Surprised the kids, wife, and my readers w/ a 2 week trip to AoA!(*NEW* 11-7)

A couple months late, but subbing in. Looks like a fun trip!
:welcome: not a problem may be a few months late to the report, but im only on 4th day of the 12 day trip so plenty of time for you to catch up.

Don't worry Dan -- Candi will never ask Parker to "pull her finger", so you'll end up being his favorite someday. ;)

Nice updates! I like the picture with's neat that you can see the mill through the trees behind you. And of course, the pictures with Tink and her sister were great! Very cute.

I hope that Parker gets another shot on Splash Mountain, so that he can try the drop with his eyes open. :laughing:
i hope she never asks him to pull her finger. :rotfl:

that was one thing we wanted to do was get to the island this trip and missed it, always next time right.

you will see, we have two more MK days scheduled this trip.:)

Parker is very brave to go on Splash Mountain at such a young age. He is much braver than I was as a kid.
to be honest i was shocked he rode it, really thrilled but shocked he made it on all the way.

How great that Parker was brave enough to go on Splash Mountain! I hope my DS enjoys it as much as I do so he can be my ride buddy and DH can sit out since he doesn't like getting wet. :rotfl:
i think going on the water ride at a smaller park this last summer helped to get him to not be as scared as if it was outright lets go on this huge log if you have a chance for that before your next trip i would take it...helped us out greatly so he knew the type of ride it was.

So I just read your first update - yeah, I am really far behind :rotfl:, but I loved how you surprised the family. Great start to your trip!
thanks, hope you enjoy the rest of the report...there are links in the second post to skip all the in between if you want.
I could have sworn I responded to this.:confused3

I am just loving Noelle in her Tink outfit....too stinking cute.

And way to go Parker on conquering Splash Mountain.

Happy New Year to your beautiful glad I got to meet all of you this year.:goodvibes
thanks, it was very cute on her but was rubbing her the wrong way, so we had a change of clothes for her.

happy new year to you as well, will have to let you know when we hit the city again this year.

Happy New Year! Love the update. Parker's bedtime story is as classic little boy story for sure! :lmao: I love the pics of Noelle's meet up with Tink - just precious. And Parker charming the sis is adorable. Great interaction. Score on the FP entry. How can they enforce if you get stuck in a line somewhere? :confused3

Wow! Parker was a big boy on Splash! So proud of him :thumbsup2 love all the expression shots!
happy new year to you as well.

it was classic parker sweet as an angel one minute then all boy the next.

he does have a history of getting picture of what looks likes kissing them or talking sweetness to them.

i was happy i got those shots as well, as he loves looking at them and retelling me the story of what happened.

Dan, Happy New Year to you and your family!!! party:
happy new year as well marv. hope it was a good one.

Great report! I was so glad you got him on Splash Mountain. I'll be watching for your next updates!

I hadn't seen many photos of the new Dumbo yet, so that was awesome.
:welcome: thanks for joining in. hope to have a new one up this week, sort of busy but plan to make time for one.

glad you liked the new dumbo we hav emore pics later in the report from it.

I am really enjoying your TR! I'm only up to the second day, but its been great. I especially love the pp pics of the kids with Woody and Buzz!

I also love the AoA pictures. Such an amazing resort!
thanks, that was the first time in the buzz and woody section we loved it and will hit it again for sure.

it is a great resort very well done.

Happy New Year Dan!
thanks jenny, happy new year as well hope it was a good one.

That would actually be an improvement on the ride. :rolleyes1
it would be very interactive for sure, the only way tostop them from biting in the book was smile at them. "a smile means friendship to everyone" you know the at least it would force people to not be grouchy in the ride. :lmao:
Too bad there was no Chinese family in front of you that you could join.
very true, i could have used the dad wait you have my photopass tickets with you.
The trainee was then fired on the spot.
i hope not.:scratchin

Sneaky, dad. Very sneaky.

Oh, just that it's a water ride, and there are boats, and you might die, and you can get your picture taken at the end.
you know you have to sometimes defuse the situation before you get to it to avoid the meltdown of fear...or just drag them on it.

your description of the sign is great.:rotfl:

Uh oh.


Glad he braved it!
the other night we were playing with his hot wheel ride vehciles and he said he loved the ride and cant wait to go on it again.

Such great character interactions, those are so awesome!! And how wicked that Parker liked Splash! It's always interesting to watch smaller kids on the big rides, sometimes they're so excited, but by the end are all "never again" and sometimes just love it, it's pretty great to witness hahah!

it is a big toss up if they will like it or not, ones you think will hate it forever will love it and so forth...but do we get him on it again.
Okay so I started reading this today,you have a beautiful little family and i'm loving your adventures,can't wait for the rest :D
Okay so I started reading this today,you have a beautiful little family and i'm loving your adventures,can't wait for the rest :D

:welcome: glad to have you on board. glad you are enjoying it...another update okay ill work on one since yo uasked so nicely.
Chapter 24. Somebody Calm him down.

Could this be one of our kids going off the deep end? we will find out.

After a joyful ride on splash mountain it was time to head back across the park and use up a fast pass for winnie the pooh we had gotten earlier after we went on Peter Pan.

So looks like we are all ready to go. Well Noelle had other plans, something else tickled her fancy.

Yep our plan to just her fall asleep wherever and whenever worked, she knocked out cold on the walk back to Pooh.

so candi and parker partaked in a little ride while noelle slept and i sat on the half wall by the tea cups.

here was my view.

see that guy on the metal beams siting in the middle? well after we found our spot it seems that his job for the day now entailed him to use a LARGE hammer and beat that metal beam like it was in major trouble. I look down at noelle and she is not even flinching when he smacks that thing. It was so loud that every time he hit it people around us were doing the little startled jump thing like when you get scared.

Candi and parker made there way back to me, the princess was still sleeping so it was time to head to parkers next ride choice and he picked dumbo again. So me and the little man headed that way.

As we entered the storybook circus i see a photopass person just standing there and no one paying any attention to him so i stopped and asked if he was bored and wanted to work a little he said sure.


these are some of my favorite pics with parker this trip glad we stopped.



onward to dumbo we went.

a few of the peanuts that parker found in the ground.

and since i didnt post it last time the sign.

this was suppose to be part of the signs i was "going" to take a picture of as many as i could to find all the letters of the alphabet and make a flash card game for the kids...i did get a few other letters...but missed close to 20 of them...i just forgot.

:a reason to head back for sure:
some more of the ride detail, i liked the movie scenes around the water.



after that it was time to pick up candi and noelle for lunch. noelle was starting to stir and had her second wind.
we walked through the new archway for the addition and spotted something.

a few of our forrest friends.

one of the new entrance walkways to the there is no green wall.

something we did cross off the must do list for this trip was eat at the windows that overlook the small world ride.

the restaurant was packed so i went to order the food for us, and candi and the kids hunted for the perfect table.

She found it well at least for the time being it was the perfect table.

here is a little bit of what we had...
uncrustable lunch for parker...chicken pizza flatbread for me. and a meatball sub for candi. noelle some of everyones lunch.


sub candi said take it or leave it, the flatbread was good for the parts that had toppings, seemed to miss a decent amount of stuff along the crust.

we made it about 75% through our meal when a table opens up to my 5 oclock (that would be just over my right shoulder)

a family of 3 kids a grandma and two parents sit down...the two parents leave to go order food. as soon as the parents are out of sight the kid who was the youngest maybe in the 4 or 5 range started to call for daddy very loudly over and over again. now i know this happens.

it has happened to most of us with kids where they just want mommy or daddy. BUT.

for the two siblings who were older and the grandma to just sit there and not even talk to him or try and say anything to calm him down.

like daddy is getting food will be right back where it was getting on everyone around us nerves...

at least grandma could have stepped in. luckily our kids ignored him and just ate there lunch at looked out the window at the ride.

less than 5 seconds before the dad came back the kid stopped, it went on for at least 5 minutes straight.:(

we vowed to not let it faze us and moved on to our next destination...coming up in next chapter.

next chapter below.
Chapter 25. Eat Blaster Laser Zurg.

With our stomachs full we headed over for our first ride on buzz. I like these pictures of them as i can use them when they get older to show how much they liked it each other when they are fighting as teens.

big brother taking litte sis by the hand towards the entrance.

once inside candi spotted a hidden mickey that i had forgotten about.

it was on the first wall when you enter.

the kids are pumped to go on the ride they could barly stand still.

now this may look like the same mickey but this one is located in the room where the buzz is. so even though she said she found it i told her no dice, different wall different mickey points for me.

time to board the blaster mobiles and hit the zurg icons.

looks happy to be blasting away to me.

not a bad score.

considering i had this little cutie on my lap during the ride.

i didnt get the picture of her score but im thinking i smoked her.

next up we hit an all time family favorite. along with captain EO i remember riding this over and over again as a kid.

im glad parker loves it so much.

noelle thought it was an opportunity to wave to her fans down below. :rotfl:

we had our own vehicle which was fun for the kids.

after buzz and the peoplemover we all walked back up main street for a locker dump where we got ride of the tink dress and a few other things to then pick back up later.

it was time for our next meet and great. but ill save that for next time.
Your Dumbo PP pictures are great! I've always heard it pays off to stop and have a friendly chat with CMs. The pictures of Parker and Noelle hugging and holding hands are too adorable. Those will be great when they're older and not feeling the sibling hugs anymore :rotfl:

Candi looks like she's in the zone on Buzz, hahaha! I don't think Parker stood a chance with that game face! Love Princess Noelle waving to all her subjects- again, that'll be priceless a few years down the road.

As usual, great update and pictures. Can't wait to hear more! :cool1:
Those Photopass pics at Storybook Circus came out great! I have never seen one there, but it seems like a great place for pictures.

Love the pics of Parker & Noelle holding hands. :lovestruc So sweet! Enjoy it while it lasts, I guess. :rotfl:

Another great spot to eat in Pinocchio's is upstairs! Eating by the window looking over Small World is great too. Really sad that no one was trying to talk to the kid crying for his dad. Although, maybe he had been doing that all day every day for the whole trip and they were just in "ignore it and it'll stop eventually" mode. :lmao: I can see how it would be really bothersome when you're trying to enjoy your lunch though!
Woot wew!!!!!! another update HOORAY!!!!!! Noelle is so precious!! I love that she was waving away on the TTA thats awesome!
oh, pictures of the kids like that make me so sad things weren't digital like they are now. I just don't have very many actually scanned to be able to look at as heaven knows they could use some of those reminders now!

I think it's so funny, I didn't even know Pinocchio's overlooked Small World until 1-2 months ago when someone else had it in their TR. Since then I've seen it in a good 2-3 others! The food reviews are consistent though.Super uncool grandma and siblings, poor little guy!

Then again some kids ramp up more if you do try to talk to them so maybe the ignoring was deliberate. I know if Eric gets upset you really have to completely redirect him, logic and soothing are absolutely lost and irrelevant, you literally have to drag him out of his mood by diverting his focus to something totally different.

Which could easily have been done looking at the boats!

Adorable pics and the ones on Buzz are a riot!
Buzz is so random! I either get a really kick butt score or I can't even break 100k. TSM is more accurate. I'm always in the same range on that one.

What a lovely view of the soon to be mine coaster!
Nice little spin through fantasyland. I am looking forward to going back and see the detail inthe new Fantasyland. Last time even though it was open, I just did not have time to look at the details.

Great job handling the nap and the rides. :thumbsup2

Have not eaten in Pinocchios yet. Walked through at Halloween but have yet to eat there much less look at IaSW from there.

Something for the "yet to do list". :)
I love your trip reports because you always have an example of how families act. I can't believe the grandma just sat there!

The pictures of Parker and Noelle together are priceless.
I don't think I could have listened to "Daddy" for a full five minutes. Reminds me of a flight home in June where some kid 3 rows ahead of us was playing some sticken game on his gameboy that was so incredible annoying. It took all my restraint not to jump out of my seat and grab that thing out of his hand. Thank goodness for the "seat belt fastened" sign. :rotfl:

Nice pictures of storybook circus.

Judging by Candi's pictures, she takes Buzz Lightyear very seriously! :laughing:
Great Dumbo pics. I love how they redid it with fountains underneath it

Great photopass shots :thumbsup2

Love the pic of Parker and Noelle holding sweet :lovestruc

Candi was really in the zone there :yay:
LOVE the updates, Dan.

I love how Noelle just falls asleep and even loud noises don't phase her.

The photopass pics of you and Parker are really great.

Love Noelle's Tink shirt.

Nice job scoring on Buzz while holding a little one.

The picture of the kids hugging is my favorite.
Great updates Dan !! Your kids are too darn cute!! I think I need to take the girls to that restaurant so they can eat and listen to the music of "It's A Small World"" I know they would KILL me !!!:rotfl2:
Great updates, Dan! Love the pictures of the new Dumbo. My kids are going to be so excited about that, they love that ride and the new play area sounds fantastic.

:sad2: Sorry about the kid at the restaurant though. Man, I can't decide if I'm sorry for him that his family is so unresponsive, or for them if he'd just worn them down over the day.

I mentioned before that the big reveal for our trip was a bit anticlimactic. Well, now that we are two weeks out, they are getting hyper. My daughter and I are meeting a friend in Branson for the weekend for some shopping and a visit and my son went into hysterics this morning when she mentioned "packing' because he thought we were leaving for Disney without him. - and he wasn't packed! :lmao:

Thanks for the early morning smile. I can face work with a positive attitude now that I've had my coffee and update!


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