ELEVATE! Is that a whale out there? A three-generation cruise to Alaska!UPDATE 8/29

In 53 days!!! YAY!!!! :cheer2: I need to work on my PTR! I have some fun things going on. Wish you guys could come on THAT one!!!! Its two weeks and we could talk books and whatnot!!!
Oh wow! Coming up so fast!

I am totally in love with the idea of the 14-day cruises. I could happily cruise for two weeks with no port days. :laughing: So, obviously, I wish we were going to be on your cruise because even the port days will be awesome - I mean, Hawaii, come on!!!!! :laughing:
That is hilarious!!! I am going to have to channel you on my next trip so that I don't end up with 5 pictures for the entire last day! :rotfl2:

I'm right with you! I always find myself slacking on taking pictures when it gets down to the last couple of days of the trip. I need to channel Shannon as well on our upcoming trip! (*I need an emoticon meditating right here*)
You guys are cracking me up. Seriously-you should see some of the stupid photos that I have!

A 14 day Hawaiian Cruise? Can you put me in your suitcase? That sounds AMAZING!
I'm right with you! I always find myself slacking on taking pictures when it gets down to the last couple of days of the trip. I need to channel Shannon as well on our upcoming trip! (*I need an emoticon meditating right here*)
:rotfl2: We will have to form a support group!

You guys are cracking me up. Seriously-you should see some of the stupid photos that I have!

A 14 day Hawaiian Cruise? Can you put me in your suitcase? That sounds AMAZING!
Oh, man, that Hawaiian Cruise was a major temptress to me calling from the re-booking desk through the latter half of this cruise.......
You guys are cracking me up. Seriously-you should see some of the stupid photos that I have!

Better to have stupid photos than no photos at all! :thumbsup2 I want to have more stupid photos!

A 14 day Hawaiian Cruise? Can you put me in your suitcase? That sounds AMAZING!

Right?!? Me, too!

:rotfl2: We will have to form a support group!

Maybe Shannon could do a workshop for us!

Oh, man, that Hawaiian Cruise was a major temptress to me calling from the re-booking desk through the latter half of this cruise.......

I bet it was! Ok....so I have to know....what stopped you from booking that one? I would love to do that cruise but (a) I don't think Ed would go on a 14 day cruise and (b) I bet that cruise doesn't come cheap.....of course most of the cruises don't come cheap. :lmao:
Better to have stupid photos than no photos at all! :thumbsup2 I want to have more stupid photos!

Right?!? Me, too!

Maybe Shannon could do a workshop for us!

I bet it was! Ok....so I have to know....what stopped you from booking that one? I would love to do that cruise but (a) I don't think Ed would go on a 14 day cruise and (b) I bet that cruise doesn't come cheap.....of course most of the cruises don't come cheap. :lmao:

I want more stupid photos too. :( I'm totally joining Shannon's workshop. :thumbsup2

You know, I am pretty sure that it was the dates of the Hawaiian cruise that ruled it out for me because I didn't even request a quote. I think it is possible that what was offered on board for that one was coming up this year - I knew I couldn't swing another cruise in 2012! :laughing: It is one that I would LOVE to do one day - I love those at-sea days. Have I mentioned that before? :rolleyes1
You guys are cracking me up.

I'll start putting together the workshop materials this week. :rotfl:

DH would never agree to using 2 weeks of vacation all in one shot. :sad: No Hawaii cruise for me.
I want more stupid photos too. :( I'm totally joining Shannon's workshop. :thumbsup2

Ooohhh....I have an idea! :idea: We could do the workshop in MK! Like one of those walking tour photography classes!

You know, I am pretty sure that it was the dates of the Hawaiian cruise that ruled it out for me because I didn't even request a quote. I think it is possible that what was offered on board for that one was coming up this year - I knew I couldn't swing another cruise in 2012! :laughing: It is one that I would LOVE to do one day - I love those at-sea days. Have I mentioned that before? :rolleyes1

Yeah, it would be hard to swing 2 cruises in one year. I'm looking forward to having some sea days on our cruise in May.
Ooohhh....I have an idea! :idea: We could do the workshop in MK! Like one of those walking tour photography classes!

Yeah, it would be hard to swing 2 cruises in one year. I'm looking forward to having some sea days on our cruise in May.

That's a :thumbsup2 idea Amanda!
You guys are cracking me up.

I'll start putting together the workshop materials this week. :rotfl:

DH would never agree to using 2 weeks of vacation all in one shot. :sad: No Hawaii cruise for me.
:woohoo: You have NO idea how badly I need this workshop! :laughing:

:( That is too bad. I think a 2-week cruise would be incredible, although I am sure that there are many people for whom it would be too long. It takes me so long to relax and enjoy vacation, that a one-week vacation just doesn't work for me. :laughing: I am so blessed to get so much leave with my current job - part of it is because I end up working so many extra hours that I am able to bank that time and use it instead of my leave. Right now, I have over 6 weeks of annual leave! :scared1: I am taking two weeks at Christmas just to stay home since DD's school will be out, and it is a good thing because I would lose some of that leave - 6 weeks is the maximum that can be carried over to a new year.

Ooohhh....I have an idea! :idea: We could do the workshop in MK! Like one of those walking tour photography classes!

Yeah, it would be hard to swing 2 cruises in one year. I'm looking forward to having some sea days on our cruise in May.
Now, THAT is a great idea!!!! :woohoo:

You will LOVE the sea days! I am seriously considering just skipping the ports on my next cruise. :rotfl2:
Me, too!! :lmao: Unfortunately, most of the times, the ones killed are the ones I like. :sad2: I really do think I'm going to download the books soon to start reading them.
Good idea!!! And yeah, I know whatcha mean:confused3

And let me apologize for the lack of photos in this update and the reduced numbers in some of the updates to follow. By this point in the trip, I was starting to feel my usual sadness that the trip would soon be over, and that always results in me taking fewer pictures. I vow to do better next time!

Up next: 32. A Little Fish and a Brave Princess (Day 6)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B]

:sad1: But the near end to one TR is the beginning of A new PTR, right???? :hug:
I wish all of you guys were going on my Hawaii cruise!!!! :cool1: It would be so much fun!!!!

I started a PTR...though I need to update it. And I'll be doing a HUGE TR after its done. My mother and I are BOTH taking loads of pictures and writing about our days, so I'll be including a point of view from me *29* and my mom *62*! So you'll get all kinds of good info!!!

I'm trying to talk my mom into buying an ipad so we can take even more pictures and put them on the ipad...we'll see....
Ok guys-I am uploading the pics for the next TR update. I have 92 pictures from 7 am-8:45 am. Seriously. Clearly I am the one who needs some sort of workshop (or intervention).

92 pictures from one breakfast. No scenery.
Ok guys-I am uploading the pics for the next TR update. I have 92 pictures from 7 am-8:45 am. Seriously. Clearly I am the one who needs some sort of workshop (or intervention).

92 pictures from one breakfast. No scenery.

I love it!!! I was so disappointed in myself last year that I only took 1400 pictures during the course of 9 days.
Ok guys-I am uploading the pics for the next TR update. I have 92 pictures from 7 am-8:45 am. Seriously. Clearly I am the one who needs some sort of workshop (or intervention).

92 pictures from one breakfast. No scenery.

SO great! Can't wait to read it!! :lmao:

I bought one of those tiny laptops and I'll be taking it with me on our cruise in October. That way I can upload pics every day and journal with them still fresh in my mind... :p
I love it!!! I was so disappointed in myself last year that I only took 1400 pictures during the course of 9 days.

Wanna know a secret? I had that many from the first 2 days of the last trip. I need help.
That town looks so cute. But rain everyday? I could not handle that!

Your souvenirs sound so adorable. I would love one of those pillows. I love moose.

I'm sorry your cruise TR is almost over but I'm excited to read about your future plans!
Loving this TR - DH & I just booked this cruise for next year, so I'm getting a peek of what our trip will be like. Thanks!


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