Inspired by the "Can I cut in line..etc " thread

I believe that technically use of the transportation system is supposed to be for resort guests.

Except for the transportation that gets you from the parking lot to the park.

I.E. the buses and boats to the resorts are for resort guests.

I don't feel like looking up the exact wording, but full use of WDW transportation is included with every multiday ticket.
Ok, I just finished reading through this whole thread and it's rather disappointing. I've always steered clear of the hostile topics, mostly because it amazes me what people take the time to get upset about. I might be more laid back than most and I believe in giving people the benefit of the greater good. If someone in front of me in line needs to take their kid to the restroom, I have no problem saving their place. It's the courteous thing to do. I don't suspect they have alterior motives. I just think that a child needs to go and it doesn't hurt me one bit to hold their place. I would hope someone would be friendly enough to return the favor should it ever be me in that situation. Same with holding tables. I fail to see the big deal with this. Even in busy times, I have never not found a place to plant my butt and eat my meal. And as I'm looking for said place, it never occurs to me to think ill of those people I see holding tables for their families. The way I see it, that's less kids to cause a ruckus in line. Besides, it just plain makes SENSE.

As far as giving up bus seats, this just seems like a no-brainer. This isn't a Disney Transportation issue. This is a matter of just doing what's right, regardless of where you are. If you're on a bus, subway, wherever and you see an older person or a mother with a child, it's the courteous thing to offer up your seat. Didn't your mother ever teach you that? Who cares if you were there first, or you're tired. Be the bigger person and step up to the plate.

And though is has yet to be dredged up on this particular thread, I also don't see the big deal in taking kids out of school to go to WDW. My parents did it all the time and if I had children, I wouldn't hesitate to do it either. And I wouldn't care if people cast judgement, because at the end of our fun-filled-Disney vacation, what really matters is that its MY family and no one elses.

The joy of being individuals is finding what works for you and accepting that it might not be the same as what works for someone else. But above all else, at Disney or any other place, wouldn't you think it's inherently human to just be kind and considerate and do what's right in any given situation?
As far as giving up bus seats, this just seems like a no-brainer. This isn't a Disney Transportation issue. This is a matter of just doing what's right, regardless of where you are. If you're on a bus, subway, wherever and you see an older person or a mother with a child, it's the courteous thing to offer up your seat. Didn't your mother ever teach you that? Who cares if you were there first, or you're tired. Be the bigger person and step up to the plate.

my thoughts exactly, this is not a "Disney" rule this is a anywhere rule. Too bad these types of kindness rules seem few and far between these days. :(
I think they should sell refillable beer mugs!!!! :thumbsup2


Second that! That would be an expense I would have no problem with.:thumbsup2

While serving as pallbearer's at Babe Ruth's funeral in August 1948, Joe Dugan whispered to Waite Hoyt "I'd give $100 for a cold beer". Dugan murmured back, "So would the Babe." ;)
I wouldn't refill my mug at the park ~ I know my DH would though.

Yuck! It would get all sticky with soda remnants from dried up soda.

I assume at home you don't walk around with the cup in 80 degree weather around all day.

You would pretty much have to keep it full the whole time or at least rinse it out each time you empty it.

Loved being able to use the cups at the pool though. :) Rinse and reuse!

If Disney were to put this into effect, I'd hope they'd do what they do at the resorts: include a washing station beside the drink machines.

That way, anyone with a mug can easily wash their mug before filling it. It's just sensible.

My only request is to make different sizes of these mugs. At places that have them, they're usually so big!! I hate lugging around those huge ones all day. I'd be happy with a 8- or 12-oz mug.
I am the most generous person in the world, but I have been guilty of not giving up my seat on a bus. When I have stayed onsite without a car and HAD to ride the buses, I refused to get on a bus where I or my son couldn't sit. I would often step back and let others on once it was at that point and wait for the next one. It is usually only a 10 minute wait at most. I see it as a safety issue more than anything else. If there is an accident, the people standing are likely to be really hurt. I feel if someone doesn't want to stand, they can wait for the next bus like I do. JMHO, of course.

Now if we are somewhere stationary that has seating, like a doctor's office and someone needs a seat more than me(older, with a baby, handicapped, etc), I will offer up my seat, because that is a comfort issue. Totally different situation to me.

I think the difference here is that when you eat at a particular restaurant at a resort, you are paying for that experience. If it's an expensive restaurant, everyone who eats there pays the expensive price. However, someone could pay for a value resort and then jump over to a deluxe resort to use the pool. They aren't paying for the nicer pool. They are paying for the value pool. It's not fair to those who ARE paying for the deluxe pool. I think that's why a lot of people get miffed.
When I pay to stay at the Polynesian, I fully expect to be able to use their pool..find a seat for my entire group. But..I"ve been there when there were obvious rule breakers..and they took up a massive number of pool side seats and tables. They made quite a bit of noise discussing how much they enjoyed this pool and would have to save their pennies to stay here at some point. Someone must have said something to a lifeguard because about 30 mins later, the lifeguard went over to them and asked to see resort ID. They had none and had to leave. They were not happy campers.

I agree! And if every member of every party was in line with their strollers...can you even imagine what the line would look like :scared1: Many of the counter service lines won't even accomodate a stroller. I think the big issue is people sitting at tables who are not eating there. They have no way of telling who is legitimately waiting for food, and those taking a break.

There is a BIG difference between Disney's rules and DisBoarders rules!!

And as for pool hopping...if you ask the lifeguards themselves THEY say it is allowed. I've never done it, due to the whole wet suit issue, but Disney allows it. I asked last fall when my friend and I were staying at different resorts, and neither resort had a problem with it. The concierge at her resort even suggested we go try out the pool at "another" resort.

Lastly- I agree with having my own fun. I am way too busy making magical memories with my own family. Why would I care what you are doing with yours?? Unless I just like creating drama everywhere I go- NOT!!
Not a 'DIS rule, but a Disney rule'. Unfortunately, CMs pretty much allow guests to do what they the expense of those who are following the WDW stated rules.

The sign doesn't say "unless you're a DVC owner" anywhere on it , either. So by this theory, it would be perfectly fine for someone "paying" for a deluxe resort to go swim in a pool at a moderate resort (not that they would want to rub elbows with those beneath them), but not vice-versa.

What I CLEARLY said in my post is, DISNEY allows it. It is just a Dis "rule" and for some reason one of the things that gets quickly into a fury. Just ask the lifeguard on duty and they will tell you the same thing. Now I know they have the right to say no if it is a super crowded day, but in all my trips to Disney I have never been in a pool that was TOO crowded, and I never let the small things ruin my vacation!
Again..not a DIS rule. What part of 'for the exclusive use of GF and spa guests' is unclear??? Each pool, at each resort is for the use of the guests who have paid to stay there. This is why lifeguards regularly make sweeps of the more popular pools, asking to see resort ID. They don't do that based on the DIS.
I believe that technically use of the transportation system is supposed to be for resort guests.

Except for the transportation that gets you from the parking lot to the park.

I.E. the buses and boats to the resorts are for resort guests.

Trust me WDW does not encourage people to park at DTD and walk to a resort in order to bus to MK ~ so they don't pay the $14 parking fee.

From the disney site

Complimentary transportation throughout Walt Disney World Resort—including transportation to and from Disney Theme Parks and Disney Water Parks—is available to Guests of select Walt Disney World Resort hotels.
Nope, transportation use is for anyone holding a park pass....not just for resort guests.
One of the fabricated rules that annoys me is the "no food, or no coolers" allowed in the WDW parks (brought in by the guest).

That is patently untrue. Coolers (and yes, I've seen large coolers) especially softsided easily carried one, along with food and drink items that are not in glass or alcoholic are allowed to be carried into the park.

Don't presume that because I am eating "my own" food that I'm too cheap to buy Disney's offerings. I very well may have dietary restrictions, so just ignore me will you?

Associated with that is the "rule" that if you carried your own food in you cannot avail yourself of the public seating areas. (I'm NOT talking about tables and chairs in a given restaurant). Anyone can sit there, so hark your noise about it.

I must admit that I do get a chuckle out of the majority of the pontificating that I read posted here. So many members here think they know all there is to know about WDW, when in reality they are either deliberately making things up, or parroting false information that they've heard or read elsewhere.

There are rules that the WDW corporation has laid down. Follow those and be happy.

It's a vacation people, not boot camp!
I may be wrong, but I heard the soda was provided free of charge to Disney by whatever company it's made by.

I read that on an article about Disney little known secrets. It said Coca-Cola donated all the fountian drinks (which costs them very little) in exchange for exclusive rights to sell only their bottled beverages (which are big profit for them.) I wish I could find it, I can't right now. I had it bookmarked on my old laptop, but not this one.
I read that on an article about Disney little known secrets. It said Coca-Cola donated all the fountian drinks (which costs them very little) in exchange for exclusive rights to sell only their bottled beverages (which are big profit for them.) I wish I could find it, I can't right now. I had it bookmarked on my old laptop, but not this one.

I found an article talking about Disneyland. The one I saw before mentioned all of Disney, but this is similar.
Then they can hardly list it as a benefit of staying onsite.

It's all in how they word it. I don't think they word it in any way that makes it an exclusive benefit - only that it is available.
This won't be popular, but I totally don't get all the uproar over parade etiquette. It really doesn't bother me if I'm standing at the front of the rope and some parent tries to push their child in front of me to see the parade. I'll gladly let the child in front (not the parent). He/she's short, I can easily see over him/her- no big deal.

Then again, I'm not a parade person. I'd rather go hop in all the short ride lines from 3-4 while all you suckers are standing in the hot sun watching some dude wearing a fuzzy mouse costume walk by. :laughing:
Whoever said they don't see the appeal with pool hopping and parking at DTD to save money, I completely and totally agree with that. My time at WDW is worth way more than it would be to park, and I can imagine all that transferring and waiting could take close to an hour if the buses were really off (like they sometimes are). As for pool hopping, I just think that would be a huge PITA and once you're in the water, a pool is just a pool (except for the wonderful sand @ YC/BC ;)).

I can't think of any of the rules that I just completely don't agree with, I guess the closest would have to be the rope drop procedures. IMO forcing a large number of people into a "pack" like they do is more dangerous than letting people go at the pace they want to.
I think they should sell refillable beer mugs!!!! :thumbsup2

I think it's silly for people to get up in arms about someone stopping on the sidewalk to read their map, etc. Just go around!! What's the big deal??
It has nothing to do with sidewalks on the DIS. It's pretty much any walkway. God FORBID you stop short, get over too quickly or cut someone off. EEK! Obviously my family takes up quite a large amount of "street space" at WDW and I try very hard to keep everyone in line and moving, but sometimes it happens. Someone stops short without putting on their blinker, using hand signals, and checking their mirrors to get over. I always feel SO bad for people behind us, but it happens. :confused3

I am the most generous person in the world, but I have been guilty of not giving up my seat on a bus. When I have stayed onsite without a car and HAD to ride the buses, I refused to get on a bus where I or my son couldn't sit. I would often step back and let others on once it was at that point and wait for the next one. It is usually only a 10 minute wait at most. I see it as a safety issue more than anything else. If there is an accident, the people standing are likely to be really hurt. I feel if someone doesn't want to stand, they can wait for the next bus like I do. JMHO, of course.

Now if we are somewhere stationary that has seating, like a doctor's office and someone needs a seat more than me(older, with a baby, handicapped, etc), I will offer up my seat, because that is a comfort issue. Totally different situation to me.


I never thought about it like before, but SO true. Especially in light of all the bus accidents lately. I'm considering driving from our resort to the parks instead of the bus.
Ok here's mine. I think it's rather silly that people get all up in arms over people parking at the Boardwalk, enjoying the time there...and then walking over to catch the illuminations. Disney doesn't care of you do it, but the Dis does.
Same with valeting at the Contemporary.


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