Sew much to do, sew little time - but it was worth it! New PTR link posted! ~~~~~~~~~

So, I did something fun with this one... I love how boisterous and crazy Pluto can be... So I kind of wanted this bag to be the same.


He is very cute D~... you always do such a fabulous job. :love::love: Knowing me, I would rip his ear or tail off catching it on something...He is a lot of fun though!!! The wallet was an excellent touch! :goodvibes
I am so very proud of Victoria! She did a great job making this bag! Can you believe she is only 13? I did help her quite a bit, pinning and such - but she did all the sewing and quilting herself. She also picked all the fabrics. Not only that, but this was her first applique - she had done a small one last summer/fall - but this was her first "real" applique! I think she did amazing!






I told her I was going to post pictures in my TR - so she would really appreciate all of your comments. :lovestruc

Oh, Victoria, congratulations!!! It looks beautiful :goodvibes! I have to show it to my 12 year old fact I have a funny little story...a few days ago I showed her D's creations and she was thing I know she looks at me and says "You should learn how to sew, Mom!All you can do is scrapbook, I wish you could do all those pretty bags for me!"Well, now I can show her that she could learn it and make a nice bag for me :rotfl2:. Really nice work, V!:thumbsup2
The new bag looks to be sooo much fun!!! I love how his ears, tongue and tail are all loose off the bag. Another great bag!!
OMG!!! This bag is absolutely adorable! Your creativity knows no bounds D~. :worship: I love it. Your bags are always so gorgeous, but I believe this one is my new favourite!
WOW.... It's been a long time since I've had this many replies...

:worship:Awesome job V! Love the colors and the Tink fabric...its perfect!

I need to get her back here to read the rest of these... She will just be thrilled!

V did an amazing job on her cute! :goodvibes I agree with the previous commenter that said she could have her own etsy business! ::yes::...of course then you would have to work out a schedule to share Patience! :rotfl2: What a great summer job for her to have though! She definitely has her Mom's talent! :thumbsup2

LOL - V does have her own machine, it was a gift last year for Christamas... It's a 3/4 scale machine and looks just like Patience. I used to have it set up in my sewing room, but then when she started this bag, I kicked her out. :stir: There just wasn't enough room for both of us to be working on big projects, so we moved her machine to her bedroom and she did a lot of the work in there. :thumbsup2

:cool1: you're almost done with your project, can't wait to see it!

just send my bill when you can, don't forget now!

happy Josh's back is doing better!

Thanks Lisa~

Way to go V!! That bag looks amazing!!

Thanks - I will definately let her know!

You are an amazing seamstress!!! If I could only find the patience. It looks like your girls only trip was an amazing one!

Thanks! It was an amazing trip! I need to post my last few Photopass pictures and finish up this TR.

V's bag turned out amazing! She definitely has inherited some of her Mom's talent, that's for sure.

The AG sale sounds crazy but what an awesome haul. Strange that they don't have doll clothing or accessories.

Glad that Josh's back is feeling a little better.

Thanks! Yes, the AG sale was crazy - but so much fun! It's very disappointing that they don't have the clothing or accessories. Up until about 3 years ago, that was THE place to find the best reitred goodies, and now AG doesn't even give them to the museum - so sad. Now, it's really just the dolls - but that's better than nothing, I guess.

I can't believe how many pages were posted while we were camping on the weekend! :goodvibes All caught up now though.

V did a great job on the bag! She has certainly inherited your sewing genes. I :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc the Tink fabric inside!!! I am always on the lookout for beautiful Tink fabric and that is one of the nicest I have seen. And the blue and green fabric she picked to go with it is absolutely perfect.

Oh my goodness, what a haul from the AG doll sale! I'm glad that you had a fun day.

Thanks Loree! I loved that Tink fabric too... V managed to use up every last bit of it that I had, and I am not sure I'll be able to find more? Grrr... Oh well.

Wow what an amazing bag. :worship: I love how the ears and tongue is coming out of the bag. And I love that you put his bowl of food on the wallet.


You've done it again..... another amazing bag!!! I love it!

When you get finished appliqueing, do you go back and stitch around the inside of the satin stitch? I'm trying to get up my nerve to try it ::yes::

Thanks Stephanie! Yes, sometimes I do that. :thumbsup2

Pluto is terriffic. Love the waggely ears and tail.

Your daughter did a fantastic job on her first bag with applique. The fabrics were a great match too....

Thanks so much! I will tell V - she will be thrilled that you think so! :cloud9:

Oh my Gosh!!! It is wonderful! She is going to LOVE it!

I am so glad you love it Ruth!!! :woohoo:

That is sooo creative:artist: and cute! Can't wait for my turn


OMG!!!!! I can not thumbnail the pics -- they are way too cute! I just love the dimension to the bag! How fun pluto:

Awww... Thanks Andrea - that means a lot to me. I can always guage how well you like something by the size of the photos when you quote. :rolleyes1


that is so dang cute D!!!!!!!!!!! love how 3-D it looks and the wallet is a great idea!!! and a bone zipper pull! someone is very lucky getting this cute bag!

Thanks Lisa~! I am glad you all like it - I was a bit unsure about doing it this way, but my brain seemed to think it would work - so I went with it.

I LOVE his ears! I LOVE his TONGUE! I LOVE HIS TAIL!!!!!

I LOVE this BAG!

Thanks Lynn!

Wow... finally caught up. We went to Maine for the weekend and we get no internet so I can't log on

WOW... she did an amazing job.

WOW that is alot of dolls. But if you can get them for $35 that is a great deal.

I just love this Pluto bag. Each bag I just love more & more

I hope you had a great trip to Maine! Sounds wonderful. I will tell V that you said so... And yah - I was happy to be able to get so many dolls... They aren't all for us though. LOL And Thanks for liking the Pluto bag, I was really worried, because I've never made anything like that, and I just wasn't sure.

He is very cute D~... you always do such a fabulous job. Knowing me, I would rip his ear or tail off catching it on something...He is a lot of fun though!!! The wallet was an excellent touch!

Thanks Judy! :lovestruc

Oh, Victoria, congratulations!!! It looks beautiful :goodvibes! I have to show it to my 12 year old fact I have a funny little story...a few days ago I showed her D's creations and she was thing I know she looks at me and says "You should learn how to sew, Mom!All you can do is scrapbook, I wish you could do all those pretty bags for me!"Well, now I can show her that she could learn it and make a nice bag for me. Really nice work, V!

ROFL!!! I love that story!!! Now you'll have to come back and tell me what she says - and show me your new bag! popcorn::

d I Love the Pluto bag so cute and fantastic!!!!!!!


The new bag looks to be sooo much fun!!! I love how his ears, tongue and tail are all loose off the bag. Another great bag!!


Yesterday was crazy! I had to work, then when I got home, I finished up the wallet and got it posted. I am glad I finished it last night though - then I can get to work right away this morning on my next bag set.

Soooo.... Today I am starting another bag - I am kind of excited about it! Still not sure what to applique on the wallet or what to use for the zipper pull... but I am sure it will come to me.

I started phone shopping again last night, you all know how badly I've been wanting a new phone for MONTHS! I finally told Josh last night, I've been waiting and waiting and I am just going to buck up and get the phone I want. The Ipone is totally out of the question... Tmobile will never get it. And since we are refinancing our house to get a lower interest rate - that's enough change for me for a while - so we are staying with Tmob (even though they made me soooo angry!) I've decided to get a Samsung Galaxy III - I've heard nothing but great things about it. And I am dying to finally get a phone that I can do something with. Of course, I am going to wait for a deal to come along, because I am such a cheap skate. :smokin:

Alrighty then... Time to get a move on my day - lots to do, so little time!

Have a fantastic day everyone!

The Pluto bag is adorable!!! :cutie: I think we are going to have to break down and get new phones soon too. We have been avoiding it because we haven't wanted to pay the extra $$$ for the data plan. We have heard that Verizon now how shared data plans, so we may have to check it out...
We had to leave our favorite Photopass photographer because we must meet up with my favorite guy... Donald!







As soon as we left Donald - we bumped in to Joanna again... So, she took a few more pictures...



We said goodbye to Joanna again, and left to use our FPs for Splash. After Splash, we rode the raft over to TSI, as soon as we got off the boat - again we bumped into Joanna... So, she set us up with more photos... We ended up following eachother around TSI and she took pictures of us where ever we happened to be - it was so much fun! She took pictures of other families in between, so it's not as if we hogged her the whole time.












And even though I hate my face in this picture, I love the look on Alli's face - so I decided to post it.


Joanna's shift was over, and we said our goodbyes. She did give me her name, and I friended her on FB - but she has yet to reply. She took so many picutres of us and really made our last MK day so fun and magical. When I came home, I wrote Disney a spectacular letter in her favor - she was the BEST!

Link to Day 9 Part 3 Photopass pics

You got A LOT of great Photopass pictures :lovestruc
Samsung Galaxy is a great choice (just because I want one myself :rotfl: )
great photos yet again! you were so lucky to run into Joanne! love the shot of you and your guy Donald "dancing" and the frog magic photos, haven't ever seen those!

a new bag....what is D~ amazing brain thinking up for this one ...can't wait :hyper:
Also love the Pluto bag. You have such talent!

Even though most people want an iPhone, I have love/hate with apple, due to the difficulty of sharing music/movies within your family. So when we got new phones (I also waited because I didn't want to pay $10 more per month for the 4g, we have sprint) we opted for the Samsung galaxy s2. We love our phones! We can do so much with them. I also own an iPad, and it has not seen much activity since I got my phone. So when you do upgrade I'm sure you'll wonder why you waited so long.

And I love the pics! I need to make a list of these magic shots. Love the frog!
Those are some great PP photos you got! I am so glad that you wrote a letter praising Joanna, I don't think enough people do that.
Home from the hospital and EXHAUSTED... but I have a couple yards of that Tink fabric...back from when my WalMart discontinued their fabric...and then brought it back....

If you need any let me know.

You got some awesome Magic shots. I need to ask for more next time. I didn't know about the frog one. :)

Edited: OMG I just opened my photopass pictures and I have two CD boxes LOL
The Pluto bag is adorable!!! :cutie: I think we are going to have to break down and get new phones soon too. We have been avoiding it because we haven't wanted to pay the extra $$$ for the data plan. We have heard that Verizon now how shared data plans, so we may have to check it out...

I know how you feel Oopsi... I was the same way 2+ years ago when I got my Nokia Neuron, I didn't want the data plan at all. But now it's getting to the point where I really could use it - not that I want to be connected all the time, but there are some really great apps out there that could really help me make my daily life easier - and not to mention - I am still bummed that I didn't have a smart phone for WDW, we survived just fine, but it would have made things much easier.

You got A LOT of great Photopass pictures :lovestruc
Samsung Galaxy is a great choice (just because I want one myself :rotfl: )

LOL Thanks for the vote on the Galaxy - it has such great reviews.

great photos yet again! you were so lucky to run into Joanne! love the shot of you and your guy Donald "dancing" and the frog magic photos, haven't ever seen those!

a new bag....what is D~ amazing brain thinking up for this one ...can't wait :hyper:

Yah - we were really lucky to meet up with Joanna - she was the best!

Also love the Pluto bag. You have such talent!

Even though most people want an iPhone, I have love/hate with apple, due to the difficulty of sharing music/movies within your family. So when we got new phones (I also waited because I didn't want to pay $10 more per month for the 4g, we have sprint) we opted for the Samsung galaxy s2. We love our phones! We can do so much with them. I also own an iPad, and it has not seen much activity since I got my phone. So when you do upgrade I'm sure you'll wonder why you waited so long.

And I love the pics! I need to make a list of these magic shots. Love the frog!

I agree - Josh and I also have the same love/hate with apple (more him than me, but still - I understand totally)... So, curious... I am really debating between the s2 and s3 - there is quite a price difference - IYO is it worth it? You seem to be happy with the s2, and I think I would be, as well - but there's supposedly so many updates to the s3, that people love it more? I'd love your opinon. :worship:

Those are some great PP photos you got! I am so glad that you wrote a letter praising Joanna, I don't think enough people do that.

Thanks! We were very lucky - and she did a great job finding some fun and unique areas of MK... I just love, love, love that picture of the girls in front of Splash... It's my current background on my desktop. :surfweb:

Home from the hospital and EXHAUSTED... but I have a couple yards of that Tink fabric...back from when my WalMart discontinued their fabric...and then brought it back....

If you need any let me know.


I am so glad that you are home... How is your dd doing today? I was thinking about her all day yesterday - I sure hope she is better, and the pain isn't so intense. (((Hugs))) And how is your Grand princess doing?

I will let you know about the fabric... Thanks so much for offering! :lovestruc

You got some awesome Magic shots. I need to ask for more next time. I didn't know about the frog one. :)

Edited: OMG I just opened my photopass pictures and I have two CD boxes LOL

I didn't know about the frog one either - neither did Joanna... She just asked if we wanted any Magic Shots, and I said sure - I asked her what she had and she went through the list. When she was posing us for the frog picture, she said she was just guessing and it may or may not turn out because she had no idea what it looked like. :laughing:

Awesome that you got 2 boxes of CDs... How many pictures is that?

Making progress on my current bag... I managed to get it cut out and quilted yesterday. I plan to work on the appliques today.

The girls have VBS all this week, so I have some quiet mornings. :banana: Then on Thurs. afternoon I am taking them to my bff's house again - she is having a second garage sale, and they are helping her out... So the girls will be MIA for a few days. popcorn::

I hope everyone has an awesome day today! :hippie:

Was gonna quote, but afraid to lose the info I copied for this.

Anyway, deciding between s2 and s3 is tough. Money wise $100 less is always better. However, when buying phones, it is usually best to buy the best there is because you'll have it for at least a year, maybe more and you don't want to be upset for that long that you didn't get all the features. I'll include some links comparing the two phones. The one feature that sounded nice was being able to take video and pics at the same time (I think that's what I've read). Some say there is no comparison because s3 has so many better features. Another one is larger screen and better watching video screen. Also keep in mind, in the park, Verizon is the best carrier to have. I have sprint and never have signal problems, but in the park, it was sad.

Here are the links, ugh!
well, my acct is too young I need 5 more posts before I can add links. I'll post them when I can, hopefully soon.

I love my phone, but can't really compare it to the s3.

Feel free to ask any more questions. Sorry couldn't help more.
Was gonna quote, but afraid to lose the info I copied for this.

Anyway, deciding between s2 and s3 is tough. Money wise $100 less is always better. However, when buying phones, it is usually best to buy the best there is because you'll have it for at least a year, maybe more and you don't want to be upset for that long that you didn't get all the features. I'll include some links comparing the two phones. The one feature that sounded nice was being able to take video and pics at the same time (I think that's what I've read). Some say there is no comparison because s3 has so many better features. Another one is larger screen and better watching video screen. Also keep in mind, in the park, Verizon is the best carrier to have. I have sprint and never have signal problems, but in the park, it was sad.

Here are the links, ugh!
well, my acct is too young I need 5 more posts before I can add links. I'll post them when I can, hopefully soon.

I love my phone, but can't really compare it to the s3.

Feel free to ask any more questions. Sorry couldn't help more.

That does make total sense... That's kind of the issue I ran into with my current phone - and now I am stuck with a phone that doesn't do anything. I can access the web, but half the time it crashes - and the screen is so small, it's hard to see. Thanks so much for giving me your opinion. :flower3:

Once we said goodbye to Joanna - we were off to find Pirate Goofy... Allison found a seat in the shade, because the line for Goofy was in the sun - and she wasn't feeling well.

Once again - Victoria received some extra attention for Goofy due to her outfit - he was THRILLED! And once again, the people behind us wished their kids were wearing Pirate Goofy gear too.













We left MK for the afternoon and returned later to finish off our day and our last night at the MK.




Link to Day 10 Photopass pics

I only have one more post to do, and this TR will be over.

:scared: Then - what shall I do? :scared:



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