Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

So I thought I would give you all a sneak preview of the clip art I am working on for the next challenge. I made an executive decison:thumbsup2 and we are going to go with Team Mickey and Team Donald.

I love it! I would love to be team hard feelings about donald, but I am a mickey lover at heart!

Almost forgot--we did some shopping today and I tried on some leggings to go with a sweater dress I was thinking about buying and I walked out of the dressing room to show Mike and the salesperson said I could be in an ad for leggings. She is my new BFF.:rotfl: Needless to say, I bought the leggings and the sweater dress.:goodvibes

Thats a great story about the lentils rose. There are alot of things now that I am trying that I like and never thought I would. You can surprise yourself sometimes.

I bet that felt awesome to have those compliments. I really want to get a sweater dress but I dont think my body is ready for one yet. Maybe next year. I think they are so cute and I bet you look great!

Dylan is doing good with his tubes, but he ended up with another cold right before it was time to go back to daycare last Monday and then by Wednesday his ears were draining.

I freaked out the first time that happened to. I guess that is what they are made to do. Drain the fluid out so it doesnt build up behind the ear drum and get infected. It is a real pain to do the drops and the plugs but its better than the infections and antibiotics. The joys of having the kids in daycare huh. I can tell you that after a year or so they rarely get sick. So hang in there.

I am still losing almost every week.

Great job on the steady losses especially with being so busy. Hope to talk to you more next challenge.

We tried to do a christmas card photoshoot in front of the christmas tree with michael and fredward the guinea pig, but it was cut short when fredward bit michael good, and he ended up in tears.

awww poor michael. Somethings just never go as planned.;) Hope he feels better. Glad you still got a nice card made!

Lindsay: How is DH doing? :hug:

He seems to be doing better. Friday night and sat he just sat here with a blank stare and tears and I was a bit worried but yesterday and today he was more himself. Once we get through tomorrow I think he will feel better. I think hes come to terms with it and realizes she is in a better place.
Thank you so much for asking:goodvibes

QOTD for Mon. 12/13: What, if any exercise, to have planned for today?

Mini-Challenge: Exercise for 30 minutes today.

Have a great day today!

Well since I am just reading this now I will reply for tomorrow. I plan to get out and do a 40 min run tomorrow morning before the services.

And I wanted to say--I think that anyone that is able to maintain or even have a modest loss over the holidays, should consider that a huge success! Think about where you were this time last year. I know where I was, and I was not eating lentil burgers for dinner!:rotfl:

Rose that was such an eye opener for me to read this. I have been getting so frustrated because I am becoming a maintainer this past month vs a loser. It made me reflect that this time last year I was unhealthy, eating junk, and the only running I did was to my car if it was raining. I am now happy if I can maintain and maybe loose a lb or two from now to Jan 1st. Even if I dont meet my goal by the princess I will still be better off and more fit than I have been in years....and it wont all end there.

Did I tell you all that my HS boyfriend found me on FB?? Talk about a blast from the past!! Anyone else ever get back in touch with any old loves from HS or college? Was is super weird?

A few years ago my HS bf contacted me. He got my email from someone else he ran into. He was the only other guy I ever had a long term relationship with....we had dated for 6 years. At first it brought back some old feelings (for a few seconds). Then I unlike your ex I realized that mine was still a loser and thats why I finally called it quits with him in the first place.:lmao: It was wierd and I felt a bit guilty for even talking to him by email but in the end I think it put a bit of closure in my mind as I often thought about how he was and what he was doing with himself. It made me realize that I made the right decision years ago to move on. Im glad yours was a positive interaction and that he appreciated you and what you did for him.

On a different note: Im glad dh is doing well and Im sure no one will mind the "different" christmas this year. In the grand scheme of things if you dont have the cards/cookies/gifts etc its ok. At least you all still have each other right?

Well I went to go look at venues this weekend. Disneyland was my first stop.

Feel free to blab away about your wedding....its once in your life that the show is all about you...enjoy it! All the choices sounds so good. I love your vintage ideas but can understand how much work will need to go into some of them. In the end make the decision that you and dh are happy with and forget about the rest. Dont settle until you find that special they say with your dress....soon as you see it you will know!

It felt SO GOOD to be out running again today. I still don't love it but it made me feel so "normal" again! I pushed to do 6 miles, but bladder issues shortened it to 5. And it definitely kicked my butt, but I walked the uphills and held my own. Time wasn't great, but I didn't really care. I felt "in control" again! What a great feeling.


Great Job P....didnt think you would hear yourself say that about running huh;) See maybe you really were enjoying it more than you thought.:rotfl2:

Two NSVs for me today. Went to the ob/gyn and boy were they happy to see the numbers on the scale. :woohoo: And my size 20 work pants I got two weeks ago -- haven't even received the bill yet -- are almost too big! :cool1:

Have a great evening all!

Great job Lisa....those are wonderful things to feel happy and proud of. Good for you.:goodvibes

I got to my 3 miles today, but it was TOUGH, super, super tough. :sad1: And I think I might have over-did it again so I may hold at a 35 minute run for a couple of weeks. Slowing down and intervals may be the way to go once I hit the 2.85 mile mark, I may have to give it a shot.

When I first started I thought in order to really be a runner and get faster you had to run the whole thing. Now that I convinced myself its ok to do intervals I am getting faster than I ever was. I am currently doing 3min run/2min walk. I am finding that I am keeping a 11:30-12:00/mile pace even for my longer runs. Before If I ran more than 3 miles my pace would fall closer to 13 or 14. Give it a try and see how it feels. There are many ways to do intervals. 1/1, 3/2, 4/1, run 1 mile walk 2 min, etc. Do what works for you. A rule I tried before was when I felt like I was struggling I would stop and walk for a minute. I noticed when I would start up again my legs felt fresher and I had more umph. Good luck finding your nitch.

Ok all caught up again. I had a busy day at work and didnt get home until 7pm. We have nothing in the house and I had gotten a gift card from the dr I work for. We decided to grab mcdonalds.:eek: I hate that I fell into an old habit. If I only would have gotten to the store yesterday we wouldnt have been in the predicament. See planning really is key.

We have dh's nana's services tomorrow. My MIL is taking everyone out to eat after at an upscale seafood resturaunt. Not sure what I am going to order but leaning towards haddock or scallops broiled. I am going to try to get my run in before everything starts. It will be a crazy day but hopefully it all goes ok. Dh has some interesting family members and some dont get along. I will be holding my breath for the 2 hours that it will last. Gosh you shouldnt have to worry about this stuff at funerals but we worried about it at every other family event we had with them so why would it be any different right? Why cant we all just get along.:goodvibes

Have a great tuesday everyone. I am off to pm my weight into shannon I ended up forgetting last week. oops.
Good evening everyone. I laid down with michael at 8:30 and took a little nap.:rolleyes1 Now I"m watching an old Criminal mind I haven't seen and figured I'd catch up a bit during the commericals. I don't know why I love this creepy show so much. :rotfl:

Todays qotd on exercise. I didn't do any formal exercise but was in recovery all day at work, so on my feet and running all day. Very busy day and week ahead which is great since the week around christmas is usually pretty slow. Tomorrow I go in at 9, and plan to go out for a 2 mile run/walk before.

Lindsay-Glad dh is doing ok. I hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow and the family is able to put aside their differences and have a nice memorial for dh's nana. Sometime things like this will make people think about their past behavior, but sometimes people never change. I'll be thinking of you guys tomorrow.

Nicole- :hug:Sorry your run was not the best again. I hope you're able to find something that works for you, and I agree with trying out the intervals as well. When I did c25k, I got up to 2.5 miles running straight, but I was so sore after that, I decided to try the intervals, and pretty much do run 4/walk 1 minutes. I just gives my body the break it needs. I figure my joints at 46, and I'm over 200 pounds, and they definitely need the break from the running. So cute, about ds and santa eating the cookies and milk. You will have a fun Christmas this year.

Pamela- It's so nice to see you posting today and to hear dh is doing well, and things are getting back to some normalcy for you. What a nice compliment from the old boyfriend. Do you remember that song by Garth Brooks called Unanswered Prayers? It's about a man and his wife at a foot ball game and they run into his old girlfriend and he's thanking god for not answering his prayers back in high school or he never would have met his wife. Congrats on the 5 miles!! Even if you walked the whole thing you got out there!! Nice!! Glad dd's doing well with her swim. She sounds like such an amazing girl. I know you all will appreciate all you have to be grateful for this Christmas and you will all be together.

Lisa- Whoo hoo on the gyn visit, and the loose pants!! It's so nice to see others appreciate all your hard work, and a good reminder when things may be going slower than we'd like, to see how far you have come in a year.

DVCcruiser- So funny, you're a townie. It's such a nice town to be from. Michael was 2 when we moved here, so he may feel like a townie, but he's not. :rotfl:

RoseI love that you have two types of lentils in your house, and it is so true that this is a tough and busy time of year and it's a great idea to look back and see how far we have come, and celebrate where we are along this journey, and congratulate ourselves on all we have accomplished. Hope the weather is looking good for ds's trip home.:hug:

TggsterHope dh can get a postponement for your trip. I know other's who have changed their dates without a problem, so hope he can too.

Dona- So sorry to hear about your friends dads.:hug:

CC- I love that your dad is buying you a ww package. He sounds like such a good support for you. Hope the job is going well for you, and definitely don't worry if you can't spend as much time here as you like, we all totally understand.

Taryn Hope the pc show went well, and you're doing ok. :hug:

Hello and hugs to all who are in need. Criminal minds is over, and I am going to bed now.

Have a great night. :)
Good morning friends!:goodvibes

I'm going to try to do a quick catch-up here. I had a very busy day yesterday. Except for one hour from 12:00-1:00, I was gone from the house from 8:15 am to 7:00 pm. It was a nice change of pace for me since I am usually home for most of the day. It was probably the typical day some of you have every day, I don't know how you do it! I even got 3 loads of laudry done, but I just noticed DS forgot his PE uniform even though I stayed up late to finish it :mad: DS got good news at the ortho, he will either have braces removed in 6 weeks or 12 weeks. We are so glad. He had them put on Jan 2008 so it's been a long time. We had to go through the stress of finding an ortho here and wondering if they are doing the same as what would be done in the States, etc. When the braces come off, they put on a *permanent* retainer here (one that can not be taken in and out). We will probably let them do this but maybe have it removed later. I may call our old ortho while we are home and ask them what we should do:confused3 It will be nice not to have to go back and forth for those appts. It's a long train ride for DS and I because we chose an ortho that is a member of the US ortho association.

QOTD: I was unable to plan any exercise yesterday due to the busy day but I walked for atleast 60 minutes throughout the day. Today I will do the elliptical for 35 minutes.

I did not gain any weight over the weekend so that is a plus for me but I am still up one pound from my lowest this challenge. I am challenging myself to take that off plus 1/2 more pound by Friday . Then I will be at 24 pounds lost total. That is still 2 pounds short of the goal I set for myself in the challenge but it is 87% of my goal achieved if I make it.

Jeanette: My first choice of venue for my wedding reception was a renovated historic house just down the street from our Church, owned by the city. I planned for DH and I to ride in a carriage pulled by horses down the street to the reception. You could not book more than 6 months in advance. When I showed up at 7 am, exactly 6 months before my date, at City Hall to book, I was the 3rd person in line for my date !!! I went home and balled my eyes out. We ended up booking a historic house about 5 miles away from the church. It was the Bishop's House on the grounds of an Episcopal School for girls. The school is still in operation but the house is no longer used for the Bishop. It was fully furnished and lovely. It turned out to be such a nice October day that most guests hung out outside after eating. We had a jazz quartet and they eventually moved out to the porch of the house since no one was inside. We spent $9000 in total on the wedding, which was not a whole lot back then and is nothing compared to what I hear about today! I spent the most on flowers & photography. My MIL would not wear a corsage! Keep posting about your plans. There will be ups and downs. Disney does sound easier since they can coordinate everything for you but some of the other venues sound very cool. Good luck with your planning! And, as for being up 2 pounds - atleast you are keeping a check on it. And, knowing you, you will knock it off quickly!

Rose: Love the Clip Art. I am glad it's called the Spring Challenge and not the Winter Challenge.:rotfl: It's funny how just starting over a new challenge is motivating and gets the competitive juices going again!
Leggings and skirts or dresses are on my wish list for some day when I am smaller....that is what most people wear in Europe all the time and it's a really cute look. I get tired of wearing jeans and top all the time. I look like somebody's MOM:lmao:

Maureen: Hang in there at Target! Hope you can find another job soon. Just think of all the activity you are getting just from being at work:goodvibes

Kathy: Thanks for the encouraging words ! Fredward, love the name! I hope Michael is feeling better after the bite. We are terrified of the bird my son is pet-sitting. He loves to bite! We let him out of the cage yesterday and lost him for awhile. Finally found him on a bed where he had peed on the pillow:headache: His wings are clipped and I had no idea he could travel so far!

Pamela: Love your FB status. Congrats to your daughter for her awesome Swim Meet! We are surrounded here by Lindt and other fabulous chocolates. I have to just not even look at them!!! Before moving to Europe, I would swear Hershey is the best chocolate but now I have discovered a whole other world of chocolate!!!
DH's ex-fiance (they broke up before getting married) friended him on FB. I never knew her but I told him I would be "monitoring" their friendship! I look at her page and her status alot. I think I'm more jealous of her kids than anything else. They are HS athelte/cheerleader and always winning award after award it seems.

Nicole: I think I will try some intervals too when I go back to running. Thanks for the advice Cam and others who posted this.

Lisa: Great NSV's !!!!! I can't wait for my Gyn appt on Dec 30. I am hoping to hear some praise and hoping I will weigh 24 pounds less than I did last year there. I will have to be careful eating over the Holidays and wear some lightweight clothes to the appt !!! I can run for 35 minutes straight, but I would never think I could run the Princess - interesting, maybe that is something I could do some day???

Tggrstarr: Hope you can get out of the Jury Duty!!

Cam, Rose, Lindsay and others too I think: Thanks so much for the words of encouragement, if it was directed at me or just in general. I can never hear enough of it. If I don't make my goal for this challenge, it is not something to quit over. I just have to keep going. I am much better off than I was at the beginning of this challenge!

Getting hair done at 11:00 and then free for the rest of the day except for picking DS up at school and taking him to Scouts tonight. We are helping a friend out with babysitting tonight so DS goes to their house from 4-5 and then I pick them all up and they go to Scouts with us and then DS goes back to their house from 7:30-10:00. We have very little food in the house since we are leaving Saturday. I plan to eat a boiled egg for lunch and Subway on base for supper. No fruit in the house so I may pick up a few pieces this afternoon. I need to finish up all laundry and start packing and wrapping gifts and reviewing my lists again.:wizard:

Have a great day!:cutie:

Good Morning!

I am having computer issues and I need to leave earlier because of the weather, so I am going to forgo replies and just post the QOTD.

QOTD for Tuesday, Dec. 14: Aladdiin is giving you a ride on his magic carpet. Over what would you love to fly?

No Mini-Challenge today. I meant to post that you have 2 days to get in your exercise and totally forgot. :rolleyes1

:grouphug: for everything going on with us.

Hope everyone has the best day possible!

Lisa- It went better than expected. I was able to sneakily get her the Littlest Pet Shop Pink Team game without her seeing it. I got her a Rudolph DSi game at Costco and then she picked out Coconut the American Girl dog that they girls didn't have. Hoping to go to another Best Buy today to get something for Dh and finally pick up the stuffed animal that was to come with the Santa Paws movie that I bought a few weeks ago. Also going to get Despicable me for Dh. Tomorrow I will go to Build A Bear and use my $30 in certificates taht I have been saving up!

Got up and did 2 miles this morning. DD1 is up and eating now. I still need to make her lunch and throw some warmer clothes on to take her to the bus. THen I'll come home and shower and get DD2 ready for school. She's buying lunch today so that makes things a bit easier for me. I'll run to the wellness center this morning to find out about the award meeting next week and then head to work to prepare for my client. Going to stay at work for awhile after I'm done and work on my Christmas cards. I still need to get some stamps too.

Gotta get moving!

TTFN :tigger:
Tayrn: I think you are exactly right with your tradition of letting Santa bring one gift for each child and the others are from Mom/Dad.
Thanks for your input. It's kinda crazy to think something like Christmas that should be fun is soooo stressful! But it is! And you know what, most of the stress is over gifts/money. Somehow, the commercialism of it all is wearing on me this year!

So far, things are going well and I am seeing small losses on the scale almost every day. I should hit a new decade at Thursday's WI and that will be very validating for me.
Cam, that is AMAZING! I am so proud of you! Your food all sounds so healthy and yummy - LOVE the Chick-Fil-A fruit cups! I also really liked your comments about your expectations of yourself. Instead of being disappointed in what you can't do, be proud of what you do! You've overcome so much physically, be VERY proud of that. Don't set yourself up for mental failure! Hugs and love to you sweetie!

I was feeling like my kids didnt really ask for anything big this year and that it wasnt as much fun to surprise them with that "big" gift. We always put the presents out once the kids are in bed and even when I was little I remember when I got close to not believing my mom had me shop and wrap with her and then we left them on a pile in the living room on xmas eve and santa claus picked them up when we were at church and delivered up in the morning. (not sure what kind of sense that makes now but when I was that age I thought it was magicalPS. santa always drops of xmas pj's under the tree on xmas eve when we go to church too. The kids were very into it this year and I let them pretty much do all the ornaments. Of course it took me a half hour while they were napping to move them all around the tree otherwise it was only the bottom half that was decorated.
Lindsay - we were thinking about the same things? Who woulda' thunk it? as my Daddy would have said! Thanks for your input, too! My parents anniversary is/was Christmas Eve, and I always got Christmas pj's on their anniversary. We used to get together that night with their best friends, who always gave them anniversary presents, so I got the pj's, put them on at the friends' house in hopes that I would fall asleep on the way home! LOL! Sophie was the opposite, she kept wanting to play with the ornaments (her favorite toys are any kind of figurine/small doll) so she kept undecorating the tree! :lmao:

I'm still feeling overwhelmed but looking forward to having the morning to myself tomorrow except for when redwalker comes by for a walk.
That feeling is soo... kinda blah. Trip is over, lots to do. Usually a mess from all the stuff. Kinda like the day after Christmas!

Almost forgot--we did some shopping today and I tried on some leggings to go with a sweater dress I was thinking about buying and I walked out of the dressing room to show Mike and the salesperson said I could be in an ad for leggings.
That's awesome GIRL!!!!!!:woohoo: What time do you expect DS home today? And when are you leaving?

I am amazed to say, that even though work leaves me too tired to workout other than walking the dog, that I am still losing almost every week.
Thanks for checking in! Sounds like you are being successful, probably too tired to eat! :hug:

It's a tough time of year to stay on track all the time, and even if we sway every weekend, or a little everyday, we are still coming here, and we are still trying our best, and we are not perfect, but we are trying, and by trying, we are doing better than if we completely gave up and started fresh after the holidays, so keep on coming here, and venting and getting back on track, and doing all you can to be the healthiest you can be, and you will be far better off than if you stopped talking about
That's so true Kathy! At least we are being cognizant of our choices, and not just throwing it all to the wind. I'd have 10 pounds to loose in January just to get back if I did that!

We tried to do a christmas card photoshoot in front of the christmas tree with michael and fredward the guinea pig, but it was cut short when fredward bit michael good, and he ended up in tears. He was able to laugh about it later, but we didn't try to take the pic again. I ended up ordering a collage card from and used several pics from the past year.
Is he named after Freddie on icarly? :lmao: I had a hamster once that bit my Daddy, Daddy slung him in pain. No more hamster. :rolleyes1 We did a collage picture this year, too, and I LOVE IT! We didn't do any last year, just wasn't in the mood. I put in pictures of milestones/celebrations. Sophie with a Mickey ice cream bar waiting for fireworks and on a inner tube during the mega snow from last year. AK with her new glasses, and an AWESOME pic during a gymnastics meet, symbolic of being state champ. Both girls with Tiana and Naveen, since that was Sophie's obsession, and then a family pic w/ Mickey at Ohana Breakfast. (Notice a theme, here?) I told Brad, it was a celebration of life card!

Good morning! It's so windy here! We only got a couple of inches, but it's blowing all over the place. School is cancelled, I am guessing as much because it's so cold and windy as anything. Think about where you were this time last year. I know where I was, and I was not eating lentil burgers for dinner!:
It 22 here, we've been under a wind advisory since Sunday w/ 20-50 mph winds, wind chill in negative single digits! We've been delayed the last two days, still ice on the roads, should be closed, but the high school has state end of term testing, so off to work I go! Thinking back over a year of progress, even if a lot is mental progress, says a lot!

We have a tree, but it has no decorations. Nothing is wrapped, there will be NO cards sent this year, the house is a bit of a disaster.... oh well. Christmas will still arrive, we will all be here at home, healthy (or relatively so) and happy to be together. That is what is most important, right?? Did I tell you all that my HS boyfriend found me on FB?? Wish we could have a holiday party together! Sort of sad we are all so far apart, geographically.
A holiday party would ROCK! You are so right about what is important! Quite honestly, you could be faced with a totally different Christmas this year, and I know you feel blessed with what you have! I can't believe your HS bf found you. That is tooo funny. Since I live in the same town, I actually teach one of my hs bf's kid. Talk about strange first conference. LOL~ What a compliment he gave you! :cloud9:

Hello everyone. Lets just say I havent been OP lately and gained back 2 pounds :headache: this wedding stuff and holiday parties is making me eat more than I would want to and not exercise! As you can tell, its something thats really on my mind and driving me crazy. My attention should be on my weight loss, but these decisions are starting to stress me out
Try to be EXCITED, not stressed. Um, your attention is RIGHT where it should be. I'm one of those people that enjoys planning, so let the stress go, sounds like you have some great venues to choose from. Thanks for sharing all about it! I found pro/con lists, were VERY helpful. I can see with all the different variables that a cost analysis would be helpful too. You'll get that weight right off, I PROMISE!!!

But he said he feels like Samson.... he got his hair cut and lost his strength! But I suppose that makes me Delilah and she was HOT!!

I got to my 3 miles today, but it was TOUGH, super, super tough. And I think I might have over-did it again so I may hold at a 35 minute run for a couple of weeks. Slowing down and intervals may be the way to go once I hit the 2.85 mile mark, I may have to give it a shot. So far DS thinks that Santa is only around to eat cookies and drink chocolate milk (he hasn't quite grasped the gift part yet, but he's got the leaving milk and cookies out part down ) I'm so excited I just purchased DH's gift online. I got him the Nike+ and an armband to hold his IPhone while he runs. I hope he likes it.
I have the nike + and a strap for my shoes. LOVE LOVE LOVEE IT!!!! Too cute about your ds. One thing I found with running was that I couldnt' worry about time and distance in the same run, if that makes sense. If my goal was an extra half mile, then I slowed down a minute a mile or so to get there. If my goal was time, then I tried to keep a faster pace. But never increased mileage and hoped for a good time???

Two NSVs for me today. Went to the ob/gyn and boy were they happy to see the numbers on the scale. And my size 20 work pants I got two weeks ago -- haven't even received the bill yet -- are almost too big!
Sounds like a trip to the return center for you! AWESOME LISA!! SO very proud of you!

So I found something horrible in my mailbox today. A grand jury summons for my husband for January 4th. First, its on my birthday, which I can deal with. Second and most importantly, it is two weeks before our WDW trip, and grand jury duty is a four month long process! I know we can write a request for postponement, so I really really hope that works out.
Jump on that request ASAP before anyone else does. Here, they only grant a certain number of those. Sending PPD it works out for you!

He seems to be doing better. Friday night and sat he just sat here with a blank stare and tears and I was a bit worried but yesterday and today he was more himself. Once we get through tomorrow I think he will feel better. I think hes come to terms with it and realizes she is in a better place. Even if I dont meet my goal by the princess I will still be better off and more fit than I have been in years....and it wont all end there.Then I unlike your ex I realized that mine was still a loser and thats why I finally called it quits with him in the first place.:lmao: We decided to grab mcdonalds. I hate that I fell into an old habit. If I only would have gotten to the store yesterday we wouldnt have been in the predicament. See planning really is key. We have dh's nana's services tomorrow.
Hoping today goes okay. I've found that it can really go 2 ways - everyone is on best behavior out of respect, or it all goes south out of emotion. Hoping for the former for you! Comment about your bf CRACKED ME UP! Sorry you had to do McD's, planning is definitely key, but cut yourself some slack mentally, you've had a lot to deal with this week!!! As for goals, I still haven't reached the goal I set for my weight by my birthday in September, but I'm learning to live with that! You're exactly right, you are sooo much healthier, and that's what matters!

I did not gain any weight over the weekend so that is a plus for me but I am still up one pound from my lowest this challenge. I am challenging myself to take that off plus 1/2 more pound by Friday . Then I will be at 24 pounds lost total. We have very little food in the house since we are leaving Saturday.
Shawn, THAT IS SOOO AWESOME! You have done SO great this challenge! Be proud of that! I can't imagine being in a different country, surrounded by all that chocolate, and trying to do this! So glad you found us, and your family is going to be amazed at how you look when you get home! Be sure to put accept compliments on that to do list! I know you will be so excited to be home! Good luck on checking that list twice!;)

QOTD for Tuesday, Dec. 14: Aladdiin is giving you a ride on his magic carpet. Over what would you love to fly?
Heaven, to catch a glimpse of Daddy.:littleangel:

P--I bet you have the best Christmas ever. Don't worry about all the "stuff." Congrats to DD! I hope you had a great run!:goodvibes

Jeanette--All of the wedding venues sound great! I'm sure it's hard to pick, but how cool that you have so many interesting places to pick from.:)

I got to my 3 miles today, but it was TOUGH, super, super tough. :sad1: And I think I might have over-did it again so I may hold at a 35 minute run for a couple of weeks. Slowing down and intervals may be the way to go once I hit the 2.85 mile mark, I may have to give it a shot.

Jeff Galloway has a website and you can find him on He is a huge advocate of run/walk intervals. Another idea is, if you are able to use an elliptical, I find it to be a great cardio workout. I don't know if the issue with the runs is cardio or sore muscles. Hang in there! The other thing you can do is, if you are doing c25k, go back and repeat a week or two. This will give your body a chance to get where it needs to be.:goodvibes

Two NSVs for me today. Went to the ob/gyn and boy were they happy to see the numbers on the scale. :woohoo: And my size 20 work pants I got two weeks ago -- haven't even received the bill yet -- are almost too big! :cool1:

Have a great evening all!
Woohoo for NSVs!!! Having to buy new clothes a lot is a HUGE expense, but soooo worth it!

So I found something horrible in my mailbox today. A grand jury summons for my husband for January 4th. First, its on my birthday, which I can deal with. Second and most importantly, it is two weeks before our WDW trip, and grand jury duty is a four month long process! I know we can write a request for postponement, so I really really hope that works out. I am kinda freaking out a little.
I hope it works out without too much hassle!

I bet that felt awesome to have those compliments. I really want to get a sweater dress but I dont think my body is ready for one yet. Maybe next year. I think they are so cute and I bet you look great!

Rose that was such an eye opener for me to read this. I have been getting so frustrated because I am becoming a maintainer this past month vs a loser. It made me reflect that this time last year I was unhealthy, eating junk, and the only running I did was to my car if it was raining. I am now happy if I can maintain and maybe loose a lb or two from now to Jan 1st. Even if I dont meet my goal by the princess I will still be better off and more fit than I have been in years....and it wont all end there.

If I only would have gotten to the store yesterday we wouldnt have been in the predicament. See planning really is key.
We have dh's nana's services tomorrow. My MIL is taking everyone out to eat after at an upscale seafood resturaunt. .
Lindsay--I hope the services go well today and all the family members "cooperate." Planning really is the key, otherwise we end up going out, too--and we don't even have kids to deal with. For us it means a trip to our local bdubs, where I end up having cheese quesadilla, fries and an adult drink.;) That's ok to do once a week, but not everyday! Don't beat yourself up. It was one day, and today is a new day. You all have a lot going on.

I posted the stuff about remembering where you are as much for me, as anyone else. I am so glad it helped! I already find myself beating myself up over the holiday treats and worrying about food at Disney. I needed to remind myself that I can't gain 47 pounds back in one meal!!!;) And to be honest--I am still a little nervous about going out in public in the leggings, but I'm going to give it a shot.

Kathy--I like criminal minds too! Though I won't watch it when I'm the only one in the house anymore! I have trouble enough sleeping!

Shawn--hope the babysitting went well!

CC--I hate computer issues! Hope you have a good day.:goodvibes

Good morning! I am really tired. I went to work yesterday, did a mile on the elliptical and then strength class, came home to change quick, and went to dinner with a friend. Finally got home at 10! I am supposed to run today, but I might skip it or just run a couple on the treadmill at home. It's not a great treadmill, so I probably won't do more than 3. I usually run 4 on Tuesday.

It is sooooo cold here. Last night on the way home the temp was 15! We are supposed to get more snow/freezing rain later this week. DS is supposed to be leaving around 9 this morning. I am trying not to think about it, cause there is nothing I can do about it. And I have to much to do at work to sit around and worry!! We found out yesterday that we are closed the week between Christmas and New Year's!!! It only ends up being three extra days off, but it's a reward for the agency making it's goals.:goodvibes So I work, today, Thursday, and then Monday and that's it until January 3rd!!!! I am so glad. Looking forward to hanging out with DS. I am guessing he will go back on January 7th or 8th.

I am struggling with the sweets at work. Doing great with my meals, but all the cookies, etc that are around right now have been hard to say no to. I am not worried about falling out of maintain range, but I know if I stay the course, I can be at a new low when we leave next week, which will make it much easier to relax about food at wdw. In the big scheme of things it's all very trivial, but I guess right now I need something to worry about other than DS and driving, so I guess I'll worry about this!

Tracey--I know you are crazy busy, but just wanted to let you know I sent you a couple of pm's about weight keeping for the next challenge. It's totally ok if you just are too busy to deal with them, but I just wanted to make sure that you got them, and that I didn't type something in wrong--and that I'm not sending them to the wrong Tigger!!!:goodvibes

Have a great day everyone!:goodvibes
I hate it when I don't stay on top of things!

PC show Sunday was a bomb, only one person showed up, and she was 30 minutes late. Hostess had enough outside orders for it to count as a show, though, so that's good. There's some mystery WONDER product we get if we submitted 2 shows by the 15th, so at least I qualified for it, and will get a bit of commission...

As I mentioned, it's so frigid here, I hate it when I have to take the dogs out! Thankfully, they don't like it either, so they make quick work of it! Loading our car rider kids yesterday afternoon was PAINFUL!

Well, AK came home very quiet yesterday and wanted to spend a lot of time in her room, very out of character for her. I noticed at bedtime she had on a phiten necklace (those magnetic sports necklaces) which has turned into a "sign" at our school that you are in a "relationship" if it belongs to the boy. She's worn her friends' at times, b/c she wants one (she'll have it in 11 days ;) ), but I happened to recognize this one. She has her first "official" boyfriend, that she's told us about, anyway. Not sure how I feel about all this. As long as she doesn't ask me to buy a gift for him this week.:lmao:

Still have her friends' gifts to buy this week, we're in for a wintry mix starting tomorrow night, so I kinda feel like I need to get them today in case we aren't at school the rest of the week. Friday is the last day before BREAK! :woohoo: But it's too cold to shop. :sad: Just heard our wind chill is negative 10.

Found out yesterday that a child that was in K in someone else's room my first year of teaching was "accidentally" shot and killed by her boyfriend of 2 months. I remember her because her 4 year old sister died of leukemia that year, and we went to the funeral home. They moved away after that. I can't imagine what that poor mom is going through...

Have a great day everyone! STAY WARM!:hug:
I really need to get up and get going--

Just wanted to say hi to Taryn. We must have been posting at the same time.:goodvibes

Mike is at work early for a conference call with Asia. He must be on at the same time.

Lindsay--he just told me Cliff Lee is a Phillie!!!:scared1: (You follow baseball a little don't you?) I am beginning to really not like the Phillies!;) Though, I guess better the Phillies, than the Yankees, except we play the Phillies more than the Yankees! Soon time to start my countdown to spring training and men in tight pants! I do love baseball.:love:
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Just a few short days until our Fall Challenge ends. What are you doing to make those days count? :santa:

And, if anyone is on the WW, might I say the new WW coffee cakes are freakin incredible popcorn::popcorn:: Maybe I was just starving, but I could have eaten all 4 in the box. They even have a yummy cinnamon filling.

It's great that you are able to find the new WW food already as I've read that some people are having trouble finding it. :thumbsup2

So I found something horrible in my mailbox today. A grand jury summons for my husband for January 4th. First, its on my birthday, which I can deal with. Second and most importantly, it is two weeks before our WDW trip, and grand jury duty is a four month long process! I know we can write a request for postponement, so I really really hope that works out. I am kinda freaking out a little.

Yikes! :scared1: Hopefully they will let you reschedule, especially since it is the first time they asked and you won't be asking for a long postponement.

Ok all caught up again. I had a busy day at work and didnt get home until 7pm. We have nothing in the house and I had gotten a gift card from the dr I work for. We decided to grab mcdonalds.:eek: I hate that I fell into an old habit. If I only would have gotten to the store yesterday we wouldnt have been in the predicament. See planning really is key.

:hug:, Lindsay, you're life has been horribly hectic and not too fun lately so don't worry about it. When you feel better and things calm down, maybe you can get a freezer item for those nights. I will be thinking of you today and hoping that everyone in DH's family can behave! ;)

I can't wait for my Gyn appt on Dec 30. I am hoping to hear some praise and hoping I will weigh 24 pounds less than I did last year there. I will have to be careful eating over the Holidays and wear some lightweight clothes to the appt !!! I can run for 35 minutes straight, but I would never think I could run the Princess - interesting, maybe that is something I could do some day???

::yes:: Yep, you know you are excited about your weight loss when you look forward to going to the gyn! :rotfl: I bet that you will wow them, Shawn!

DH and I were married in Bishop Lamy's Chapel in Santa Fe, NM -- he was the first bishop of NM and it was built in the 1860's. Those guys had some great architectural places built for them! :littleangel:

QOTD for Tuesday, Dec. 14: Aladdiin is giving you a ride on his magic carpet. Over what would you love to fly?

I want to fly over Alaska or somewhere north and see the Aurora Borealis! :hippie:

CC, hope your computer woes get fixed quickly! :flower3:

Lisa- It went better than expected. I was able to sneakily get her the Littlest Pet Shop Pink Team game without her seeing it. I got her a Rudolph DSi game at Costco and then she picked out Coconut the American Girl dog that they girls didn't have. Hoping to go to another Best Buy today to get something for Dh and finally pick up the stuffed animal that was to come with the Santa Paws movie that I bought a few weeks ago. Also going to get Despicable me for Dh. Tomorrow I will go to Build A Bear and use my $30 in certificates taht I have been saving up!

Sounds like a successful trip, Tracey. This is probably the last year that you can get away with that! ;)

Heaven, to catch a glimpse of Daddy.:littleangel:

Aww, bless your heart, Taryn. :hug: And another :hug: for AK and her new BF. :scared: (Hope it lasts all week and doesn't break her heart right before Christmas KWIM? ;))

Woohoo for NSVs!!! Having to buy new clothes a lot is a HUGE expense, but soooo worth it!

It is wonderful to have things that fit better and I only bought two pairs of pants to tide me over and they were on sale so I'm okay if they don't last too long. :goodvibes

Hope that Tom comes quickly and safely so you can relax! :hug:

May not be back until Thursday because of big hearing tomorrow. Have a wonderful day all!
QOTD for Tuesday, Dec. 14: Aladdiin is giving you a ride on his magic carpet. Over what would you love to fly?

Hmmm, do I go with the romantic flight over Agrabah or the exhilerating flight over London's clock tower?

It 22 here, we've been under a wind advisory since Sunday w/ 20-50 mph winds, wind chill in negative single digits!

I have the nike + and a strap for my shoes. LOVE LOVE LOVEE IT!!!!

Sounds like what we have here!

I've been wanting to get the Nike sensor for iPod touch. Glad you like it!

Getting ready to go in for work, sitting at Starbucks before hand getting some computer time in. Because of the one car situation, I sometimes sit here for a few hours before work so my DH can take the car. On a day when I work an all day shift or a longer than normal shift it just works better. I just finished watching Letters to Juliet, not a bad movie.

My weight loss is a little better this week, hopefully it will be more than one pound this week. I hope to get to the gym tomorrow for more C25k if the weather permits. I hope so, cause I need to grocery shop too. I am sick of snow and its not even winter yet.

One great thing happened last week, I noticed that the pants I bought six weeks ago were much bigger than I remembered them being, almost too big! I put them through the dryer last night and they shrunk up a little, so I can get some more time out of them at least.
Two NSVs for me today. Went to the ob/gyn and boy were they happy to see the numbers on the scale. :woohoo: And my size 20 work pants I got two weeks ago -- haven't even received the bill yet -- are almost too big! :cool1:

Have a great evening all!

Nice going.... especially this time of year! Return those pants and get the next size down! No sense in keeping what you won't need!

So I found something horrible in my mailbox today. A grand jury summons for my husband for January 4th. First, its on my birthday, which I can deal with. Second and most importantly, it is two weeks before our WDW trip, and grand jury duty is a four month long process! I know we can write a request for postponement, so I really really hope that works out. I am kinda freaking out a little.

Get right on that request for postponement. The sooner you get it in, the sooner your mind will be relieved (and the more likely it is that it will be granted). You could even include a photo copy of your flight itinerary... that would probably seal the deal.

Rose that was such an eye opener for me to read this. I have been getting so frustrated because I am becoming a maintainer this past month vs a loser. It made me reflect that this time last year I was unhealthy, eating junk, and the only running I did was to my car if it was raining. I am now happy if I can maintain and maybe loose a lb or two from now to Jan 1st. Even if I dont meet my goal by the princess I will still be better off and more fit than I have been in years....and it wont all end there.

Nice reflecting! It is so important, especially this time of year, to continually remind ourselves of HOW FAR we have come!!

A few years ago my HS bf contacted me. He got my email from someone else he ran into. He was the only other guy I ever had a long term relationship with....we had dated for 6 years. At first it brought back some old feelings (for a few seconds). Then I unlike your ex I realized that mine was still a loser and thats why I finally called it quits with him in the first place.:lmao: It was wierd and I felt a bit guilty for even talking to him by email but in the end I think it put a bit of closure in my mind as I often thought about how he was and what he was doing with himself. It made me realize that I made the right decision years ago to move on. Im glad yours was a positive interaction and that he appreciated you and what you did for him.

Yes... it was an interesting but positive conversation. He was the "bad boy" I dated in HS (off and on for 3 years). I was just pleased to see that his life has turned out well. I made sure to mention this whole thing to my DH and kids.... I didn't want to appear that I was trying to keep it secret for any reason. But honestly, I don't think DH cares at all.... but DD is fascinated! :laughing:

On a different note: Im glad dh is doing well and Im sure no one will mind the "different" christmas this year. In the grand scheme of things if you dont have the cards/cookies/gifts etc its ok. At least you all still have each other right?

Right... we will be together at home on Christmas, not visiting a hospital or (heaven forbid) something worse. He is recovering well and will hopefully be back to his old self by spring. And all of this has taken me off the hook to come up with beautiful homemade Christmas cards again, right??:cool1:

Great Job P....didnt think you would hear yourself say that about running huh;) See maybe you really were enjoying it more than you thought.:rotfl2:

Well... I didn't really enjoy it yesterday, but it felt so good to be doing something positive for myself and to be outside etc. I did enjoy that feeling afterwards of having done the right thing (and the bragging rights to say I did 5 miles!).

Pamela- It's so nice to see you posting today and to hear dh is doing well, and things are getting back to some normalcy for you. What a nice compliment from the old boyfriend. Do you remember that song by Garth Brooks called Unanswered Prayers? It's about a man and his wife at a foot ball game and they run into his old girlfriend and he's thanking god for not answering his prayers back in high school or he never would have met his wife. Congrats on the 5 miles!! Even if you walked the whole thing you got out there!! Nice!! Glad dd's doing well with her swim. She sounds like such an amazing girl. I know you all will appreciate all you have to be grateful for this Christmas and you will all be together.

Kathy.... I don't know how you can watch those creepy shows... especially late at night! I'd be totally freaked out!

I'll have to look into that song on Itunes.

Yup, we are all very grateful and thankful just to have each other this Christmas.... and thankfully the kids are old enough to appreciate that as well.

I did not gain any weight over the weekend so that is a plus for me but I am still up one pound from my lowest this challenge. I am challenging myself to take that off plus 1/2 more pound by Friday . Then I will be at 24 pounds lost total. That is still 2 pounds short of the goal I set for myself in the challenge but it is 87% of my goal achieved if I make it.

You can do it!! And heck.... 87% is nothing to sneeze at! Fingers crossed for you for a SUPER week!

Pamela: Love your FB status. Congrats to your daughter for her awesome Swim Meet! We are surrounded here by Lindt and other fabulous chocolates. I have to just not even look at them!!! Before moving to Europe, I would swear Hershey is the best chocolate but now I have discovered a whole other world of chocolate!!!
DH's ex-fiance (they broke up before getting married) friended him on FB. I never knew her but I told him I would be "monitoring" their friendship! I look at her page and her status alot. I think I'm more jealous of her kids than anything else. They are HS athelte/cheerleader and always winning award after award it seems.


It does seem that some people use FB just as a spot to BRAG (about themselves, their kids, etc). That is one of the reasons I don't really love it. But it has been an excellent tool for keeping the family up to date with DH's recent situation. But I am careful what I post on there. I definitely think twice (or more) before posting something out there for the entire world to see!!

QOTD for Tuesday, Dec. 14: Aladdiin is giving you a ride on his magic carpet. Over what would you love to fly?

Well... if Aladdin could fly fast, like Superman did, I would have him turn the earth backwards to Friday, Nov. 19.... and I would throw away all our ladders. But if that isn't possible.... I'd have him fly me around the world on NYE to see all the different celebrations.... Paris at midnight, DW at midnight, DL... you get the idea.

Tomorrow I will go to Build A Bear and use my $30 in certificates taht I have been saving up!

TTFN :tigger:

Wish I could give you my $10 BAB coupon. I clipped it from the paper a few weeks ago in the hopes that I could find SOMEONE who wanted a BAB for Christmas, but that isn't the case. I will probably just walk into BAB and hand it to someone in line this week. I've done that before and some people just look at you like you are CRAZY, but others get a big smile and say thank you.

Heaven, to catch a glimpse of Daddy.:littleangel:



I hate it when I don't stay on top of things!

PC show Sunday was a bomb, only one person showed up, and she was 30 minutes late. Hostess had enough outside orders for it to count as a show, though, so that's good. There's some mystery WONDER product we get if we submitted 2 shows by the 15th, so at least I qualified for it, and will get a bit of commission...

Hopefully things will pick up with PC later this winter and spring. I'm sure it takes a lot of your time. Let us know what the WONDER product turns out to be!!

Well, AK came home very quiet yesterday and wanted to spend a lot of time in her room, very out of character for her. I noticed at bedtime she had on a phiten necklace (those magnetic sports necklaces) which has turned into a "sign" at our school that you are in a "relationship" if it belongs to the boy. She's worn her friends' at times, b/c she wants one (she'll have it in 11 days ;) ), but I happened to recognize this one. She has her first "official" boyfriend, that she's told us about, anyway. Not sure how I feel about all this. As long as she doesn't ask me to buy a gift for him this week.:lmao:


Umm.... seriously? Isn't she only 11!!?? Wow.... DD just had her first boyfriend this fall and she is 15!! But those "school" relationships (you know, where they only see each other at school) are normal in that age range. DS has had the same girlfriend since May.... and he is only 12!! But other than a few times this summer, they only see each other at school. Do you know this boy?

Just a few short days until our Fall Challenge ends. What are you doing to make those days count? :santa:

Well... after my Lindt run-in this weekend, I definitely need to make these days count! I'm trying to get back into my exercise habit, which took a total vacation during DH's hospitalization time.

I want to fly over Alaska or somewhere north and see the Aurora Borealis! :hippie:

We were actually lucky enough to see them at our home several years ago. It was AMAZING! I wasn't even sure exactly what I was seeing, but I was pretty sure and after seeing pictures of it elsewhere, that is DEFINITELY what it was. The kids were with me and I pulled the mini-van into the driveway and we sat on top of it and just stared up (and froze!). DD remembers it, but not sure if DS was many years ago.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Well... I won't be ending this challenge with a weight-loss "bang", but it won't be with a gain either, so all is well.

I'm keeping so busy with Christmas stuff and all, but I'm going to try really hard to make sure that the exercise doesn't take a backseat (again) this week! Right now I'm just waiting for DH to wake up because the TM is in the bedroom. But if he isn't up soon, I'm gonna wake him up!!

Not much else to say! TTYL............P
Just a quick "Good morning" my friends! Busy here with a huge deadline at 6 pm. I hope everyone has a fabulous, on-plan kind of day as we wind down to the end of our challenge. :goodvibes :woohoo:
Did I tell you all that my HS boyfriend found me on FB?? Talk about a blast from the past!!

LOL! I dated one guy for almost 6 years (we were high school sweethearts) and when he broke up with me it was so incredibly hard for me, I'm an extremely sensitive person, it took me nearly a year to get over. Occasionally, DH and I will see him and his wife in the store when we go to our hometown. And it's completely childish of me, but I hide and run the other way and make DH talk to him :rotfl2: It's just SO uncomfortable for me and by no means are there any feelings there, it's just that it was such a bad time for me, it's just a brutal reminder. Then I end up beating myself up for taking it so hard and wasting all that time crying. In all honesty, him breaking up with me was the best thing that happened to me.

Mikamah - my situation definitely reminds me of Unanswered Prayers ;)

Hi Nicole! :wave2: I can't run for 35 minutes straight or anything even close. Intervals can help you to run farther and faster than you thought you could.

When I first started I thought in order to really be a runner and get faster you had to run the whole thing.

I agree with trying out the intervals as well.

Thanks ladies! I'm definitely going to try this tomorrow for my run! :thumbsup2

Hoping to go to another Best Buy today to get something for Dh Also going to get Despicable me for Dh.

You are doing so good shopping! :worship: I've got to go out this weekend and get some done before it's too late. I'm headed out to get Despicable Me at lunch today too :woohoo: I haven't seen it yet, but it looks too cute!

It 22 here, we've been under a wind advisory since Sunday w/ 20-50 mph winds, wind chill in negative single digits!

I have the nike + and a strap for my shoes. LOVE LOVE LOVEE IT!!!!

One thing I found with running was that I couldnt' worry about time and distance in the same run, if that makes sense.

I know some of you guys are sick of snow already, so please feel free to send some down here to Texas. For once I would like to have a cold Christmas :laughing: The high tomorrow is 78, it sure would be nice if it would at least by in the 50s for Christmas. Christmas at 78 degrees just isn't the same :lmao:

I'm glad to hear you like your Nike+! That makes me even more excited!

I think I am worrying way to much about time AND distance. I'm just going to have to get over it and pick one or the other. I'm so hard on myself :sad2:

One great thing happened last week, I noticed that the pants I bought six weeks ago were much bigger than I remembered them being, almost too big!

That is so great! :cheer2: That is such a great feeling :woohoo: I agree, definitely return them for a smaller size!

DVC - My munchkin is 26 months, so you may get to look forward to this :laughing: Every time I try to explain the presents he just looks at me and goes "Huh?" LOL, so I gave up, I'll let Grandma and Grandpa give it shot when we go down on Christmas Eve :rotfl:

Dinner wasn't too bad last night and I'm quite proud of myself b/c I've already gotten 2 cups of water in today already and it's not even 11am :yay: Probably having Subway for lunch with DH and chicken tacos for dinner. Got Zumba tonight!

Have a great day everyone!

Hi Rose,

I saw the PMs. I'm still feeling overwhelmed and hopefully if I get a free moment this weekend I can sit and try to absorb everything. I think I've got about a billion things going through my brain right now! Thanks for your patience! I think knowing I've got to get several gifts mailed out by Friday is taking its toll on my concentration! And then there's the disaster at my house! But at least I'm staying focused weight loss wise! I just really want to do well in the challenge at the weight loss center! I hope I've done enough!

OK, enough stressing and venting for now! Thanks for listening!

At least I wrote out the envelopes for most of our Christmas cards this morning before my client arrived! Now to buy stamps and make return labels. Maybe I'll let the kids put those on. I know DD2 likes to do that!

TTFN :tigger:
Lindsay--he just told me Cliff Lee is a Phillie!!!:scared1: (You follow baseball a little don't you?) I am beginning to really not like the Phillies!;) Though, I guess better the Phillies, than the Yankees, except we play the Phillies more than the Yankees! Soon time to start my countdown to spring training and men in tight pants! I do love baseball.:love:

Dh hasn't said a word about this yet. He is a loyal Mets fan so the Phillies has always been a team not to like. We have a little bit of a problem since ds2 goes to school right outside of Philadelphia and all the stores down there stock Phillies stuff. It is very difficult for dh to walk through Kmart down there.

Rose I am so jealous that you only have to go through Monday and then you are off for 2 weeks. I have the rest of this week and then three and a half days until I am off. Too many things to do at school before we get our break.

I was in a workshop all day so luckily I wasn't on my feet because I forgot to take pain medication. My knee is really bothering me right now but it will pass.

Have to go make dinner and then some more quilting. Have a nice evening everyone.
I must admit that I just skim read. Life has been super busy, but what's unusual about that :confused3 My right rear tire was totally frozen this morning. I thought Chris was going to have to come home and take me to work, but apparenlty I dragged it long enough for it to "free" up :lmao: I made it through about 3 1/2 hours at work before I started throwing up :sick: Came home and slept for 4 hours. Still not feeling great.

Pam sorry to have missed you this weekend. I drove by the aquatic center several times, but I wasn't sure if you were there or not. I'm glad that DD did so well.

Nick was selected as English student of the month for the month of December and he was honored at a banquet lunch today. We are very proud of him. On a sad note he and his girlfriend are having "issues". I see that his facebook status is single again.
Evening All!

I need to drink more water during the day. I used to be so good about it and I've been sliding lately. I think I'll take some water bottles to work so I am more prepared. I'd say I'll definitely do that, but I'm not sure there are any in the house. I've been trying to use the hard plastic reusable ones as much as possible.

I apologize in advance. These replies will be very simple. Not sure what's up with my Internet connection, but it's pretty weak and I think skipping smilies might be practical. Don't want to be visited by our good friend the "poof" fairy.

Lisa: Congrats on 2 wonderful NSVs!

Taryn: Hugs. AK has a BF. EEK! Like P said, she's 11, right? I don't think I had anyone near that "serious" until I was 16. Sorry about your PF show. I'll be placing another order when (if) my sister and BIL buy a house. They only have so much room now. Love your answer to the QOTD.

Kathy: My dad is such a great support! Thanks!

Dona: Hope your knee feels better soon.

Mizzou: Glad that others chimed in regarding C25K! Thanks everyone! I know virtually nothing about running. I like your idea of focusing on time or distance! I seem to remember reading about that re: C25K.

Tracey: Hope you finish your cards today!

Cam: Good luck with your project!

tggrstar: Love your answer to the QOTD! Would love to go to London myself!

P: Glad DH is doing well and that you are taking time for yourself!

Shawn: 87% is amazing! I'd love to be you right now!

Rose: Hope DS arrives soon and safely!

Lindsay: Hope today went as well as possible.

Have a great night everyone!

Drink your water! Have your dairy and protein! Did you get in 30 minutes of exercise?
I freaked out the first time that happened to. I guess that is what they are made to do. Drain the fluid out so it doesnt build up behind the ear drum and get infected. It is a real pain to do the drops and the plugs but its better than the infections and antibiotics. The joys of having the kids in daycare huh. I can tell you that after a year or so they rarely get sick. So hang in there.

Thanks that's what I hoping for. It's been a year and 3 months so hopefully he's building up some immunities.

Just popping in to say a quick hello to everyone before I do my workout.

Already ate dinner and I'm still starving. Dang it :headache:
Hi Rose,

I saw the PMs. I'm still feeling overwhelmed and hopefully if I get a free moment this weekend I can sit and try to absorb everything. I think I've got about a billion things going through my brain right now! Thanks for your patience! I think knowing I've got to get several gifts mailed out by Friday is taking its toll on my concentration! And then there's the disaster at my house! But at least I'm staying focused weight loss wise! I just really want to do well in the challenge at the weight loss center! I hope I've done enough!

TTFN :tigger:
Tracey--don't even think twice about it.:hug: I figured that's what was going on, but just wanted to make sure. I will put together the instructions for the team challenge the best I can, and if you see something that you want to change, just let me know! We can always edit stuff later. I need to get it posted this weekend or it won't go up before we leave. Hope things get back to normal at your house soon and hope you do great at the wellness center!:goodvibes

Dona--I might have missed your post--but what did they decide about your knee? I am so looking forward to the time off. I wish I would have taken Monday too, but now I'll have a day later. I used to like the Phillies--at least a little--but when they shut the Reds down in the playoffs this fall, I was not happy.:sad2:

Lisa--hope the hearing goes well!:goodvibes

Deb--hope you feel better soon.

Taryn--oh, middle school romances. Yes, I remember it well. ;) DS had this one girlfriend for quite a while--over a year. I think it was 8th grade. The mom told me she thought it was the real thing.:scared1: Long story there.....

Tom made it home safely.:goodvibes We have a ton of errands to run tomorrow before the next storm. This time they are calling for ice. I can deal with snow, but not ice. Too scary. I guess technically it's freezing rain.

Once again, my DS was very thoughtful and knew how much I missed doing his laundry, so he brought some home for me,:rotfl: so I need to get on it, cause we're shipping a box ahead tomorrow. (He did offer to do it, but of course I said no.)

Hope everyone has a good evening!


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