"There’s NO Sleeping in Disney!” SURPRISE - The Frumps Are Back Again! UPDATE 1/13

Hi Jess! I have loved reading your trip report!! I also caught up on your Bathrobe Princesses TR- so fun! I love Tangled and the Princess and the Frog too...and I think Tiana has one of the prettiest dresses out of all the princesses! You are lucky to have so many friends that also love Disney- that makes it even more fun!

I love how you guys do your nails for Disney- I think for my next trip I will try to get one of those black nail polish pens and do little mickey heads...nothing too ambitious but its a first step :-)

My husband and I are going back in a few weeks...I am working on my first (pre)trip report, if you want to check it out: World Showcase or Bust!

Can't wait to read more! :-)
Wonderful update! I'm so sorry to hear that your feet were killing you even before a long day of walking in the parks. Believe me, I know that feeling! Also, I highly recommend the Undercover Tourist app for the iPhone. It sure came in handy during our last trip! Can't wait to read your next update :goodvibes
i love character meet and greets and the stares i get for being a college student waiting in line to meet the princesses/faries! :laughing: i don't even care! i'm still a kid at heart! can't wait to read more!

oh and i'm christiemiller6 on twitter! i'm brand new to the whole thing and your tweets always make me feel like i'm back in my happy place! so thank you for that! and all your tweets with kristen crack me up! seriously i wish i had friends who understood my disney love like you guys!
Welcome Back!!!!:goodvibes I cannot wait to read the TR for your December trip! It sounds like you had a great trip!

Getting up early isn't that bad when your in WDW:laughing: Love all the pictures with the princesses!
YAY A NEW UPDATE :woohoo: I'm sad you're not in Disney anymore, but, selfishly, I'm also quite glad because I love your TRs. If you could figure out a way to always be in Disney and simultaneously write TRs, that would be best.

Ah, Early Extra Magic Hours. They're wonderful because the parks are deserted, but terrible because waking up early enough to make use of them is a pain.

What's not to like about the carousel? It plays Disney music!

I agree, yogurt parfaits are delicious. Roaring Fork at the Wilderness Lodge has make your own parfaits for breakfast. I was in heaven. I think they have them at Port Orleans Riverside too so I'm even more excited for July! :thumbsup2

Does Terrance have a leather satchel? Who does he think he is - Flynn Rider?

Pirate Goofy is adorable! I've never seen him before (in picture or in person). Yet another thing to add to my Must Do list. This is gonna be a busy trip. :rotfl:
You should try Lines. It's the Touring Plan app. I don't know how it compares to Mobile Magic as I have AT&T, but I love it. Plus it has a chat feature so you can get a little bit of pixie dust at home if you want ;)

I'll check it out! That sounds good!

We just kill ourselves for Disney. :faint: Hahah it's so worth it though.
OMG I KNOW. Tinkerbell never talked to Peter Pan and she most certainly never GIGGLED, which is what I've seen her do in the previews for her movies. And um... boy fairy? Let's just move on from that right now...
Wow, are you kidding me? GRRRR. People can just be SO RUDE. You're at Disney, woman. LET IT GO. I'm the same way as yall. If it was a simple misunderstanding I wouldn't mind but if I was yelled at for THAT... nuh uh. :mad: ANYWAYS! At least your picture turned out really cute!
OMG, talk about a character that did her research! That is the cutest thing! UHH I LOVE TIANA!
Oh sorry, and then I died because you met Prince Eric...
YAY great update!

But seriously LOL.
I know, I don't understand how she suddenly gained the ability to talk LOL.
Thanks about the picture!
I love Tiana, too!
And oh Eric <3 He's great.
Thank you!

WELCOME BACK!!!! Loved following along and reading all of your tweets while you were in WDW and it just makes me even more excited for when you get started on the new TR =D

I've never done early EMH's before either - we have enough trouble just making it for rope drop, haha.

I think you can get the Philharmagic FP's when you get FPs for Snow White also - that happened to us on our last trip.

I like the carousel too, but I had NO desire to ride it last month since they had the wall barriers around most of the ride - what's the fun in that?? Were they still up when you went?

WERE THEY SINGING WALKING RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE OF MAIN STREET USA?? I get so ridiculously excited whenever I hear that song and I'm actually on Main Street. I started singing along and dancing. It took me until the second verse to realize my husband had moved away from me out of embarassment, haha.

The apple turnover does look delicious. I'VE MISSED YOUR FOOD PICTURES SO MUCH!

What a rude woman. But the look on your face in the picture with Aladdin is amazing, hahahaha. Love it.

I don't think I've ever seen Pirate Goofy! I guess that's the big downside to mostly going to WDW during the slow times, since there are generally fewer Characters out, and the ones who are there are just in their normal clothes. OH DARN, I GUESS I MIGHT JUST HAVE TO GO IN JULY. Hahaha.

OMG Longest comment ever. See how much I missed you??

Oh my God I can't even wait to start it!! Thanks for following along!
Yeah I always have trouble making it to rope drop if I'm not with Kristen LOL
I don't think that wall was up anymore when I was there for Christmas! As far as I remember haha
Why yes they were singing that song! God, I love that song too hahaha. It's just too great. Your husband should've embraced it :laughing:
Hahaha oh thank you. I love my food pictures!
Oh thanks. I love Aladdin LOL
Yeah Pirate Goofy is awesome! He's a definite reason to secure your July trip LOL
Thanks for reading! I'm glad that you're glad that I'm back! :-)

Welcome back!!!

Wow that is early in the morning to get up!!! But...it was totally worth it! You got to meet so many great characters! :thumbsup2:banana:

Thank you!
Yeah it was worth it! We accomplished so much!

Welcome back! I have tons of catching up to do in this report (silly trips taking up so much time!) but I'm glad to hear your December trip was great. I can't imagine being there when the parks are that crowded (the 20th was plenty crowded for us!)!

Thank you! haha no worries - take your time!
Thanks! Oh my gosh the crowds were INSANE but I worked around it so it was all good!

Love that you took the time to meet so many characters. I don't even know where Tiana's Garden is!!

I don't remember there being morning EMH that day at MK. That's where we were suppose to be headed. Good thing we changed our mind because we would have gotten to the park one hour after opening and that is just unacceptable!. :laughing:

Oh thanks! We always do - it seems to be a lot more fun to meet characters when you're with friends! Tiana's Garden is in Liberty Square tucked in a corner near that caricature stand. It's near the entrance to Liberty Square from the Main Street walkway
Hahaha I guess that worked out for you guys! That's funny. I have definitely done that before!

Yay!! A new frumpy update! Or should I say... Frumpdate? That works!!!

I've never gotten up at 6:30 AM at Disney, oh man, but I admire that! I've never been to morning EMH. If I can go, I may need to get used to it for our Girls of the DIS trip b/c I have a feeling it's going to be another "There's No Sleeping In Disney" sitch.

Whoa, Jess, how many AWESOME Disney dresses do you have?! Love that one too!!

Ahhh I want to get pixie dusted!! That is so cool! Did you ever do the "wake up Tinkerbell" thing? I think it sounds so cute! I know they usually have a child do it.. but I want to. LOL.

I don't like when Tinkerbell talks either! The Tink from the 1953 Disney Peter Pan is the best. I love her.

I've never heard of Terrence before either! A DISNEY CHARACTER I DON'T KNOW ABOUT? WHAT?

ALADDIN!!!! :love::love:

I wasn't into accepting new princesses either, but I love Tiana and that movie now. Of course, Tangled/Rapunzel are on a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL of flawlessness though. I haven't loved a movie as much as Tangled in a LONG time.

OMG, I never new about the stalemate thing. I've never played chess. I love little hidden things like that at Disney! Awesome.

A FRUMPDATE OH MY GOD hahaha seriously that is AWESOME. Why have we not thought of this before!?!

LOL I hope you can go!! And I have a feeling it will be too. I need to start resting up now. The thought of doing that extreme commandoing right now makes me want to sleep for hours. I don't think I've recovered from my christmas trip yet LOL

Aww thank you! I have three of them! I got them when I went in April!

I LOVE getting pixie dusted! I have never heard of that wake up tinkerbell thing! Is that in a store? That sounds precious haha

And I agree! Silent Tink is the original. And I have no idea who this Terrance fellow is. I just have no desire to watch the new tinkerbell movies, I'm sorry Disney.

God, I NEED to watch Tangled. I literally sang "When Will My Life Begin" and "I See The Light" on my entire half an hour drive today. I just kept replaying them. LOVE LOVE LOVE. <3

Isn't that so incredibly cool? My jungle cruise skipper friend told me about it. Unfortunately that's going to be like the 2nd last update of the trip report, but DANG that is going to be the most amazing update EVER! I have like Disney Details galore. You're gonna love it. I have a couple other updates like that... GOD this TR is going to be so fun. I WANT TO START IT!

Welcome Back:goodvibes If your anything like me your missing it already... I can't wait to see how thing changed between when I left and well you were there since I got back on the 20th.

Thank you! Oh my gosh I miss Disney SO MUCH!! I can't wait to share everything with you all!

Welcome back! I am so glad you enjoyed your trip! Disney in December is one of my favorite new things.:goodvibes If you're like me you're already thinking about, talking about and planning your next trip! :) Can't wait to read more about it!

Thank you! I really did! And oh my God yes hahaha I have three potential trips in the works and an idea of when I'm going to do the college program in mind already! I don't know if they'll all happen, but I like to think ahead!

I've been reading your TR's, and your friends, and I have to say they all make me really excited about Disney and I want to go back!!! Great job, can't wait to hear about your new trip!:cheer2:

Aww thank you! That's so good to hear! I can't wait to share with you guys!

So many character meets!! Ahh! The best part of a disney trip, that's for sure! I have yet to do any morning extra magic hours, but if I could ever be up that early, that's where I'd be! Thats for sure!

Oh Main St bakery, how delicious you are! I definitely think that MK has the best counter service food of all the parks, there's just so many tasty choices!

I definitely agree on the whole Tink thing, I liked her better when she was a bit more fiesty & jealous (which you can still get with some of the ones you meet) Although I have watched and liked the new Tink & fairy friend movies, and don't mind them.

I'm glad you've watched Princess & the Frog & Tangled! I knew I needed to see them, but wasn't sure how they were going to hold up to the classics, and they definitely did!

Excited for more! (and to hear about your December trip :banana: )

MK is the best place to be! The characters were great!
I agree! Between the Bakery, Pecos Bill, Casey's, Cosmic Rays, Pinnochio's, etc. MK definitely has the best quick services!
That's good to hear you don't mind them! I have such a short attention span when it comes to movies and i just don't have a desire to watch them LOL. Ah well maybe one day.
Oh they definitely did! Both completely exceeded my expectations! Such great movies!
Thanks for reading!

I keep trying not to read your trip report because it makes me soooo excited for our trip in three days!!!!!! Your trip report always wins though and it take me forever to recover and be able focus on everday life again:rotfl:

Hahaha aww it's okay you're so close you might as well get hyped up! I hope you have a great time!!! And I'm glad you're enjoying reading!
Welcome back, Jess! Sorry I tired you out with all my comments *giggles* Yes, I take full-blame for the fact you haven't been able to start another one of your epic TRs. It was tiring writing those comments, I fell asleep about five times in front of the computer writing them. I'm such a fail (frump) sometimes lol And what is all this talk about twitter I keep on hearing? I'm curious

Hahaha I honestly would have started the new one if I didn't have so many comments to catch up on LOL. It's okay though. I'm hoping to start it very soon! And we all have twitters! Haha what about it?​

So glad to hear you powered through for early EMH. Seriously, it is a TON better than late EMH. Last trip I was on, we went to early EMH and got so much done before the park officially opened. Then we did late EMH the day before and it started just as we got off Soarin', lemme tell ya, it was a mob scene, the times jumped... we didn't stay for long. So, if you ever can, do early EMH, you will get so much more out of that. :thumbsup2 But I'm sorry you guys were so out of sorts, I can't imagine losing my voice in Disney, that would suck. Poor Kristen. Love the pictures of you guys on Main Street though

Yeah it really helps give you time to accomplish a lot! The end of the late EMH's are always the best. But the beginnings can bring forth a pretty big rush. And yeah losing your voice in Disney is no fun! Mine was starting to go by the end of this last trip but I survived lol. And thanks!​

YAY Fantasyland! I must talk again in my princess voice (and the laughter ensues :laughing:) It really is so cool how PhilharMagic has FPs... I still haven't figured out how that works. Do you just walk right in with them? :confused3 And :thumbsup2 to riding the carousel and the Peter Pan FPs, always good to have :teeth: Love your picture of the castle too... Pretty.

They're just like normal fastpasses! And thanks!​

Ooooo... the Trolley show! Such a cute little show, brings back so many good memories of my childhood with the Sing Along Disneyland "I'm walking right down the middle of Main Street USA." And all that food at the Main Street Bakery looks delicious! I am so going there next time I'm in the World especially with the Apple Turnover, yum!

I LOVE that show. And I love those VHS movies. Oh my GOD I miss them. It was so delicious... and the Apple Turnover is definitely the best thing they have!​

I've actually seen some of the new Tinkerbell movie and I say you need to stick to Peter Pan Tinkerbell. Seriously, this talking Tinkerbell just ruins the essence of Tinkerbell. She isn't even really Tinkerbell, not as sassy or as tough. They just made her into a very frilly protagonist and it's so sickening to watch. Don't ever watch it, trust me, Peter Pan Tinkerbell will always be better :) (And btw Terrence is sort of Tink's boyfriend) Anyways, great pictures with the characters!

Yeah that's what I would figure too. That's annoying. And TERRENCE IS TINK'S BOYFRIEND!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA that's hilarious. Ahh the things you don't know when you don't watch the movies. Thank you!​

The nerve of some people, I can't believe how mean that lady was to you guys. Some people can just be so rude. Reminds me of the time this lady cut my sister and I off on BTMRR even though we were supposed to be on the next train :sad2: But back to you, that's awesome you still got to meet him and had a nice little Meet & Greet. I see Sarah has a May birthday too. Why is it I find out no so many people who have birthdays in the same month as me? MY LIFE IS COMPLETE lol

Yeah. Oh well, at least we got to meet Aladdin. But still. Those glitches are never fun. Haha May birthdays are the BEST! That's when mine is! May 8th! I think Sarah's is the 14th if I'm not mistaking.​

BIG :thumbsup2 to meeting Tiana! I'm so glad you liked that movie. I remember how shocked I was at how good it was when I first saw it. I hate how in that same year it was nominated for a bunch of Academy Awards and stuff and it kept on losing to Up. I'm sorry but Up has nothing on PatF (even though I think the opening story to Up is much better). Loved Tangled too, so many good Disney films coming out, I can't wait for more epic films. Anyways... that's so awesome they played a New Orleans loop while in line, wicked cool :) Disney's so good about stuff like that :teeth: And it looks like you had a fun M&G. I REALLY want to meet Tiana someday. LOL @ the Jewelry on the teeth comment. So jealous Kristen is getting her train tracks off... hopefully I only have one more year *crosses fingers*

Yeah that's how I felt too! Oh but I heard up is really good - those would be tough to compete against. I still need to watch Up!! I got it for Christmas. Yeah, you have NO IDEA how amazing the disney details are. Ever since my last trip my eyes have been opened. It's kind of insane. I hope you get your braces off soon too!​

Wow, this was definitely a M&G morning. Ariel & Eric seem like so much fun to meet. :goodvibes I'm sorry you didn't get to see the renewed Tiki Room, one show I desperately want to see thanks to YouTube.

They were cute! And don't worry we got to see it later!​

Those costumes are pretty cool! I would love to work in Adventureland when I do the college program, some of those CMs have so much fun acting like Pirates :cloud9: That is so cool about the stalemate too, I read about that actually and didn't know what it was until I noticed they were dead so obviously neither wanted to lose... poor guys. And I really need to smell some of the attractions more often lol

The Adventureland CP CM's have an amazing time. I know one haha and his stories are just fantastic. And yeah isn't that cool? Fun Disney detail. Hahaha TAKE NOTICE OF THE SMELLS!​

:thumbsup2 to Goofy, he's just awesome and always deserves a thumbs up. Love your little pose too! I wish I did that with characters. I really need to up the ante on how I interact with characters after reading all about your interactions

Thank you! Well, I think when they see a big group of teenage girls the characters have fun for themselves lol.​

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum

Great update! :thumbsup2

First off I just wanna say I'm really excited for your December trip report! I've been following along on twitter (woah that sounds really creeperish, sorry) so I can't wait to get the full story on everything its sounds like you had an amazing time.
Quick warning my comments kind of jump around so sorry about that!

So am I! Yay I'm glad your'e excited too! Thanks for following along - Don't worry, I don't mind diser's following haha. What's your twitter name? I can't wait to tell you all about the trip! And no problem LOL I understand. Frumpy commenters are common here :-)

I give you so much credit for waking up at 6:30, I would never be able to do that! I'm not a morning person at all and just the thought of haing to wake up that early makes me cringe. Plus it would remind me of waking up for school which is just a total downer, but I would much rather wake up early for Disney than wake up early for school!

Oh thanks LOL. I am tired just thinking about it. Yeah the only reason I can ever wake up that early is Disney!​

I love both you and Kristen's dresses! They are so adorable!


Oh my goodness the chocolate croisant looks heavenly:cloud9: On my last Disney trip in November we stayed at the Contemporary and they had them at the Contempo Cafe and I had one every morning for breakfast. So delicious!

YUM I love those things. Ah yes Contempo does have those! What a great breakfast.​

I agree I like Peter Pan Tink much better.
The person who plays Terrence looks like a woman.

Me too. And HAHAHA yeah a lot of my friends from back home questioned that when they saw that picture.​

Ugh that women was such a nasty honeybadger! (have you ever seen that video on youtube? It's so funny! Search Crazy Nastya** Honeybadger and its by Randall)

LOL I'm gonna have to look that up!​

You guys look like you had such nice Meet&Greets!

We did!​

Can't wait for the next update!

Welcome back, Jess!

The trolley show is so magical--the moment I saw it I fell :love:

How does one get pixie dusted? I didn't know you could do that outside of the BBB!

Thank you!
I totally agree!
And you just have to go into Castle Couture in the morning and usually there's a cast member with a wand! You just have to ask them!

Welcome Back!

We love your update! You got so much done, and WOW with the characters!

I so want to be on Pirates right now!

Thank you so much!
Thanks for reading! We had a great time meeting them!
And AHH me too. That's like one of my top favorites of all time.

Welcome back! Great update! I don't know how you managed to get up at 6:36 AM--must have been Disney magic. The only time my family made rope drop was in DL--we needed a three hour time difference to do it (when 8 AM = 11 AM), we were still on east coast time!

PS: Is it snowing yet? Given your food hint, I believe I went to school in your hometown (our mascot was a blue bull). :goodvibes

Seriously. Disney is the only thing that would ever get me up that early without complaints! And LOL how convenient! That would actually work out really well for me LOL. God, I need to go to Disneyland
PS No it's not snowing!! This is the weirdest year ever we have barely gotten any snow!! And yup you definitely did! :-) I know a lot of people that go there haha

Hi Jess! I have loved reading your trip report!! I also caught up on your Bathrobe Princesses TR- so fun! I love Tangled and the Princess and the Frog too...and I think Tiana has one of the prettiest dresses out of all the princesses! You are lucky to have so many friends that also love Disney- that makes it even more fun!

Hello! Aww thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying! Yes she really does! And I know, I'm so glad we all understand Disney!​

I love how you guys do your nails for Disney- I think for my next trip I will try to get one of those black nail polish pens and do little mickey heads...nothing too ambitious but its a first step :-)

Aww thank you! You definitely should try that would be cute!​

My husband and I are going back in a few weeks...I am working on my first (pre)trip report, if you want to check it out: World Showcase or Bust!

I'll try and check it out when I catch up on the DIS! I hope you have a great trip!​

Can't wait to read more! :-)

Wonderful update! I'm so sorry to hear that your feet were killing you even before a long day of walking in the parks. Believe me, I know that feeling! Also, I highly recommend the Undercover Tourist app for the iPhone. It sure came in handy during our last trip! Can't wait to read your next update :goodvibes

Thank you! God, that feeling is the worst. And it seems like I definitely need to check out that app! Thank you!

i love character meet and greets and the stares i get for being a college student waiting in line to meet the princesses/faries! :laughing: i don't even care! i'm still a kid at heart! can't wait to read more!

Hahaha oh don't even worry. You are DEFINITELY not the only one who does that. You'd be surprised how many people our age meet the characters haha. I'm a kid at heart too!​

oh and i'm christiemiller6 on twitter! i'm brand new to the whole thing and your tweets always make me feel like i'm back in my happy place! so thank you for that! and all your tweets with kristen crack me up! seriously i wish i had friends who understood my disney love like you guys!

I'll have to follow you! Aww thank you that's so nice to hear! And LOL oh me and Kristen have quite a fun time on twitter. And aw thanks - we love having that mutual love for Disney! It always gives us something to talk about, that's for sure!​

Welcome Back!!!!:goodvibes I cannot wait to read the TR for your December trip! It sounds like you had a great trip!

Getting up early isn't that bad when your in WDW:laughing: Love all the pictures with the princesses!

Thank you! I can't wait to write it - the trip was unbelievable!
And I agree - Disney drags me out of bed!
Thank you!

YAY A NEW UPDATE :woohoo: I'm sad you're not in Disney anymore, but, selfishly, I'm also quite glad because I love your TRs. If you could figure out a way to always be in Disney and simultaneously write TRs, that would be best.

HAHA well I'm glad me being home has SOME benefits. And oh goodness, LOL one day that will probably happen! I get too behind with these things sometimes!​

Ah, Early Extra Magic Hours. They're wonderful because the parks are deserted, but terrible because waking up early enough to make use of them is a pain.

100% Agree. Amen.​

What's not to like about the carousel? It plays Disney music!

And I have a good amount of it on my iPod hahaha​

I agree, yogurt parfaits are delicious. Roaring Fork at the Wilderness Lodge has make your own parfaits for breakfast. I was in heaven. I think they have them at Port Orleans Riverside too so I'm even more excited for July! :thumbsup2

Yes Riverside does have one too! YUM so good. I don't know what it is about yogurt parfaits but they are just the BEST!​

Does Terrance have a leather satchel? Who does he think he is - Flynn Rider?

HAHAHA But seriously!! If you ever meet Flynn Rider make sure you ask him what is in his satchel!​

Pirate Goofy is adorable! I've never seen him before (in picture or in person). Yet another thing to add to my Must Do list. This is gonna be a busy trip. :rotfl:

He's super cute! He doesn't seem to be out very long! And LOL yes it will be! You better keep a word document full of ideas so you don't forget any!​
Hahaha I honestly would have started the new one if I didn't have so many comments to catch up on LOL. It's okay though. I'm hoping to start it very soon! And we all have twitters! Haha what about it?​

:guilty: Sowwy... I can't wait to read it, though, it sounds like you had a great time.

I just kept hearing talk about Twitter and I was like "When did everyone get a twitter?" I mean, I have one of course, but anyways... I was just curious what you were doing with it, but I guess you were updating on your trip. That's so cool! Such a creative idea. I wish I was going on a trip then I'd get actual use out of my Twitter besides... well, I don't do really anything on it lol

Yeah it really helps give you time to accomplish a lot! The end of the late EMH's are always the best. But the beginnings can bring forth a pretty big rush. And yeah losing your voice in Disney is no fun! Mine was starting to go by the end of this last trip but I survived lol. And thanks!​

I gotta make note of that. I'll give them another go then :)

Oh wow... you guys really wore yourselves out. Hope you got better! :-)

They're just like normal fastpasses! And thanks!​

I know, but how would you use them in that way. It's like American Idol, PhilharMagic, they file you into a room and then you go in. Or is it if there's another group waiting you would cut in front? Okay, maybe I'm overthinking this lol

I LOVE that show. And I love those VHS movies. Oh my GOD I miss them. It was so delicious... and the Apple Turnover is definitely the best thing they have!​

Those were basically the reason I wanted to go to Disney so bad. As well as the 2000 vacation planning movie. I went to go look for them when planning my second trip and remembered we sold it :sad1: That was a depressing day.

Yeah that's what I would figure too. That's annoying. And TERRENCE IS TINK'S BOYFRIEND!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA that's hilarious. Ahh the things you don't know when you don't watch the movies. Thank you!​

Yeah, Uncle Walt's probably rolling in his grave.

IKR! Know what's funny too? The CMs who play Terrence generally play Peter Pan as well because the height requirement is the same. So very funny...

Yeah. Oh well, at least we got to meet Aladdin. But still. Those glitches are never fun. Haha May birthdays are the BEST! That's when mine is! May 8th! I think Sarah's is the 14th if I'm not mistaking.​

They are the best! And I know, you told me yours awhile ago, mine's a day after on the 9th. But that's cool... I think the people who have birthdays in May just keep on increasing. I would love to know a person for each day lol I just get insane ideas like that all the time.

Yeah that's how I felt too! Oh but I heard up is really good - those would be tough to compete against. I still need to watch Up!! I got it for Christmas. Yeah, you have NO IDEA how amazing the disney details are. Ever since my last trip my eyes have been opened. It's kind of insane. I hope you get your braces off soon too!​

Oh... I haven't really watched most of it, but the beginning is really sad and that's why most people like the movie just the opening sequence, but really after that it's not really good. I'll probably have to watch it again, you'll have to tell me if it's really worth my time after you watch it. And yeah, I know, Disney is so good with the smaller details, the reason why it is that much better than most places. And thanks! =D

They were cute! And don't worry we got to see it later!​


The Adventureland CP CM's have an amazing time. I know one haha and his stories are just fantastic. And yeah isn't that cool? Fun Disney detail. Hahaha TAKE NOTICE OF THE SMELLS!​

That's cool! Yeah, they do look like they have fun. I was in there a lot on my second trip because my friends and I all enjoyed POTC (may have been because of the smell ;) ) And yeah, that is really cool, Disney never misses a beat.

Thank you! Well, I think when they see a big group of teenage girls the characters have fun for themselves lol.​

LOL, I really wish I persuaded my friends to greet more characters when I was there with them ::yes::
Chapter 30: You Know What They Say About Italian Men...
August 23rd, 2011

After meeting Pirate Goofy, Nat and Kristen went over to Splash Mountain to get fastpasses for us for later. I stayed with Sarah, Sue, and Scott so we could go on The Magic Carpets of Aladdin. Unfortunately, by the time we got there, the line was way too long.

So we headed over to the Haunted Mansion. While we were waiting for Kristen and Nat to get back, we went inside the Yankee Trader to cool off.

The girls arrived, went in the gift shop, I sat in one of the cute rocking chairs while we were waiting, and then we rode the Haunted Mansion!

I sat with Sarah and we got stuck right near the part with the opera singer in the graveyard. But it didn't take more than two minutes to get going.

We got off of the Haunted Mansion and went to Columbia Harbor House for lunch! I never went there before so this was a first!

I got Fish, Chicken Nuggets, and French Fries. I mean, it was good. I'm just not a big fried food person. I always feel gross after I eat it. Since I've been there they've added Salmon to the menu, which is DEFINITELY what I would get if I went again. But when I was there I felt like I barely had any options.


And then for dessert I got the Apple Crisp. I ate that ENTIRE thing. It's not even worth it. It's just another packaged dessert. But for some reason I couldn't stop eating it. It wasn't even that spectacular. Oh well.


Nat got chicken nuggets for her meal!


And a yogurt for dessert!


We ate on the 2nd floor. I felt like such a DIS'er.

Overall CHH was okay in my opinion, and I'm glad I went. But I would choose Casey's or Pecos Bill over it any day.

The whole entire lunch we tried to convince sue to go on Splash Mountain. She wouldn't do it, though! She said that if they bought her this fancy expensive necklace from the Polynesian she would, but nobody was willing to do that. LOL oh Sue. She's funny.

We left Columbia Harbor House and went on Splash Mountain. Kristen and I sat in the front again! The birds were still dead and the vultures still didn't work!

And that's why they should have the warning "THIS IS THE FRUMPIEST RIDE IN THE WILDERNESS!"




ANYWAYS... you could probably tell how we were feeling by our ride photo:


Yup, folks. We decided to sleep for our picture. It was getting to that point. SO TIRED.

We got off and then met up to go on Peter Pan. There was this baby in line n front of us that had HUGE blue eyes and a tiny little mouth and he just stared at us the whole wait. SO cute. God, I love children.

Then we went to PhilharMagic, thanks to our surprise fastpasses!


I know this is borderline blasphemous, but I'm pretty sure I fell asleep from the beginning of the show until the sorcerer's apprentice part. CRASHING. FAST.


Once the show was over, we headed out of the park. We saw the Dapper Dans on our way and stood there in the heat to watch them because they are THAT good. I just have an unconditional love for that group.


I recognized the one in green from our January trip!

They sang "Goodbye My Coney Island Baby," and a Disney Medley featuring Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Whistle While You Work, and The Mickey Mouse Club Song. I think they sang a few more as well, I just can't remember the names.


After the show, we walked out of the park and the bus was there! But there was NO WAY I was running. So Kristen and Nat went ahead to hold it.

We got in the back to Coronado and then went to Panchitos to pick up my packages that I had sent to the hotel from the day before from DHS.

Kristen looked at the pin board and got a Nana Pin and a Mickey's PhlharMagic Fastpass Pin. How appropriate. We just went on both of those rides haha

Then we went back to the room.

And then the unspeakable happened.


I know, I know. DON'T FREAK OUT. It goes against the title of the ENTIRE trip report. I know. But we HAD to. Couldn't... stay... awake... ANY LONGER!

We slept from 3 until 4:30 pm. We woke up and it was pouring outside!!

Kristen went with her family to go to Epcot for their dinner. Then me and Nat got ready and caught the bus to Epcot for our dinner!

We stopped at Blizzard Beach and then got to Epcot. We walked right to Italy for our 5:45 reservation at Via Napoli! By the time we got there, the rain stopped, thankfully! I love that Florida rain.


We got to the restaurant and were seated really quickly. Our waiter's name was Alessio, and he was from Palmero.

But the real winner, ladies and gentlemen, was our Water Boy. His name was Andrea. HELLLLLOOO. He was one of the most attractive boys I've ever seen. So cute. He was like an Italian Aladdin.

I am SO SORRY that I am a major creep and sniped a picture of him, but I just wanted to take it for the trip report. I needed to show you!!


As you could probably guess, I drank A LOT of water during that meal. More than usual. hahaha

Nat and I just smiled every time he came by. We were giggling messes in that restaurant. Can you just imagine us right now? Two italian girls in a restaurant filled with attractive italian waiters and great food. Like really? One of the best meals of my life.

We placed our orders, and then Nat ran to the bathroom. A waiter named Matteo called her Bella. *swoon*

I ordered a Mushroom Pizza. My pizza was delivered EXTREMELY fast! Before Nat even got back from the bathroom! I don't know why but I have this weird revived obsession with mushroom pizza. It's so GOOD! I don't even like mushrooms. I think it's one of those childhood attachment foods because I used to eat it a lot when I was younger.


And yes, I ate it all. Don't doubt me.

Nat ordered the Spagetti and Meatballs! Yum! Very good. She LOVED it!


We ate our delicious Italian food and admired the delicious Italian waiters. *sigh* What a great night.

Andrea came to fill our waters and he made dessert reccomendations for us. HOW KIND.

For dessert I got the Pistachio Gelato, which was UNBELIEVABLE. If you like pistachio flavored ice cream, this is an absolute must. It's SO GOOD. So cold and refreshing and the flavor is perfection.


Nat got the Cherry Sundae, also known as the Ugly But Good, also known as Copa Di Brutti Ma Buoni. She enjoyed it very much! I didn't get to try any because she had a sore throat and I didn't want to get sick. But it looked so great!


A waiter named Marco delivered my dessert and Matteo delivered Nat's. We could see them during our whole meal looking our way and whispering. I swear, these italian waiters are just as immature as us american girls hahaha. Love it.

We ate our desserts and were very satisfied! Muy Bueno! (Is that italian? I know it's spanish. I don't know hahaha)

Alessio brought over our check. Then he told me,

"Uh... the other waiter wanted me to give you this."

It was a folded piece of paper. I opened it and it said MARCO and a phone number.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA What the heck was going ON on this trip!?! The Disney boys were flocking. I don't even know why.

So we left Via Napoli laughing about how funny that whole scenario was. WHAT A MEAL!

And no, I never called the number. Hahaha sorry to disappoint. I'm not into the whole sketch "here's my number, I don't even know you, call me" thing. But it was flattering. Thank you, Marco.

Overview of Via Napoli Dining Experience
Food: Spectacular, obviously. It's a favorite for sure. That pizza is just fantastico. 5/5
Service: Well, they're good looking, they kept the waters full, they were very friendly and basically what you would expect from italian men. LOL 4.5/5
Overall: Such a funny dinner. We had a great time. The atmosphere is great and I'm so glad we went! God, I love that place.

We sat in Norway after our meal and met up with Kristen.

She wanted her deer face:


Kringla Og Kafe may just be the happiest place on earth.

We grabbed some Maelstrom Fastpasses (HAHAHA) and met back up with everyone.

We went to Mexico and rode the Gran Fiesta Tour!



While in line, Sue goes to me "that one mexican boy was checking you out!!"

HAHAHA WHAT WAS GOING ON!?! It was all of the foreign ones LOL.

We got on our boat and felt rebellious again.





The ride was cute as usual. Sarah got her stamp for Duffy in the pavilion and we checked out the gift shop.


Then it was time to keep venturing forward!


Continued in Next Post
:guilty: Sowwy... I can't wait to read it, though, it sounds like you had a great time.

Hahaha it's okay don't worry! I'm just glad you're back and enjoying yourself :goodvibes

I just kept hearing talk about Twitter and I was like "When did everyone get a twitter?" I mean, I have one of course, but anyways... I was just curious what you were doing with it, but I guess you were updating on your trip. That's so cool! Such a creative idea. I wish I was going on a trip then I'd get actual use out of my Twitter besides... well, I don't do really anything on it lol

Yeah Kristen and l got them around the beginning of the school year! I tweeted throughout my entire trip which was very fun. I got the idea from Lia, actually! It was a great time. I will try and incorporate those in the next trip report!

I gotta make note of that. I'll give them another go then :)

Oh wow... you guys really wore yourselves out. Hope you got better! :-)

I know, but how would you use them in that way. It's like American Idol, PhilharMagic, they file you into a room and then you go in. Or is it if there's another group waiting you would cut in front? Okay, maybe I'm overthinking this lol

Yeah you're just let in before everyone else is!

Those were basically the reason I wanted to go to Disney so bad. As well as the 2000 vacation planning movie. I went to go look for them when planning my second trip and remembered we sold it :sad1: That was a depressing day.

Oh God, that's heartbreaking. If my parents ever get rid of any of my Disney stuff I freak out. It doesn't happen anymore. :goodvibes

Yeah, Uncle Walt's probably rolling in his grave.

IKR! Know what's funny too? The CMs who play Terrence generally play Peter Pan as well because the height requirement is the same. So very funny...

Ah really?! Yeah I guess that would make sense!

They are the best! And I know, you told me yours awhile ago, mine's a day after on the 9th. But that's cool... I think the people who have birthdays in May just keep on increasing. I would love to know a person for each day lol I just get insane ideas like that all the time.

Oh wow we are super close! That's fun!

Oh... I haven't really watched most of it, but the beginning is really sad and that's why most people like the movie just the opening sequence, but really after that it's not really good. I'll probably have to watch it again, you'll have to tell me if it's really worth my time after you watch it. And yeah, I know, Disney is so good with the smaller details, the reason why it is that much better than most places. And thanks! =D

Yeah I heard that Up is SUPER sad. I will let you know when I watch it! And disney details are my favorite! I can't wait because I have LOTS of interesting details to share with you guys in the next TR!


That's cool! Yeah, they do look like they have fun. I was in there a lot on my second trip because my friends and I all enjoyed POTC (may have been because of the smell ;) ) And yeah, that is really cool, Disney never misses a beat.

LOL, I really wish I persuaded my friends to greet more characters when I was there with them ::yes::

Next Time!

Love your TR's! I read the one where with the Bathrobe princesses...it was very good! Enjoying this one and can't wait to hear more! You guys seem to have so much fun when you are "home" :) I am also looking forward to reading all about your Christmas trip and seeing the pics...you take very nice pictures!
Love your TR's! I read the one where with the Bathrobe princesses...it was very good! Enjoying this one and can't wait to hear more! You guys seem to have so much fun when you are "home" :) I am also looking forward to reading all about your Christmas trip and seeing the pics...you take very nice pictures!

Aww thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying! :goodvibes We have the time of our lives! And I am so excited to share with you all! It's going to be a trip report filled with tons of great stuff!! I can't wait! :) Thank you! I'm so glad you like the pictures!
You are really pushing out these updates quickly! I know it can't be because you're excited to start a new one, heh. :thumbsup2

Haunted Mansion seems to be the ride I get stuck on most often, but I think that's moreso to do with wheelchair transfers than actual ride issues. I don't mind though, because especially in the attic and graveyard scenes there's so much to look at and details I wouldn't notice otherwise.

The only time I've eaten at Columbia Harbor House was during the Keys to the Kingdom tour - I thought the lunch was okay, but we didn't have dessert. And now I'm really disappointed that you didn't like the apple crisp because I always thought it looked SO good. Bummer.

I love sending souvenirs to the hotel and picking them up later - half the time we don't pick them up until the end of our trip, and it's always so much fun looking through everything because usually I've forgotten half of what I bought.

PISTACHIO GELATO?? I want to go to there. I've fallen in love with pistachio flavored desserts ever since I got the Pistachio Trio at Yachtsmen last year (which no longer seems to be on the menu. sad face).
You are really pushing out these updates quickly! I know it can't be because you're excited to start a new one, heh. :thumbsup2

Haunted Mansion seems to be the ride I get stuck on most often, but I think that's moreso to do with wheelchair transfers than actual ride issues. I don't mind though, because especially in the attic and graveyard scenes there's so much to look at and details I wouldn't notice otherwise.

The only time I've eaten at Columbia Harbor House was during the Keys to the Kingdom tour - I thought the lunch was okay, but we didn't have dessert. And now I'm really disappointed that you didn't like the apple crisp because I always thought it looked SO good. Bummer.

I love sending souvenirs to the hotel and picking them up later - half the time we don't pick them up until the end of our trip, and it's always so much fun looking through everything because usually I've forgotten half of what I bought.

PISTACHIO GELATO?? I want to go to there. I've fallen in love with pistachio flavored desserts ever since I got the Pistachio Trio at Yachtsmen last year (which no longer seems to be on the menu. sad face).

No not at all! And I haven't combine 4 updates and made them into two. No, no :rolleyes1 LOL I'm just afraid I won't even be close to finishing the Christmas one by the July trip. That's the worry. :laughing:

Yeah Haunted Mansion is SO cool... as long as I'm with someone so I don't get scared I don't mind getting stuck :p

I mean, it was good. I ate the whole thing. But I just think there are so many better dessert options in disney that I don't think wasting my time and calories on that was worth it. :sad2:

Aww I hate when they take good items off the menu! But yeah definitely get the gelato. It's SO GOOD! :love:
You fell asleep! :eek: How could you?! Just kidding. With the pace you'd been keeping, no wonder you crashed at some point!

So cute that all those foreign boys were flirting with you. No wonder, you are such a beautiful girl. I really wish I had your hair!! How do you get it to look that way? My hair is either kinda half wavy or if I try to curl it then it gets REALLY curled.

Via Napoli is so delicious!
Yay updates!!! And welcome back!!!! :hug:So excited to hear about your trip!!!
That's so funny about Sue and the necklace. Bribery might just be the key to a woman's heart?
Damn those broken birds on splash. So creepy!
Awh the dapper dans are so adorable! They just make me soooo happy.
I'm not huge on fried food either but the vegetarian chilli at CHH is reallly good! Makes me go there at least once a trip! But then again I am allergic to a million foods so my choices are kind of based on that....
Ohhh nooo a nappp!!!! The sleeping rule was broken :eek: haha
Nothing wrong with the occasional sneaky nap... As long as you don't make a habit out of it :rotfl:
Oh my gosh, you foreign boy magnet you!! Go Jess!!
Those Disney boys just flock to you! Sorry if you already answered this, but are you still planning on doing the college program?
The phone number hand off doesnt offen work but it's a huge compliment all the same. But you said it all in the title.
Have you been to Italy? The men there can be a bit overly friendly haha
Wha? Dancing again? And napping all in one day? Such a Disney rebel! ::sad2:
Haha! I love all the waiters in the Tutto Italia. Last time we were there, we met the sweetest elderly man who had been there for 40 years :eek:

He met his wife on a Disney Cruise that he went on as a CM (so cute!)

As we were leaving, a (very good looking) waiter called "Ciao" to my mother, and then I swear his voice dropped down a whole octave and he said "mmm, and Ciao Bell-la" to me while raising one eyebrow. My mom grabbed me by the arm and dragged me outta there FAST! :rotfl:
Ok caught up again. So enjoy reading your TR. You have such a good writing style too. I have started a pretrip report and well not sure if it's even close to yours.lol I just have no clue how to add links to the next post on the front page or to have continue be a link. If you would be so kind to PM and try to explain to me?
So we have been wanting to do Disney again in Dec 2012 for some time. Now my DH may have a new job with is awesome but that puts my trip further out. Maybe late Jan? Oh well at least will still go right?
I so want to dance in the streets with my grandkids (time of trip Tristen will be 4yrs and Khloe will be 20m. I want to realize they are lucky to have young grandparents who can have a fun time with them. We can be goofs.
Now I wish I was on twiter. Never done it. I am a FB girl though.
Can't wait to read the last of this trip and see the new one from the beginning. What's the clever title going to be?hmmm

No not at all! And I haven't combine 4 updates and made them into two. No, no :rolleyes1 LOL I'm just afraid I won't even be close to finishing the Christmas one by the July trip. That's the worry. :laughing:

Haha that's understandable, just since you were there for so long and had so many awesome things happening. And oh my goodness, can you imagine the DIS when everyone is doing their July trip reports? One trip from so many different perspectives. I think I've lost track of how many people are going (or hoping) to be down there.
We got stuck in the same exact spot on Haunted Mansion! Except, ours took about 5-6 minutes. I think they might have been loading a wheelchair? I'm not sure, but it felt like foreverrrr sitting in the dark. :laughing:

Do you like tuna? The tuna sandwich at CHH is pretty good! I didn't know they added salmon now. That's pretty neat.

Haha, the picture of you & Kristen sleeping on Splash is cute! :)

And sleeping in Disney?! Oh, the horror! :scared1::rotfl:



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