Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.7

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ok all the talk about stats for the cruise - I set up a Google spreadsheet to track everything! I will slowly use the main site to transfer over info that is on the website (except for real names - just sticking with DISnames so it is not so big. If you would like to help in this project personally you can go and fill in your own information! It will take me days to do it myself but I will start doing it. If you think of something else besides what i have on there that we should be tracking - let me know and I will add it.

I took all the names from the website and/or the wristband sheet so if you are not on there add yourself to the bottom please! We have a total of 145 cabins listed!

to get to the sheet go to:


:worship::worship: Mind you I'm there, but you know nothing about me!!!:lmao:

Attention jewellery people

I now have the preferences for most people so thanks to everybody who has send them to me. If you have not done so yet, could you let me know your preferences sooner than later please. I will post an updated spreadsheet tomorrow.

I am now ready to take payment for the supplies. The cost per person (which includes shipping of the materials worldwide) is GBP15 per person. Could you please use the personal option and mark it as "gift" as this seems to avoid fees even for international transactions. If any fees are incurred, I would appreciate it if you took care of them.

Could you please ensure that your DIS name and any person you might be paying for is in the notes so that I know who has paid and who has not.

The address for the Paypal payments is

I would like all the payments by Saturday please as I intend to place the orders on Sunday. I will post stats once the order has been placed as the sheer scale of this is mind-blowing.

Could you also please PM me the address where you would like to have the goodies shipped to. As I said before, even though the individual kits won't weigh much and will be inexpensive to ship, bringing the stuff for everybody would fill my suitcase. All going well and assuming everything is in stock and shipped in a timely manner, I will send the materials out a month prior to sailing the latest.


Will do, and thank you Corinna.

We have been in May and July. July obviously has the better weather (although May really wasn't bad). However, I highly recommend late June to early August (even though it's more expensive) because that's when the humpbacks do their "bubble net" fishing. It's an absolutely incredible sight to witness! :thumbsup2

Thank you.

I didn't have much of a chance to read yesterday. I worked at the Disney Store in the morning and then in the early evening I had to go to the doctor to have an ingrown toenail that was infected and very painful. I was hoping that it would heal on it's own, but it wasn't meant to be. So I got there, and the doctor takes one look at it and says "we're going to have to numb it up to get that nail out oft here". OK...a shot in the toe is VERY painful - I've had them before.

I don't know what I was thinking - that it was going to take her longer to prepare the medicine than what it did, but when it came time for her to come with the needle (which I don't even remember seeing) I completely freaked out! :eek: I didn't hurt as much as I remembered, but it did hurt and then I was embarrassed for freaking out so much! Needless to say, the local didn't numb the part that was REALLY infected and sadly I felt it when she was taking it out. :( I have to go back and have the procedure to remove part of my nail again to help prevent this from happening - did I mention I already that this procedure done once?! Only me!

I had to wear a slipper home from my parent's house - on my bad foot was the flat slipper and on my other foot was my Sketcher Fit Flop which is about an inch off of the ground. It was quite funny watching me walk! LOL!

It's feeling better today, but I think I'm going to take something when I go in for that procedure. I had myself so worked up over the needle (well the pain) that I just freaked out. I'm usually not like that...I think my nerves just got the best of me.

:scared1::sick: That made me feel bad just reading about it. Poor you.

I haven't even checked to see if the suitcase is empty from the last cruise yet, is this bad?


Depends if what is in there is clean or dirty!!!:lmao:

What "bubble net" fishing? Sounds interesting. Hope to see some next July. We go July 12-19.

Here is info on bubble fishing. We went whale watching out of Juneau this past May. Don't miss it.

The humpback has the most diverse feeding repertoire of all baleen whales.[25] Its most inventive technique is known as bubble net feeding: a group of whales swims in a shrinking circle blowing bubbles below a school of prey. The shrinking ring of bubbles encircles the school and confines it in an ever-smaller cylinder. The whales then suddenly swim upward through the 'net', mouths agape, swallowing thousands of fish in one gulp. This ring can begin at up to 30 metres (98 ft) in diameter via the cooperation of a dozen animals. Using crittercam attached to whale's back it was discovered that some whales blow the bubbles, some dive deeper to drive fish toward the surface, and others herd prey into the net by vocalizing.[26] Humpbacks have been observed bubble net feeding alone as well.


That is fascinating and i would love to see that.

Think the mods have forgotten us?

It happened once before to us. They just like us so much!!;)
We'll be dining with you Paula so you can't avoid us. We promise to be on our best behaviour and no kiwi jokes. Paula (at least we will remember each others name!) :goodvibes

Corinna, can you pm me the details of your rail/ferry adventure please.:)

We're celebrating our 15th on Oct 1 on Castaway Cay! seems fitting since we started off with a honeymoon at the Wilderness Lodge.

Congratulations, I couldnt think of a more beautiful place to celebrate:flower3:

until you get 10 posts total.

sorry everyone, now back to your usual talk of underwear spanx and clothing optional beaches :rotfl2:

My new luggage arrived. And my cute t-shirts to put in them. I'm a happy girl.

We just picked up our new luggage too, I know how exciting it is. Now I'm looking forward to packing, I've been mentally packing for months :cool1:

We are in the 40s !!!!!!

Only 49 days until we leave for Barcelona :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Its 6 weeks today until we fly out to start our holiday:) We are flying BA to Barcelona so that gives them plenty of time to sort themselves out with their strikes and be back in business in time for our arrival :woohoo: We haven't heard much about it here in Australia but if things get worse could someone kindly post and let us know?

I have created a Jewellery Workshop spreadsheet on Google Documents. I will update this as and when I get additional information. I will still post a slimmed down version periodically on my post on thread 8, but this will be the most up to date version.

I have added columns for address received, payment received and will update this with the dates when this has been shipped and received once we get that far.

I am off to do some ordering. For the bulk of the supplies, I have to wait until everybody has paid, but I am ordering stuff from a total of 5 suppliers and I can order from 4 of them right now as they are just a few odds and ends from all but one supplier.

Yes, that's exactly booking "dummy dates" you just pick an itinerary you MIGHT want (but aren't 100% committed to) or you just pick any random itinerary (perhaps based on what has the cheapest booking deposit at that moment if there's a deal) for a ways out in the future. Then once you know more solidly what your plans are, you just cancel switch the reservation----effectively cancelling the one you made and booking the one you want. The benefit is that you typically get to keep your OBC and can often times carry over the onboard booking discount.

Plus....we love having dummy dates not only for the $$$ reason but because that way when you get off the ship, you're doing so with the assurance that another DCL trip is in your future....which is kind of a small light at the end of the tunnel!! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 Because disembarkation is always a depressing day (I usually quite literally cry the last night of the trip and am usually in the saddest, foulest, *****iest mood the morning we have to get off the ship----because it's always so early and we cuz we're leaving-----that I need that little pick-me-up of "well, at least we're coming back" to make it through the long drive back to the airport, etc.

Thanks Erik, I think we will book a dummy date and wait for a cruise to Hawaii. Hopefully a repositioning itinerary. :thumbsup2
I always get depressed when I come back to my life after a vacation. There is no mousekeeping to make my bed, I have to cook, pack school lunches, iron school uniforms, etc.....I really shouldn't complain, my life is pretty good, I don't work and I have heaps of friends and family close by to shop, lunch and have coffee with a few times a week. But nothing beats a vacation! Not long now............:dance3:

You're not kidding...Jason is already bracing himself. He's probably going to hit the internet for some black market anti-depressants to drop in my morning orange juice the last day or two of the cruise and the first week we get back!

Tell Jason to buy you a big bag of candy floss, My kids are so hyper after that stuff! Nothing can bring them down! Except, then a few hours later you hit a wall and fall asleep....:confused3

My 2cents - don't pay for a photographer - I think we have always been able to go to shutters and ask them to "stop by" and take the picture. and if not my hubby can take it with his set up that he brings to take pictures - and then we can have pictures printed at shutters or I can bring CD's and burn the image onto it for everyone for less than $85
I agree, we will all have camera's, there will be heaps of photo's, we can set up a joint photobucket account when we get back to swap photo's.

There are Deck Plans on the DCL website. I would imagine you create semi-transparent rectangular boxes to overlay the graphic. If I had time, I would take and look and be more clear! I just got a call from my mom and she needs me to drive up and see her today, so I'm rushing.

Wow, that sound complicated, I will start having a go........Wish me luck!

It couldn't be simpler. Just hop on an afternoon Eurostar from London to Paris, then take the Elipsos 'trainhotel' from Paris to Barcelona overnight. Enjoy dinner in the restaurant or a drink in the bar as French villages swish past in the moonlight before retiring to your sleeper for the night, then wake up in Spain. Fares start at £59 return for the Eurostar plus £66 each way for the trainhotel, including a bed in a 4-bed Tourist class sleeper.

Travel from London to Paris by Eurostar, leaving London St Pancras at 15:02 and arriving in Paris Gare du Nord at 18:17 .

Travel from Paris to Barcelona overnight on the trainhotel 'Joan Miro', leaving Paris Gare d'Austerlitz daily at 20:34 and arriving next morning in Barcelona França station at 08:24

Hope we do not need it.

Thank-you, hopefully we won't need this info, but I have copied and pasted it just in case. :thumbsup2

ok all the talk about stats for the cruise - I set up a Google spreadsheet to track everything! I will slowly use the main site to transfer over info that is on the website (except for real names - just sticking with DISnames so it is not so big. If you would like to help in this project personally you can go and fill in your own information! It will take me days to do it myself but I will start doing it. If you think of something else besides what i have on there that we should be tracking - let me know and I will add it.

Awesome, Thanks! I have added our info.

I am now ready to take payment for the supplies. The cost per person (which includes shipping of the materials worldwide) is GBP15 per person. Could you please use the personal option and mark it as "gift" as this seems to avoid fees even for international transactions. If any fees are incurred, I would appreciate it if you took care of them.

Payment made, PM of address sent, Thanks. :lovestruc

I didn't have much of a chance to read yesterday. I worked at the Disney Store in the morning and then in the early evening I had to go to the doctor to have an ingrown toenail that was infected and very painful. I was hoping that it would heal on it's own, but it wasn't meant to be. So I got there, and the doctor takes one look at it and says "we're going to have to numb it up to get that nail out oft here". OK...a shot in the toe is VERY painful - I've had them before.
My DBF has had both of her big toes done multiple times, she now has barely any toe nail left. Now, her son has the same problem, he had to have a pretty drastic surgery earlier this year as the nail bed removal thing wasn't working. He actually had the flesh cut away from the side of his nail so there is no place for the nail to in grow. Pretty hard to explain, he's doing better now.
So, I hope your feeling better soon and the procedure is successful. :flower3:

Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

Welcome! Wow, travelling with the in-laws, you are a brave girl! Just joking, good for you, it will be great bonding time. :goodvibes

Stats are on the main web page - We don't have the kids broken out - but the FE groups have all the kids participating broken out. Glenn can pull stats as well...

Glenn, there she goes again, volunteering you for more stuff, lol......:rotfl:

My daughter (Terapin's sister) bought new shoes from a specialist running show store and then ran for several days. The shoes didn't fit and she developed "black toe" a fairly common complaint according to the store. The nails that were banging into the front of the shoe got injured and turned black. The toes got very inflamed and sore. Luckily the store guaranteed the fit of the shoes so they gave her a bigger size. Unfortunately it is going to take about six months for those nails to heal. She says she realizes now she should have quit running when she first had pain but thought she would just tough it out. Lesson learned. Nothing worse than foot problems. Trudy

Ew and Ouch, that sound painful.

OK - I caught up, probably missed a TON of stuff, but it has been a hellacious week at work and it is only Wednesday... We are upgradeing a major client to a new software version and the conversions take over 60 hours. So it has been a series of LONG days and nights. Then, with Glenns help, I preparred fajitas for my old and current staff and other managers at this office - so about 26 people. Not to mention that I invited our departments VP and our company president to the team lunch and one other VP showed up... A good time was had by all! But do you have any idea how much meat you have to grill for 29 people??? We did 19 lgs of steak, chicken and shrimp and we didn't have too much left over!
Momma bear at it again! :laughing:

What "bubble net" fishing? Sounds interesting. Hope to see some next July. We go July 12-19.

Here is info on bubble fishing. We went whale watching out of Juneau this past May. Don't miss it.

The humpback has the most diverse feeding repertoire of all baleen whales.[25] Its most inventive technique is known as bubble net feeding: a group of whales swims in a shrinking circle blowing bubbles below a school of prey. The shrinking ring of bubbles encircles the school and confines it in an ever-smaller cylinder. The whales then suddenly swim upward through the 'net', mouths agape, swallowing thousands of fish in one gulp. This ring can begin at up to 30 metres (98 ft) in diameter via the cooperation of a dozen animals. Using crittercam attached to whale's back it was discovered that some whales blow the bubbles, some dive deeper to drive fish toward the surface, and others herd prey into the net by vocalizing.[26] Humpbacks have been observed bubble net feeding alone as well.


I would love to see that, Maybe we need to book an Alaskan aswell! :thumbsup2

I'm Paula, travelling with my partner Robert and my Mum. We are from New Zealand. We'll be the ones avoiding those pesky Australians :rotfl:

I'm Hayley, I'm one of the Aussie's that Paula is trying to avoid! Bahahahaha, good luck Paula, I make a great stalker....:lmao:

Its 6 weeks today until we fly out to start our holiday:) We are flying BA to Barcelona so that gives them plenty of time to sort themselves out with their strikes and be back in business in time for our arrival We haven't heard much about it here in Australia but if things get worse could someone kindly post and let us know?


Paula, we are also flying with BA from London Heathrow to Barcelona, Qantas to London. What dates are you flying, we could be on the same flight? :upsidedow
I have created a Jewellery Workshop spreadsheet on Google Documents. I will update this as and when I get additional information. I will still post a slimmed down version periodically on my post on thread 8, but this will be the most up to date version.

I have added columns for address received, payment received and will update this with the dates when this has been shipped and received once we get that far.

I am off to do some ordering. For the bulk of the supplies, I have to wait until everybody has paid, but I am ordering stuff from a total of 5 suppliers and I can order from 4 of them right now as they are just a few odds and ends from all but one supplier.

Payment sent, Corinna.. :thumbsup2
Me doing Disney shopping, never! LOL!!!! :lmao:

OK...I went in and added the information...I saved it so hopefully it got saved.

I didn't have much of a chance to read yesterday. I worked at the Disney Store in the morning and then in the early evening I had to go to the doctor to have an ingrown toenail that was infected and very painful. I was hoping that it would heal on it's own, but it wasn't meant to be. So I got there, and the doctor takes one look at it and says "we're going to have to numb it up to get that nail out oft here". OK...a shot in the toe is VERY painful - I've had them before.

I don't know what I was thinking - that it was going to take her longer to prepare the medicine than what it did, but when it came time for her to come with the needle (which I don't even remember seeing) I completely freaked out! :eek: I didn't hurt as much as I remembered, but it did hurt and then I was embarrassed for freaking out so much! Needless to say, the local didn't numb the part that was REALLY infected and sadly I felt it when she was taking it out. :( I have to go back and have the procedure to remove part of my nail again to help prevent this from happening - did I mention I already that this procedure done once?! Only me!

I had to wear a slipper home from my parent's house - on my bad foot was the flat slipper and on my other foot was my Sketcher Fit Flop which is about an inch off of the ground. It was quite funny watching me walk! LOL!

It's feeling better today, but I think I'm going to take something when I go in for that procedure. I had myself so worked up over the needle (well the pain) that I just freaked out. I'm usually not like that...I think my nerves just got the best of me.

On a better note, I cashed in my $100 on Sunshine Rewards for a Disney Gift Card to take on the cruise! :yay: I love Sunshine Rewards - I've earned most of that money just taking surverys online. I do a little online shopping (where you can earn a percentage back) but it's mostly surverys. :)

Only 50 days now! :)

I am so sorry about your toe. I have major issues with having my feet touched so that would be a complete nightmare for me. I hope that it heals quickly.

Well done on the gift card. I need to redeem some more survey points as well. For me, the money that I get for taking surveys is going straight in the vow renewal fund.

Well checking in after a while. I have been very busy at work this week. Since Monday a have driver over 675 miles. :scared1: Here is a pic of my route the last 3 days.

Tomorrow a should be local, but Friday it looks like another 200 mile day.

On other new it looks like the wrist is finally healed. It only took over 3 months, but now I need to rebuild the wrist muscle to get rid of the stiffness and get my strength back in my hand and wrist.

Only 49 days till I leave for Barcelona:cool1:

You sure get around. I am glad that your wrist is finally better.

We are booked for the Mexican Riviera 10/23 - 10/30/11

We will be on the October 2nd to 9th Mexican Riviera cruise.

Payment for two sent as instructed above. I did include the DIS information for your records. Off to send you the PM for shipment.

Thanks so much! I've always wanted to learn this.

Payment and address received.

Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

I was so pleased to see that there are going to be so many fun ppl on this trip! As you can see by my signature, I am somewhat green to Disney, at least when it comes to the likes of some of you!! (I'm impressed and somewhat jealous of all your fabulous vacations!)

Myself and my boyfriend LOVE Disney and are wanting to make Disney a part of our vacation plan every year!! We live in CA, which is why most of our trips have been to DL (still getting used to all the abbreviations) so many times...well so many times in the short time we have been together. We have been dating about 2 1/2 years, are madly in love and pretty much booked this trip at the very begining of our relationship! Kinda risky, but we knew we were going to be together! We would love to get marreid abourd a disney ship(we actually met on a cruise ship, so cruises are special to us) So hopefully that dream will come true some day!

We just can't believe that the trip is almost here! We are SOOO excited it takes up most of our conversations!

We will be traveling with his parents on this trip, and ALL four of us are sharing a room(should be interesting, lol). We origanally planned to have his sister, her husband and there two children along with us....until she found out she was pregnant. And it turned out that she didn't meet DCL restrictions for pregnant women (24 weeks) by FOUR they ended up booking a med. cruise that leaves next week, she is well within the "safe zone" for that trip. So it will just be the four of us...together...for a total of 21 days straight...bonding... :)

We are headed to Barcelona 5 days early to see as much as we possibly can, and then when back in Florida we are going for ONE DAY to Disneyworld...I have never been, and we are still deciding on which land to go to, so any suggestions would be great!

Long story long, I am so happy to have found y'all and I hope its not too late to sign up for some of the fun stuff you guys are doing...and if it is, well, we can still have a coctail on the ship!


:welcome: on board.

We are going to have a vow renewal on the Wonder next year. I can't wait.

I still have a limited number of places on my jewellery making workshop if you are interested. More information can be found here:

Corinna, can you pm me the details of your rail/ferry adventure please.:)

I will PM you the details either later tonight or first thing tomorrow. In the meantime, there is a trip report of our great adventure of getting to the Magic by land and sea in the first few posts of my trip report "Magical Mystery Tour" that is linked in my signature.

What is my curse with it's a small world? It will be in rehab when we get off the Magic! Whenever I get off a DCL ship, east or west coast that darn ride is shut down.


I know. I am really upset that this is down.

Hope your flights are on time and you have no problems

Thanks! Luckily we were able to get a 100% refund on our BA flight in the end as I had never confirmed the flight change and had my tickets reissued! I didn't actually realise that I was meant to but when I phoned to query getting a refund they informed me I was meant to last year. Lucky I didn't turn up at the airport expecting to get on that flight as they would not have let us!
I didn't have much of a chance to read yesterday. I worked at the Disney Store in the morning and then in the early evening I had to go to the doctor to have an ingrown toenail that was infected and very painful. I was hoping that it would heal on it's own, but it wasn't meant to be. So I got there, and the doctor takes one look at it and says "we're going to have to numb it up to get that nail out oft here". OK...a shot in the toe is VERY painful - I've had them before.

I don't know what I was thinking - that it was going to take her longer to prepare the medicine than what it did, but when it came time for her to come with the needle (which I don't even remember seeing) I completely freaked out! :eek: I didn't hurt as much as I remembered, but it did hurt and then I was embarrassed for freaking out so much! Needless to say, the local didn't numb the part that was REALLY infected and sadly I felt it when she was taking it out. :( I have to go back and have the procedure to remove part of my nail again to help prevent this from happening - did I mention I already that this procedure done once?! Only me!

I had to wear a slipper home from my parent's house - on my bad foot was the flat slipper and on my other foot was my Sketcher Fit Flop which is about an inch off of the ground. It was quite funny watching me walk! LOL!

It's feeling better today, but I think I'm going to take something when I go in for that procedure. I had myself so worked up over the needle (well the pain) that I just freaked out. I'm usually not like that...I think my nerves just got the best of me.

Oh no! I'm glad you are feeling better but ouch!
On other new it looks like the wrist is finally healed. It only took over 3 months, but now I need to rebuild the wrist muscle to get rid of the stiffness and get my strength back in my hand and wrist.

Only 49 days till I leave for Barcelona:cool1:

Oh I'm glad its finally healed!
Thanks! Luckily we were able to get a 100% refund on our BA flight in the end as I had never confirmed the flight change and had my tickets reissued! I didn't actually realise that I was meant to but when I phoned to query getting a refund they informed me I was meant to last year. Lucky I didn't turn up at the airport expecting to get on that flight as they would not have let us!

I am glad that this has worked out for you. It is kind of strange so that they expect you to ring them for a schedule change. We ring our customers when we have a schedule change and give them their options. We then make whatever changes necessary or process a refund. We most certainly don't expect the customers to ring us for an inconvenience that we have caused.

Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

I was so pleased to see that there are going to be so many fun ppl on this trip! As you can see by my signature, I am somewhat green to Disney, at least when it comes to the likes of some of you!! (I'm impressed and somewhat jealous of all your fabulous vacations!)

Myself and my boyfriend LOVE Disney and are wanting to make Disney a part of our vacation plan every year!! We live in CA, which is why most of our trips have been to DL (still getting used to all the abbreviations) so many times...well so many times in the short time we have been together. We have been dating about 2 1/2 years, are madly in love and pretty much booked this trip at the very begining of our relationship! Kinda risky, but we knew we were going to be together! We would love to get marreid abourd a disney ship(we actually met on a cruise ship, so cruises are special to us) So hopefully that dream will come true some day!

We just can't believe that the trip is almost here! We are SOOO excited it takes up most of our conversations!

We will be traveling with his parents on this trip, and ALL four of us are sharing a room(should be interesting, lol). We origanally planned to have his sister, her husband and there two children along with us....until she found out she was pregnant. And it turned out that she didn't meet DCL restrictions for pregnant women (24 weeks) by FOUR they ended up booking a med. cruise that leaves next week, she is well within the "safe zone" for that trip. So it will just be the four of us...together...for a total of 21 days straight...bonding... :)

We are headed to Barcelona 5 days early to see as much as we possibly can, and then when back in Florida we are going for ONE DAY to Disneyworld...I have never been, and we are still deciding on which land to go to, so any suggestions would be great!

Long story long, I am so happy to have found y'all and I hope its not too late to sign up for some of the fun stuff you guys are doing...and if it is, well, we can still have a coctail on the ship!


OK very weirdly we are much the same as you!

I'm Sarah and I'm travelling with my other half Dan. We've been together for 3 years and we booked this trip when we'd been together for a few months! Definately risky but hey we're still together!

We are hopefully travelling with my parents and sister/her hubby but they are still trying desperately to sort out leave as its busy periods for them all.

We are flying in the night before the cruise then staying in WDW for 6 nights afterwards.

I would definately recommend going to EPCOT for your one day as Food & Wine is on and its a great adult atmosphere there! It starts the day we arrive in Florida! Also the park has a lot of things that aren't in Disneyland so its worth trying this one!

Oh and yes check out the first 2 pages of this thread for the info on whats going on and what you can still get involved with. I think the lanyard sign up closes this week so you need to get in touch with Eric & Jason asap!
I just tallied up my spreadsheet and I can take up to 4 more people for the jewellery workshop.

I have placed the first three orders and can't wait for the goodies to arrive. Once all the orders have been placed, I will post the stats. They are going to be a staggering amount of supplies.

Some of you asked me if it would be easier if they got their own materials. The answer to this is "no". Some of the materials are a little bit obscure and often are only available from a single supplier. The added advantage in buying in bulk is that I get wholesale discount as well, which helped to keep the cost down. If I was to buy the supplies for just one or two people, it would work out about twice as expensive as doing it this way.

However, if some of you think they might be wanting to take this up as a hobby and wanted to get some tools before the cruise and bring those, this would be welcome. I will bring two sets of travel tools and we can most certainly make do with those, but if some people have their own tools, this would make things a little easier.

You essentially need three things to get started on making jewellery: a wire cutter (no need to bring this as this just will be needed for a matter of seconds to trim the end of the cell phone charm), round-nosed pliers at either flat-nosed or chain-nosed pliers.

Here are examples on what they look like:

Flat-nosed pliers


Round-nosed pliers


Chain-nosed pliers


If you decided to get your own tools and bring them, can you please let me know so that I can update my spreadsheet accordingly.

This is a weird question, but does anyone know if I can Pampers diapers in Barcelona? Just trying to decide if I should bring them with me or use the diaper service onboard. Although, it's going to be $140 if I use the onboard service. So, pretty expensive!


Yes I believe so - pampers is available in most of Europe!
What is my curse with it's a small world? It will be in rehab when we get off the Magic! Whenever I get off a DCL ship, east or west coast that darn ride is shut down.


Really??? Dan's gonna be way too happy about this! Was hoping to drag him along!
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