It's a Small World with a Magical Kingdom -We are Home

Hello! :wave2: I am new to your PTR and have spent time this evening reading it over. You have a beautiful family! Just loved the picture of your hidden DD. :love: We are staying at POR too but in September. I think it will be a nice resort overall. We are hoping for free dining to be offered for our time period but we won't know until the end of the month though. What a fantastic deal!! :yay:

I really like the ADRs you have chosen. It will make for a yummy TR! :rotfl2: Beaches N cream I think will make a great end of the day! I think I will be keeping that on my radar as a great option to do at night. Hopefully we would be able to walk in to get dessert one night. :goodvibes:

Cute face paint!! That would be something fun to do at MNSSHP. :thumbsup2

oohh--shopping tips! Do share some if you do not mind!! Renting Strollers--have you checked the Orlando Stroller Company rates yet? They are priced fairly well, especially compared to having to rent one from Disney.

Such adorable photos of DD1 from BBB the first visit.

DHS: what about Jedi Training for DS? Is he a Star Wars fan?

Aww the picture of DD1 kissing Donald Duck :love: Carriage shot is soo cute as well. I hear the lines for it are insane though.
Hello! :wave2: I am new to your PTR and have spent time this evening reading it over. You have a beautiful family! Just loved the picture of your hidden DD. :love: We are staying at POR too but in September. I think it will be a nice resort overall. We are hoping for free dining to be offered for our time period but we won't know until the end of the month though. What a fantastic deal!! :yay:

I really like the ADRs you have chosen. It will make for a yummy TR! :rotfl2: Beaches N cream I think will make a great end of the day! I think I will be keeping that on my radar as a great option to do at night. Hopefully we would be able to walk in to get dessert one night. :goodvibes:

Cute face paint!! That would be something fun to do at MNSSHP. :thumbsup2

oohh--shopping tips! Do share some if you do not mind!! Renting Strollers--have you checked the Orlando Stroller Company rates yet? They are priced fairly well, especially compared to having to rent one from Disney.

Such adorable photos of DD1 from BBB the first visit.

DHS: what about Jedi Training for DS? Is he a Star Wars fan?

Aww the picture of DD1 kissing Donald Duck :love: Carriage shot is soo cute as well. I hear the lines for it are insane though.

:welcome: thanks for joining us it is great to have you here. The photo of DD2 was really funny so had to share this one. Keeping fingers crossed for you on the free dining :banana:

Shopping is a must for me, DH and kids not so keen. Learned all my shopping tips from DSIL. You gave me a wee idea for update :yay: Will add a shopping section to ptr :woohoo:

Face painting was great at MNSHHP. We didn't get this done until late on that evening but was a cool thing to do :thumbsup2 Line for carriage was not too bad from memory our wait was around 20 mins.

Thanks for tip on strollers and jedi training, DS likes stars wars, will look at this info :)

Noticed you have a PTR, need to get over and get reading. Did I see your ticker say your first family vacation?
:welcome: thanks for joining us it is great to have you here. The photo of DD2 was really funny so had to share this one. Keeping fingers crossed for you on the free dining :banana:

Shopping is a must for me, DH and kids not so keen. Learned all my shopping tips from DSIL. You gave me a wee idea for update :yay: Will add a shopping section to ptr :woohoo:

Face painting was great at MNSHHP. We didn't get this done until late on that evening but was a cool thing to do :thumbsup2 Line for carriage was not too bad from memory our wait was around 20 mins.

Thanks for tip on strollers and jedi training, DS likes stars wars, will look at this info :)

Noticed you have a PTR, need to get over and get reading. Did I see your ticker say your first family vacation?

:) definitely should add a shopping section--it's a favorite of many DISers! :thumbsup2

Definitely, if DS is a Star Wars fan, Jedi Training Academy will be a fun thing for him to do! He gets to learn how to be a Jedi and fight with Darth Vadar.

It is our first family vacation to Disney and really big vacation other than camping and visiting with friends.
:) definitely should add a shopping section--it's a favorite of many DISers! :thumbsup2

Definitely, if DS is a Star Wars fan, Jedi Training Academy will be a fun thing for him to do! He gets to learn how to be a Jedi and fight with Darth Vadar.

It is our first family vacation to Disney and really big vacation other than camping and visiting with friends.

Sold :rotfl: shopping section definatley :thumbsup2 I'll need DSIL to give me a helping hand on this section. Your ADRs are coming up soon, haven't caught up on your ADR section on PTR yet but hope you get them all :)
We were now onto dining reservations :coffee:. Our booking timeslot was catching up on us quickly so the thinking caps were on. Gran and Grandad were happy to do what the kids wanted. Where did we want to go, what character dining did we enjoy before and what did the kids want to do?. Well having done table service dining over the years we decided we wanted to try things we hadn’t done before with the exception of a few.

Since we were on vacation for 17 days :banana: we had plenty time to spread things out. There was no need to cram everything into the first week. We had booked the dining plan though so planning had to be specific to ensure we used all our dining plan days up.

Having done CRT breakfast and dinner last visit we decided that breakfast was a must. Honestly we didn’t think much about the breakfast food so definitely not going back for that but loved being in the park for an early ADR, walking up main street when its empty and seeing DD1’s face meeting Cinderella. The experience is really what we liked. Here’s a pic from our last visit on the way to CRT look at how quite it is :cloud9:


We also knew not having viewed Fantasmic for a few years we wanted to do a dinner to get the dinner, show package. DD1 not really a big fan of fireworks but loved to watch this show on our previous videos of trips. Also DH and I get to have a dinner out on our own as the kids are having an evening with Gran and Grandad :cheer2:

Decisions made ADRs were booked. Our ADRs look like

Friday 16th
CRT Breakfast
Plaza Restaurant

Saturday 17th
Mickey’s Backyard BBQ (looked over good and bad reviews on this but thought we would give it a try)

Sunday 18th
Goofy’s Beach Club Bash @ Cape May Cafe
Hollywood n Vine Dinner/Show Package

Wednesday 21st (our night out)
California Grill

Tuesday 27th
Princess Storybook Character Breakfast Akershus Royal Banquet Hall
Le Cellier
Popping over to the Yacht Club to Beaches n Cream for some ice cream later in the day

Thursday 29th
Crystal Palace

That was another tick on the checklist. A quick side note. The idea of nipping over to the Yacht Club was planted by our resident Disney guru (DSIL). Last visit they all walked over and shared a kitchen sink it sounded just great and look fabulous Maybe they’ll join us this time and we can all share two of them ::yes::.

Next time lets do our itinerary and we'll look at some pics from our last visit........:dance3:

That is just the cutest picture I have EVER seen!! Can't wait to continue reading!
We make ADRs on Monday :woohoo: I hope we get what we would like. We are not trying for CRT or Le Cellier (both of which we ate at before we had DD on our only trip) but we are hoping for a F! dinner package which from what I have been reading, hard to get.
We make ADRs on Monday :woohoo: I hope we get what we would like. We are not trying for CRT or Le Cellier (both of which we ate at before we had DD on our only trip) but we are hoping for a F! dinner package which from what I have been reading, hard to get.

Fingers crossed on your ADRs, I'll check out your ptr so see if you got everything :woohoo:
Thought would do an update on what’s been happening planning wise, maybe do some stuff on recent purchases and add some more pics from our last trip :banana: There is some food porn and some of our DN and DN. Do you recall our DN’s birthday is on our arrival day well thought he would like a wee look back at some really funny pictures of him and DS on BTM from last trip, maybe we can temp DSIL into some fun pictures again :confused3

So purchases :woohoo: I’ve been picking up bits and bobs for the children clothes wise and they have got new crocs. The crocs were a great bargain picked up online :cool1: DSIL is not only our resident Disney guru but also great bargain hunter online :thumbsup2 Airplane pack wise just one purchase of colouring books so far. I’ve been reading other ptr’s where the mums are doing sewing of some lovely dresses they look great I’m so impressed about these, well done ladies :worship: Unfortunately not only would I struggle to fit sewing in I’m not very good at creating things so this is not an avenue I would try. I’m going to do a separate update on purchases with pictures so will need to keep you waiting a little bit longer for a look :surfweb: Oh another thing was I purchased a passporter from amazon earlier today look forward to that arriving to start writing, haven't used one before. Thinking it may keep me on track with this ptr also :confused3

Planning – we need to get a passport sorted out for DD2 so far all that has been done is the collecting of the forms from the postoffice :scared1: we need to complete these, take her photo (that will be hard) then send in the £49 to get a passport issued. At least everyone else’s is up to date last trip two of us had to renew them so that was £162 to get that done :eek: £49 seems nothing this time

ESTAs – Electronic System Travel Authorisation – we have to retain this prior to our trip to the USA. These are online forms that need to be completed and printed out. Still to do this also but will get to this quickly as there is whispers that charges are about to come into force for this.

Let’s look at some pictures now. Do you remember that our last trip was with family members well here is the three diva’s don’t they look just fab. Three peas in a pod :)


BTM – DN and DS look terrified don’t they :scared1: they loved it really :thumbsup2




Some food now :woohoo: We went to spoodles and it was quite nice, I believe this may not be in Boardwalk anymore :confused3



Can't remember what they were called now but it was rather yummy :cloud9:

Well that's it for today back to the :laundy:
I love the pictures where the boys look scared to death on that ride. Was it BTMR? Thanks for sharing some more pics!
Hello! I love shopping updates--looking forward to reading about the great things you picked up. I am working on a skirt for DD right now. It is going really well, I hope I can finish it next day or two. I love using the Passporter--I actually need to go and transfer information into it. :thumbsup2: I hope you like it! We are toying with the idea of a cruise next May--I need to investigate whether we need a passport or a passport card now. I know the policies have changed since we last went.

Great photos--Divas indeed! Such a cute photo. The look on their faces on BTMR is priceless! Spoodles is no longer there--you are right.
Hello! I love shopping updates--looking forward to reading about the great things you picked up. I am working on a skirt for DD right now. It is going really well, I hope I can finish it next day or two. I love using the Passporter--I actually need to go and transfer information into it. :thumbsup2: I hope you like it! We are toying with the idea of a cruise next May--I need to investigate whether we need a passport or a passport card now. I know the policies have changed since we last went.

Great photos--Divas indeed! Such a cute photo. The look on their faces on BTMR is priceless! Spoodles is no longer there--you are right.

They certainly are :cool1: this was taken in nascar cafe at the citywalk, we had a really good time in there and food was not too bad as well. I'm just about to do an update with some shopping in it:woohoo::woohoo:
We have had not internet connection since wednesday :scared1::scared1::scared1: all sorted now thank goodness :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

What's been happening, well guess what has arrived :yay::yay::yay:

Yip you have guessed


I'm loving it already :love: been reading lots since we have not been able to go online and writing down all the important and useful information. Things like ADR reservation numbers, info on flights, booking information for hotels and noting down our itinerary for the vacation. Still got lots of reading to do and more writing but that's been cool :cool1:

Shopping was promised last time so i'll catch up on those pictures I have been talking about. First up remember those books I purchased for the flight packs, here they are


One for DD1 she is a real princess.


One for DS he thinks mickey mouse clubhouse is uncool in front of his friends but secretly likes to watch with his sister ;)

That's all I have purhcased for those packs. I need to look out for a wee thing for DD2 to draw with :confused3 She'll only have turned one but she'll def be looking for something when they have something. Maybe one of those magic doodle pads would work :confused3

I'm now going to do a quick shopping update :woohoo:
Just a small shopping update for now i'm afraid but thought you would like a wee look :cheer2:

I have been picking things up for the children in bits and bobs. So here is a few taster's of what I have bought :goodvibes See if you can see a small theme emerging. Would love to here your thoughts on the theme :banana:

First up crocs, we purchased the pins on our last trip, DS didn't want any thought he was too cool!



Some items for all three of the kids. First up DD1, second up DD2 and lastly DS




Short update I know but needing to catch up on lots this weekend plus I'm heading out tonight to a hen night not sure what to expect haven't been to one for years and years but i'm sure us ladies will have fun :woohoo:


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