*Sept 10th 2011 WB Transatlantic* - From Spain to Space Mountain - Part 5

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Woo hoo, another thread down & we're slowly getting closer!!!! :cool1:
Good Morning :wave:

I feel like I'm walking on virgin snow ;)

Well I've finally caught one stinking cold - I feel really yuk!!!!
That sucks Michelle. Hope you feel better soon

I've been trying to swap threads for an hour now but sods law, the dis server crashed and wouldn't let me do it while I was at home, so now trying to edit posts, link, PM and swap threads from my iPhone while on a train to London. Not easy I can tell you.
Yay, new thread!!

Harry Potter was really good!! I admit I cried a lot...but everyone was, it was like a sniffle factory!! It was a bit different in parts from the book, but some things had to be explained since you can't read between the action in the movie, so I was good with that. Some of the additions were even better than the book!! : ). Added bonus, last time I went to the theater I went to tonight, it took about 90 minutes to get out of the parking lot...tonight I parked close to the exit and was out in 5 minutes!!

Time for bed....it's 3am here and I've been up since 5am yesterday....
Good Morning Everybody and hello thread 5.

Regarding the discussion about FE names how about the other two places the magic visits. "Mediterranean" and "Atlantic"

I did carry distilled water on the EBTA, but honestly will probably just use tap water on the WBTA, I was told I could occasionally. I did not see any on board but wasn't looking either.

DCL will provide it for you at no cost. Do a search for CPAP on the DCL forum and several people have posted the e-mail address to send your reqeust. There will be a gallon jug of distilled water waiting for you in your stateroom.

Good Morning :wave:

I feel like I'm walking on virgin snow ;)

Well I've finally caught one stinking cold - I feel really yuk!!!!

Well, when you walk in virgin snow in your bare feet, you're gonna get sick.... Feel better soon!
Yay part 5 :cool1::cool1:

Hi evryone been keeping up each night but not posting as its a very busy time for me. I am studying for my personal trainer exam in a couple weeks, home educating Billy, and going to endless plays and graduations etc for Jayden and Keegan hopefully it calms down slightly soon!
My foot is feeling much better and my manager has been more sympathetic lately
thanks to everyone for the pixie dust.
Its a bit scarey some very organised people are packing, I havnt even begun Will get a start on this next week i think.

thanks really pleased with the way it came out, just had a bit of a creative mad half hour. finally printed out the last bits i needed for my FE gifts, so they are all totally finished now, printed off some new ears for our door (we did have mickey ears, we're going for stitch ears this time), and made our travelling mickey magnet. need few more door magnets now but apart from that we're good!
We always wanted stitch ears but can never find any magnetic paper to print on so if yours go missing and my stateroom has stitch ears same day then i'm sure its an amazing coincidence
Glad your foot is getting better Colette.

Don't worry about the packing, I won't be starting till a couple of days before we leave home. Last cruise we did pack one suitcase early and then realise we had forgotten much of what we had packed.:rotfl2: We didn't realise till we were over in the US! We also found we had duplicates too for the same reason.
For those staying on in Orlando after the cruise, LOVE desserts and don't expect to be fed up of eating(we normally are but.....:confused3;)), you can now book the Wishes Dessert Party right through to November now.

We did this a couple of years ago and really liked it. Lots of yummy desserts and a different view of Wishes too.
You might be surprised at the folk who join the cruise late and want to join in on everything!!


Besides, anyone who signs up after August 1 gets put in that catch-all latecomers group where I don't have to worry about the number of cabins, adults, kids, house elves, or anything else being even with the other groups. I think I'll call that group...


No offense to anyone from Kansas. Just trying to think of a place far from the ocean or any Disney ports.

Harry Potter was really good!! I admit I cried a lot...but everyone was, it was like a sniffle factory!! It was a bit different in parts from the book, but some things had to be explained since you can't read between the action in the movie, so I was good with that. Some of the additions were even better than the book!! : ). Added bonus, last time I went to the theater I went to tonight, it took about 90 minutes to get out of the parking lot...tonight I parked close to the exit and was out in 5 minutes!!

I was going through HP withdrawals last night, wishing I was at the midnight show, as we've always gone to those. The trade-off for having to go three days later is that Dennis said we can go to the new IMAX theatre in town to see it! :banana:
Yay, new thread!!

Harry Potter was really good!! I admit I cried a lot...but everyone was, it was like a sniffle factory!! It was a bit different in parts from the book, but some things had to be explained since you can't read between the action in the movie, so I was good with that. Some of the additions were even better than the book!! : ). Added bonus, last time I went to the theater I went to tonight, it took about 90 minutes to get out of the parking lot...tonight I parked close to the exit and was out in 5 minutes!!

Time for bed....it's 3am here and I've been up since 5am yesterday....
Glad to hear the movie is great. We are going tonight and I can't wait. It will be a bit sad though because it is coming to an end.

Its a bit scarey some very organised people are packing, I havnt even begun Will get a start on this next week i think.

We always wanted stitch ears but can never find any magnetic paper to print on so if yours go missing and my stateroom has stitch ears same day then i'm sure its an amazing coincidence

Don't worry about the packing. I made my husband last week pull down the suitcases (with much grumbling of course) and go through everything we had to make a list of what we need so we can pick it up slowly but surely over the next two months. His response was "We have two months. Plenty of time." I ignored him and made him do it anyway. I guess he forgets how quickly that time can go. Our packing is throwing our stuff for traveling back in the suitcase. We probably won't really start packing until middle to end of august.

If you are looking for magnet paper (sorry didn't look where you are from) Michaels sells a roll of it.
For those staying on in Orlando after the cruise, LOVE desserts and don't expect to be fed up of eating(we normally are but.....:confused3;)), you can now book the Wishes Dessert Party right through to November now.

We did this a couple of years ago and really liked it. Lots of yummy desserts and a different view of Wishes too.

We did this a couple of years ago and loved it, will have to look into it again thanks for the info.

Quick question do all printers take the magnetic paper?
Hi Everyone! My dad is supposed to join my mom, me and my husband in September. He just found out he needs surgery. His hip has been giving him really bad pain. Now he has to decide to do the surgery as soon as possible to get rid of the pain. Or, to go on our cruise and hold off on surgery. He has new meds so I hope that helps with the pain and he's able to go. We went on the WBTA last year and wished he was there. I know he'd love it, but if he's still in pain it wouldn't be as much fun. Please keep your fingers crossed and send him happy thoughts. It's such a tough decision, but one only he can make.

I had to make that decision last year for myself... I chose to wait and was in so much pain I did not enjoy the trip at all..... I wished I had gone ahead and had the surgery, I would have been able to enjoy it so much more.
Good luck to your dad in what ever he does...

Maybe we could add *one* or 2 more to each group?? Just sayin... ;)

They really do caution (beg you not to) put liquids in your checked bags. We checked a "bag o' booze" lol and then pulled it out of the checked bags & rolled it through as a carry on. The dude checking it said...Whoa...nice. DH still quotes him! :rotfl:

We laugh when we think about bringing that roll on with 50 lbs of booze... the dude running it through the xray said the same... whoaaa... you'll are planning to have a good time!"...:rotfl2:

I'm at Harry Potter.....very excited for this as it's my birthday monday so an excellent way to kick off the weekend!! I think here will be many tears during this movie though...I can't believe this is it!

Happy Birthday!!

No, it was Paul Del Mar; when googled, there are multiple positive reviews.

We were blessed to have Paul as our driver on the EBTA this year... he is a great guide......You will so enjoy him.
KThomas - I hope your dad is able to make the right choice & that his pain will not be long-lasting.

Yay, new thread!!

Harry Potter was really good!! I admit I cried a lot...but everyone was, it was like a sniffle factory!! It was a bit different in parts from the book, but some things had to be explained since you can't read between the action in the movie, so I was good with that. Some of the additions were even better than the book!! : ). Added bonus, last time I went to the theater I went to tonight, it took about 90 minutes to get out of the parking lot...tonight I parked close to the exit and was out in 5 minutes!!

Time for bed....it's 3am here and I've been up since 5am yesterday....

Glad to hear the movie is great. We are going tonight and I can't wait. It will be a bit sad though because it is coming to an end.

Can't wait to see HP! I think we will wait 'til at least Sunday though so the theater is not as crowded. Still want to see Pooh also.....so many good movies out right now.

I was talking with a friend yesterday who hasn't read the books (I've read them all multiple times) and she is going to go to the movie - she told me she already knows that Harry dies but she is excited to see how it will all end. I told her, she has no idea what JK Rowling has in store for her!!! ;)

So its sad that the movies will be over, but as long as the words are in print, we can re-read them again and again. Its kind of silly, but I feel when I read the books that I'm connecting w/ old friends. :blush: I guess I've read them so many times that I feel like I really know the characters!

I hope that someday Rowling does another series.
We always wanted stitch ears but can never find any magnetic paper to print on so if yours go missing and my stateroom has stitch ears same day then i'm sure its an amazing coincidence

For our door ears we have just used a roll of magnetic strip that we got from craft store. Than just cut small bits off and stuck of back of ears. Works a treat!
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