We're Baaaaack!! **The WLV's groupies & Trivia Thread chapter 3

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Wow, does this bring back memories. . . . . . . . While the first was one her honeymoon, (they went to Canada) we were chilling out at VWL! And let me tell you, I needed it. . . . . . . And, in case you're wondering, she and her DH spent their honeymoon at Disney.:thumbsup2

Somehow the monumental times of our lives just scream for a "debriefing" in The World, and what better place to sit back and take it all in but at VWL; you know, one of those trips where you have seen all of the parks on multiple previous trips, and just the Lodge calls for you to sit, , , relax, , , , sip something mode inspiring , , , listen to the background , , , knowing it is all just for you , , ,oh, ah, sorry, I got lost there.

Back to work.
We are going to be at the Lodge for couple of nights at the tail end of our Disney cruise this Nov. This will be our first time. I'm sure we will love it. We love the Grand in CA and I hear the WL is similar. Any suggestions on dining options there? How is the boat ride to MK? TIA.
We love the Grand in CA and I hear the WL is similar. Any suggestions on dining options there?

DW & I make sure we eat at Whispering Canyon and get the dinner skillet once every WDW trip even when we aren't staying @ WL. Haven't tried anyplace else yet because I like WC too much! :rotfl:
I need a VWL / WL fix badly. Come December, you'll see me doing that happy dance again. You won't be able to stand it.
Well we unfortunatly didn't get the news we were hoping for today concerning my Dad. His heart valve that he got 13 years ago is leaking so he needs to have it replaced asap. I hate the fact that he has to go through this in the first place and we are all pretty worried. It is a tough operation and not a fun recovery. Also the timing is horrible. A month ago would have been fine cause with school being out I could have gone home and stayed with them for a month to help out. Now of course not only is there school but our trip is in 23 days! Now my aunt who is going with us and lives with my parents doesn't know if she will be able to go with on the trip. Of course the other problem with that is that we are counting on her financially. I'm pretty frustrated. I have a brother that lives back there but we can't count on him to help out too much. Aarrgh. This stinks.
I need a VWL / WL fix badly. Come December, you'll see me doing that happy dance again. You won't be able to stand it.

Me too!!!

We are going to be at the Lodge for couple of nights at the tail end of our Disney cruise this Nov. This will be our first time. I'm sure we will love it. We love the Grand in CA and I hear the WL is similar. Any suggestions on dining options there? How is the boat ride to MK? TIA.

After your stay at VWL, you will have to change your screen name to HappyGrandpa!!

We love the skillet breakfast at Whispering Canyon. And at Roaring Fork, they have some great options for a quick bite. Refillable mugs are great at this resort, I use it as an excuse to walk around.

Is this your first DCL cruise? Don't forget to come back here and tell us all about your great time!

DiznyDi and DD had a great time - it was TUX TIME!

DD selected the style, selected the accessory colors, the tie style, and vests. She asked my approval every step of the way, but as father of the bride, I needed to say - what ever you like, dear.

DiznyDi looked through wedding dress catalogs throught the happening. When asked, she raised her eyes and gave an opinion.

DD bought dinner. Cool evening. One step closer.

I'll need my 2 weeks in The World and VWL soon after the event of a lifetime. DD and Future SIL will get there first while DiznyDi and I clean up.

And all things seem in order . . . . . . . .

Awwww, I love to hear about weddings. Keep us in the loop! Sounds wonderful so far......:goodvibes
A great big sigh of relief.

I don't know if anyone remembers about 6 weeks ago I posted about the IRS saying we owed them about 14K in back taxes and penalties. Mr Muush handled it (I was so ticked I didn't get involved, just signed the protest).

Today we got notice that we don't owe anything. Mr Muush did a great job!:cool1:
Just light reading while the gang is hanging out at the pool

A great big sigh of relief.

I don't know if anyone remembers about 6 weeks ago I posted about the IRS saying we owed them about 14K in back taxes and penalties. Mr Muush handled it (I was so ticked I didn't get involved, just signed the protest).

Today we got notice that we don't owe anything. Mr Muush did a great job!:cool1:

:rotfl2::cool1::worship: I've been throwing change in every pool of standing water I see here. I've been buying wishes non stop for the groupies

Hey groupies. Well the day I've been dreading has come. DH is officially on unpaid leave. :sad2: He's got one week of vacation time left & then it's unemployment. His boss said they're not giving up on getting him another assignment & are actively trying, but have no idea when that will be. I feel like there's a black cloud over our house. Sigh. At least we still have our Dec. trip to look forward to.

Keep your eye on dec horse lover. I refuse to watch any news or read a paper until I'm force to. The cloud will pass. :grouphug:

We did the dessert party last night.
I think my final vote would be it's one of those things you should do only once.
The area where it is held is right across from the noodle station in between Main street and tomorrow land. The party is held on the lower level but the upper level is open to guest which makes it very loud. Also the lights are kept on during the fireworks unlike along the street where they turn off the lights, so it takes away from the magic.

Desserts were very good but teeny tiny so you definitely need 7 of each. :rolleyes1 Lastly, they had only 1 poor girl trying to check people in, I felt so bad because we were walk ups and she had to schlep all the way over to the noodle station to run our credit card for payment then come back over to the station and sign us in.
I've heard they extended it so hopefully they'll work out these kinks.

Africa hot here but it's Florida. Stay well gang.

Well we unfortunatly didn't get the news we were hoping for today concerning my Dad. His heart valve that he got 13 years ago is leaking so he needs to have it replaced asap. I hate the fact that he has to go through this in the first place and we are all pretty worried. It is a tough operation and not a fun recovery. Also the timing is horrible. A month ago would have been fine cause with school being out I could have gone home and stayed with them for a month to help out. Now of course not only is there school but our trip is in 23 days! Now my aunt who is going with us and lives with my parents doesn't know if she will be able to go with on the trip. Of course the other problem with that is that we are counting on her financially. I'm pretty frustrated. I have a brother that lives back there but we can't count on him to help out too much. Aarrgh. This stinks.

Really sorry to hear about your father. And the added stress of the vacation plans being possibly disrupted. Prayers for your father and your family at this challenging time. :)
Well we unfortunatly didn't get the news we were hoping for today concerning my Dad. His heart valve that he got 13 years ago is leaking so he needs to have it replaced asap. I hate the fact that he has to go through this in the first place and we are all pretty worried. It is a tough operation and not a fun recovery. Also the timing is horrible. A month ago would have been fine cause with school being out I could have gone home and stayed with them for a month to help out. Now of course not only is there school but our trip is in 23 days! Now my aunt who is going with us and lives with my parents doesn't know if she will be able to go with on the trip. Of course the other problem with that is that we are counting on her financially. I'm pretty frustrated. I have a brother that lives back there but we can't count on him to help out too much. Aarrgh. This stinks.

:hug: I'm sorry that the news was not good. Let us know how everything goes. Prayers for you and your family.:hug:
Well we unfortunatly didn't get the news we were hoping for today concerning my Dad. His heart valve that he got 13 years ago is leaking so he needs to have it replaced asap. I hate the fact that he has to go through this in the first place and we are all pretty worried. It is a tough operation and not a fun recovery. Also the timing is horrible. A month ago would have been fine cause with school being out I could have gone home and stayed with them for a month to help out. Now of course not only is there school but our trip is in 23 days! Now my aunt who is going with us and lives with my parents doesn't know if she will be able to go with on the trip. Of course the other problem with that is that we are counting on her financially. I'm pretty frustrated. I have a brother that lives back there but we can't count on him to help out too much. Aarrgh. This stinks.

I'm so sorry DLI. I will keep you, your Dad & your family in my prayers.

A great big sigh of relief.

I don't know if anyone remembers about 6 weeks ago I posted about the IRS saying we owed them about 14K in back taxes and penalties. Mr Muush handled it (I was so ticked I didn't get involved, just signed the protest).

Today we got notice that we don't owe anything. Mr Muush did a great job!:cool1:

Great news Muush!

Now on to my own bad news (again). That black cloud seems to have turned into a thunderstorm. Last Fall when I joined this thread we had a lot going on in my family that I never shared. Last Summer (Aug. to be exact) one of my sisters was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She had a brain tumor before (when she was 18) but it was benign & was succesfully treated with radiation, too much radiation because she's really had problems most of her life. Last Aug. her drs. found another one & recommended surgery. The surgery removed most of it, but left her paralyzed in one leg. 6 wks. after the surgery we found out the tumor had grown back & was bigger. We were told it was malignant & stage 4 & she would be lucky to make it to the 1st of this yr. Well a miracle happened & the tumor disappeared. Her doctors had no explanation. She had radiation early this year to get rid of the left over cells. She's been having seizures all summer & was admitted to the hospital on Monday. We found out this morning she has another tumor, but this one is in a different spot which is affecting her speech. The prognosis is not good & she really does not want to go on. She's deciding now if she will undergo another round of radiation. It won't be a cure. Please send as many prayers & good thoughts as possible to my sister & family. I know I can count on my groupies!
DLI & hourselover - so sorry to hear about your family health issues! Thoughts and prayers to you both.
After your stay at VWL, you will have to change your screen name to HappyGrandpa!!

My seven year old DGD says that Grandpa is at his cutest when he is grumpy. She especially likes the low growl I make when I am frustrated. She thinks it's funny. Though I am seldom grumpy when at Disney. It is my "happy place".
I'm so sorry DLI. I will keep you, your Dad & your family in my prayers.

Great news Muush!

Now on to my own bad news (again). That black cloud seems to have turned into a thunderstorm. Last Fall when I joined this thread we had a lot going on in my family that I never shared. Last Summer (Aug. to be exact) one of my sisters was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She had a brain tumor before (when she was 18) but it was benign & was succesfully treated with radiation, too much radiation because she's really had problems most of her life. Last Aug. her drs. found another one & recommended surgery. The surgery removed most of it, but left her paralyzed in one leg. 6 wks. after the surgery we found out the tumor had grown back & was bigger. We were told it was malignant & stage 4 & she would be lucky to make it to the 1st of this yr. Well a miracle happened & the tumor disappeared. Her doctors had no explanation. She had radiation early this year to get rid of the left over cells. She's been having seizures all summer & was admitted to the hospital on Monday. We found out this morning she has another tumor, but this one is in a different spot which is affecting her speech. The prognosis is not good & she really does not want to go on. She's deciding now if she will undergo another round of radiation. It won't be a cure. Please send as many prayers & good thoughts as possible to my sister & family. I know I can count on my groupies!

I am so sorry to hear about your sister. As someone with sisters and understanding what a sister is and the special relationship, you and your sister and family are in my prayers. :hug:
DLI & Horselover~

I am so sorry about your loved ones health issues. Please know you are in my thoughts and will be in my prayers. :flower3:
DLI I'm sorry your Dad needs more surgery. That type of surgery has improved from 13 years ago and the meds they use post op are have greatly improved.
You and your Dad are in my prayers

Horeslover So So sorry about your Sister's brain tumor. She has been through so much and sounds like she is facing some very hard decisions. I'm sure you are a comfort and great support to her.
Lifting you both up in prayer.
horselover...best wishes and prayers for your sister and your family. God's blessings on each of you.
DLI and horselover - prayers and best wishes to both of your families in these difficult times. :grouphug:
Horselover . . . .

DiznyDi & I are so sorry to hear of the things going on in your life. Maybe it is because we have had the opportunity to meet both of you in "The World" that we feel so much more affected by these things.

Our prayers go out to both you and Anniversary Guy, that you may grow from these events that He has placed in your journey. Sometimes we ask for Happiness, but we are told No. We receive blessings in our lives, but happiness is up to us. And we certainly all ask for our pain to be eased, but it remains. He reminds us that pain draws us away from worldy cares and closer to Him.

May you and DH find His peace in all that you experience in your lives.
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