When Did I get Voted Off of Skinny Island #2: Castaway's Land Ho!!!!

I am stuck at 154 after a 33 pound loss - have been at 154 for 3 weeks - shouldn't complain because I am 3 pounds away from my goal - guess I need to hit the treadmill more often !!!
I am stuck at 154 after a 33 pound loss - have been at 154 for 3 weeks - shouldn't complain because I am 3 pounds away from my goal - guess I need to hit the treadmill more often !!!

33 pounds - that's great!

I discovered something with Netfilx the other day. They have a few exercise videos available for streaming. :thumbsup2 I still love doing Zumba but every once in a while wouldn't mind switching things up a bit. I found a couple online I wanted to try. One was a shorter (30 min) version of a boot camp video and I tried it this morning. It actually wasn't bad at all. If it weren't for all the dang push-ups (I hate push-ups, mainly cuz I can't really do them) I would have loved it.

So that's my exercising tip for the day. :sunny:

Today would have been my mom's 80th birthday. Even though this year has been a tad easier, I still find I miss her so much. We had our moments like all mothers and daughters, but she was really the only person who ever really *got* me. Well, I don't know if it was that she really understood me all that well, or if she was just patient while I tried to understand myself. Maybe a little of both. I find myself wanting to ask her so many questions about how my brothers and sisters and I were growing up, but she's not there to ask. It's just not the same without her around. So happy birthday, Mom! :cake: :drinking1
Oh Duchie, I'm sorry for your loss and I'm sure it's very difficult for you without your mom. :hug: Happy Birthday to her.

Jalferes - I feel your pain! 33 pounds is great! I'm stuck too. I keep losing and gaining the same two or three pounds. I really only want to lose about 5 more. 10 would be great, but probably not all that realistic. But I know I need to make more of an effort. It's as simple as that for me.
I think the last 5 pounds or so is always the hardest - I am also going through a most difficult divorce which doesn't help (stress) - but for me I think the answer is the same as you - I need to focus and put in the effort - god bless

I've been binge eating for three days...:scared1::eek::scared1::eek:

and I have no idea why. I HAVE been stressed lately, but not overly so and TOM is a long ways away, so I can't blame my hormones.

The only thing I can think of is that I haven't been sleeping well (not sure why that is either) and when I'm tired I tend to turn to food for the energy I need to get me through the day.

At any rate...I have determined that it ends here. I know I can't salvage this week and see a loss but hopefully I won't have an outrageous gain come Monday. I blasted though my flex points on the first night and through my exercise points on the second night so last night's snackfest was total cheating!

The silver lining was that though I went over my weekly points (and there is no hope of earning that many back this weekend through exercise :sad2:) I had only diet-y things in the house, so it was certainly not the binge eating of yesteryear! :thumbsup2 I somehow managed to cling (by my fingernails) to my resolve not to order Chinese takeout or eat any garbage at the mall yesterday so I'm actually quite proud of that (extra calories notwithstanding).

Alright! I feel even better now that I've fessed up, so here's hoping I still feel this good come tonight!

Wanted to let you all know I did go to Doc on Monday and have been in the hospital since Wed after oral antibiotics did not help.

Kidney infection again and no clue when I can get home. Pics coming of my arms soon! I look like I faught Stalone and I did not win! Hate blowing IV's.

Miss ya all.

to everyone!

What a wild time of year this can be.:scared1: I have been doing a 10 week program at work called Naturally Slim. We watch videos once/ week and last week's was about getting your "Vital Needs" met. If you're not meeting them, you will have stress, overeat, etc...

Everyone has 7 they are born with, and there's a list of 25. Pick the top 7 for you and make sure you're always finding a way to meet those needs. The number of your top 7 found in your job can also lead to job satisfaction (or not) as well:
1. Personal Time - do your own thig, hobbies, watch TV, read
2. Need to give and do for others - family, community, church - volunteer, room mom
3. Recognition for Achievement - from work, family community. CHoose a job that allows you to get recognition
4. Movement - walking, sports, shopping
5. Sleep - 'nuff said
6. Approval and Acceptance - from co-workers, family, friends, realize you like to pass ideas by others and know with whom you can best talk
7. Order and closure - dislike of open-ended situation, tasks, affairs, projects or goals. A cluttered house or office makes you "crazy", clean your counters before you start you work
8. Time alone - daily time for reflection and thought while alone
9. Territory - area of physical space that is your very own
10. Financial Security - income and outgo are always in balance
11. Being with People - high need for relationships, join a group, club
12. Anticipation - looking forward to something such as taking a trip or seeing friends. The anticipation gives more enjoyment than the doing (helloooo WDW trip planners!)
13. Competition - with self, others, or in sports
14. Learning Something New
15. Listening to Music
16. Having a project - sewing, gardening, painting,
17. Touching - hugs, massage, get a pet
18. Variety of Experiences - need for something new and different
19. Structured time - schedule and routine are important. Often marries #20
20. Unstructured time - do not like the pressure of meeting schedules
21. One on one attention. May feel stress when in groups.
22. Group relationships - join organziations, lunch with a group
23. Empathy - high need for people important to/around you to know you are feeling and the depth of your feelings. Realize you will be irritated when others don't pick up on your feelings and let you talk about them. Learn who will listen to you and understand.
24. Humor - laugh!
25. Spirituality - church, synagogue, etc.

If you want more details, I can scan in the pages and email to you! Just wanted to give a quick overview. It's helped me already. I used to think it was bad that I felt stressed if the kitchen counter wasn't cleaned off before i sat down, now i realize it's one of my vital needs. It makes me feel good. :)

Feeling good = less overeating:thumbsup2
Dawn I pray you will be home and feeling better soon!

This week has been a bear for me, I'm not really sure why? But as of yesterday morning I was actually up .6! And my choices yesterday did not help. I need to have a heck of a weekend to even come in even!! Send skinny thoughts my way please!
Hey everyone! Quick post here. DS and I went on our first Boy Scout camping trip this weekend. We had a fantastic time and he is convinced this is the Troop he wants to join. I'm going to make him see at least 1 other Troop before he decides for sure, but these guys made a really good impression on me as well - very genuine group. The only downside is that DS got sick. He threw up late last night and I thought about packing up and coming home, but he really wanted to stick it out. But this morning he was fading fast so we came on home. I feel so bad for him! He's kept some soup down so far but is laying around on the couch - NOT like my little hyper kid.

Weight's the same this week, so still have 2/10 of a pound to reach goal. And with this week being Thanksgiving, I'm not likely to make it. I'm really OK with it, I'll lose it eventually.

Dawn, sorry to hear you're sick. Feel better soon!

I'll catch up with you guys next weekend when we get back.
Just a small loss this week, down 0.8.


Now if I can just figure out how to put it in my siggy..........
Funny thing - I always am eager to post when I have a loss!!

DOWN 3.2!!!!!

Not sure what I did differently. I know I did not binge this weekend much, so that helped. It sure wasn't exercise!
We'll see how having 4 days off this week works out - I'll have to spend the weekend putting up Christmas decorations so I don't eat so much!
-3 this week. I was being a bit more concious of what I put in my mouth, however it could have been better. I'll take it though!

Happy Thanksgiving week to all of us in the US!

Dawn, I hope you feel better soon :hug:
grrr - turkey day isnt even here and just thinking about it i put 5 pounds on !! - going to eat fish for thanksgiving this year !!!
Hi guys. Got out of the hospital this weekend and finally feeling a bit better this morning. Will re-read and post more this afternoon.
Dad's wife is here....my Mom and her both at Thanksgoving should be fun!
Hey everyone!

Just a quick check in. Still having more good days than bad so that's definitely something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!

I have an appt with the endocrinologist this afternoon. Not expecting to get a lot of news, more of a check in than a check up.

My fasting sugars are good for me, 97 this morning when I was running 105-107 not pregnant. But because the guidelines during pregnancy are stricter than the guidelines for diabetes ordinarily that's still 7 pts higher than they want it to be. I don't know if they're going to want to start me on nightly insulin yet or not. I know I can't take pre-meal insulin injections yet. Still throwing up randomly and there's no rhyme or reason to it. They won't want me taking insulin pre-meal and then not be able to keep the food down.

Pregnancy wise I was 11 weeks on Saturday. :yay: 3 more weeks until I'm officially 2nd trimester!

My weight is staying the same. I think I mentioned all the clothes I ordered from Old Navy clearance. Well they all came in and most of them are really cute but let me tell y'all. Nothing emphasizes my need for Spanx more than leggings with clingy shirts!! :rotfl:

So I don't know if I'm just kidding myself... that all those extra rolls and shelves and curves are visible in all the other clothes I wear and I'm just blissfully ignorant to them or if it's really that much worse in these clothes. Gonna take it all to my mom's and try them on in front of a full length mirror with the proper undergarments and see what's what.

Heading to my mom's this afternoon for the next 5 days. I'll have internet access on my phone but no laptop!! 5 days without my laptop!! :scared1:

Hope everyone is having a great week!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of us Americans!!! I hope you all have a wonderful celebration surrounded by friends, family and good food!!! Good luck to all those that are going to try to track their way through the week! I know you can do it!!

Take care everyone!!
Hello all!! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend.

Sorry I haven't been around much...I've checked in a few times but haven't had much time for posting. It was a craaaaazy week last week. It was one of those weeks that felt like it lasted a month, KWIM??

Anyway....here's my belated post!

Dawn...glad to hear you are home and feeling better. Hopefully you were able to rest up this weekend so you are able to get back in to the swing of things that much sooner!:thumbsup2

Barb...hope to hear that you make goal today!! :hippie: Sorry to hear about the Boy Scout camping bummer...hope he recovered quickly and found a great troup to join!

Sheree...what a great weigh in for last week! I hope today proves just as fruitful. And I'm jealous you are doing your Christmas decorations. I'm married to the Grinch...he makes us wait until it's ACTUALLY December so we're doing ours this Thursday! :banana: Can't wait!!

Aimee...we're on tenderhooks here, waiting on the outcome of the full length mirror fashion show and the results of the doctor's appointment. Don't hold out on us now...we expect a full report! :rotfl:

Congrats to all the others who had a loss last week!! Keep up the good work!

Okay...so now I have to figure out what my last personal update was. Uh, okay so I wrote that I had been binge eating without a clear understanding of what was causing the trouble. I still don't really know but the "symptoms" disappeared just as quickly as they appeared (thank goodness) and the damage actually wasn't too bad.

Last Monday I was up 2.7 pounds which really isn't bad considering the amount of crap I ate that week. This past week I confess I was quite lazy about tracking and because we were so busy this week, takeout was consumed on SEVERAL days. :scared1: I tried to make moderately healthy choices but I wasn't expecting much come weigh in this morning because I was so sloppy about the tracking and the fact that so much of what I ate was fast food.

So, colour me surprised when I stepped on the scale and saw that I was down!! :woohoo::yay::woohoo::yay:

I actually feel guilty...like I don't deserve it. :sad2: I know that's nuts...but there it is. I exercised pretty well this week (I only skipped Friday) and as I said I wasn't TERRIBLE but I honestly was expecting maintaining last week's gain as a best case scenario. Instead, I'm down 2.9 pounds, so I've lost all of last week's gain and 0.2 pounds on top of that so I am one happy camper this morning. :cloud9:

Anywho...this week is nowhere near as crazy (thankfully) and I'm planning on saving most of my flex points for my birthday on Saturday so I can go crazy if I want to.

Well, I need to do my workout in 10 mins so I'll sign off for now.

Hope you all have a great week!!

Well I'm up 1.4

Frankly I thought it would be much worse!!!

Back to it I suppose!
Quiet board this past week. I am still around but will only be able to check in on Mondays for the month of December as I will be crazy busy.

Dawn - glad you are out of the hospital and hope you are back to your old self soon.

Julie - I know what those weeks are like. I think I am living on about a month of them right now.

Anyways I weighed in this morning and I am -1.3lbs which I am happy with as I splurgged last night and went out for chicken wings and split a pitcher of beer with hubby. I haven't had any alcohol (was never a big drinker) since September and even then it was only half a beer. Holly smokes, did that beer hit me last night. I was tipsy! Hubby thought it was hilarious!


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