PART FOUR!! *December 2012 Roll Call* Holidays, FLE & MVMCP!! A very, merry thread!

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Mom2Cody06 said:
Here's some pics

DS6 and I thanksgiving eve (of course my hair looks a little different now)

DS2 watching tv with his pal

Snow and our house today

DS2 and our snowman

Your boys are so cute!
Oh, no doubt DBF will be like OMG, what the fudgesicles is going on!!?!? But then he'd quickly be like, "oh, it's them!" Because in all honestly, for like the last three months, pretty much every sentence during lunch has been "oh, and the gals on the DIS were saying..." yea, he knows where I spend most my mornings! LOL :rotfl:

Oh, I'd love to post some pics, just don't even know how to begin! I think I'll change my avatar to just a pic of me - a better one, of course so it can be more clear?

It's not too late to do that! Great idea! :thumbsup2


This is SO me!!!! :rotfl2: Hubby knows about the surprise homecoming, Valgoof losing her job and her hubby not knowing if he can go, Plan A and B, etc. :rotfl2::rotfl2:
:lmao: :lmao: I know right, when I talk to DH about you guys he gets so distracted by the names he doesn't hear what I'm saying :rotfl:

Hi Gina :wave2: I'm Arwen ... nice to meet you!

OOOHHHHH Arwen... sounds sooo mystical! Love it! Pleasure is mine, ma'am! :flower3: but can I still call you Wedgie from time to time? :rotfl:

Just saw a commercial for a Hallmark movie called "A Bride for Christmas." It is on Saturday night, so I thought of Sean's new wife(at that point) and all of you hoping or at least talking about engagements. Now I know "A Disney Bride for Christmas" would have been so much better, but you cant have everything. :rotfl2:

My movie would be appropriately titled "The wishes she would've been a Disney bride" or maybe "Psych! Not for you" (this is me using reverse psychology on myself)... lol helps with the zero-expecations mentality I need to adopt for this trip! :thumbsup2

Hi Gina, I'm Christina

Hi Christina... :wave2:

suddenly, I feel like we're all in a group home... I'm sure our SO's would agree we should be in one... lol
This is SO me!!!! :rotfl2: Hubby knows about the surprise homecoming, Valgoof losing her job and her hubby not knowing if he can go, Plan A and B, etc. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Yup! You're so not alone... today, when we met at Subway for lunch, he started with "so what's new on the "board" today?" and I innocently said "huh? why would you think I was on there today?" his response: "because we're 3 days out and because you're there all the time at work"... oh, hmmm ok, guess I am! ;)

He knows all about the enablers we are, the wished upon proposals (not mine, of course), the room decorators, the soon-to-be grooms and Levenhopper and Abby dating! Come to think of it, Levenhopper and Abby sounds like a great title for a future Lifetime Original movie! :rotfl:

Valgoof said:
I just call you all my Disney friends. DH usually asks what is new with you every other night or so. Or when I am typing a bunch, he will ask what we are chatting about. He will freak out if I meet any of you IRL. I cant wait!!! :lmao:

I refer to you guys as my Disney friends too!
This is SO me!!!! :rotfl2: Hubby knows about the surprise homecoming, Valgoof losing her job and her hubby not knowing if he can go, Plan A and B, etc. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Me too.. he knows about the upcoming engagement, Valgoof losing her job, I showed him the new puppy pics last night, Sean's wedding and Levenhopper's trip with the now DGF. I'd say he'd think I'm nuts but he has 2 forums he's on as well.

Hi, I'm Rho or Rhoda, depends on how well you know me. :wave2:
Awesome! And just so I'm not going "Hey, PhoenixStrength!" maybe you should share your first name? LOL... cuz you know, it's gonna be kinda weird going "hey there, jwgm2012! Did you see Wedgie? and what about Cyberkin and Torres?"

LOL, we sound like a Disney street gang! Bring on the tear tattoo on our cheeks! :smokin:

I'll start... I'm gina! Nice to meet you!

Hi Gina, Arwen, Stephanie, Christina and all - I'm Sue. Nice meeting all of you.:goodvibes
Awesome! And just so I'm not going "Hey, PhoenixStrength!" maybe you should share your first name? LOL... cuz you know, it's gonna be kinda weird going "hey there, jwgm2012! Did you see Wedgie? and what about Cyberkin and Torres?"

LOL, we sound like a Disney street gang! Bring on the tear tattoo on our cheeks! :smokin:

I'll start... I'm gina! Nice to meet you!

I'm Jillian :wave2::wave2:
I agree, but his company is not very organized so this is not shocking. I think he will be fine taking his original week at this point. The supervisor on vacation this week is great and I am actually hoping it is her decision because then we should be fine.

Totally agree with what everyone else has said - I don't think there is anything his company can do about the vacation time at this point since he won't know anything until that supervisor is back next week, at which point you'll be less than 2 weeks away from your trip, unless they want to cut your DH a check for all your vacation expenses. A reasonable supervisor (which this one sounds like) should realize that and it shouldn't be a problem. Still, the worrying flat out STINKS!
Well, I'm there the same time as you, so if you see me feel free to run with arms outstretched and I promise I won't run the other way screaming! :lmao:

Ditto! If anyone sees a 6'1" brunette likely in one of the Disney Store Thermal T-shirts with a LGMH on her pin lanyard at the parks anytime from 12/19-12/23 feel free to run right up! :rotfl:
I don't think my brain can handle all the "real" names! Your DIS names are too ingrained :rotfl:

By the way, I'm Kristine :wave2:
Is anyone writing these down?? :lmao:

Hmm........maybe Tofu needs to reserve an extra post at the beginning of Part 5 for this info. At this rate we'll hit Part 5 sometime tomorrow anyway.

And, while we're at it - Hi! I'm Margaret!
Hmm........maybe Tofu needs to reserve an extra post at the beginning of Part 5 for this info. At this rate we'll hit Part 5 sometime tomorrow anyway.

And, while we're at it - Hi! I'm Margaret!

I'm at work now, but I'm going to have to come back on later and write these all down! ;):rotfl:
Valgoof said:
Is anyone writing these down?? :lmao:

Ok, here's what I've got so far...

jwgm2012 = Gina
PhoenixStrength = Stephanie
Wedgiesock = Arwen
valgoof = Valerie
Mom2Cody06 = Christina
PrincessAurora27 = Rhoda
Maddie'sNana = Sue
Sunnysideup = Jillian
Mom2travel = kristine
Ttorrez = Terri
SAT887 = Sarah (did I remember that right from the DIS name discussion?)
M&M Girl = Margaret
Destrucsean = Sean

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