Stop Making Me Laugh Or I'll Pee My Pants! Go Back! I Lost My Shoe! Trip Report!

Hi Allan! I'm happy to see you back on the Disboards. :goodvibes

Thanks April :).

Well lookie what the cat drug in! Allan my friend, I wonder about you a lot. I don't think we've heard from you since around Christmas time. How are "your girls"?.

Yeah, it's been since a bit before Christmas. I got busy with work (60+hr weeks aren't fun), then sidetracked, then 2010 happened :(. Without going into too much detail (since this is your thread, not mine, not that you care about that.... :p)...

I haven't talked with the girls for about two months now. We had a bit of a "falling out". In all honesty, I wasn't too broken up over losing Beth (especially since I was the one that "broke it off") and it's actually somewhat of a relief, I loved her dearly, but it was a lot of added stress on me. Emily is a different story, but at least she's young enough so that me not being a part of their lives isn't going to hurt her. It's a shame, but... oh well.

There's been a bit of other stuff this year too... it's not been easy or fun (there's a wall of text devoted to it in my PTR in my siggy below if anyone's interested). Oh well, what matters is what's ahead of me and not the bumps that are behind me. "Keep on keepin' on" in other words.

I should be around a bit again now, hopefully I can stay around this time heh.
I love your MK pics - you guys look like you were still enjoying each other at the end of your trip! I hope we are the same way when we've been around each other (all 16 of us) for a week...;)

Too bad about the summer deal...I know that we were hoping for something, too. But we paid everything off today, so it's not like we're depending on anything more than we got! Your trip is getting close...ours is two months from today, so you're really closing in!
I love your MK pics - you guys look like you were still enjoying each other at the end of your trip! I hope we are the same way when we've been around each other (all 16 of us) for a week...;)

Too bad about the summer deal...I know that we were hoping for something, too. But we paid everything off today, so it's not like we're depending on anything more than we got! Your trip is getting close...ours is two months from today, so you're really closing in!

You know...even after spending 10 days together, we were still enjoying spending time together. It's nice to have so much one-on-one time. I may have been singing another tune if I had 16 people going like you do.;)

I wish I could have taken advantage of the "rumored" promotion but I was still able to get a 35% off room discount so I am happy with that.
I got another pin yesterday that does not help me(well actually it was for my neighbor who used my email address years back--between her and Joe I get lots of pins but really none for me :confused3)...I wish it was transferrable it is for free dining...maybe the free dining will be released by the first of the month and you guys will be able to take advantage of it!
I got another pin yesterday that does not help me(well actually it was for my neighbor who used my email address years back--between her and Joe I get lots of pins but really none for me :confused3)...I wish it was transferrable it is for free dining...maybe the free dining will be released by the first of the month and you guys will be able to take advantage of it!

I guess Disney knows I'm coming back year after year even if I don't get a promo or pin. pins to date.

I am uploading more pictures to photobucket. I hope to get another updated posted tonight.
I really hope all these last minute deals are an indication that the crowds are going to be low in May. Just 24 more days!!!!
I was just admiring your flower pics on pg 104. My DD12 does photography as a 4-H project and loves it! She likes to play with her camera settings, too! I really like your pics of the bees!
I really hope all these last minute deals are an indication that the crowds are going to be low in May. Just 24 more days!!!!

That's exactly what I am hoping for! John and I were talking about it last night and said the same thing.

I was just admiring your flower pics on pg 104. My DD12 does photography as a 4-H project and loves it! She likes to play with her camera settings, too! I really like your pics of the bees!

Hey there! So glad that you've decided to post. I love taking pictures even though I'm not super good at it. I remember being in 4H. I used to say I wanted to grow up and be a Home Ec teacher.
We interrupt this trip report for a brief (in all honesty, not sure if it will be brief but we can pretend) intermission. Please enjoy these two short videos of the Festival of the Lion King while Photobucket and I duke it out over where the heck the rest of my Magic Kingdom picture are!

I'm back now and am happy to report that I escaped the bout with Photobucket and came away unscathed. :rotfl:

Let's move on with this trip report shall we. After eating our lunch at Pinocchio's Village Haus, we weren't quite sure where to go next. We had already done everything in Fantasyland. Actually, we had done almost everything in the Magic Kingdom. We did know that we wanted to go back over to Tom Sawyer Island and see if we could find that darn fort. I knew it was there 'cause I had seen pictures of it on Missy's trip report.

Last year, we had leather bracelets made for the 2nd and 3rd year Mission students and Lacey wanted to get new ones made for the girls that didn't have one. They are sold at the store in Frontierland so we figured that would be where we headed.

Some pictures I took along the way:


I have absolutely no idea why Lacey and Hunter are watching this little boy. Obviously, there was something over there that was worth looking at:



We made it to the stand that sells the leather bracelets and Lacey picked out the ones she needed made. We placed the order and then went inside to pay. Hunter spotted this hidden Stitch. I took two pictures because I didn't like the way the first one came out.



We walked around in the store a little while but there wasn't much to see other than trading pins. Hunter likes the pins but he doesn't get into it as much as Lacey did when she was young. I think the last time we counted her pins, she had way over 300!

Because the lady said it would take a while before they could get to Lacey's order, we figured we might as well stick around and get a spot for the day time parade. We hadn't stopped long enough to see the afternoon parade in years. We found a place right outside the store which was good because we could continue to check to see if the bracelets were ready.

This guy was perched on top of a stand across the way:


Of course, after sitting still for a while, I realized that I had to tinkle (surprise surprise) so off I went to the bathroom while the rest of the family stayed put. I came back after a few minutes and took a couple more pictures before the parade began.



***Okay, go ahead and fuss at me 'cause I need to stop here. I have some of my parade pictures uploaded but not all of them. So, instead of posting a couple and then coming back later and posting more, I'll stop here.

I don't know why but Frontierland always reminds me of a section of the old AstroWorld :confused3 maybe its the shooting arcade...
Have a great day! :wave:
That is exactly where we sat for the parade last spring! We watched the lady engraving the bracelets while we waited! It's a great spot!

Now you have me you find the fort??? :confused3 :confused3
I don't know why but Frontierland always reminds me of a section of the old AstroWorld :confused3 maybe its the shooting arcade...
Have a great day! :wave:

Hum, not sure 'cause I've never been to AstroWorld. Is it fun?

That is exactly where we sat for the parade last spring! We watched the lady engraving the bracelets while we waited! It's a great spot!

Now you have me you find the fort??? :confused3 :confused3

Isn't that a coincidence! We had a perfect spot as you will see from the upcoming pics.

And, yes, we did find the fort.

Just before the parade started, the lady told Lacey her bracelets were ready. They turned out great and she was very pleased. We tucked them away in the backpack and were ready for the parade to pass by.

Look at what we saw coming down the street!




I felt so sorry for these dancers. They were sweating like crazy but they still had smiles on their faces.



You can tell from these pictures how close the floats and characters were to us:














*** Continued in next post


A couple of years ago, John danced with Suzy and Pearla in Toontown so he was excited to see them again:


The evil stepmother and stepsisters were so funny and played their characters well:




Are you tired of parade pictures yet? Sorry, I have more!:lmao:




Umm, not such a good shot of Jessie:laughing:





All too soon the parade was over and the crowds started moving. We, however, decided to stay put. We knew we wanted to go back to the Country Bear Jamboree and Tom Sawyer Island but not until some of the crowds cleared out.

I can't remember which store we popped into but it could have been the pin trading store again. We thought these aprons were cute:



***What's in the next installment? Country Bear Jamboree and Tom Sawyer Island

I LOVE THE PARADE PICS!! This is the parade where Jeff got the infamous armpit shot! I know how close you were! LOL!

Cute aprons...the bear one is my favorite! :thumbsup2
I LOVE THE PARADE PICS!! This is the parade where Jeff got the infamous armpit shot! I know how close you were! LOL!

Cute aprons...the bear one is my favorite! :thumbsup2

I totally forgot about the armpit shot! :rotfl:

I thought the aprons were cute too. Too bad I don't wear an apron when I cook. I really should because I can get pretty messy in the kitchen.

Great parade shots! will have to remember the location...looks like a good one!

Where we sat was a great location to watch the parade. You need to see if you can get a spot there. The characters came really close to us so I am sure Ashton would love that too.


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