The Disney Photo Bomb Thread!

PS If anyone can tell me how to upload pictures from my hard drive to posts as well as adjust their size, please let me know. The directions I found on the site tell me to choose manage attachments which I don't see after clicking reply to post
I think the purpose of this thread is for pointing out people who are accidently in your photos, not photos people set out to purposefully ruin. Flame me if you will, but I'm exercising my right to speak up.

I have an issue with someone deliberately "bomb"ing another family's photo ops. We had staked out our spot at Epcot for Illuminations a good 90 minutes before the show started, and my daughter had set up her camera on the tripod so as to catch photos of us during the show. We had been there long enough to recognize other families around us. When the show was over, the 14-year-old daughter of a group near us decided she should jump in front of our camera set-up and make faces into the lens when the timer was set. The ignorant klutz's big feet got tangled in the tripod's leg and caused the tripod to topple over. Thank God my daughter had cat-like reflexes and the mindset to jump up and catch her camera within INCHES of it hitting the concrete (then again, it cost her over $500 and she guards it with her life). The parents watched it happen, and yet there was no apology. They gasped and hissed at her to "get over here!" Yeah, reallllllllllll funny.

As far as ride photos go, I think if you're the only family in the ride vehicle and no other families' photos will be bombed by your playfulness, then, by all mean, bombs away! However, if there are others with you, I would hope for some consideration. Given the long wait times for rides, some families may not plan to ride an attraction a second time. I'd hate to be the reason they wouldn't buy a photo memory of the vacation they've planned and paid for.

G'head, let the flames ignite. pirate:

It's a public place with lots of people whether you're on a ride or not so whatever happens - happens. I'm not going to worry what I'm doing if someone else happens to be taking a picture in my direction. If you don't want to risk it - don't take the picture.
I will have to look through mine.
I just saw a pic of a couple eating at CG and some drunk lady totally bombed their pic in the background lol. That should definetly be here lol!
I know this guy did not set out to ruin our picture and I didn't even notice when I was taking this picture that he was in it (he was taking a picture of his family with Minnie) but we have affectionately named him "bonus dad".

This is at a Braves game with my ex-girlfriend (oh yeah, InPerfectClouds ^^ up there is my current, we met during our CP <3). I know this isn't exactly at Disney World, but hey, the Braves do have Spring Training at Disney's Wide World of Sports, so there IS a connection there.

If this stranger doesn't shout "Creep!", I don't know what would.

OP thanks for starting this thread. I'm just getting over the worst case of stomach flu (my stomach muscles are killing me) oh and when I see the pics and what people are writing, oh it hurts so bad but is so funny. So glad most are taking this lighthearted and fun, it like a blooper.
Back Story: We were at EPCOT with two other familes so the photopass guy took the picture of just my family and then we invited the other families to get into the picture, the photpass guy joked with us "what you just let random people in your pictures" we all said "sure it makes the photos more interesting" so we said to some other family waitng their turn to get their photo "hey random people get in the picture".

Ok everyone point to the people you don't know!

The guys wife was mortified at first "Honey what are you doing" Getting in Random Peoples pictures"
I even heard him ask for copies on his photopass card as we left.
:lmao: :thumbsup2
This guy was nice enough to be checking out the bottom of a friend of mine in this picture. I hope he liked the view.

I have an issue with someone deliberately "bomb"ing another family's photo ops.

Yes, deliberately would annoy me. However a lot of the time someone just happens to be walking by and realizes that a picture is being taken. It only takes a second and they are in it.

I do recall my 7 year old trying to take a picture one night at Epcot. She was standing there ready to take the shot and this guys sauntered across, looked at her and then went to stand right in front of her (kind of with his back to her). Of course with all the tact of a 7 year old she immediately put her hands on her hips and exlcaimed, "HOW RUDE!!! Mom, how do I delete this man from my picutre?" :rolleyes1

I would buy pictures of myself but for some reason they never come out properly. There's always this old guy standing in the spot where I was standing.:confused3 Must be a mix up in the film. :rotfl:

:lmao: You are so funny! I feel like that when I look in my mirror.
We went to MVMCP in December 2009. It was me, my mom and my niece. My mom was taking this picture of my niece and I and some random guy hopped in. (I hope this works).

I think the purpose of this thread is for pointing out people who are accidently in your photos, not photos people set out to purposefully ruin. Flame me if you will, but I'm exercising my right to speak up. need to lighten up a bit...too much negativity...

I have an issue with someone deliberately "bomb"ing another family's photo ops. ....blah, blah, blah..... The ignorant klutz's big feet got tangled in the tripod's leg and caused the tripod to topple over. Thank God my daughter had cat-like reflexes and the mindset to jump up and catch her camera within INCHES of it hitting the concrete (then again, it cost her over $500 and she guards it with her life). The parents watched it happen, and yet there was no apology. They gasped and hissed at her to "get over here!" Yeah, reallllllllllll funny.

The "ignorant klutz" would be the 14 year old?!? Fairly unkind of you, you think? But in contrast I do love the adoration you show for your own, with her cat like reflexes. :rotfl:

G'head, let the flames ignite. pirate:

no flame.....just feel bad for you and the need for attention.

i was clearly standing all by myself with a smile on my face while my husband stood 2 feet away pointing a camera...but this guy still needed to stand right there..there was no where else to stand :confused3


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