Surprise, Honey! You're Taking Me to WDW! (6/10) Coming Soon, to a DISboard Near You!

Hi Kathy!! I think I'm all caught up!!! Looks like your plan is fabulous! You're going to love Cali Grill! It's so nice and romantic! CSR looks so pretty!!!

I hope everything works out with your job and Ed's job search! It definitely sounds like you guys need a break!!!
Hi Kathy!! I think I'm all caught up!!! Looks like your plan is fabulous! You're going to love Cali Grill! It's so nice and romantic! CSR looks so pretty!!!

I hope everything works out with your job and Ed's job search! It definitely sounds like you guys need a break!!!

I really do... I know everybody says that, but I have really been feeling stressed out lately and on a daily basis, too.

It's wonderfully therapeutic to have something fabulous to look forward to!

Chapter Seven: Walt Disney World DVD of the Day!

Thanks to my previous TRs I believe that most of you are familiar with my son, Billy, who is twelve years old and autistic.


Billy loves, loves, loves Disney and he loves, loves, loves videos and DVDs. He is very visually-oriented and so anything to do with computers, television, and the movies really piques and, more importantly, holds his interest more than any other toy or game. He is forever Jonesing to get me to buy him new DVDs!

Well, that can be expensive, so we've been going to the public library once or twice a week for years now so he can borrow videos and DVDs. Not only does he get a continuously fresh supply of his "crack," :laughing: he gets a lesson in social interaction and making conversation with the staff. All the librarians know and love him!

I had mentioned in a previous post that I pre-ordered the Disney Parks: The Secrets, Stories, and Magic Behind the Scenes DVD Collection from Well, it arrived today! :woohoo:

Billy walked into the kitchen while I was making lunch and announced, "The mail's here!" He has recently been enjoying watching re-runs of "Blue's Clues" in the morning. There is a "mail time" segment in Blues Clues so at first I thought he was only scripting (repeating bits and pieces of dialogue from movies and TV shows.)

Imagine my surprise when he handed me a brown box from Amazon and said, "Open it, please!" :rolleyes: He must've seen the mailman coming up the walk with the package, and recognized what it was!

Well, we were both very excited to get it open! I decided that it would be fun to "spread them out," so to speak, so that he (and I) would have something to look forward to over the next few days.

Today we began, fittingly, with Disc One,

Walt Disney World Resort:Behind the Scenes...

...takes viewers on an exclusive journey to reveal the inner workings of Walt Disney World. You'll explore Walt Disney's original design for the Magic Kingdom theme park and his plans for expansion and the challenges Disney's Imagineers faced during design and construction. Also get a first hand look at walt Disney World's complex infrastructure.

Discover how the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction is thrilling a whole new generation of kids with the addition of new elements from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies. See how Epcot has evolved to a whole new level of entertainment and excitement with the addition of Mission Space, Soarin' Over California, and The Seas with Nemo and Friends. Ten years ago Star Tours was cutting edge for kids at the Disney's Hollywood Studios ~ we'll see how a new generation of park-goers are entertained by the new Lights, Motors, Action attraction. You'll also discover the amazing changes that have taken place at Disney's Animal Kingdom since the park launched.

Look at the incredible influence Pixar and John Lassiter have had on the theme parks and the many new attractions that were spawned by the creative genius behind Disney's new animation unit.

And finally, get an unprecidented glimpse of what the future holds for Walt Disney World.

Billy, Tricia, and I snuggled up on the couch and watched it together (Ed worked last night, so he was sleeping.) It was so much fun to see Billy get excited, point to the different familiar attractions, and talk a little bit about them.

It's difficult to explain if you are not familiar with autism, but language and communication deficits are some of the most difficult challenges these children face. I would venture to say that 90% of my sons "verbalizations" are random, repititious sounds ("stimming"), or the aforementioned "scripting." To be able to sit down with him and have even the most rudimentary conversation is really rare and priceless. For me, a big part of the magic of WDW is that the parks, or in this case DVDs about the parks, can elicit bits of focused conversation from and with my little boy. pixiedust:

And the best part?

There are five more DVDs in the collection!! Yay!

Have a great weekend!


Kathy, hooray...the DVD's arrived. I'm so glad you got to enjoy them and have a great time with Billy. :hug:

Those DVD's sound perfect as a Father's Day gift for Mark...I think I'll go explore Amazon when I'm done updating my PTR.

Have a great weekend.
Kathy, hooray...the DVD's arrived. I'm so glad you got to enjoy them and have a great time with Billy. :hug:

Those DVD's sound perfect as a Father's Day gift for Mark...I think I'll go explore Amazon when I'm done updating my PTR.

Have a great weekend.

After viewing just one of them, I think I can say that I highly recommend them! :thumbsup2 And the DVD includes fairly recent attractions such as Monster's Inc Laugh Floor Comedy Club and Toy Story Midway Mania, so it's not just the same-old recycled stuff!

I especially love learning about the parks' "backstories."

I actually ordered two DVD sets. Ed's Aunt Rae is a big WDW fan and her birthday is in July... ;) Really, what else can you buy a 77 year old woman... yet another pair of slippers? :laughing:

I actually ordered two DVD sets. Ed's Aunt Rae is a big WDW fan and her birthday is in July... ;) Really, what else can you buy a 77 year old woman... yet another pair of slippers? :laughing:


:lmao::lmao::lmao: I hear what you are saying.

What is the title of the DVD? I'm going to order it while Mark is away this weekend. :)
As usual, the way you write Billy is too funny-I can almost hear the "hint-hint" in the "Open it, please."
:lmao::lmao::lmao: I hear what you are saying.

What is the title of the DVD? I'm going to order it while Mark is away this weekend. :)

Ahh... very smart!

Disney Parks: The Secrets, Stories, and Magic Behind the Scenes
ISBN: 978-1-59464-426-9

As usual, the way you write Billy is too funny-I can almost hear the "hint-hint" in the "Open it, please."

Billy makes me laugh every day.

Last weekend in church the choir ended with a rousing version of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." Afterwards, they received polite, yet subdued, applause from the congregation.

After the last clap died away, Billy yelled, "That was a GREAT song!!" :lmao:

Yay, your DVDs came! Gotta love some kid snuggle time in the middle of the afternoon. :goodvibes

Yes! Billy snuggles me all the time, but it was nice to get some from the 14 year-old girl for a change. ;)

Those videos sound great. Glad your enjoying them. I hear what your saying about conversations with Billy. I have considered myself very fortunate that since age 5 Jonnie has been pretty verble but latley he seems to be slipping. He rarley iniates conversations and often doesn't respond if others try to include him. He grunts and points and gets upset when we don't know what he wants. We are going to a car show this evening and a big part of my wanting to go is hoping that the sight of all those cool cars (he loves cars) will stimulate a little bit of conversation. How wonderful that you got that with Billy today. That really is priceless.
That sounds like a wonderful afternoon Kathy! It sounds like these go into far more depth than the usual specials you see on TV.
...We are going to a car show this evening and a big part of my wanting to go is hoping that the sight of all those cool cars (he loves cars) will stimulate a little bit of conversation.

I hope so, too! Have a great time!

I talked to Andy (who is at the baseball field coaching his 13-year old team) and he's going to get the DVD's for his dad for Father's Day. Mark and I don't really buy each other anything anymore and he would be upset if I did it because he didn't get me anything for Mother's Day (we prefer saving our money and buying something special in Florida). So this is a good thing for Andy to do.
That sounds like a wonderful afternoon Kathy! It sounds like these go into far more depth than the usual specials you see on TV.

It was a treat! I'm looking forward to watching the rest of them... :cloud9:

I talked to Andy (who is at the baseball field coaching his 13-year old team) and he's going to get the DVD's for his dad for Father's Day. Mark and I don't really buy each other anything anymore and he would be upset if I did it because he didn't get me anything for Mother's Day (we prefer saving our money and buying something special in Florida). So this is a good thing for Andy to do.

That does sound like a good idea... definitely something his dad will enjoy, and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg!

What a great afternoon snuggling on the couch with your two children and watching a Disney DVD! After reading your description, I want to order those, too! :thumbsup2
What a great afternoon snuggling on the couch with your two children and watching a Disney DVD! After reading your description, I want to order those, too! :thumbsup2

Judging from the first one, I'm really looking forward to the rest of them!

Disneyland Resort: Behind the Scenes

Ultimate Walt Disney World*

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney Cruise Line

Undiscovered Disney Parks*

*I'm fairly sure that I've seen these before on the Travel Channel, but who cares? It will be fun to be able to watch them whenever we want!! :goodvibes Plus, each DVD comes with a few special extra features:

What's New in the Haunted Mansion - Walt Disney's Apartment on Main Street - Virtual Ride on the Disney Dream AquaDuck - King Arthur Carousel - Catastrophe Canyon & More!

Billy, Tricia, and I snuggled up on the couch and watched it together (Ed worked last night, so he was sleeping.) It was so much fun to see Billy get excited, point to the different familiar attractions, and talk a little bit about them.

To be able to sit down with him and have even the most rudimentary conversation is really rare and priceless. For me, a big part of the magic of WDW is that the parks, or in this case DVDs about the parks, can elicit bits of focused conversation from and with my little boy. pixiedust:

Here's to many hours ahead snuggling in and enjoying the magic of Disney with your family! :smickey:
:cool1: Yippeee for the DVD's! I'm glad you guys, especially Billy, are enjoying them! I hope their a great way pick me up!


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