Disboutiquers Part 19 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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This turned out so cute! Love it!

Can I ask you guys to remember me in your prayers too? I have been sick for about 3 months. At first I thought it was related to my IBS but I am not getting any better. I have lost quite a bit of weight since December and am very tired. I finally went back to the doctor 2 days ago and he said he is very concerned and thinks the diagnosis of IBS may be wrong. He said I shouldn't be this sick and feels I have become malnourished. (which makes sense since the last week I have only been able to eat plain white rice and bread and have still been getting sick). They are going to send me on to a specialist and run a bunch of tests. I went through a lot of these tests about 11 years ago so I am not looking forward to going through them again, but I also can't function like this anymore. They also found a cancer spot on my face that needs to be removed. He feels like it is the type of cancer that will only grow in that spot and not spread into the rest of my body. I am praying he is right. I have been pretty emotional the last few days and am really trying to trust God and not let fear rule my life, but I must admit, it has been hard. Thanks for letting me vent. I believe in the power of prayer so I figure the more people who pray, the better off I'll be. Thanks for listening.:lovestruc
Praying!!! :hug:


I purchased the CarlaC bundle pack (peasant top/dress, patchwork twirl, stripwork jumper) last fall from YCMT and had saved all of the tutorials on my desktop because I couldn't get them to print right (computer would freeze up after 3 pages). Anyway, my laptop crashed and I lost the tutorials. I tried finding the e-mail I got with the pdf files in them and couldn't find it. And, I hadn't registered at YCMT when I bought the tutorials so they are not in my library. Would YCMT be able to search for my purchases (I know the date of purchase) and e-mail them to me again or am I screwed and have to buy it again? Any suggestions? :confused3

I'm so upset because I also had our Disney pictures from our Dec. 09 trip on that laptop and we hadn't gotten around to backing up all of our pictures, so we lost the last 2 days worth of pics! Darn computer! :mad:
I'm sorry I have no idea if YCMT will be able to help but be sure to take your computer in. 9 times out of 10 they can recover the pictures and a lot of the files on it. Your story is a good reminder to back up our files!!!

Get ready for way too many pictures! These photos were from our trip in January. Honestly with Christmas the trip snuck up on me and I did not really start sewing until three-ish weeks before. I will not make that mistake again!

We surprised our girls with Pirate Pals Cruise. This was super fun and great night out.


Your girls are adorable, their outfits are great but this picture mad me LOL. Are her shoes on the wrong feet? Priceless!!!!
Get ready for way too many pictures! These photos were from our trip in January. Honestly with Christmas the trip snuck up on me and I did not really start sewing until three-ish weeks before. I will not make that mistake again!

Arrival at the Poly. It was great to take advantage of the AP discount!


I couldn't decide on a favorite so I just left the first...These sets are all Awesome. We love the Poly too!

Another question for you...what brand are the polka dot sandals your girls are wearing? These would be great for the spring for my dd, hopefully they come in big foot sizes for my 7 yr old LOL.

Yes, her shoes are on the wrong feet. I was told they made her run "faster." The shoes are called Puddlejumpers. We :lovestruc them!
Embroidery Question My machine came last week and I've only had the chance to try two designs but I am having a problem with the bobbin thread showing. Could this be from not having the fabric tight enough in the hoop?
What brand of machine? I think that has more to do with tension. Call your dealer and get assistance with adjusting that - it should be a quick fix. I get my settings screwy from time to time as well.


I purchased the CarlaC bundle pack (peasant top/dress, patchwork twirl, stripwork jumper) last fall from YCMT and had saved all of the tutorials on my desktop because I couldn't get them to print right (computer would freeze up after 3 pages). Anyway, my laptop crashed and I lost the tutorials. I tried finding the e-mail I got with the pdf files in them and couldn't find it. And, I hadn't registered at YCMT when I bought the tutorials so they are not in my library. Would YCMT be able to search for my purchases (I know the date of purchase) and e-mail them to me again or am I screwed and have to buy it again? Any suggestions? :confused3

I'm so upset because I also had our Disney pictures from our Dec. 09 trip on that laptop and we hadn't gotten around to backing up all of our pictures, so we lost the last 2 days worth of pics! Darn computer! :mad:

How did you pay for it? If Paypal, just contact them with the paypal trasaction ID, and they can look up your purchase. If credit card - it will be more difficult for you since you need the statement, but again, give them the month and ID number for that purchase. HTH, Kat.
AIMEEG - Beautiful outfits, beautiful daughters, beautiful photos! :goodvibes

I'd really be in trouble with more than one girl....... You did great though!
Hi all, I never introduced myself. I'm Katra - former boutiquer that still sews when I have the time or the cause to do so. I'm married and have two boys ages 6 & 3. I'm kind of sad seeing all the girly boutiquey cuteness going on in this thread *sniff*, but I'll survive somehow. Disney's GAD have given me a moment of girly goodness and joy... I'm laying out two princess quilts right now with some fairytale fabric that has been on my shelves since before I was preggers with younger boy. The third blanket I'm doing will be more space themed in honor of TS3 coming out. My older DS is helping with that one :)

Hmm what else. We live in the CHicago suburbs, and it's wet and cold right now. Yuck.
I wanted to share a few photos from Samuel's 5th birthday party this morning.

First is James, my youngest in his outfit for the party


Next is Samuel, the birthday boy


Here is the cake we made for the party.


A second view of the cake.


Thanks for letting me share!

Here is a photo that shows the entire length of the boys' pants. There was a lot of time in those outfits, but it was worth it because the boys loved them!

Aimee, love the outfits!!! Your girls are getting so big!! I would so love to go to the Poly for Christmas one year :lovestruc. I went with my mom when my daughter was 8 months....it was dreamy! I love the atmosphere there! Someday... :rolleyes1

I am coming out of lurkdom (window shopping) cause I finished some things this month! :cool1:

Heather Sue's Easter designs are the cutest!!!! I made the first of two Easter dresses....



Oh and I don't think I shared a few other things I've made here...I put them on facebook and my blog though so you may have already seen these....

These outfits were for March 2nd....Read Across America...


And a cool bag by called Tailored Totes by Scientific Seamstress....its fabric for Its A Small World and I made it for our next Disney trip! :yay:


It has all kinds of pockets....




Oh and one more thing....its a sneak peak at an up and coming pattern!!!!!


Thanks for letting me share! :woohoo:

ETA: I just realized we are getting close to the end of this thread!

I purchased the CarlaC bundle pack (peasant top/dress, patchwork twirl, stripwork jumper) last fall from YCMT and had saved all of the tutorials on my desktop because I couldn't get them to print right (computer would freeze up after 3 pages). Anyway, my laptop crashed and I lost the tutorials. I tried finding the e-mail I got with the pdf files in them and couldn't find it. And, I hadn't registered at YCMT when I bought the tutorials so they are not in my library. Would YCMT be able to search for my purchases (I know the date of purchase) and e-mail them to me again or am I screwed and have to buy it again? Any suggestions? :confused3

I'm so upset because I also had our Disney pictures from our Dec. 09 trip on that laptop and we hadn't gotten around to backing up all of our pictures, so we lost the last 2 days worth of pics! Darn computer! :mad:

YCMT should help you...if not pm me!
Hi all! Been super busy! I love the Marie dress it came out adorable! and the Toy Story trio is just darling!

I am glad to see Ollie girl on here! Hi! Big fan on facebook!

Here is what I worked on today. Another Tiana. This one is calico with pretty much the same underskirt as the last. I guess I am pretty happy with it but it's just HUGE on Julia. She is just skinny. She gets lost in these dresses!

I still have to work on another flower. I will do that tomorrow or Sunday.



I did 2 rows of elastic and ties on the back:

More pics on FB.

Such a cute dress and so is your DD. :goodvibesI toyed around with the idea of making one of these and bought appliques and everything....its still on the back burner...along with 10 other ideas...lol! :thumbsup2

I am coming out of lurkdom (window shopping) cause I finished some things this month! :cool1:

Heather Sue's Easter designs are the cutest!!!! I made the first of two Easter dresses....



Oh and I don't think I shared a few other things I've made here...I put them on facebook and my blog though so you may have already seen these....

These outfits were for March 2nd....Read Across America...


And a cool bag by called Tailored Totes by Scientific Seamstress....its fabric for Its A Small World and I made it for our next Disney trip! :yay:


It has all kinds of pockets....




Oh and one more thing....its a sneak peak at an up and coming pattern!!!!!


Thanks for letting me share! :woohoo:

Welcome out of lurkdom and glad to see you post again. Mom was over and saw your dress, she just loved them, that says a lot! Everything is so cute.
DGD3, Araeyah, is having surgery Monday morning at 11:00. It is suppose to be a 3 hour surgery.:scared1: She has a submucous (hidden) cleft palate and they are going to correct it and put new tubes into her ears. As far as we know they will be cutting the entire roof of her mouth and then repositioning the muscles and tissue and stitching it up (think Z shape). She can have no straws or sippy cups and has to eat pureed food for 3 weeks.:eek::eek: DD is of course very nervous about the length of the surgery. We really hate to see her have to go through this but it is affecting her speech and we feel that the sooner it's fixed the better. TIA

This turned out so cute! Love it!

Can I ask you guys to remember me in your prayers too? I have been sick for about 3 months. At first I thought it was related to my IBS but I am not getting any better. I have lost quite a bit of weight since December and am very tired. I finally went back to the doctor 2 days ago and he said he is very concerned and thinks the diagnosis of IBS may be wrong. He said I shouldn't be this sick and feels I have become malnourished. (which makes sense since the last week I have only been able to eat plain white rice and bread and have still been getting sick). They are going to send me on to a specialist and run a bunch of tests. I went through a lot of these tests about 11 years ago so I am not looking forward to going through them again, but I also can't function like this anymore. They also found a cancer spot on my face that needs to be removed. He feels like it is the type of cancer that will only grow in that spot and not spread into the rest of my body. I am praying he is right. I have been pretty emotional the last few days and am really trying to trust God and not let fear rule my life, but I must admit, it has been hard. Thanks for letting me vent. I believe in the power of prayer so I figure the more people who pray, the better off I'll be. Thanks for listening.:lovestruc
I know God listens and loves all His children. Prayers for all those in need.
This turned out so cute! Love it!

Can I ask you guys to remember me in your prayers too? I have been sick for about 3 months. At first I thought it was related to my IBS but I am not getting any better. I have lost quite a bit of weight since December and am very tired. I finally went back to the doctor 2 days ago and he said he is very concerned and thinks the diagnosis of IBS may be wrong. He said I shouldn't be this sick and feels I have become malnourished. (which makes sense since the last week I have only been able to eat plain white rice and bread and have still been getting sick). They are going to send me on to a specialist and run a bunch of tests. I went through a lot of these tests about 11 years ago so I am not looking forward to going through them again, but I also can't function like this anymore. They also found a cancer spot on my face that needs to be removed. He feels like it is the type of cancer that will only grow in that spot and not spread into the rest of my body. I am praying he is right. I have been pretty emotional the last few days and am really trying to trust God and not let fear rule my life, but I must admit, it has been hard. Thanks for letting me vent. I believe in the power of prayer so I figure the more people who pray, the better off I'll be. Thanks for listening.

:hug: I hope they figure out what is going on! I'll be praying for you!

I'm considering going to a 10/12 with a length of 18-19" but I need to see how the 7/8 skirt looks (my next test). In the past when I tried to size up my designs the proportions just didn't look quite right once I went past a certain length, especially ruffles.

I hope a 10/12 works out!

1.)OMG!!! It's AGM!!!! I just died laughing. I think you found the perfect name for the pattern and I for one cannot wait to buy the pattern.

2.)My oldest DD is turning six on Tuesday. Wednesday, I am going to start sewing for our trip.

Hi Aimee!!!! :wave: I've missed you around here!

1.)Isn't that the cutest name!!! I love it!! Very fitting.
2.)Tessa will be 7 on Friday. :)
3.)OH WOW!!! That is really stunning!!! Is that a Feliz made into a skirt? It is really beautiful Aimee!


I purchased the CarlaC bundle pack (peasant top/dress, patchwork twirl, stripwork jumper) last fall from YCMT and had saved all of the tutorials on my desktop because I couldn't get them to print right (computer would freeze up after 3 pages). Anyway, my laptop crashed and I lost the tutorials. I tried finding the e-mail I got with the pdf files in them and couldn't find it. And, I hadn't registered at YCMT when I bought the tutorials so they are not in my library. Would YCMT be able to search for my purchases (I know the date of purchase) and e-mail them to me again or am I screwed and have to buy it again? Any suggestions? :confused3

I'm so upset because I also had our Disney pictures from our Dec. 09 trip on that laptop and we hadn't gotten around to backing up all of our pictures, so we lost the last 2 days worth of pics! Darn computer! :mad:

There are ways to recover things off of computers. We just had to do that with one of our hard drives. We downloaded a program from the internet.

Aimee, these are just so beautiful!!! I love your Anastasia and Drizella! Aren't those so fun!
I love the pettis with Heather's embroidery designs!
Your girls are just so cute!!!! I love seeing all these pictures!!
How did you do the top of your Tiana? I don't see straps. That is a gorgeous dress!


Yes, her shoes are on the wrong feet. I was told they made her run "faster." The shoes are called Puddlejumpers. We :lovestruc them!

Too cute!

Hi all, I never introduced myself. I'm Katra - former boutiquer that still sews when I have the time or the cause to do so. I'm married and have two boys ages 6 & 3. I'm kind of sad seeing all the girly boutiquey cuteness going on in this thread *sniff*, but I'll survive somehow. Disney's GAD have given me a moment of girly goodness and joy... I'm laying out two princess quilts right now with some fairytale fabric that has been on my shelves since before I was preggers with younger boy. The third blanket I'm doing will be more space themed in honor of TS3 coming out. My older DS is helping with that one :)

Hmm what else. We live in the CHicago suburbs, and it's wet and cold right now. Yuck.
:welcome: You can always joing the Big Give too!

Here is a photo that shows the entire length of the boys' pants. There was a lot of time in those outfits, but it was worth it because the boys loved them!


I love the Read outfits!
Arminda and Casey had "It's a Small World" shirts with that little patch on them. Where did you get that? I loved those shirts! Your bag looks great!!!

I want to see the shirt modeled!
Hi Aimee!!!! :wave: I've missed you around here!

1.)Isn't that the cutest name!!! I love it!! Very fitting.
2.)Tessa will be 7 on Friday. :)
3.)OH WOW!!! That is really stunning!!! Is that a Feliz made into a skirt? It is really beautiful Aimee!

There are ways to recover things off of computers. We just had to do that with one of our hard drives. We downloaded a program from the internet.

Aimee, these are just so beautiful!!! I love your Anastasia and Drizella! Aren't those so fun!
I love the pettis with Heather's embroidery designs!
Your girls are just so cute!!!! I love seeing all these pictures!!
How did you do the top of your Tiana? I don't see straps. That is a gorgeous dress!

I know the skirt is fitting for the Butt Ruffle Queen of the East Coast!! :) For some reason I thought Han and Tess were the same age but now I remember she is a grade ahead. The skirt is from the Feliz pattern. Thanks!

What program did you use? I lost the last six years of photos from my external hard drive. I was quoted at $1000 to recover the hard drive.

The Tiana dress does have straps. They are just clear plastic. I bought bra straps from notions wall at Jo Ann's. You just have to be careful because they are pretty delicate and can rip.

Yes, her shoes are on the wrong feet. I was told they made her run "faster." The shoes are called Puddlejumpers. We :lovestruc them!

Thanks for the shoe info..they are adorable but unfortunately my bigfoot 7yr old needs a girls 3 and they don't come that big :sad1:
Cannot figure out how to quote images, so here's my version

Prayers out to all who need them. Sending Pixie Dust your way!

Love the Easter dress with HeatherSue's Chick and Bunny.

Added the Tailored Tote to my to-do list. Love the many pockets.

Peter Pan outfits are cute, so are the boys, and the cake is AWESOME!

Aimeeg - all your outfits and kiddos are adorable.

I made my first piece of clothing today. Yippee! It's an A-line. It's non-Disney, because I didn't want to waste Disney fabric if I couldn't get it to work right. But, it worked out great, so now, I'm wishing I had used something cuter than what I used. I can't figure out how to get pix up on here from the my pictures portion of my puter, so maybe somebody can help.:confused: Thanks. Anyway, I did realize that my least favorite part of this, is actually cutting out the pieces. Once that is done, I love the construction and the sewing. Next, I'm going to try my hand at an applique. I've read HeatherSue's tute and it looks like something I can do.
Hope everyone's weekends are going well.
Wow how did I not see this thread in all the time I have been on here?!?!?! (all-be it intermittent)

You guys are some amazingly talented people! :worship:
I have a feeling I just might end up a regular over here with you guys (if you dont mind, lol).

I wanted to share some of the stuff I have made for my daughter for some of our Orlando visits. We only live 2 hours away and use to go a-lot more. These pics are all from at least 2 -3 years back.
I will admit, my daughter is 9 now and would NOT be happy if I tried to put her in this stuff now.
However, these pictures sure do make me smile of the days when "mom said wear it now put it on" was the rule .... hee hee

*side note, I am one of those moms who is happt to take any opportunity to show of my little "darling" :rotfl:







Ummm ok thats a lot of pics I just could not help myself ;)
Ok I DID IT!!!!! (wiping the sweat from my brow haha!)

I made my first twirly whirly skirt!!!!! Its a three tiered skirt in a winnie the pooh fabric. I"m making the top a t-shirt with the same fabric in mickey mouse head pattern, which I think will be cute (maybe?) anyone else have any ideas?

Anyway - I'm beat. haha! You guys are so much more talented than me. And whatever you do - DONT LOOK AT THE SEAMS INSIDE. :) They look like frankenstein stitched this thing. haha.

Pics to come, just wanted to share.


I love the Read outfits!
Arminda and Casey had "It's a Small World" shirts with that little patch on them. Where did you get that? I loved those shirts! Your bag looks great!!!

I want to see the shirt modeled!

My dh came home with a Disney tee shirt for a child...size 3T, but he figured I could use the applique on the front...so I cut the front out of the shirt and put it on the bag. :thumbsup2
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