Letter to School about Vacation

We live in interesting times, when a parent has to worry about how they get permission to take their kids out of school. Exactly who is in charge here??

I am not making direct political commentary...this has been creeping up on us for a long time.

This is part of the reason we homeschool now. We are in charge of what we want to be taught, not the government. I have alot to say about the "educational system" but it's not allowed here and it might hurt somebodies feelings.
Try this...


or this...


This is what tha link leads to...


TO: [school official]


RE: [students name and vacation dates]

Please be advised that [student] will be out of school during the week of [date]. We ask that his absences be excused.

The reason for [student]'s absence is that our family will be out of the state during this week. While we are gone, we will be visiting Walt Disney World. We believe that [student] will be learning many things during this trip and that his education will continue in his absence from school.

Some things [student] will learn about:

* Different cultures of the world, including architecture, language, diet, and dress, by visiting the different countries in the Epcot World Showcase (Japan, China, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Canada, France, etc.) [student] will have the chance to explore the exhibits for each country and speak with natives from each country who work as cast members.

* American history by viewing the Hall of Presidents presentation in the Magic Kingdom and the American Adventure show in Epcot.

* Nature and conservation at Animal Kingdom.

* Science by exploring the Mission:Space ride in Epcot where he will have a chance to see and feel what it would be like to travel by rocket to Mars and by experiencing the Universe of Energy exhibit which teaches about fossil fuels, energy, and conservation.

* Economics by managing his own spending money and making budget decisions on how to spend his money.

[student] will also be learning about map reading by navigating in and to the different theme parks, as well as the resorts and water parks via the Disney bus system, sociological aspects of crowds including patterns and behavior, physics of the different rides, breakthroughs in technology at the Innoventions computer lab in Epcot, art and animation and the history of film, and mathematics.

We believe this will be a wonderful and educational experience for [student] and hope you agree not to charge him with unexcused absences as a result. If it is possible for [student] to take any assignments with him to be turned in when we return or to turn in before we leave any work that will be due while he is gone, please let us know as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention to this. If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact me.

[Parent's Signture]

And check this out...


I have always homeschooled, until this year. Due to life's turbulence, I can no longer homeschool. I am now having to deal with this.

That is a rather lengthy letter. I seriously doubt our district would bother to read past the "we're going to Disney World".
I'm not disputing what's in the letter..but frankly..the district just doesn't give a rat's behind where the child is going or whether it's a great learning experience or not. At least with us it strictly comes down to the numbers. If your child is under the limit of 18 absences..then you have no problem. If you're over it..you're gonna get grief. Also...in our district..it's not the teachers call. Most don't have an issue with a child missing class as long as the child is doing well. Attendance records are not just kept by the teacher..it's the district, whose fed. and state aide depend on the number of bodies in the seats. You're choice is as many have stated...take them out of public school...and either home school, parochial, or private school, where you as a parent will have more say. Honestly, while it's a PITA, you can plan around the school calander. It may mean getting a little creative and choosing dates where the kids are already off that week. Granted, it's getting tougher, and I'm glad this is the last year I'll be dealing with it. I'm not sure about every public school district, but there are an alloted amount of days that your child should be able to be absent for illness. At least this is the case in our district. If we are going for a week..and we pick a week where they had one day off for a holiday, then they're only missing four days of school. Who is to know whether the child was sick or went to Disney. District doesn't care..again..bodies in the seats. They're not making the kids take a lie detector test when they return after a few days off.
You're gonna run into more of a problem if a child is having a difficult time in school where a week off is going to put them further behind.
Ok, need some help or advise on writing "The Vacation Note" to the school, for our October trip to The Fort, which frowns upon vacations during the school year. Anyone have any advise, on how to word it. I always get nervous doing this and dont know why. Last time we went in 2006 I sent a note into the teachers (forgot what I had wrote) and they were fine with the kids going on vacation, but when we got back, there was a letter from the principal stating that they were truant, and if it had happened again during the year they would call Family Services, etc. So, any help would be great.......as well as "building my case" to pull my kids out for vaca.......I know, I probably sound paronoid, cant help it...LOL

I remember feeling that way. Sad isn't it? We forget that these are our children and not the governments(yet.) Government indoctrination starts early these days!?!:sad2:

This is just another reason that I am thankful daily that I am able to homeschool!:yay:

Sorry, no advice here except maybe to give homeschooling a try, lol!
Good luck!:)
I would love to homeschool.....I have thought about it often, but right now, financially we just cant afford it. I have a few friens that do and the kids are doing great, just the same as those in public schools. THanks again to everyone, you are all great........I still cant wait to meet many of you in October!!!
The school district my kids are in is fairly laid back....Thank God! Otherwise I'd be bugging Jim in October to give my kids a doctor's note!!!! :laughing: I don't know Jim...maybe you can charge a beer a note ;) j/k.....nobody bombared, Jim, ok?

I whole heartedly agree that they are YOUR kids. I mean think about it....your own childhood. What sticks out the most? Sitting at a desk and learning about the periodic table or spending TIME with your family in an exciting place? If that time can be educational then just think how much better it will be remembered!!!

I know it gets much harder as the kids get older. My oldest is in 8th, but is taking high school credit classes. The work load is quite heavy. As long as hubby and I are dedicated to her education and can recall the Algebra and French and History enough to help her then I don't see why learning it in a car headed down I 95 is any worse than learning it in a 20 x 15 classroom with a monotone teacher. I've heard plenty of arguments about teaching my kids a good work ethic, blah, blah...now I'm not saying not to DO the work. I'm just saying that learning can happen anywhere.

When all is said and done, I don't want to look back on my life wishing I'd done more with my kids. Life experiences.
In our letter, I just put that we are showing the children the effects that alcohol has on the brain, and what happens when you consume too much of it. Usually it works.
As long as you do it in less than 18 days, our district would be good with it! :thumbsup2

I find this so interesting. We've had some issues in the past with some teachers due to vacation absences, mostly in the middle school with our oldest. However, the teachers and staff are really good about it for the most part and were (with one or two exceptions) EXTREMELY supportive when our oldest became ill. He was immediately given a 504 plan, provided assistance with catching up, and lots of support from most teachers. His grades did drop, because he did not have the energy to apply himself and he did not earn the grades despite the help, but they did give him time and help.

With regard to the school notifying family services, I had to laugh. Does anyone really think that anyone from a government agency as overworked and underpaid as Family Services is going to rush right out to reprimand a family that is taking their kids on vacation?? Sure, right after they get through finding a home for the kid who's parents just got busted for selling meth, in between visits to the kid who's been physically or emotionally abused. Sad to say, but there are many more pressing demands on those agencies.

And Dave, I agree. We are not lemmings, we are in charge. We can be polite and respectful, but taking a kid on vacation is our choice.
Our school system seems to like the "threat tactics" this year and your right, what government agency has the time or manpower to go out and deal with a family who went on vacation......hopefully they will be as "flexible" for vacations as they are with the "NEW" school uniform policy.....which they dont enforce for many students, while the other children who are begrudgingly wearing the uniforms everyday. Many childrens parents seem to think that the rules dont apply to them, and in the mean time Emily is coming home saying "so and so doesnt wear this or that" or "how come so and so doesnt get in trouble"..........sorry, that was a side tangent. But, these are the same parents who dont give a crap for which the strict vacation rules have been formed. Ok, I am finished, really, I promise.
In the whole scheme of things, looking back over all the years kids are in school, these annual vacations cause no harm. I am totally convinced of that. We took my oldest (now 24) out of school up to 9th grade, every single year for a Disney vacation. How is it then, that he got an appointment to the Air Force Academy? We never once took homework or did a book report or anything but would have if asked.

Life is too short and time is too precious and as someone said, they are only young once. I wouldn't trade those trips for anything now that he doesn't live here anymore and it seems I constantly worry about him.

It's nice to see this topic being discussed without problems that you sometimes see on other boards!
Agreed Donna..... I keep telling my wife that my kids won't grow up to be homeless because they missed a couple of days in school here and there..
Let us know how it goes Mrs Scooter - I am sending in our letters to school tomorrow - Its more wordy than I wanted to be. I don't believe it is any of the schools business - but I know they think they are entitled to know everything and I thought our story might be strong enough that they wont argue - but honestly who knows - as I told you - I am prepared to argue - Here is a sample of what I wrote:

Subject: Request for Excused Absence Whipperwhirl dd (age 9 - 4th grade)

Dear Mrs. ___,

As DD may or may not have told you – our summer was an unexpected rollercoaster. In late June 2009 I was diagnosed with ____. As a result our family tabled any plans we had for family adventure over the summer. I was, and still am, unable to drive and struggling with medication issues. As a result our vacation was cancelled, the children were placed with a babysitter much more than I was comfortable with and now we are left with a family who lost their summer altogether due to unforeseen circumstances.

Now that a sense of “normal” has returned to the Whipperwhirl household, and in agreement with District attendance policies, my husband ____ and I requesting your permission to withdraw DD from School October 26th through November 7th (10/26/09 - 11/7/09) for some much needed family time. She would work during our adventure to continue her studies and also upon our return to make up any school work she missed. She will even take on extra work as you judge necessary. I guarantee she will come back to school ready to learn with a renewed sense of family.

As you can see from her attendance records, under normal circumstances, I would never remove DD from school unless there was an illness. I have a deep respect for attendance and understand how important it is. We have tried to pick a time not only when we could travel due to work schedules, but also select a time when we could limit the number of days she would miss. According to my 2009 – 2010 school calendars she would miss 6 full days and 3 half days due to parent/teacher conferences. There is also a scheduled day off during that time frame for Election Day Professional Development.

Please consider our request for excused absence and if you have any questions I am available to discuss at your convenience (phone numbers).

Thank you for your time.
Whipperwhirl, I agree with you...it is wordy! But, it is respectful and will hopefully achieve the desired result. Only you know the district's tolerance for these things and, as much as I would love to thumb my nose at them, your DD will return to school and need to operate in that environment and her success is obviously more important than any satisfaction you would get in telling the district "it's none of your business!". I think it is a nicely worded letter!
That was pretty good Whip....I may have to adjust a few things, but I am thinking about plagerizing your letter...:lmao:....you also keep us posted on how it goes. I am hoping to have my letter in to the school on Monday.
Well - The principal just called. That was intensely easy - Glad something decided to go my way. She basically told me what I already know that its our "right as parents to pull our children out of school - go ahead - have a wonderful trip." I really had back up plans of all sorts - a lawyer in my pocket - ready to throw down with the nice principal - but no need.

She did say that the absence would be unexcused - she is limited to what she can excuse (death - basically) - but we can have up to 20 days a year with unexcused absense before being truent.

She wont win any attendance records - but who really cares - We are going to the fort!!!!
I'm glad you didn't have a problem , Our vacation at the fort will start sept 13 through Sept 20 . My dd is in 7th grade and will be missing 4 days (friday is a no school day) . I ask the principal at the open house about her missing for vacation he said sure no problem it will be excused, for me to fill out a form stating where we were going and the educational advantages he said that so many kids in the school system here never travel that the board of education has told them to excuse up to 10 days per student.:confused3 seems like Disney :wizard: to me.


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