today!"

And the grumpy comments just went on and on....

Jon is not a I told you before, the nasty weather is to blame for this....:confused:

So, I head over to him with toothpaste in my mouth and toothbursh in hand,and I'm fresh out of the shower.....and I get on my soap box.....

"Look here, Mr. Chuckwagon (I don't know why I called him that, I guess I was in "Wilderness Lodge Mode") is your birthday and we are going to celebrate you entering a new decade, rain or shine, we are going to have fun and you will enjoy yourself....We are at Disney and we are staying at the Wilderness Lodge and we WILL have a great time today. Now get ready so I feed you breakfast and get some coffee in you!!!!"

I refused to let the weather ruin his birthday.

Jon went back to bed and I continued to get ready for the day. I was almost ready and Jon came over to the bathroom mirror while I was finishing up, and his lips were pooched out. He said, "Im sorry!" I told him he was fine....we shouldn't really let this weather get him all grumpy. I assured him it would pass. We will go to Breakfast and get some coffee and everything will be fine!

I was ready and Jon had just hopped in the shower. I was watching the channel on the TV where they show this Stacy girl (or was it Susan? :confused3) going around to the different parts of WDW and tells about the must do's.
Jon was talking to me while he was getting ready......

"I rather just hang out here if it's gonna be like this all day...or we can go to DTD. No parks today!!!"

Yeah, right.

So we headed out to the elevators and Jon said that he refused to have breakfast at a quick service location. He wanted to be "waited on" and have a nice breakfast and a good cup of coffee. Well, I am sure that all the sit down table services were booked and it was getting too late for breakfast. We went to the lobby and I was reminded that we have a full service restuarant right in our lobby at WL....


Whispering Canyon can cure the blues! We had an ADR here for the next night, so I thought it would be cool to do a sort of a preview and see what it was like. I counted 4 families when we saw the dining area from the lobby. They were not busy at all.....

Seems like everything will work out good. WCC can put a smile on our faces!!!

We walk up to the check in counter and ask if we could be seated. The host said, "Well...I gotta go clean up a table so you are just gonna have to wait..." I said thank you. Jon did not like his tone and I was just thinking he was in character. I just smiled at Jon,while he was standing over by the Lincoln Logs in the waiting area. Jon says, "I hope he doesn't wait on us...." I said he was the host and he probably wouldn't. So, I begin to play with the Lincoln Logs. "Didn't you have these when you were a kid?" Jon just sort of smirked and by that time, we were called to be seated.

The restuarant was just about empty. Breakfast time was just about over, it was about 1030ish. We notice that one of the staff members was in character. She was in her WCC mode and was laughing and cuttin' up with other guests. I had hoped that she would be our server and hopefully she would cheer us all up.


Instead we get this other waitress. I would describe her as "Charm Free." I think she had just been experiencing a bad morning too. Everyone working in the restuarant, except for the one of the ladies, were in the worst moods. Just what we needed!

I will say this and leave the rest unsaid. I hate to focus on the negative....

The Food was really good. As for the service..... Very Very Very :sad2:

Here is what we ordered....

I had this....


A true southern delight and it was very good. I love me some BnG! You get 3 biscuits and container of hearty sausage gravy...mmmmmmm so good!

Jon had this...


Western Omlet with potatoes and biscuit. Jon said it was good. He also got his coffee fix too! So, everyone was feeling better since tummies were full.

So, the check comes, again, I refuse to go on about the service here and it was bad. We decided to pay out of pocket since it was under $20. To be exact, the bill was $16.37. Even with the bad service, we were fair with the tip. At first, I placed $40 (2 $20 bills) in the check holder thingie. It took her forever to come get the check and money. I kindly asked for change so that I could tip. She returned seconds later and there was no change. Jon called it to her attention and she just sort of rolled her eyes at us.....

And I will stop there....Honestly, I hate reporting on bad service......

I can tell you that we both enjoyed watching the other happy waitress entertain the other families that were there. They did the hokey pokey and did the "I need Ketchup!" thingie and it was fun to watch the kids playing around with this other waitress. And the food was really good here....

We leave and Jon was feeling better. He mentioned the weather was really working everyone this morning and he felt better now with coffee and a nice breakfast.

We made a rest stop and Jon headed to the WL's pin cart and I told him that I would meet him there, I needed to go "change my socks" back in the room....really, I headed over to the Concierge Desk to see if they could help me with something I saw on the Disney Florist Website. I was hoping to place a order for this cute Mickey Chocolate Birthday thingie and I just knew one of the ladies at this counter could help me. I went over to the counter with credit card in hand ready to order something for Jon to be delivered to our room. I asked the CM what I was looking for and she just sort of nodded her head and said....

"Well, all that stuff is really expensive and you will just might as well go next door to the retail store and buy something there."

Was she being lazy and not wanting to help me or was she really trying to save me some money???

I said, "Oh okay, so do they gift wrap? Will they deliver it to the room later today??"

She just looked at me like I was crazy and I explained again what I was looking for...she had no clue what was going on. I just said to her..."Okay...never mind!" And I left....

I went back to the restroom to see if I had a booger hanging out of my nose b/c no one waited to help me spread a little birthday joy....

I caught up with Jon at the pin cart. He was feeling a lot better by this time and he had found some good trades with the CM there at the pin cart. He also chit chatted with the DVC rep there about pins.

We walked outside and headed out to the pool area to survey the weather. It was starting to let up and the sun was wanting to shine. As we were walking outside, Jon noticed that I was not happy. I told him that I was fine nothing was wrong. I couldn't really say this lady just a second ago did not want to help me order a little surprise for you.....

With all this that happened put aside, I told Jon let's go jump on the boat. "Don't we need to get on the bus to Epcot?" I said, "No, we need a little magic...let's go to Magic Kingdom!!! :banana::banana::banana:

So plans change and we go to the boat launch...


He started to smile... :) Weather was getting better....

In no time, our boat came...


So much better than riding a bus...


I wonder if EQ will let us stay with him in April????


We were feeling better already!!!! ;) It was going to be another "Magical Day!"

After we left the boat, Jon said it was time for us to make the big leap. So, we took our tickets and upgraded to APs! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: We got a great deal with the card that Ms. Jenn sent us! Thank you Jenn! :hug:


I don't know what it is about the MK, but I was HAPPY that we decided to come here instead of the city of the future. We were feeling SO much better coming up Main Street!

Right when we entered and using our APs for the 1st time, The Celebrate Parade just started. Let me tell you, we couldn't asked for anything more special. At this point, I had stopped taking pictures and started video taping the parade. It was just awesome! The parade couldn't have started at a better time.....

The music or song "It's the time of your life....da da da da da la da...." was playing. Mickey and freinds were dancing to the beat of the was just so had to be there to "feel it." There was a french lady that stood near us and she was screaming "La Per-Rod! La Per-Rod!" It was just another magical moment for us! I started to cry and Jon was balling too. After it was over, we just sort stood over by the barbar shop and got ourselves together. We hugged and kiss and I said,"Now, Happy Birthday, Hunny!"

We proceeded down Main St and made some more new freinds....


They were so funny and were so nice to us. We talked for a little and we talked about Asheville. One of the ladies came out of character and just talked about how she wanted to move to Asheville....It was nice chatting with them ladies. When we moved on, Jon asked "What Disney Movie are they from?" "Pollyanna!" ;) I don't know....:rotfl:

Up next, Tomorrowland.....and meeting Obama!

Well you gotta admit turning 40 and waking up to a day like that isn't going to put anybody in the best of moods...mercifully I won't have to face that for...uhhh...TEN! more years (minus 8:sad1:)

He's very lucky to have you in his life to turn the day around like that.:thumbsup2
I always think rain is a good thing. A good omen. Rain cleanses us and gives us life.

Happy Birthday, Jon!!!!
Jeff, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your TR so far!!


I'm so eager to hear more about letterboxing -- i've looked into that in the past, except that I don't think it was called letterboxing? It was similar, but people would actually leave little treats (small stuff, i.e. a marble, a little toy, etc) in the box for a future finder, and each person would take what was there and perhaps leave something extra). I love the concept, but until recently didn't have a GPS so never tried it. I really think we could get into this!

I'm gonna shoot you a PM. :)
Glad your day turned around for ya - Mr chuckwagon!
But staying in bed did sound so bad either . ;)

Great job helping Jon break the funk. Living in Portland I am used to rain..but it seriously sets some people off. Kudo's too on not dwelling on the bad service at WL. :thumbsup2

Taking the boat to the MK seems like such an enchanted way to get to the park.
Where ta hell are those treats!?!
I know I was promised fab gifts!
And I was so good while you were away!
This waiting is just crule.
No more gifts for you!

Having Lukas sass at you is all the gift you deserve. :snooty:
Well you gotta admit turning 40 and waking up to a day like that isn't going to put anybody in the best of moods...mercifully I won't have to face that for...uhhh...TEN! more years (minus 8:sad1:)

He's very lucky to have you in his life to turn the day around like that.:thumbsup2

It was a crazy morning, and it got all better....;)

Thanks for the sweet comment!

I always think rain is a good thing. A good omen. Rain cleanses us and gives us life.

Happy Birthday, Jon!!!!

I agree...just depends on when it starts, midday, okay but start of the day, its nuts!

Jeff, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your TR so far!!


I'm so eager to hear more about letterboxing -- i've looked into that in the past, except that I don't think it was called letterboxing? It was similar, but people would actually leave little treats (small stuff, i.e. a marble, a little toy, etc) in the box for a future finder, and each person would take what was there and perhaps leave something extra). I love the concept, but until recently didn't have a GPS so never tried it. I really think we could get into this!

I'm gonna shoot you a PM. :)

I just sent you one too!!! ;)

Glad your day turned around for ya - Mr chuckwagon!
But staying in bed did sound so bad either . ;)

:lmao: Thank know, it wouldn't be bad, but we were in Disney....


Great job helping Jon break the funk. Living in Portland I am used to rain..but it seriously sets some people off. Kudo's too on not dwelling on the bad service at WL. :thumbsup2

Taking the boat to the MK seems like such an enchanted way to get to the park.

Thanks girl, it was a difficult morning, and it did get better!!! I would love to see Portland...I probably could handle the rain, but not all the time..;)

We LOVED the boat Disney! The smaller boats with the wooden benches were fun.....

Where ta hell are those treats!?!
I know I was promised fab gifts!
And I was so good while you were away!
This waiting is just crule.

Hey, I haven't returned yet! You will have to wait....;)

No more gifts for you!

Having Lukas sass at you is all the gift you deserve. :snooty:

Uh Oh!

LOVING your TR!:goodvibes

Thanks! Ive enjoyed writing it. Its been an outlet for me to post our trip and Im happy to share my trip with yall.....Im glad that I kept a journal....I wrote in it on the bus and back in the room at night. A great way to wind down....
I hope everyone is having a great weekend......I can't sleep so I will finish up were I left off...

We had left the Pollyanna People...okay.... Who were they? Are they just Main St. girls? :confused3

We head off to Tomorrowland...

I noticed a lot peeps acting surprised that Space Mountain is closed.


It was dead in this area and I admit, it was sort of sad not seeing TTA running around and guests coming in and out of Space Mountain. The gift shop area is closed also.

Does anyone know what they are doing to Space Mtn.?

This was new....

A guess it's a show place or something....?

We got in line for Buzz Lightyear Ranger Spin....

It was okay and we had fun on it. Jon had a really nice time turning the car around and getting me dizzy...the stand by line was about 20 minutes.

Walking around and towards the Tea Cups....I wanted to try it...I just can't take all the spinning... :crazy2:

The park didn't really seem busy....there were waits for attractions..but not bad. It was just nice walking around MK, again, there's just something about it! ;) I guess the rain had scared some people away. It's wasn't like elbow to elbow that day.

We walked by the back of the castle and just kind of took everything in again.

Yes, it was time to hopped on the Happiest Cruise that ever sailed....




Gotta luv it....


The line was not this long when we hopped on Small World.....the sun started to really come out and I guess everyone was coming back from hiding!

I hate it when he starts getting on his blackberry....


We passed on through Liberty Square. Haunted Mansion had a 20 minute wait. Jon didn't want to get on it?!?!?!?! :confused3 He said that he wanted to wait til dark....I was like, okay! I thought for sure we were going to get on it when we went by it...



Okay! So, we go by Hall of, this was closed on our last trip back in January b/c it was under rebhab and there was no line at all. With this being a classic, we wanted to give it and try and see Barack....

I was unable to take pics of the show....but I did get a few pics of the inside waiting area.



Continued in the next post, I just know Im going to get kicked off here for using too many pics in one post....:confused:
We are inside the waiting area of the Hall of Presidents, just looking around. I had never been in here so I really don't know what is new other than the adding of our new President.


Jon was interested, suprised me. Im the one that all into the history of our country....


Ronnie said to go check out Nancy's new dress for the ball....


I wonder if was in my size....:lmao:


I'm not even gonna go there...:scared1:


Good ol Jimmy....does anyone remember Amy??? Lord, that poor child. Roselyn didn't have a dress on display. She is waiting for Wally to return it....:cutie:

So, we go and sit down. It did smell new and fresh in the theater. We sat on the front row so we could see the new addition. Overall, I thought it was "good and educational." Morgan Freeman is the narrator. The short film was a little long. There was some 9/11 footage added, I am thinking that was new, maybe???

The curtain opens. We see all of our Nation's Leaders......

My first respones...."Wow! They look real!" Jon's was "What's up with Obama's eyes?" :confused3

I give the Imagineers two thumbs up! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 But there was a little wierdness to Obama. I mean it looked good and all, but just a little tinsy bit off.....but it was very nice how they had him saying the oath of office again. And Mr. Washington does stand up and speaks to the audience. Someone beside me said that was new also.....

So we head out of Liberty Square and walked towards the exit. We just strolled around Main Street's shops again. Jon and I were a little worn out from such an emotional morning, so we decided to head back to WL for a nap.


I love the trees at WL.....

I spot some Wildlife....


We head on back to the room for a nap. It looked like it was getting to rain again.

Next up, an romantical dinner at YSH! MMMMM so good..... :)

Jeff, from what I have read the stage in Tomorrowland was some sort of Stitch dance party that was so bad they have already cancelled it. :rotfl2:

Will they not allow pics in Hall of Presidents AT ALL, or just no flash?

I can't handle spinning, either. When we ride the tea cups I make sure I have my own cup - DH and DS can spin themselves silly. If you don't turn the wheel in the middle it doesn't spin much at all. I have only had a CM get ugly with me once when I asked for my own cup. I would never ask if the line was long.

LOVE YSH for dinner! Can't wait to read about your visit! :yay:
Jeff, from what I have read the stage in Tomorrowland was some sort of Stitch dance party that was so bad they have already cancelled it. :rotfl2:

Will they not allow pics in Hall of Presidents AT ALL, or just no flash?

I can't handle spinning, either. When we ride the tea cups I make sure I have my own cup - DH and DS can spin themselves silly. If you don't turn the wheel in the middle it doesn't spin much at all. I have only had a CM get ugly with me once when I asked for my own cup. I would never ask if the line was long.

LOVE YSH for dinner! Can't wait to read about your visit! :yay:

I've got mixed feelings about Stitch, maybe I need to watch the movie again. Jon hates him! But that is interesting to hear.....I wonder what they will change it too??? Im sure they can think of something that everyone will like but I imagine it would hard to find something to fit in with Tomorrowland. Wall-E maybe???:confused3

Im not quite sure on photography in the Hall of Presidents.....Jon and I both sworn we heard "No Photography" during the welcome annoucement when were seated.

That's good to know about the Tea Cups...I had no idea you could control your cup! Maybe will try it next time!

Im gonna start the next part soon! Glad you are reading....;)
When I started reading these forums it was in the College section to get information on the Disney Management Internships. I have to admit I hadn't really bothered reading any trip reports because I didn't really understand the allure.

I have, though, been following through this thread, and have been loving it. Living the magic through you guys has been fascinating! I cant wait for more, and now I'm off to explore through some old trip reports.
oh! and if anyone has any favorite trip reports to point me towards.... it would be much appreciated!


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