Troll's Trip Report

I didnt know about the dogs in the pop up's.. guess my little bear will be staying in the kennel if we get the popup after all.. :confused3
Get a small travel trailer in lieu of the popup. :thumbsup2

P.S. I'm enjoying the TR. You're doing a great job.
As I was looking around, Zoe came looking for me:


She's my dog. She loves her mama, but she's a daddy's girl.
If you love your dog, you will keep her on a leash. It is the law of the land at the Fort, and it will protect her and those around her. I love my fur babies and I would never let them run around a campground unattended. There are just too many dangers for our four legged friends. I am sure that your neighbors will appreciate it as well.
Ok, I admit it. I'm starting to warm up to the troll.

Great TR so far, but I must agree with Lisa. Better put that four legged darlin' on a leash. We wouldn't want you in trouble with the WDW Po Po. ;) And any neighbors afraid of dogs will thank you too.

Looking forward to more. Nice work! :thumbsup2
Time for a quick update to the Troll's Trip Report.

First, fun with comments.

To everyone who's posted kind words, thank you.

To TCD and his question about shaving with the Leatherman -- no, I have not. While someone could, they'd be as crazy as someone who camps in Florida in May, June, July, August, September, or October.

To everyone who camps in Florida in May, June, July, August, September, or October, you're, well, crazy!

And I'm also glad to read that I'm not the only one who stuggles with backing a small popup camper. My neighbor backs his work trailer...into his garage...every day...and his wife's SUV is in the driveway...and it takes him, oh, 40 seconds.

He's a show off.

Anyway, so we've set up camp, and we're pretty tired. I'm especially worn out because I had that migraine while setting up. So Leslie and I both agreed to take it easy and just go pick up a bucket of Gitty Up and Go from Trail's End.

Here it is:




Leslie brought the centerpiece:


We were starving. Needless to say we devoured a lot of it, but as there's only two of us, there was plenty left over. Leslie wrapped up the leftovers for lunch later.

So then we hit the showers:


Daggum, that's a terrible picture. Yes, I do know how to focus a camera.


Regardless, I remember the Comfort Stations from way back when. They haven't changed much. Pretty much the same layout...just not as clean. Not that they're not clean -- they're just not Disney before Eisner clean. Back then they got an A+.

Now they get a B-.

Or maybe a C.

Leslie said the drain in one of the showers in the ladies room is clogged with hair and not draining. It's been that way for the past three days. And that's after reporting it to a cast member.


Anyway, back in the day, the comfort stations were all tile.

Now the floor is flagstone. Like what you pave your walkway or pool area with:


Now is it just me, or does that flagstone and the tile not even come close to matching? I'm right, right? I mean, call me a stickler and all, but you know, matching is good.

And not hard.

I prefer the old tile floors and matching walls. The flagstones make me feel like I'm going to the bathroom outside.

On my pool deck.

Now the next picture is going to send shudders through the spines of all men who shave with a blade (or Leatherman):


What's so wrong with it, you ask?

Well, how do you turn on the hot water?

Oh, my bad! There is no hot water. Just cold water.

Ice freezing cold water.

And see that abomination on the side?

It's a motion sensor.

That's right, it's the old, click, gush, click, guuuuush, click, gush, click, click.

I had to put my left thumb over the motion sensor just to get a steady stream of water to rinse my toothbrush off with. Wait a pain.

Why do we have to endure these things? Why not have some nice, old fashioned knobs with an H and a C on them? And then, you know, you could turn the water on for as long as you need it and then turn it off?

I'll tell you why -- because chuckleheads somehow think it's funny to turn the water on and then run away, leaving the water running.

What masterminds.

These are probably the same featherbrains who steal rented golf carts.

But you know what? It could be worse. I've camped at plenty of places where the bathrooms get an F. Or an F-. I've camped at places that have cold showers. So maybe I shouldn't complain.

But please, Disney execs, give us shavers some hot water.

So after the showers we turned in.

We awoke early the next morning and got an early start. Leslie decided to cook a nice, big breakfast. We brought along our neighbor's cool vintage camp stove.

It's about 50 years old.

Oh, and by the way, the neighbor we borrowed it from is the same show off who can back a trailer properly.

So I set up the stove for Leslie:


Take a good look at the sharp edges. You probably couldn't shave with them, but they're bad enough.

I just connected the mini propane tank:


Added some fire:


And voila! Leslie was cooking:


Three eggs for me, two for her.

Oh, and we had bacon, too:


Lots of food in this post.

Hungry yet?

It was good. Very good.

Zoe especially liked it:


After breakfast, we had plans. Leslie was going to Walmart. I had to stay behind and babysit Zoe. Can't leave her all alone that long.

That was my story, anyway, and I was sticking to it.

So up next, while Leslie heads off to Walmart to buy us steaks, hamburger meat, and a hose to hook up the water to the Aliner, Zoe and I head out for some exploring.
To answer a previous poster's question, Zoe's some sort of terrier mix. We don't know what. The vet says she's about 3 years old. We're thinking about having her DNA tested to figure out exactly what she is. We rescued her from a shelter. She's the best dog I've ever owned.

I'm 99% sure I just saw DNA test kits for dogs at Sam's Club for $50-ish.

:love: the TR !

Great trip report( even if it's from a troll) love the pictures and as said before I am sure pop is proud. My kids(19&15) are already planning on what type of campers they will own when they can. The oldest thinks he will get our F350 & 5th wheel when we upgrade and the youngest is dead set on a TAB, anyway as laong as they continue to camp who cares.
Once again great trip report and looking forward to more. I also agree that you might loose your troll status better watch out.:rotfl2:
I have to admit that I'm enjoying this report. You are reporting with nostalgic eyes, and I sorta like that.

What kind of impact did the nekkid Fort have on your psyche? To me, it's kinda sad to see it all open and barren. It has somewhat lost its cozy feeling.
Love the vintage stove top. My aunt has a dog "Trampus" that looks very similar to your dog. She rescued him from the Clay Co. animal control. They really are the best dogs.

My suggestion for the shaving is go to Big Lots or Wally World and get a fog proof mirror so you can shave in the shower. I love the GU&G but I need a gallon of water afterwards because it's so salty.

It really stinks that the MWR you got the A liner from doesn't maintain them better. I saw quite a few of them when I was there last week. Pretty popular these days.
Well, it's a fresh new morning here at the Fort. The sun is shining and the temperature is a crisp 66 degrees. There's that fresh scent of falling autumn foliage mixed with smouldering campfire embers from last night.

According to the notice posted at our Comfort Station, a burn ban is in effect. So we're not burning campfires, but that's not stopping many other folks in the 1900 loop!

Time for the Troll to update his trip report.

First, more fun with comments:

I'm 99% sure I just saw DNA test kits for dogs at Sam's Club for $50-ish.

Thanks! Didn't know they sold them at Walmart! That makes it so much easier. We definitely have to do it. The curiosity is killing us. Plus, so many people ask us, "What breed is she?" and I have to say, "All kinds!"

What kind of impact did the nekkid Fort have on your psyche? To me, it's kinda sad to see it all open and barren. It has somewhat lost its cozy feeling.

It was a pretty heavy blow for me. I'll be talking a lot about this in future installments, but for now, yes, I agree, the missing foliage takes a lot away from FW. For those folks who never saw FW with all the foliage in place, they don't know what they missed. It's a surprise to me, really, because the original Disney planners used the foliage in designing FW the same way the Imagineers used building facades in MK. With all the foliage gone, the illusion is ruined.

Makes the place look much, much smaller.

And somehow less grand.

My suggestion for the shaving is go to Big Lots or Wally World and get a fog proof mirror so you can shave in the shower.

Yes, Leslie bought me one on her Walmart run. It works fine. The only issue remaining is that I shower at night, so I have five o'clock shadow at 5AM.

OK, now on to the update!

So as I reported last night, Leslie headed out to Walmart to stock up on perishables and things I forgot, leaving Zoe and me to fend for ourselves in the wild wilderness. My plan was to do some exploring and photo investigative reporting.

But first I needed to get online. How else would I get these updates uploaded?

We definitely weren't going to pay Disney ripoff rates for WiFi.

Instead, at the suggestion of a Dis'er on this board, we got this:


It's the Virgin Mobile Broadband2Go USB device.

It's got its pros and cons.

On the pro side, it's much cheaper than paying for Disney WiFi. And once you get it installed and activated, it's very easy to get going. You just plug it in and click CONNECT and boom! You're on the Internet.

On the con side, it's certainly not anywhere close to high speed Internet. Faster than dialup, but much slower than high speed cable. But that's OK. The really big con is that it was a major pain to activate. I'm a computer guy at work (software developer), and it's a good thing -- otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this right now. The setup "wizard" was anything but intuitive.

But I got it figured out.

So Zoe and I hopped in the Kenny Cart to start our exploration:


I wanted to check out the Meadow Recreation area:


OK, before we go any further, a word of warning -- I love signs, lamps, and lanterns. You're going to see lots of them in this report.


So we stopped first at the foot bridge that crosses over the canal from the road to the walkway leading to the rec area. I also like bridges, so I decided to get a few shots:


Look at that! Two for the price of one -- a lamp and a bridge in one shot!

And I like this shot:


I'm shooting with a nifty Nikon DSLR that I really love, but I've been fighting it over autoexposure. It has a tendency to overexpose in bright light. I guess I can claim I intended to overexpose the shot. Ha ha, yeah, that's it.

I'll have to play with the exposure settings to get it to reduce the exposure somehow.

From the bridge I saw this heron:


And then this little guy:


And here's a rather uninspired shot of the volleyball court:


Does anyone play volleyball anymore?

When we got over to the other side of the bridge, I noticed this post:


It's a bit nicked up. A spot of paint might be in order.

By the way, Zoe was with me the whole time. I didn't see a sign that said, "No pets." And if there was one, oh well. So I bent the rules a little. I am a troll, after all. Us trolls are allowed to bend the rules a bit.

Ha ha.


No hate mail, please.

After the nicked up yellow post, I noticed this odd fence over by the cart path leading from the main road to the sing-along area:


It's very odd.

Totally unlike all other FW fences.

It's all alone.

And look closer:


There are two cross members...and they're not actually bolted in. They're loose. I could lift them:


What's that all about?

And next to the lonely, one-of-a-kind fence was an odd sign:


What makes this sign odd, you ask? It's just out there. It's not on a path, not by a road. It's just out there in the middle of the grass. You'd never see it unless you were wandering around like me, looking for details.

OK, so it's time to wrap up this post. But don't worry -- there's still lots more Meadows rec area to come.


But before I leave you, I left the best for last.

Can someone please give me the scoop on this:


It's the water tower by the pool slide.

I'm sure most of you know that.

But wife Leslie says she read that it's the water tower from River Country.

But it doesn't look like an RC fixture. It looks like a steam train water tower!

And that's what the lettering on it says.

So is this the famous water tower from the famous and ill-fated FW Railroad?

Was it once a functioning railroad water tower that was moved to RC and then moved to the swimming pool?

But look at it. It doesn't look like a FW original to me. It has a cartoonish bulbousness to it. It looks like something out of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" or a prop out of "Splash Mountain." That is, it looks too...modern. Modern trying to look old, but in a cartoonish way.

The original FW Railroad all scale, for lack of a better term.

Did you know that I road the FW RR? Pop took us all on it many times. I remember Pop just brimming with enthusiasm about the RR. I found it boring. I was a kid, of course, and I didn't understand Pop's enthusiasm.

"It's just a stupid, old, slow train that bangs you around on the tracks and takes very long to get anywhere," I thought.

Funny how as a kid you have zero appreciation for things that are so well designed and engineered. But then as an adult it dawns on you: "Holy crap! That thing was awesome! They built those steam engines from scratch?!"

Interesting tidbit about the water tower and the FWRR you may not know --
there was only one water tower on the entire circuit. The steam engines were small so they could easily navigate through the heavy brush of FW. But that meant they had a very small boiler, and if the train crew forgot to fill up with water at the one water tower, the train would overheat and stall in the middle of the circuit, leaving all the passengers stranded! This happened numerous times! The train would have to be towed back to the station.

And the crew would most assuredly get a thorough tongue-lashing.

Too bad the old railroad is gone.

Too bad lots of things are gone.

Still to come: Much more of the Meadows rec area and we go on our first looping expedition.
It's 10:11 at night...time for an update.

First, let's answer a comment or two:

Did she enjoy the Kenny Cart more than the Troll Mobile (or whatever it was that you drove to the Fort)? Looks like it!

Yes, Zoe seems to actually enjoy the Kenny Cart. It's all open and she sniffs everything she can as she whizzes by.

She loves to sniff.

And to the poster who commented about me liking bridges, yes, you're right -- I suppose that is further evidence that I am a troll. Perhaps I won't be losing my troll status so easily after all!

Anyway, I was exploring the Meadows rec area.

I spotted the water tower by the pool and wondered about its true origins. Rumor holds that it was either a) part of the original FWRR b) part of River Country or c) both.

I'm beginning to think it's a fake.

That is, it was neither.

But I may well be very wrong. Still waiting for someone to prove me so.

While admiring the water tower, I noticed that every other top of the fence posts along the cart path is painted yellow:


My guess is that it's to make the fence more visible, as lots of people really go hotdogging around that curve.

Here's a shot of the bridge over the canal, with the lonely, odd fence in the foreground:


And surprise! A lamp post:


And someone left the gate to the tennis courts open:


There were plenty of swimmers, even though it's November and plenty chilly:


I cruised by the canoe rentals:




And is this rock somehow significant?


You can play shuffleboard, if you want to...and if you know how. Does anyone?


In all my 41 years, I don't think I've ever witnessed anyone play shuffleboard for real. The only time I ever saw it being played was on an episode of "The Love Boat."

And they weren't playing for real.

Maybe it's not really a game.

We still haven't gone to the sing-along:


I'm hoping to get to see a good movie that we haven't seen yet, like "Bolt."

We've already seen "Up."

There are lots of trees with these blueberry things on them:


I wouldn't dare eat them, though.

Across the way was a Segway tour:


It seems very popular, but I wouldn't pay for it. I eavesdropped on some of the things the tour guide was saying and it all sounded like sales pitch to me. Could be wrong...maybe there's more to it than what I saw and heard.

Maybe it's just fun to ride a Segway.

But not worth it to me.

But that's just me.

A troll.

By now I realized that my camera battery was about to die. Stupid me -- I bought a super high capacity memory card but failed to buy an extra rechargeable battery for my new camera. So I have to head back to camp to juice it back up.

After I get back to camp and get the battery in its charger, Leslie arrives from Walmart with lots of good stuff.

We put it all away and then decide to do our first bit of looping.

But before we do, I take a quick walk across the street to site 1927:


I walk up to the picnic table and take this shot:


I then take three steps to my right and do a half turn and take this shot:



FW is very nice and lots of fun, but I hope you don't mind camping with strangers. It was once a beautifully plush campground with foliage that effected Disney's awesome "forced perspective." Now, it's hardly more than a parking lot barely separated by a few trees here and there.

There's still lots of nostalgia to fuel my spirit, but this is a serious downer.

Pop would give this a big stamp of disapproval.

Pop was serious business. Disney's lucky he's not around to see this.


One time about 30 years ago, our cable TV company was giving us awful service. So Pop refused to pay the bill that month. So the cable company came and cut our cable off.

So Pop wrote a letter to our Senator.

The Senator -- and I am not making this up -- contacted the FCC.

Needless to say our cable was reconnected.

And we received a free year of cable service.

And Pop got a very apologetic personal letter from the president of the cable company.

Again, not making this up.

So if Pop was still around, Disney might be frantically planting shrubbery, weeds, and vines right now as I type this.

Too bad he's not!

So I walked back across the street and hopped into our Kenny Cart for some looping. Here's a preview of some of what we took in:






Bah, humbug.

Next up: More from our looping, a steak dinner, and we take Zoe to the dog park.
I have been going to the Fort since 79 as a kid so I understand your feelings of the clear cutting of the Fort. I liked it the way it used to be. But we still love it and try to go as much as possible. My parents take there camper we take ours and my sister and her family try different resorts (her husband and her boys prefer the fort though) but we all go at the same time and have a lot of fun. Keep the report coming.
Loving your report so far and your photos. You have taken some really unique pictures, love that!! Can't wait to hear more.
You can play shuffleboard, if you want to...and if you know how. Does anyone?

Yep. Pretty darn easy -- you just try to get your discs onto the highest points, and knock off your opponents' discs from doing the same. My grandfather was a bigwig at the Buffalo airport and when we were kids, we could use the hotel pool. Spent lots of time playing shuffleboard. (When we weren't diving underwater to avoid hearing the planes screaming overhead.)

When they encountered their first board, my own kiddos figured out the rules in seconds flat, but they're pretty sports-and-game-oriented.
Once again great pictures, as far as the pictures of the bridges it is rare that a troll gets to see the top side of the bridges, most of the trolls I know were always under the bridge.:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Hey, Mr. Troll, ok, nice pics of the Fort, yada, yada, yada, been there, seen that, a zillion times. Although I can't get enough of hose and pollen on tree pics, where are the ones of you guys and Zoe enjoying the Fort.
Now the next picture is going to send shudders through the spines of all men who shave with a blade (or Leatherman):


What's so wrong with it, you ask?

And see that abomination on the side?

It's a motion sensor.

That's right, it's the old, click, gush, click, guuuuush, click, gush, click, click.

I had to put my left thumb over the motion sensor just to get a steady stream of water to rinse my toothbrush off with. Wait a pain.

Easy fix all you have to do is put your shaving cream in front of the sensor
I cruised by the canoe rentals:


I am enjoying your report, but am really admiring your photography skills. I enjoy photography and you have captured some very nice shots.

This one is excellent and would look very nice in B&W. Nice framing and depth of field!


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