BL Summer Challenge 2009

What is the most crucial lesson you have learned from this summer?

I have realised that in order to be succesful with losing a lot of weight, I need to take it slow and steady. If I just wanted lose 10 pounds or so for a vacation, I could lose it fast by being very strict about my exercise and what I eat. However, I want to lose more like 60+ pounds. I need to remember that in order to do that I need to allow myself a little more breathing space. If I really want chocolate, then I have it. If I am having a week where it is just not working, I don't just have a week off and then give up forever. I have a week off and then get right back on track.

This is a long road. I need to appreciate the journey as well. So it takes me a little longer to get there. At least I have enjoyed the ride.

I have gained a pound this week because I took a week off the diet. Now, I am going to get right back on track. No recriminations about gaining weight or slipping off my diet. This is a lifestyle change and I can do this!!
What is the most crucial lesson you have learned from this summer?

I assume you mean in regards to healthy eating/weight loss. I learned that I can have a good time without it always revolving around over-eating and that NO MATTER WHAT, that I MUST keep up my exercise routine.

I went away for July 4th (about 5 days away) and only had a modest gain which I lost immediately. I exercised 4 out of 5 days we were there... sometimes for more than 60 minutes.

I took DS away to OOB, Maine (3 days) and had a very small gain (darn those deep fried Oreos!) and managed to exercise almost every day we were there, in addition to walking the beach.

I took DD away to Baltimore for 4 days and LOST weight that week (even though dinner one night was an entire half of a Dominoe's pizza). I exercised every day we were there but one (because I hurt myself).

We went away for our family vacation just a week or so ago. I managed to journal every bite of my food for the first 5 days before I kind of got off kilter. I exercised EVERY morning at about 6:00 am. I ate my usual healthy meals for both breakfast and lunch EVERY DAY, and a healthy dinner most nights, but I did splurge on dessert most nights. I did have a small gain, but it is almost all gone already.

So any how... now that I made a short story long, that is what I learned above all else this summer.................P
Sorry guys, another day ahead of not being a very good coach -- I still have the sleepover kid and company, and it's their last day so I have to run around and I can't reply to each post. I promise to be a vigilant and much better coach tomorrow!

Here's the weekend QOTD for today and tomorrow, something fun!:

If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? I know some people say they're more like villains or don't have a girly bone in their bodies, but pick a quality in a particular princess that you identify with!

Maria :upsidedow
Hey everyone,

We got back at 11:30m on Tuesday night. We had a fantastic trip and I even managed to get most of the first week done with a live trip report

Check out my trip report here:

I WI today with a gain of 3.8 from the morning we left. When we arrived home this past Tuesday night, my Wendesday morning scale said I gained 9 pounds so to have lost 5.2 since Wednesday morning -YEAH! It was all water, and Wednesday I didn't eat 100% great (maybe 50%), so the fact that I got serious on Thursday and Friday and lost all that proves that if you get in gear quickly after you get back most of the "water weight" will come off.

I like Molli have always had problems with gaining after a vacation. 19 days in Disney with half of them being on free dining really was tough, although it wasn't until the end that my clothes felt differently and my jean shorts still had room in them on Tuesday when I came home so I knew it wasn't that bad. When I saw the # on the scale on Wednesday in the 170's I was really sad, but when it jumped down in the 160's again I was so happy!

COLOR="Orange"]What is the most crucial lesson you have learned from this summer?[/COLOR]

For me - it's that if I come back from a vacation and get back on track I CAN recover.

hi losers....home from our vacation at the world and up 4.5 from those glorious 11 days......ugh. been eating healthy this week and am motivated to not stall but rather shed it quickly as post-vacation weight is a huge issue for me!

Welcome back - I hear you about the vacation weight issue! I have the same issue and usually get off track each year after it.
If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? I know some people say they're more like villains or don't have a girly bone in their bodies, but pick a quality in a particular princess that you identify with!

Well my answer isn't so much about the character of the princess but I identify myself with Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty because we are both only daughters in our family and we both fell in love with a Prince Phillip! So that makes her my favorite and the one I would be!
So what rules are we using to define "Disney Princess"? Does Mulan count? She's featured at Princess Breakfasts. So is Mary Poppins, right? If I can be Mulan, I'll pick her because she rocks. She knows Kung Fu and is clever and honorable, plus also she is friends with a little DRAGON!

If it has to be a REAL princess, I guess I'd choose....Cinderella - she cleans up nice and can outrun the Prince!
If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? I know some people say they're more like villains or don't have a girly bone in their bodies, but pick a quality in a particular princess that you identify with!
Ariel has always been my favorite, but my personality is a lot more like Belle - loves to read, doesn't fit in, wants some adventure, and unexpectedly meets a prince-in-disguise. :upsidedow
If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? I know some people say they're more like villains or don't have a girly bone in their bodies, but pick a quality in a particular princess that you identify with!

Hmm......interesting question that I've never thought of.

I'd say Belle as well for the reading, adventure

But I'd have to say Cinderella is the one that always takes my breath away. Her beauty and style is just so beautiful.
princess? me? my favorite is Mary Poppins, but she's not a princess in my mind. Belle would be my choice too, right now she's my favorite Princess b/c i relate to her like others mentioned and yellow is my favorite color

i did WI last week, i'm up 5 lbs from pre-vacation. i'm sure i won't get that all off this final week but i've been doing some self-talk to remember why I want to accomplish this goal and that yes it can and will be done

pjlla -- i am soooo impressed with your consistency of working out on vacation!
hi losers....home from our vacation at the world and up 4.5 from those glorious 11 days......ugh. been eating healthy this week and am motivated to not stall but rather shed it quickly as post-vacation weight is a huge issue for me!

I hope it's mostly water gain, that happens sometimes! :goodvibes

Welcome back, ohmom! It sounds like you had a delightful trip! I'm glad that you're back here so soon - those 4.5 lbs had better look out! Hopefully it will leave as quickly as it arrived.

Good luck with your party, Maria! You've had a busy August, for sure!

What is the most crucial lesson you have learned from this summer?

The biggest thing for me is that just because I'm in a CRAZY food environment, just because I'm on vacation, just because it's summer does not mean I have to gain weight. It's me, not the situation that holds the power, and there are things I can do in almost any situation to either make positive strides or at least minimize damage.

I can not believe how much I have lost this summer. I'm so grateful for the daily support and the accountability of the regular Friday weigh in.

What a great revelation. It's hard sometimes to take the power that we have, but you have harnessed it and used it for good! :yay:

Maria :upsidedow
Hello, losers!

I am back from DL. I was only gone three nights but it seems longer. We had a wonderful time even though it was very hot -- 102 on Thursday! :scared1: I logged a lot of steps on my pedometer -- 13,571 on Wednesday, 21,724 on Thursday and 15,957 on Friday. That was a lot of walking for two small parks!

Thanks again, pjlla and disney1990, for coaching last week and thanks to Worfiedoodles for coaching our final week! :goodvibes

Congratulations to everyone who made it to the last week, I am so proud of you! :yay:

What is the most crucial lesson you have learned from this summer?

The most crucial lesson that I learned from this summer is don't give up! It takes time to figure out what is going to work for you in your weight loss journey. I didn't lose as much as I had hoped in this challenge but I feel like I really know what needs to be done, and more importantly, how to apply that knowledge. I learned that I am a lot stronger than I was at the beginning of the year, even if I haven't lost as much weight as I had hoped to by now. Being healthy is important and you can be healthy while you are losing.

I have learned that weight loss is not a part time goal or something you do on the side, it is a full time commitment and if you aren't ready to give it your all to making yourself a healthier you no matter what you do you won't see the goals achieved! I have had to change my frame of mind a complete 180 and really make weight loss and healthy lifestyle choices a priority. It isn't easy to do, but I'm in it for the long haul.

This is so true and welcome back!

QOTD: The most crucial lesson I've learned this summer is that if you actually follow a weight loss plan daily, the weight will fall right off! :idea: I don't know why it's taken me so long to figure that out! I used to treat myself to a bad snack for being good on my diet, and it doesn't work that way, obviously. I'm down 2 pant sizes now, so I must finally be doing something right! :thumbsup2

Congratulations on the pant sizes!

I have realised that in order to be succesful with losing a lot of weight, I need to take it slow and steady. If I just wanted lose 10 pounds or so for a vacation, I could lose it fast by being very strict about my exercise and what I eat. However, I want to lose more like 60+ pounds. I need to remember that in order to do that I need to allow myself a little more breathing space. If I really want chocolate, then I have it. If I am having a week where it is just not working, I don't just have a week off and then give up forever. I have a week off and then get right back on track.

This is a long road. I need to appreciate the journey as well. So it takes me a little longer to get there. At least I have enjoyed the ride.

I have gained a pound this week because I took a week off the diet. Now, I am going to get right back on track. No recriminations about gaining weight or slipping off my diet. This is a lifestyle change and I can do this!!

Yes, you can and I really admire the change in your thinking that I've seen since the beginning of this challenge. You've got a great attitude and it shows in your success!

If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? I know some people say they're more like villains or don't have a girly bone in their bodies, but pick a quality in a particular princess that you identify with!

This is a hard one! When I was little I loved Cinderella but that was a time when there weren't too many princesses to choose from -- Snow White and Aurora were it. I would have to say I am more like Belle because I love to read and DH can be a little beastly ;) but I wouldn't look good in the yellow dress -- I prefer Cinderella's outfit!

Have a great, OP day all!
Good Morning All!!!!!

For those of you with busy weekends...I hope you have a lot of fun and accomplish much!! Maria that party sounds like a lot of fun!!

It was a blast! The kids loved the movie, and Disney sent great goodies!

What is the most crucial lesson you have learned from this summer?

I have learned that weight loss is not a part time goal or something you do on the side, it is a full time commitment and if you aren't ready to give it your all to making yourself a healthier you no matter what you do you won't see the goals achieved! I have had to change my frame of mind a complete 180 and really make weight loss and healthy lifestyle choices a priority. It isn't easy to do, but I'm in it for the long haul. As the previous poster mentioned, the accountablity and support that you can get from others is HUGE!!

Making yourself a priority is a tough one. Fantastic words of wisdom! :worship:

QOTD: The most crucial lesson I've learned this summer is that if you actually follow a weight loss plan daily, the weight will fall right off! :idea: I don't know why it's taken me so long to figure that out! I used to treat myself to a bad snack for being good on my diet, and it doesn't work that way, obviously. I'm down 2 pant sizes now, so I must finally be doing something right! :thumbsup2

You are doing many things right! Actually sticking to whatever plan you choose is very hard ::yes:: We are an "instant gratification" society, and something that takes a long time to achieve is very hard for us, unless we are in a setting where someone else is making us do milestones (like high school or college).

I have learned that healthy eating gets bigger results than exercise alone. I love food, so all Spring I was trying the I'm "kind of eating better and I'm exercising 6 days a week". 3 or 4 months of that and I only lost 2 pounds. I finally started looking at calories and really focusing on what I was eating. On plan weeks I can pretty consistently lose 1-2 pounds. I've definitely had up and down weeks this summer, but I've gotten back on plan much, much faster each time than I would have without BL.

Yep, we have to change our eating. All calories are not equal, it's almost like reprogramming your body to change your lifestyle! :thumbsup2

Hey all.

QOTD: The most cruicial lesson I have learned this summer is that I AM capable of getting right back on that wagon after I slip. In the past I have always been all or nothing. I have had a couple of times this summer that I have slipped up for a few days but I have always been able to get back op way faster than I ever have before (months sooner!)

I keep having those slips, too, but you are right, one slip does not need to turn into a full blown slide down the slope! :wizard:

Happy Weigh In Day!
This summer, I've learned that its okay to make mistakes, it slows down my journey, but each time I recover and the trend is still downwards. I've also learned that I'm my own worst enemy and when I'm willing to put in enough effort, I do great, so I really know I can do it, and I know I can slip and just do minimal damage. Right now, I'm only down a couple pound since the start of the challenge, which is way less than hoped for. On a positive note, I've shown that I can maintain ;):goodvibes

I truly enjoy the challenge, and am looking forward to a more successful fall challenge :thumbsup2

I'm with you, as you of all people know I am not meeting my goal -- but that's ok, I wasn't mentally or timewise prepared for the losses I had hoped for this summer. We are setting ourselves up now with the tools we need for a great loss, and I think this is going to be an incredible Autumn! :woohoo:

Oh my gosh - is this really the final week? Where did the summer go???

You tell me! I can't believe how it's flown, but I am excited for the new season of BL, and the potential of our DIS BL Challenge! :dance3:

I have realised that in order to be succesful with losing a lot of weight, I need to take it slow and steady. If I just wanted lose 10 pounds or so for a vacation, I could lose it fast by being very strict about my exercise and what I eat. However, I want to lose more like 60+ pounds. I need to remember that in order to do that I need to allow myself a little more breathing space. If I really want chocolate, then I have it. If I am having a week where it is just not working, I don't just have a week off and then give up forever. I have a week off and then get right back on track.

This is a long road. I need to appreciate the journey as well. So it takes me a little longer to get there. At least I have enjoyed the ride. This is a lifestyle change and I can do this!!

Be kind to yourself -- treat yourself like you are your best friend -- thanks for that reminder to love ourselves! :hug:

What is the most crucial lesson you have learned from this summer?

I assume you mean in regards to healthy eating/weight loss. I learned that I can have a good time without it always revolving around over-eating and that NO MATTER WHAT, that I MUST keep up my exercise routine.
So any how... now that I made a short story long, that is what I learned above all else this summer.................P

I can't believe all the fantastic answers to this question. These are replies I'm going to print and post in my motivation journal -- THANK YOU to everyone for sharing!

[If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? I know some people say they're more like villains or don't have a girly bone in their bodies, but pick a quality in a particular princess that you identify with!

I could answer my own question ;) My favorite princess is Belle. She reads, she's witty, she's kind, she's courageous, and she sees beyond the surface to find quality to love. :lovestruc I'd like to think I'm like her -- or at least I want to be like her!

For me - it's that if I come back from a vacation and get back on track I CAN recover.

Yes You Can! :cutie:

If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? I know some people say they're more like villains or don't have a girly bone in their bodies, but pick a quality in a particular princess that you identify with!

Well my answer isn't so much about the character of the princess but I identify myself with Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty because we are both only daughters in our family and we both fell in love with a Prince Phillip! So that makes her my favorite and the one I would be!

Very nice! Now, if you'd chosen Jasmine for the same reasons, I'd just have to ask you how your husband got his name! :rotfl:

So what rules are we using to define "Disney Princess"? Does Mulan count? She's featured at Princess Breakfasts. So is Mary Poppins, right? If I can be Mulan, I'll pick her because she rocks. She knows Kung Fu and is clever and honorable, plus also she is friends with a little DRAGON!

If it has to be a REAL princess, I guess I'd choose....Cinderella - she cleans up nice and can outrun the Prince!

No hard and fast Princess criteria -- If Mulan can save China, that's royal enough for me! :goodvibes

If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? I know some people say they're more like villains or don't have a girly bone in their bodies, but pick a quality in a particular princess that you identify with!
Ariel has always been my favorite, but my personality is a lot more like Belle - loves to read, doesn't fit in, wants some adventure, and unexpectedly meets a prince-in-disguise. :upsidedow

Aw, to paraphrase the words of Nickelback, "when your lookin' for a diamond in the rough, you never know when he'll show up" -- or what he'll look like. So glad you found your Beast!:hippie:

Hmm......interesting question that I've never thought of.

I'd say Belle as well for the reading, adventure

But I'd have to say Cinderella is the one that always takes my breath away. Her beauty and style is just so beautiful.
I think the Cinderella era was amazing. She was definitely the most stylish and graceful princess -- and yet her buddies are mice! This girl has layers! princess:

Maria :upsidedow
Princess.....hmmmm. Hate to repeat what everyone else is but I would be Belle because she reads, is no nonsense, and got together with a really hairy guy! He He He.

I am doing well so far this week. I have been back on plan 6 days since my binge and feel good about it. My trip to DL is in 17 days! Woo Hoo! I am a bit nervous about how much I might gain but at least I know how to get back on the wagon and I don't think I have anything else coming up before the holidays that will side track me.

princess? me? my favorite is Mary Poppins, but she's not a princess in my mind. Belle would be my choice too, right now she's my favorite Princess b/c i relate to her like others mentioned and yellow is my favorite color

i'm sure i won't get that all off this final week but i've been doing some self-talk to remember why I want to accomplish this goal and that yes it can and will be done

I'm wondering since we have so many "Belle" girls -- did we decide we'd married the beast before or after the wedding? :rotfl2:

This is a hard one! When I was little I loved Cinderella but that was a time when there weren't too many princesses to choose from -- Snow White and Aurora were it. I would have to say I am more like Belle because I love to read and DH can be a little beastly ;) but I wouldn't look good in the yellow dress -- I prefer Cinderella's outfit!

Have a great, OP day all!

Ok, that's a good question I'm going to save for tomorrow -- Hey, it's the last week, we can be a little silly! ;)

I am very excited that Disney is finally creating and promoting an African-American princess. There are so many little girls who had no princess who looked remotely like them (I can remember being really, really excited because Belle was a brunette -- and I was in my early 20s!) -- ok, maybe that's more a commentary on me personally, but anyhoo -- I am very happy there are now "princesses" for almost all ethnic groups prominent in the U.S. I can't think of a Latina one (yea, Disney, where's MY princess?! :rotfl2:), but hopefully that's just because I'm overlooking someone...

Anyway, onward with a great losing day!
Maria :upsidedow
Here's the weekend QOTD for today and tomorrow, something fun!:

If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? I know some people say they're more like villains or don't have a girly bone in their bodies, but pick a quality in a particular princess that you identify with!

I'm another Belle, mostly because of the reading. I think its interesting that so many of us picked Belle. :goodvibes

I had a fun weekend, which included a Ladies Night. It started at my house, with 10 of us having drinks and appy's, then we went out to the bar for some dancing.:dance3:
Princess.....hmmmm. Hate to repeat what everyone else is but I would be Belle because she reads, is no nonsense, and got together with a really hairy guy! He He He.

I am doing well so far this week. I have been back on plan 6 days since my binge and feel good about it. My trip to DL is in 17 days! Woo Hoo! I am a bit nervous about how much I might gain but at least I know how to get back on the wagon and I don't think I have anything else coming up before the holidays that will side track me.


You are right back on track and doing fantastic! To reiterate the advice others have given, you are in control. You can go on vacation and not gain a ton of weight, and if you do gain, you have the tools to take it right back off! :thumbsup2

I'm another Belle, mostly because of the reading. I think its interesting that so many of us picked Belle. :goodvibes

I had a fun weekend, which included a Ladies Night. It started at my house, with 10 of us having drinks and appy's, then we went out to the bar for some dancing.:dance3:

:woohoo: Ladies' Night! Kool and the Gang gave a concert at a venue close to my house last weekend, and they started off with Ladies' Night and ended with Celebration. We could hear every word clear as day, and we enjoyed the nostalgic music! :dance3:

It's almost like we're having a Belle convention, isn't it?! ;) Very interesting...

Maria :upsidedow
Monday QOTD (Thanks, Lisa!): What Disney princess or "humanesque" (Peter Pan, not Pluto) character's clothes would suit you best?

I'm going to say Esmeralda. I think the full skirt and peasant top in those colors would look good on me. Someday when I'm a bit smaller (ok, much), I would look good in Jasmine's purple princess get-up.

I'm off to run my 4.5 mi on the TM this morning. No work today -- ds doesn't have school yet and camp is over. It's our one in-between day...

Maria :upsidedow
Good morning everyone,

Sounds like you've been having a good week here. We just spend 4 nights with my family at a lake in maine, and though we did drink a lot, and eat very well, I didn't do my late night snacking which is what can really kill me, and we all went with the intention of starting to eat healthy, so we had lots of fruits with us. I weigh the same as on wed before I left, so I'm happy. Today after I finish the laundry and repack, my son and I head to hampton beach for 3 nights. I'm looking forward to just the two of us relaxing and unwinding before school starts next week.

I'm sad I'm missing the last week of the challenge, but so glad I was a part of it, and even though I'm heavier than I was in may, with all that I've been through, I know it could have been worse if I wasn't checking in and thinking about you guys throughout the weeks.

It has been a fun challenge. Thanks to all the coaches we've had. The qotd's really make it interesting, and a fun way to get to know everyone.

For some qotd- I think I would like to be cinderella. On my first disney trip I bought a cinderella ornament, and I'm still waiting for my prince to come. :rotfl:

What I've learned this summer, is that I have to move. I can not lose weight without exercise any more. (I had figured that out last summer when I stopped exercising and gained 10 pounds, and did that again this summer)

for todays qotd, I love cinderella's dress, and though the size I'd wear would be much larger than hers, the style is so nice, and would hide my trouble areas below the waist.

Molli, Melanie, and Lisa- sounds like you had some awesome trips.

Remember nothing tastes as great as being thin feels. That's one I try to remember. I thought of it as we were hiking up a small mountain on friday, and I could hardly breathe. It was much easier last year, and next time it will be easier again.

have a great last week of summer:)


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