Basking in the Glow of the (not so) Creepy Clown -2/11-Pictures, Final Thoughts, PTR!

Here is Disney through the eyes of a 3 year old...well...there were about 128 other pictures...but they didn't come out at all. ;)


This is my favorite. :rotfl2: Through the eyes of a 3 year old, you have no heads.

All of his photos are sweet and it shows us what was going through his mind.
Hey Brook! I'm a few pages behind but here are my comments about the past few updates! :goodvibes

LOOOOVE the pictures at the pool (not the pictures OF the pool, the pictures AT the pool! LOL) I never realized it until I saw that clown but I apparently have an unrealized fear of clowns! It really freaked me out! :eek:

However, I loved the pictures of Henry at the pool & thought it was so cute how he went back & forth between the big pool & kiddie pool! Also, I completely understand how you felt...Luke insisted on jumping off the side of the pool on our June trip. It wasn't so bad when we were at the quiet pool, but it was much busier at the main pool...I was scared to death everytime he jumped!!! I know what you mean, I just held my breath!

Don't you just love the giftshop at the Beach Club Resort? It was one of my favorites! I didn't spend much time in there, but while I waited to pay for our photo session, I did look around a little bit! That green shirt you posted is the same one that I got (only in a coral color)...I first spotted it at MCO and went in search of it! (I think I bought it at Hollywood Studios on the Main Street).

Did you buy that "Windows on Main Street" book or just take a picture of it? I saw it in different gift shops & finally bought it at the Emporium at MK! Then I tried to take lots of pictures of the Main Street windows to see if I could find them in my book & compare them with my pictures! :laughing: WON again!!!!! :woohoo: :yay: :woohoo:

Congrats on your gift card! What a great prize!!! I think you got the 2 best prizes...the photo session & gift card! Great purchases too! I'm sure there will be a ton of happy DIS kids getting those postcards from Mickey & Cinderella! :goodvibes It was so cute to see Henry mailing them as well!

I know I've probably said this like a gazillion times...but I just love all of your pictures of the Boardwalk & the resort!!!! Gorgeous! Henry's pictures of it were great too!!! :goodvibes

I completely understand what you are saying about the pictures at the photo session! The best pictures are not posed! I wish we would've gotten more of Luke playing in the sand instead of most of them being posed (I think we only got 2 on the beach & one didn't turn out). Great idea to take Henry's bucket & shovel along with you! I didn't even think of that! And isn't it a great deal??? I mean, I pay over $100 when I take Luke to get pics taken for holidays/birthdays and we don't even get the CD. The pictures from the photo session are priceless in my opinion because they are family photos from Disney!!!! :lovestruc

All of your pictures turned out amazing!!! I honestly can't pick a favorite, they were all wonderful!!!

It really gets crazy at MK during parade times, doesn't it? I think every trip I try my best to plan things away from Main St during the parades (if we aren't watching it)...but it doesn't always work out that way. LOL I heard on another Disney site that a new parade started at Hollywood Studios & I watched the video for it...I think it started January 18th ?? But as far as I know, there aren't any other new parades. The HS parade floats are similar, they just repainted parts of them. It is now a moving parade (instead of the street party when they would stop & dance, then move down further & redo the entire show). They also added a bunch of new characters from Pixar movies (like Remy, UP characters, and others I don't remember). I'm hoping they start new parades this summer & continue them into the fall.

I never realized it until I read your last update from MK...I have never gone into the Frontierland Train Station before! I also want to try Pecos Bills now! That taco salad looks perfect for me & I love the fixins bar!!!

Very cute how Henry sat between 2 complete strangers & immediately became friends! I absolutely love how toddlers have the ability to befriend anyone! Luke does it all the time no matter where we go!

Loved the pin story almost made me cry! Very very sweet!!!

It is a very bittersweet moment when you have to say goodbye to the castle! You always know you will be back, but you just don't know when! :rolleyes:

Speaking of going back to Disney....HOW MANY MORE DAYS?????

:dance3: :yay: :dance3: :yay: :dance3: :yay: :dance3: :yay: :dance3:
"Hey Joe. Give me 3 thoughts on the September trip."

  1. Swimming. I liked that we went as much as we did and we got to enjoy the clown. (yes, he really said that! :laughing:) Playing with Henry in the splash pool.
  2. Cape May Cafe breakfast.
  3. Welcome Home Wednesday, it was fun, and you [Brook] was a celebrity. (um...okay? :confused3 :laughing:)

"Henry? What were your 3 favorite things from Mickey's House?"

  1. It was my birthday.
  2. I like books. (not sure where this one came from???)
  3. I like Chip & Dale.

And mine?

  1. I really enjoyed Cape May Cafe breakfast. An awesome experience all around.
  2. I enjoyed the overall laid-back feel to the entire trip. I feel like with our slower moments we experience even more magic, and it gives me opportunities to truly see the magic unfold in my little man's eyes. I'm learning how to plan relaxation. If that makes ANY sense. :rolleyes1
  3. The Boardwalk. :love: As you know, I love, love, love it! I figured I'd like it, but I didn't realize just how much!

We are gearing up for our next adventure, so please join me over at Two Weeks until Two Weeks!

:cheer2::surfweb::cloud9:popcorn:: <-- Henry's way of saying "Thank you for reading my Mommy's trip report, she truly appreciates each and every one of you and is thankful for the friendships she has formed here. Each of you mean so much to her and she enjoys reading your comments and your reports! We hope to meet you all someday!"
This is my favorite. :rotfl2: Through the eyes of a 3 year old, you have no heads.

All of his photos are sweet and it shows us what was going through his mind.

:lmao: And sometimes I don't feel like I have a head because I have a 3 year old! ;)

Hey Brook! I'm a few pages behind but here are my comments about the past few updates!

LOOOOVE the pictures at the pool (not the pictures OF the pool, the pictures AT the pool! LOL) I never realized it until I saw that clown but I apparently have an unrealized fear of clowns! It really freaked me out! :eek:

However, I loved the pictures of Henry at the pool & thought it was so cute how he went back & forth between the big pool & kiddie pool! Also, I completely understand how you felt...Luke insisted on jumping off the side of the pool on our June trip. It wasn't so bad when we were at the quiet pool, but it was much busier at the main pool...I was scared to death everytime he jumped!!! I know what you mean, I just held my breath!

Don't you just love the giftshop at the Beach Club Resort? It was one of my favorites! I didn't spend much time in there, but while I waited to pay for our photo session, I did look around a little bit! That green shirt you posted is the same one that I got (only in a coral color)...I first spotted it at MCO and went in search of it! (I think I bought it at Hollywood Studios on the Main Street).

Did you buy that "Windows on Main Street" book or just take a picture of it? I saw it in different gift shops & finally bought it at the Emporium at MK! Then I tried to take lots of pictures of the Main Street windows to see if I could find them in my book & compare them with my pictures! :laughing: WON again!!!!! :woohoo: :yay:

Congrats on your gift card! What a great prize!!! I think you got the 2 best prizes...the photo session & gift card! Great purchases too! I'm sure there will be a ton of happy DIS kids getting those postcards from Mickey & Cinderella! :goodvibes It was so cute to see Henry mailing them as well!

I know I've probably said this like a gazillion times...but I just love all of your pictures of the Boardwalk & the resort!!!! Gorgeous! Henry's pictures of it were great too!!! :goodvibes

I completely understand what you are saying about the pictures at the photo session! The best pictures are not posed! I wish we would've gotten more of Luke playing in the sand instead of most of them being posed (I think we only got 2 on the beach & one didn't turn out). Great idea to take Henry's bucket & shovel along with you! I didn't even think of that! And isn't it a great deal??? I mean, I pay over $100 when I take Luke to get pics taken for holidays/birthdays and we don't even get the CD. The pictures from the photo session are priceless in my opinion because they are family photos from Disney!!!! :lovestruc

All of your pictures turned out amazing!!! I honestly can't pick a favorite, they were all wonderful!!!

It really gets crazy at MK during parade times, doesn't it? I think every trip I try my best to plan things away from Main St during the parades (if we aren't watching it)...but it doesn't always work out that way. LOL I heard on another Disney site that a new parade started at Hollywood Studios & I watched the video for it...I think it started January 18th ?? But as far as I know, there aren't any other new parades. The HS parade floats are similar, they just repainted parts of them. It is now a moving parade (instead of the street party when they would stop & dance, then move down further & redo the entire show). They also added a bunch of new characters from Pixar movies (like Remy, UP characters, and others I don't remember). I'm hoping they start new parades this summer & continue them into the fall.

I never realized it until I read your last update from MK...I have never gone into the Frontierland Train Station before! I also want to try Pecos Bills now! That taco salad looks perfect for me & I love the fixins bar!!!

Very cute how Henry sat between 2 complete strangers & immediately became friends! I absolutely love how toddlers have the ability to befriend anyone! Luke does it all the time no matter where we go!

Loved the pin story almost made me cry! Very very sweet!!!

It is a very bittersweet moment when you have to say goodbye to the castle! You always know you will be back, but you just don't know when! :rolleyes:

Speaking of going back to Disney....HOW MANY MORE DAYS?????

:dance3: :yay: :dance3: :yay: :dance3: :yay: :dance3: :yay: :dance3:

15 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I didn't buy the Windows on Main Street book, but I really liked it! I didn't have much time then to really look at it, but if time allows I will take a few more minutes and really look into it more this trip. I love those little details in Disney World and I never seem to remember about the windows when I'm actually at the World. This would be a great book for things to look for on future trips and when Henry gets older, Luke will enjoy it too I'm sure!

And I totally agree - the photo session is worth the money. We dropped almost that much at our Target each time we got H's pictures done, and those weren't at Disney. :laughing: And, like you said, we didn't get the CD! It's so nice to have the CD and being able to print whatever we want, when we want it. We will do that again!

I did see the video of the new was a bit underwhelming. I hope they have improved on it some by now, or that they plan to. I don't understand why they changed the Block Party Bash? :confused3 Who knows!
I've really enjoyed following along with your trip & getting to know you & your family. I hope we get to meet in person very, very soon! :banana:

Heading over to your PTR now.
I've really enjoyed following along with your trip & getting to know you & your family. I hope we get to meet in person very, very soon! :banana:

Heading over to your PTR now.

Thank you! I've enjoyed getting to know you as well! :goodvibes I will SEE you very, very soon!!!!! :hyper:
I got totally behind this week but I read all of your last updates and I love the last line of your TR. Sniff Sniff. That is so cute!

Can I just say that I think Henry is a blossoming photographer. Except for cutting yours and Joe's head off, he did a great job.

3am to finish laundry??? That stinks big time. That would have made me a grumpy grump. Why don't they have more washers and dryers?

Cute pictures of Henry with all his DVC loot.

How nice of you to give that pin to the little girl on the bus.

Wow - Can't believe its almost time for you to go again! Woot! :woohoo:
I got totally behind this week but I read all of your last updates and I love the last line of your TR. Sniff Sniff. That is so cute!

Can I just say that I think Henry is a blossoming photographer. Except for cutting yours and Joe's head off, he did a great job.

3am to finish laundry??? That stinks big time. That would have made me a grumpy grump. Why don't they have more washers and dryers?

Cute pictures of Henry with all his DVC loot.

How nice of you to give that pin to the little girl on the bus.

Wow - Can't believe its almost time for you to go again! Woot! :woohoo:

I was an updating maniac this week - so seriously - no worries! Hopefully the next TR will move at a more normal pace!

I have been pretty impressed with a few of Henry's pictures myself! I have been working with him on how to line up a shot, and he has seemed to gotten better lately. I think we'll bring the camera again (or get him a cheapy film one that is lighter weight) and we'll see what we end up with. It's kinda fun to see it through his eyes.

Ya, I totally get why Joe was grumpy! I have no clue why there are only 2 washers and dryers--makes NO sense. Makes me long for the 1 bedroom....but we either do 1 short(er) trip or longer/more frequent we opt for the longer/more frequent trips with the smaller room. :laughing:

Yes! I can't believe we are just 15 days out! :dance3:
Hey, a couple of Henry's pictures came out pretty good! I think he's got a little of his mom's photography gene! :)

Ugh - I just hate that UnMagical Depress. :sad2:

I love the 4 Parks 1 World cd. I listen at work on my iPod a lot. One day one of my co-workers asked what I was listening to. I told him, and he got a weird look on his face. "Oh,that's...nice", he said. I just laughed! Now he thinks I'm nuts. :rotfl:

Love the scarf too!

Ok, I'm off to Two Weeks to Two Weeks to read about your next adventure! Can't wait! :thumbsup2 Thanks for sharing!
Loved,loved this report!! You guys are such a great family and I love reading all about your trips. Hopefully someday we will be there at the same time!!
Good job, Henry, on the picture taking. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Great recap, Brook. I have come to love our more "relaxing" vacations at Disney; it makes us appreciate everything more.
Boo, leaving always stinks but hey, atleast you're going back soooo soon for 2 weeks! That's not even fair. haha

Wow, look at all that free DVC stuff! The last time we went to WHW I didn't even bother taking one of the hats because we've gotten so many. I think we have atleast 3 different colors of them. But I do really really want one of those buttons that says "member since..." Gonna have to remember that in March!

Great TR as always...just posted on your new PTR!
Yeah...Even that $100 FREE giftcard couldn't buy a purse like Tim bought! :lmao: My husband would think $20 was too much for a purse though!
:rotfl: Good point!

Joe wouldn't care how much I spend on things, as long as I like them/use them; I'm the frugal one! Even for a $20 purse I have to REALLY like it. :rolleyes: I'm stinkin' cheap!
WOW... the purse talk made it's way over here too? I thought purse talk was only on guys threads. :rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1 :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Brook great report!!!! I'm sorry your DH didn't think this trip was more relaxed. I can see why doing laundry till 3am messed him up the next day. Maybe that made him a bit cranky. :confused3 :lmao:

I just subbed to your PTR. I can' wait to hear about your next trip!! popcorn::
Awwww, Henry did such a great job with those pics! How cute! Brook, you have to keep those little pics, can you print them out from his camera? They're too sweet.:goodvibes

And I loved Henry's thank-you message! Your little man has such good manners!:goodvibes

I've so enjoyed this TR and I agree, it seemed VERY laid back and full of magic (especially winning 2 times!). I can't believe you're only 2 weeks away from the next one. Heading over to your PTR now girl...:thumbsup2
I love how Henry chopped your heads off. Claire does a lot of those kind of pictures.....or she finds the most unflattering angles.

I'm sad it is over, but at least we have a PTR to keep us going...and then in a month or so another TR! :cool1:
I loved Henry's pictures! It is so cute to see things from their perspective! I have a cherished picture Caitlin took of a heating vent when she was little :laughing: It's great to see things from their viewpoint!

I really enjoyed your TR and look forward to the next! :)
Ummm, how did I get to be ten pages behind this week? :eek:

Clowns don't scare me, but George sure looks a little possessed when he is all lit up! :laughing:

Great pictures from the photo shoot! There are so many cute ones!

Love all the pictures of the Boardwalk and the Magic Kingdom on your last day! :lovestruc

Henry was such a lucky boy to get to ride the MK train AND the monorail on the same day! Every boy's dream! LOL! Too funny that he plopped down in between those people.

Cheesecake on a stick? Yum!

Woo hoo for winning again! Gotta love having a gift card to spend on your last day! Love the scarf and my Four Parks One World CD is one of my favorites! :lovestruc

Henry's pictures are precious!

Now, I am off to your PTR!


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