The Return of the Asian-Feb 2010. 4/14-LINK TO PART 2-pg 249

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Ok. Now that I have a minute (kids aren't pulling at my arms begging for attention and the hubby is occupied with dishes)...

Great update and recap. I would LOVE to do EMH the next time we go to WDW...especially at MK. Mom, sister, and I headed to MK one evening (pretty sure it wasn't EMH) and left the boys back at the hotel. We ended up hitting SM, BTMRR, Buzz, and a few others...though I can't quite remember which ones. :P BTMRR we got to ride during Wishes...that was fun!


3 days in one thread...that's not too bad...though I guess there is still room for you to do at least part of another day before you hit 250. ;)
My Dylan is exactly the same way. I tell my husband all of the time that we have raised a "TIVO baby." He can not stand commercials and says "Remote" whenever one comes on. When we are watching live TV, we try to explain to him that we can't use the remote....and that is when I realize that we are trying to explain how the TIVO works to a 2 year old. Wow, that was one of those things that we were stupid to not see coming.

my son (18 mos) is too spoiled with on demand tv. He screams every time a commercial comes on during Handy Manny. LOL!
WE LOOOVE CASEYS! No trip to MK is complete without Caseys and a Dole Whip - but AFTER riding all the mountains - KWIM??????
I feel the same Derek. What bugs me is that "other people" always get to see the :littleangel: but not the :furious:!!! Drives me crazy!

No way! You want to be greatful others don't see the :furious: child in action! :laughing:

We had such a rough time yesterday that I told Eric that he needed to pick one! He asked why....I told him that I didnt think they would both survive the day! His response was "I cant pick one right now....they are both acting psychotic, Lets let fate decide"!!!!!!!! In the end, we let them both live but I don't know how long it'll last!:confused3

Since the one child is 8, have you tried taking privileges away? Time outs pretty much don't work at that age. Ask me how I know. :rolleyes: With a DS17 and a dd10, 8 seems to be a magical age where spankings (yes I spanked my kids so sue me) and time outs aren't near as effective as one think they should be. Of course your mom and you know them best....just thought I would toss that out there for you.

On a separate note, Dylan surprised me tonight when he jumped on my lap to join Ashlyn and let out a pre-planned secret poof (and then proceeded to laugh about it):mad:. I'm not sure where he learned to sneak these poofs in but I have my suspicions about a certain uncle:confused3

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

And holy crapamoly!! I"m #4!!! :lmao: You're just so fun to hang out with...

I'm right behind you! :laughing: Ah! I made a childish very Jordy thread joke and didn't even mean to! :rotfl:

I'm glad he reported that it was a bathroom assessment they were doing in the picture. I was afraid they were saying what they did in there.

:scared: Wellllllllllll, idn't that speeecial. <said in best SNL Church Lady's voice>

it's okay...i forgive you because i'm getting old, too. the other day i forgot to put clothes in washer TWICE after it filled up with water. of course a little bit of that may be preggo brain.

click here to read about my first experience with the sauerkraut bliss at casey's:

Most def. a preggers brain in action right there! :laughing: :hug: I throw in the hug so you don't cry, another reaction had by preggers. Once I made myself cry when I was preggers! Now that was funny! :rotfl:

Subbing in. Long time lurker. I was LOL when I read about the Space Mountain. Have you ever seen it with the lights on? I was riding TTA when SM broke down so when we came to that part the lights were on. :scared1:
Suffice it to say I only rode it one time after that.

Tell those of us who've not seen it, why? I'm curious. I've heard several people say they had to pull their arms down on this ride because they thought their hands or arms would be taken off! :scared:
If things are really this low, they why don't they tell us to not put our arms/hands up?!? :confused3
Great update Jordy! I think the picture of the ghost was an interesting take. :confused3 Hard to say what's goin on there. :laughing:

Were you really asleep leaning over on Rosie? You really had a long day that day,Wow! It's my hope to do EMH's in MK while there in May. Only 34 more days!!! :goodvibes

I feel the same Derek. What bugs me is that "other people" always get to see the :littleangel: but not the :furious:!!! Drives me crazy!
I agree, I was always happy that most of time they were :furious: at home and :angel: in public.

We had such a rough time yesterday that I told Eric that he needed to pick one! He asked why....I told him that I didnt think they would both survive the day! His response was "I cant pick one right now....they are both acting psychotic, Lets let fate decide"!!!!!!!! In the end, we let them both live but I don't know how long it'll last!:confused3

When my oldest was a baby, and she would fuss in the afternoon, I would threaten to put her in the maibox and put the flag up so the mailman could take her! :laughing: She had no idea of course but it made me feel better that I had an option.:eek:

I like Casey's hot dogs but, let me word this carefully, I like the hot dogs nekked, just bun and dog. I also like getting a reaction ordering that way. :rolleyes: Everytime I say plain they question me so I say nekked and no questions, they know what i mean.

I love MK EMH. When I went with my friends on NYE ( Disney virgins) I told them we were bailing MK at about 2pm. We came back that night and did fantasyland in about 45 minutes. :cloud9:
You weren't the only one creeped out at was just creepy. Standing in the stretching room with just the four of us and the other little family...weird.

I warned you about being in front on SM.:rotfl2: I rode in front once and I was sure I was going to be decapitated the entire ride. It was fun to hear you scream.;)

I don't think I'll be doing HM at the end of the night again anytime soon...

Ha! I was screaming like a little girl

What? No flatulence jokes? I thought it was practically mandatory to make some sort of fart reference after mentioning sauerkraut. Especially a "butt load" of it.

It was late. I was tired. I have gas now if that's any consolation.:)

huc said:
So you're more worried about emptying your bladder on the ride than getting decapitated? was a toss up

huc said:
You look like an angel when you're asleep.

I was only pretending. I had sauerkraut on my mind....

Glad you guys were in agreement on your bathroom assessment!

You can really sense the male comraderie that was happening there, can't you?

It all makes sense to guys, especially DJay and me.

I'm glad he reported that it was a bathroom assessment they were doing in the picture. I was afraid they were saying what they did in there.


coulda been....:rolleyes1
What a great late night! You're making me so hungry. I didn't know Casey's had they had it either. We haven't eaten there since 2002.

I have enough trouble getting Danielle on the HM especially at night. I can't imagine getting her on it late at night when it's so spooky and deserted looking.

I don't think I've ever eaten at caseys:eek:

Don't try on a evening EMH....just creepy, but creepy fun too.

As was the rest of Orange Co.

Watch out OC. I had beans for lunch.

im going with a ghost.

Me too...

What a great night you all had!

I had sauerkraut and pork chops for dinner last night! :thumbsup2

That did not look like a kid! I might have started running if I was at HM late at night and saw him coming toward me!

I sat in the front seat last time I rode SM and I had a blast! Scary but fun!

What could be better than being at Magic Kingdom late at night with your friends!

Pork Chops and Sauerkraut...that sounds good.

I didn't even see him, but he was in the stretching room with us...or was he...:scared1:

It was fun to sit in the front. It's kinda fun thinking that your life could end at any minute.

It was a GREAT night.
it's okay...i forgive you because i'm getting old, too. the other day i forgot to put clothes in washer TWICE after it filled up with water. of course a little bit of that may be preggo brain.

click here to read about my first experience with the sauerkraut bliss at casey's:

Thanks for the link.

I find myself forgetting things more and more...:eek:

Thanks for the funny update.
Now I want to ride SM in the front! :thumbsup2
DH and I ate at Casey's in 08. He was in heaven and I said we'd never eat there again! But we do go to Biergarten every trip so he gets his sauerkraut and sausage there.

It's a really different experience in front of SM.

I could make a meal out of the kraut, but I'd have to make sure a restroom was within 10 ft for the rest of the night....

Some tweakers. :rotfl2:

Only a SoCal native would actually know what that meant....

I like your summary of the day. It helps you realize how much you crammed into one day. Good job on sticking close to your plan. :thumbsup2

That kid/person/ghost-looking creature is CREEPY. I can't believe you caught that picture on THAT ride. Little did that kid/person/ghost-looking creature realize that they would be discussed in great detail by a bunch of people. Lucky them. :laughing:

I was proud that we stuck to the plan. we didn't even carry "the plan" with us. It was just in our head.

I don't even know if that's really a person that was there...:scared1:

Subbing in. Long time lurker. I was LOL when I read about the Space Mountain. Have you ever seen it with the lights on? I was riding TTA when SM broke down so when we came to that part the lights were on. :scared1:
Suffice it to say I only rode it one time after that.


I've seen the pictures. I claim ignorance...:rolleyes1
Ok. Now that I have a minute (kids aren't pulling at my arms begging for attention and the hubby is occupied with dishes)...

Great update and recap. I would LOVE to do EMH the next time we go to WDW...especially at MK. Mom, sister, and I headed to MK one evening (pretty sure it wasn't EMH) and left the boys back at the hotel. We ended up hitting SM, BTMRR, Buzz, and a few others...though I can't quite remember which ones. :P BTMRR we got to ride during Wishes...that was fun!


3 days in one thread...that's not too bad...though I guess there is still room for you to do at least part of another day before you hit 250. ;)

I would always suggest Sunday night EMH at MK...

I only have 10 more full days to go!!!!:thumbsup2

I may do one more recap of all 3 days, but I may not have room....

my son (18 mos) is too spoiled with on demand tv. He screams every time a commercial comes on during Handy Manny. LOL!

WE LOOOVE CASEYS! No trip to MK is complete without Caseys and a Dole Whip - but AFTER riding all the mountains - KWIM??????
:rotfl2::rotfl2: yes, know what you mean.
Great update Jordy! I think the picture of the ghost was an interesting take. :confused3 Hard to say what's goin on there. :laughing:

Were you really asleep leaning over on Rosie? You really had a long day that day,Wow! It's my hope to do EMH's in MK while there in May. Only 34 more days!!! :goodvibes

I think he must've gone to Pirate's league...maybe?

Noope. Not asleep. I had a crazy long day. WOW!!!! coming up soon.

I like Casey's hot dogs but, let me word this carefully, I like the hot dogs nekked, just bun and dog. I also like getting a reaction ordering that way. :rolleyes: Everytime I say plain they question me so I say nekked and no questions, they know what i mean.

I love MK EMH. When I went with my friends on NYE ( Disney virgins) I told them we were bailing MK at about 2pm. We came back that night and did fantasyland in about 45 minutes. :cloud9:

Nekked? really? wow? Wendy likes her burgers plain.

YUP! I understand that! If you plan it right, you can do most of the attractions in the 3 hours of EMH.
Look a ghost!!!!!

Look a ghost!!!!!

That guy looks like he just saw a ghost. And is that a gash/scar on his right cheek?

Glad you enjoyed MK EMH! When we were there last May we finally left at 2:00 a.m. I think we were the last group to leave. No wait on rides. It was like having the park to ourselves! :cloud9:
I"m just glad they were under the train STATION!
Who under de statuion:rotfl2:
YES!!!!! kraut can make any crappy dog taste a million times better!!!! Mmm!!! And I think you have the wording about a butt load, being just about right there. ;):

Kraut+ Jordan:scared1:

Don't ya just love MK EMH?? NO lines ARE the best!!!!! :woohoo:
:scared1: that apparition is just scary!!

I was not scared :rolleyes:At first I read this like Rosie's getting fresh. :confused3 Had to read it twice.


THat's a ton!!! I'll say it again.... Love MK EMH!
Liessa you crack me up:lmao:


Kraut is soo good, but soo deadly....

For you YES

U got it right the first time;)

Ssh Jordan that wa s a secret !!!!!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

So true..."touche, et tu, Brute" how does one find out what our rank is?:surfweb:

Yea what;s mine!!!:confused:

I do read your reports, but must've forgotten (I'm getting old):rolleyes1

i can't wait! :yay: guys got a lot done in that 2 hours! looks like a great night!!!

Jordan I am the OLD one:lmao:

You can smelll the kraut from a mile away....smelled sooo good![/QUOTE]

Now if Jordan ate it the smell could be less than pleasant :lmao:

I don't think I'll be doing HM at the end of the night again anytime soon...

Ha! I was screaming like a little girl

It was late. I was tired. I have gas now if that's any consolation.:)

Not on HM !!:rotfl2:

I thought GAS was a permanent fixture !!!!

I was only pretending. I had sauerkraut on my mind....


Sure yoy did:rolleyes1
Look a ghost!!!!!

Look a ghost!!!!!

That guy looks like he just saw a ghost. And is that a gash/scar on his right cheek?

Glad you enjoyed MK EMH! When we were there last May we finally left at 2:00 a.m. I think we were the last group to leave. No wait on rides. It was like having the park to ourselves! :cloud9:

I don't know what to even think of that boy....

We were pretty close to the last people in the park....I LOVED it. I am missing WDW right now....
Been reading along, great update. I've just been so busy!!!!! stop the world I wanna get off!!:rotfl::rotfl:
I don't know what to even think of that boy....

We were pretty close to the last people in the park....I LOVED it. I am missing WDW right now....

I'm going through withdrawals now, too. Since 2002 we've traveled to Disney in May. This year we're heading in November. It seems strange not planning/packing right around now. But the DIS is a great place for comfort. :goodvibes
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