Single Parent Support Thread


DIS Veteran
Jun 25, 2008
Hey everybody in DIS-land! I looked around and didn't see a recent thread for single parents, so I felt the need to start one.

I know I'm not the only one out there (although, many times I have felt like it ;) ). Being a single parent is hard, but it is NOT impossible. If I can survive it, anybody can!

My story:
I became a single mom about 6 years ago. My kids are 10 & 6 and share my love for Disney. I am planning my first trip alone with them in September (some fears!). I'm a supervisor in a call center and returned to college last year to complete my degree.

As you can tell, there is alot on my plate. I bet there is alot on your plate too! Please feel free to stop by and share your story! I hope we can develop a little community to help each other through those daily struggles (sometimes venting is critical!) and share our love of Disney with each other.

I am a single mom of 2 girls (10 & 8). Yes, it's hard but definately not impossible.
I have been a single mom since my youngest wasn't even a year old yet.
I am planning a surprise trip next year with them on my own. Yes, it's a scary thought but I do know I can get through it. :)
I'm in! I became a single mom about 2.5 years ago when I adopted my son. Love it but, yes, there are some times when I wish I had a little help.:rolleyes:

I took my son to Disney last December when he was 22 months. He did fine but I was a mess. It was more work than I ever anticipated -- especially dealing with the food court at POP. I was completely exhausted at the end of the week but am already planning (in my head, at least) our next trip...possibly in fall of 2011.

We saw TSIII this morning and had a blast! I couldn't help but notice how Andy's mom still appears to be a single mom -- you go, animated girl!!
Wow! I didn't even realize it, but I agree that Andy's mom appears to be a single mom. I loved TS3! Welcome aboard!
Single mom here too! I have been since the birth of my first a son 19 years ago. And then added a daughter 9 yrs ago. We've done Disney twice as a threesome. But am plannig a surprise trip for just my daughter and me in Jan for her 10th birthday, her brother will be back at college, so wont be able to go, and she has said she doesnt want to go again until she can go for her birthday.
I took the kids for my DD's birthday last year with my mom and aunt. The attention was absolutely amazing! I hope she enjoys her special day.

I'm a single mom to a special needs daughter. She's 6yo and we've been to WDW alone twice so far. I have a surprise trip planned for August. :banana:

It's definitely not impossible, but it isn't easy. I have a rather demanding career which complicates some things. But I am lucky that I have a very understanding boss who doesn't give me grief when I have to leave work for school meetings, doctors' appointments, OT appointments, etc.

I also noticed Andy's mom is a single mom. I'd wondered in the first and second Toy Story movies because we never see or hear a dad, but what confirmed it for me was when they show a picture of Andy graduating from HS and it's only him, his mom, and his sister.
WOW! I never thought of the Andy's mom is a single mom thing. Interesting.

I am a single mom to my 2 kiddos- J is 7 1/2 and C just turned 5. I have been a single mom for about 3 years now. I am very lucky that their dad is a great co-parent with me. I work long hours, but can work from home some, so that helps.

My boys share my love of all things Disney. We just returned from our most recent trip where we met up with friends. We have been joined on our past 2 trips by my parents who live several hours away. They will join us for our trip in December. Even though I manage life here alone every day, life at Disney is much more difficult. It is managable, but definately takes lots of planning and low expectations as to what you will get done each day.
Good morning everybody! Just a quick pop in before my day gets crazy. Tonight is my class night ( what a way to start the week!). Have a great day!
Joining in!! I'm Tracy and my daughter, Amanda will be 5 TOMORROW!!! Geesh, I have NO idea where the time goes! I am a single mom and am taking her to disney in August for her 1st visit, we are both SO excited. I won't be travelling alone, my parents are coming with us too, they have never been to Disney World either, so I am excited to take all of them and have a magical trip!!!
I've been a single parent for the past 5 1/2 years now. My kids DS(just turned 13) and DD-7 and I've have done Disney the past 4 years. 3 of the trips have been just the 3 of us. We leave in 38 days for our 1st Disney Cruise. This trip there will be 15 of us going but we're the ones with all the experience!!!
Hello! Single mom here to an incredible 5 year old DS. He was adopted at the age of 2. DS's father is not involved at this point, so I am a 24-7 parent. I work full time and am a full time student as well. I will graduate next year with my BBA.
DS and I had our first WDW trip last October and are planning a December trip this year with my parents. It's amazing how different WDW is with a child!
Hey guys! I'm a single mom to 9 and 7 year old girls. I work FT and until last year, went to school FT, and I'm getting ready to go back soon. I'm taking my DDs to Florida next month for a few days then they are staying with the GPs til school starts. Right now I am trying to get a job, we would love to move down there this year! Being a single mom is tough, dating is almost unheard of...but my DDs are my world, so I'll do what I have to to ensure their happiness. Luv my girls!!!!
I will chime in here! I am a single mom to DD6, and have been since she was an infant. We are taking our 3rd Mommy/Daughter trip to the world this August. We are counting the days!! For those of you going on your own for the first time, have a wonderful trip! It is so much fun with just you and your child(ren)!
I will chime in here! I am a single mom to DD6, and have been since she was an infant. We are taking our 3rd Mommy/Daughter trip to the world this August. We are counting the days!! For those of you going on your own for the first time, have a wonderful trip! It is so much fun with just you and your child(ren)!

I really wanted to make the first visit with just my daughter, but we ended up deciding to drive and we are stopping in Ocala first to see my dad's father and step-mother, they have never met their great-granddaughter in person, and since they aren't getting any younger, we turned it into a family trip, but I can't wait to go back again and make it just a mother/daughter trip!!!!
I'm in! Single mom since DS was 2 weeks shy of 3 years old. :scared1: Wow, time flies!

This August will be our 5th trip to the World together. We usually travel with my mom and DB#3. He's 14, too - only 5 months older than DS! :rotfl: Remember the movie Father of the Bride II? :thumbsup2
Hi everyone, I am a single Mother of three DD, ages 14, 9 and 4. I went through a divorce that finally became final June 13th. A lot of my friends tell me how strong I am, but I must admit most days I wonder how I have made it thus far. I work full time, with a couple other part time jobs (Chacha and I have been working for the Census). I would not be able to do so if it weren't for my oldest daughter. My extra money plus tax return, we are taking our first family trip to WDW this October. My brother lives in Tampa, so we will be staying with him and he will be joining us for our vacation too. We can't wait.

A pp said there is no time for dating, I say that is not true. I have been dating a wonderful man, a single father of two himself, for the past 8 months! You never know where or how you may meet Mr. Right, I met him because our daughters are friends. He has been a great support too and we do a lot of "family" thinks together! Be open for love, you never know where it might happen.
Good morning everybody and welcome to our new posters. I have to comment about dating. At first I wouldn't make time and now, I realize I need to make time for it. That doesn't mean that I'm desperately searching for a husband, lol. I have found that I feel free to pick and choose. Had several first dates, but I have wanted second dates with very few. I have been fortunate enough to even maintain a friendship for a few years. No spark for a relationship, but enjoyable conversations.

Well, I need to get going. I'm at work and I have several meetings today.


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