Ms. Shuttergirl's dreaming of a White Christmas...Days 28-32 done, Boston & Washingto

Day Twenty Four – New Years Day

So after the most delicious sleep in for us all we slowly got up and had a lovely brunch. The main event for today was a bus tour out into the countryside and I was very excited to explore.

First up we crossed the St. Lawrence River which simply looks so amazing with all the frozen bits and headed to Ile d’Orleans which is an island off of Quebec City. It was one of the first areas to be settled by the French and a large percentage of French Canadians can trace their ancestry to early residents of the island.

The frozen river, man it was cold here, brrrr

This island was so pretty. With around 12,000 residents, nearly each and every house is like a postcard. So quaint and pretty. Just when I thought I had seen the perfect house that I would want to live in, we would go past the next one and the next one and the next one. I seriously think this island was the highlight of our time on the bus tour and perhaps the whole of Quebec. I know I simply don’t have the words to describe how stunning the area was. And the worse thing is that since much of the time was in the bus and I was so completely in a love bubble over the place, I barely have a photo to show for it.

I definitely think the snow topped roofs and Christmas decorations added a sweetness to the whole place that would be missing in summer but it would seem that in summer the area is extremely popular for holidaying. The houses aren’t that expensive and seriously, if I had a few extra hundred thousand dollars, I would be investing it there hahaha. It was truly beautiful.




Afterwards we headed to the Montmorency Falls. These falls are reported to be highly than Niagara but since they aren’t nearly as wide and impressive they aren’t quite as famous. With that said, they were still very beautiful . Partially frozen, with the water area below being completely frozen, they were quite a sight to behold. We also went up the top of the falls and were able to walk across the suspension bridge that went all the way over. It was a little out of the height hating Shuttergirl family’s comfort zone but a must do so we were very keen. It was an incredible view and very much a worth while terrifying effort.





Afterwards we headed to a wonderful little bread mill and got to sample their bread with the most delicious maple butter spread on it. Simple at a $1.00 per slice but so tasty. Maple butter could be my new favourite thing.

Then the final stop on the tour was St. Anne Beaupre Basilica. What a stunning church this is. I have not seen anything quite like this beautiful building. The stained glass, the amazing stone work, the high ceilings, the tile work – the whole thing was a piece of art. I walked around with my mouth hanging open in awe.



Afterwards we headed back to Quebec City, snoozing on the way.
This was a truly excellent bus tour, I am so glad we did it as we got to see so much of the countryside and most especially I will forever be thinking about living in a precious cottage on Ile d’Orleans, what a dream come true that would be.

For dinner we headed back to the Irish pub for some comfort food and oh yes indeed, some more of that good value jug o beer hahahaha.

Highs – Ile d’Orleans, St. Anne Beaupre Basilica, Montmorency

Lows – I just simply can’t think of one for today, oh perhaps standing beside the river and the bitter wind, that’s all I can think of, oh and yes my cold was getting a whole lot worse today

Weather – high of -7, low of -20

What great days at Quebec. I'm all enthralled! Sounds like a magical way to see in the New Year and I'm so glad that you and the family loved the city. DH and I would go back there in a heartbeat....but there are so many other places to go see.
Well hello Gogo, long time no see. You should so pop in here more. What's happening with you?????

Glad you've enjoyed a skim-along of the TR. I'm very wordy so no need to read it all.

Glad to hear from another Quebec lover. It truly is a stunning place.
Hey shutter girl, despite a trip to WDW in April for DD, I didn't get to spend much time on here as I was busy over on my other addiction the home one forum while building our dream home, finally finished and moved in in August last year, my dad had a rough year and after 5 months in hospital sadly lost his fight in September last year, :angel:so only now do I feel like I can start planning some more holidays
We are actually off on a holiday in march for a month going to Mexico, Guatemala and Belize as well as two days in LA, however my DH said no disney:scared1: so instead we are going to universal studios, which I'm actually looking forward to, as I've never been to the one in LA:eek:
BUT my talented DD has again qualified for the world cheerleading championships, but they have deferred and will not compete in 2013, instead competing in April 2014. So my head is back in disboards mode to start planning. After going to WDW in April and having no control over anything except for the last two days, I'm actually thinking I may fly over with Dd's team but while they are training somewhere in Florida for 10days, I will head to WDW by myself, hence me back on here, catching up.

Enough of my hijack:sad2: back to reading both your and shushh's trip reports so I can start dreaming again.
Thanks for keeping the excitement alive for all of us because it is trip reports like yours that make us so much more excited about planning ours.:thumbsup2
Shutter girl, are you serious, a few hundred thousand and you would spend it on a little cottage in the middle of nowhere, instead of trips to WDW.
Priorities girl:rotfl:
What great days at Quebec. I'm all enthralled! Sounds like a magical way to see in the New Year and I'm so glad that you and the family loved the city. DH and I would go back there in a heartbeat....but there are so many other places to go see.

I definitely have you to thank PIO. I'm so glad you inspired me to go because it was truly so beautiful, all covered in snow.

Hey shutter girl, despite a trip to WDW in April for DD, I didn't get to spend much time on here as I was busy over on my other addiction the home one forum while building our dream home, finally finished and moved in in August last year, my dad had a rough year and after 5 months in hospital sadly lost his fight in September last year, :angel:so only now do I feel like I can start planning some more holidays
We are actually off on a holiday in march for a month going to Mexico, Guatemala and Belize as well as two days in LA, however my DH said no disney:scared1: so instead we are going to universal studios, which I'm actually looking forward to, as I've never been to the one in LA:eek:
BUT my talented DD has again qualified for the world cheerleading championships, but they have deferred and will not compete in 2013, instead competing in April 2014. So my head is back in disboards mode to start planning. After going to WDW in April and having no control over anything except for the last two days, I'm actually thinking I may fly over with Dd's team but while they are training somewhere in Florida for 10days, I will head to WDW by myself, hence me back on here, catching up.

Enough of my hijack:sad2: back to reading both your and shushh's trip reports so I can start dreaming again.
Thanks for keeping the excitement alive for all of us because it is trip reports like yours that make us so much more excited about planning ours.:thumbsup2

So sorry to hear about your father Gogo. We lost my FIL in March 2012 after a 3 year battle so I very much feel for you.

I love that Home One forum for when you are building. It's a wealth of information. Glad to hear you are in love with the house you've built, very exciting.

Your upcoming trip sounds like quite an adventure. I would beg you to please write a trip report on here for us. It's something I'm sure we would all enjoy hearing more about.

Glad to see you back on the boards.

Shutter girl, are you serious, a few hundred thousand and you would spend it on a little cottage in the middle of nowhere, instead of trips to WDW.
Priorities girl:rotfl:

Hahaha, yes I would so spend it on one of the cottages. They were divine.

:cheer2: sounds like you had a great NYE I think only 1 person made it to midnight in our house this year :rotfl2:

Noone normally makes it to midnight in our house either, although the last few years my daughter has made me sit up with her. I stay up to after midnight nearly every night but come NYE, I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

Your days in Quebec sound totally fantastic. Can't wait to see the pics (and I bet they are fab) though you paint such a good pic with words its easy to imagine. -16 is a pretty scary low though!

You've done it now -2014 or 2015 (prob won't be able to convince DH 2014 is a goer-maybe late in the year?????) to Quebec then south over the border to Niagara Falls and on to New York again for a few days-home via Orlando for a dose of the mouse and HP at Universal - sounds like a plan!!

You will not regret it and Niagara Falls was excellent. That update is coming up soon, can't wait to share.

..and I've have ditched DH and kids and mosied up to the nightclub for a hour of Boy George!!..well I would have tried...

Bugger, I didn't even think about that, I so should've gone by myself.
Hi! I've been lurking on DisBoards for quite some time but I've never really needed to register, I was more than happy to just read all the useful information that has been provided over the years ;) However, I have been a resident of Quebec City my whole life, and seeing my city mentioned in such a positive light was the push I needed to finally register, so hi everyone!

I thought I'd offer some further information about the language issue - quite a few people seemed surprised to learn that not everyone in Quebec spoke English! The thing is, Quebec is not a bilingual province, its only official language is French and, outside of Montreal, pretty much everyone's native and preferred language is French. Expecting everyone to be bilingual would be like expecting every Canadian with English as their mother tongue to be able to speak French ;)

Shuttergirl, I'm glad that you enjoyed your stay in our city! I'm not sure what happened with the pubs, it may have been a misunderstanding because of the language barrier? We don't have pubs in Quebec City, except for the Irish one you mentioned in your post. That pub is more of a restaurant with the word "Pub" in its name, which is why children are allowed inside. We do have bars, and a lot of them have tables and chairs much like in a restaurant, but those are definitely 18+ because only alcohol is served in there.. Thinking about it, I guess it's quite likely a tourist who's looking for pubs could mistake our bars for pubs, it can be hard to imagine that the latter concept doesn't exist if it's common where you're from.. Of course it could be something else too, but since that mix-up seemed to bother you a bit, I though I'd help clear up the confusion as best as I could, I hope that's okay!

So that's it for my (lengthy!) first post, I've really enjoyed reading your travel log up until now, I like your writing style and what nice memories you'll have for your trip! I can't wait to read what happened next!
Hi! I've been lurking on DisBoards for quite some time but I've never really needed to register, I was more than happy to just read all the useful information that has been provided over the years ;) However, I have been a resident of Quebec City my whole life, and seeing my city mentioned in such a positive light was the push I needed to finally register, so hi everyone!

I thought I'd offer some further information about the language issue - quite a few people seemed surprised to learn that not everyone in Quebec spoke English! The thing is, Quebec is not a bilingual province, its only official language is French and, outside of Montreal, pretty much everyone's native and preferred language is French. Expecting everyone to be bilingual would be like expecting every Canadian with English as their mother tongue to be able to speak French ;)

Shuttergirl, I'm glad that you enjoyed your stay in our city! I'm not sure what happened with the pubs, it may have been a misunderstanding because of the language barrier? We don't have pubs in Quebec City, except for the Irish one you mentioned in your post. That pub is more of a restaurant with the word "Pub" in its name, which is why children are allowed inside. We do have bars, and a lot of them have tables and chairs much like in a restaurant, but those are definitely 18+ because only alcohol is served in there.. Thinking about it, I guess it's quite likely a tourist who's looking for pubs could mistake our bars for pubs, it can be hard to imagine that the latter concept doesn't exist if it's common where you're from.. Of course it could be something else too, but since that mix-up seemed to bother you a bit, I though I'd help clear up the confusion as best as I could, I hope that's okay!

So that's it for my (lengthy!) first post, I've really enjoyed reading your travel log up until now, I like your writing style and what nice memories you'll have for your trip! I can't wait to read what happened next!

Hi Sophia - wow, I'm glad something I said finally made you take the plunge to join. The Dis is a wonderful place, especially this ANZAC section.

With regard to the language thing, we were certainly probably more prepared with some french than many tourists as we are visiting Paris in a few months so have been madly brushing up so it wasn't a huge problem but I do confess to being a little surprised about people not being bilingual. I know that sounds very ignorant on my part so I do apologise if I offended, that wasn't my intention. It just surprised us that's all.

As for the pub thing, I sort of consider pubs and bars to be the same thing so that was probably my confusion. The place that turned us away was Pub St. Alexandre and I believe they do serve meals there as I had read reviews on Trip Advisor and that was why we tried to go there. It wasn't an issue though once we were able to go to St. Pats. Again, I thought it strange we could enter one and not the other but hey, we made it work. It was no big deal really.

Hope I did not say anything to offend. We truly loved Quebec City so much. It was beautiful.
Hi Sophia - wow, I'm glad something I said finally made you take the plunge to join. The Dis is a wonderful place, especially this ANZAC section.

With regard to the language thing, we were certainly probably more prepared with some french than many tourists as we are visiting Paris in a few months so have been madly brushing up so it wasn't a huge problem but I do confess to being a little surprised about people not being bilingual. I know that sounds very ignorant on my part so I do apologise if I offended, that wasn't my intention. It just surprised us that's all.

As for the pub thing, I sort of consider pubs and bars to be the same thing so that was probably my confusion. The place that turned us away was Pub St. Alexandre and I believe they do serve meals there as I had read reviews on Trip Advisor and that was why we tried to go there. It wasn't an issue though once we were able to go to St. Pats. Again, I thought it strange we could enter one and not the other but hey, we made it work. It was no big deal really.

Hope I did not say anything to offend. We truly loved Quebec City so much. It was beautiful.

Oh I'm not offended at all, it's actually really neat to read about my city through someone else's eyes, as I said I've enjoyed your travel log so much! And your clarification about the pubs really makes sense - if you're used to having pubs where you live, it's probably hard to imagine that Pub St-Alexandre is a bar and Pub St-Patrick is a restaurant serving food but that none of them are actually pubs! I'm having trouble explaining the difference in English, I guess we just don't have an in-between like pubs seem to be in Australia and the UK?

But really it doesn't matter, as long as you had fun and enjoyed the food! Sooo I'll just go back to lurking and wait to read about the next leg of your trip :)
Really interesting how terminology differs in different countries.
When I think of a bar, I usually picture a more modern version of a pub. Either way, like in Australia, the majority of drinking establishments in NZ, have a eating area where families are welcome. So it would come as a surprise to me also if I couldn't find a pub/bar/tavern where my family couldn't sit down for a meal. A nightclub, meanwhile, is a place I'd never take a child. But these are really only in main cities.

I think It's really helpful when differences such as this a mentioned in a Trip Report, as I'll now know what to expect if I'm ever in Canada. It's a country high on my bucket list for it's countryside and beautiful scenery. I'd love love love to visit Lake Louise one day.
Day Twenty Five – sick sick sick

Finally this cold has well and truly caught up with me. I could not lift my head off the pillow this morning, let alone drag myself out of bed. I did try buH forbid me from getting up and going outside today. This was to be the coldest day we had seen with a low of -23 forecast. Since I was finding it hard to breath and was a complete snot monster it was probably the best thing.

So DH, god bless him, took DS out for a big wander in the morning and then brought him back and then took DD out shopping for the afternoon. Finally in the afternoon I got up and did the packing which is becoming increasingly difficult with all the purchases being made haha. It was challenging to get it all done but finally we were packed and I needed another nap hehe.

After our luggage not showing up last time I packed alot more carefully so there was some of everyone’s clothing in each suitcase so if anything goes amiss this time and we only get 1 case, we will have the basics with us.

I did manage to walk down into the town for dinner and could definitely feel that the cold outside had moved to a whole other level from what we had experienced on previous days. A quiet Italian dinner and then it was back to the room for some sleep. We have a crazy early start in the morning.
Sorry this day was such a quiet one but hey, one slow day out of 25 isn’t too bad I don’t think.

And on a final note – I had no idea that one person could have so much mucus in the body hahahaha. That’s a nice note to leave you on right.

Highs – well if you are going to be sick, may as well have a view of a pretty city like Quebec

Lows – sick, sick, sick

Weather – high of -16, low of -23

Day Twenty Six – off to Niagara Falls

We had to leave the hotel at 4.30am, yes you read that right, for our 6.30am flight. It was bittersweet leaving Quebec City, it is just so beautiful but I was very excited to finally get to go to Niagara Falls. I wish I could say I was feeling better today but alas that is not the case. But there are worse things that could happen so I wasn’t going to dwell on it.

We landed in Toronto just before 8am and were picked up by a private van for the 1 ½ trip to Niagara Falls. I was hoping for a scenic drive but the whole way was freeway with industrial buildings on either side. Not what I had imagined hehe.

Our lovely driver took us on a quick tour around Niagara and then dropped us at our hotel, Embassy Suites Niagara Falls. I knew that I had chosen a hotel close to the falls and that we had a room with awesome views but nothing could’ve prepared me for how awesome the location was and for how breathtaking the view from our room was. OMG!!!!! Amazing.



Niagara Falls are unbelievable. Just so beautiful and powerful. There was lots of ice around up the top but other than that it was all flowing over as normal. I wondered if the winter conditions would affect the falls much but everything seemed to be business as usual.

We literally dumped our bags and were out the door because we have less than 24 hours in town. We headed straight for the falls, wandered around looking at the Canadian Horseshoe falls for ages. Then we went in to do the Behind the Falls tour. It was so great. First we caught a lift down however many metres, i forget exactly how many but lots. Then we got to go down a tunnel that led us to an observation area. In the warmer months you can actually walk outside on a balcony area which would be amazing but we were in an open air room near that so that we didn’t get too wet. Just being so close to the falls, thundering down, wow!!!! I was truly blown away.
We then walked up some other corridors and you were then right behind the falls and there was a big opening where the water was just gushing past. It was an incredible sight.





There were lots of interesting facts on the walls too. In the 60’s there was a boat on the river up the top of the falls and there was some type of accident and a family went over the falls. A little boy in a life jacket survived it. Standing there looking at the falls, it was unbelievable to me that anyone could survive it. The first person to actually go over the falls in a barrel was a woman which was something I didn’t know. Amazingly she survived and came out of it uninjured. Incredible.

After the tour we decided to walk right along the falls towards the American Falls. It was snowing lightly today and cold but that wasn’t going to stop us taking it all in. I seriously must have taken about a trillion photos. They are probably all exactly the same but I was determined to try to capture the beauty I was seeing.

The American falls are lovely as well but the Horseshoe Falls had me at hello. I love them. And I’m so glad we made the effort to get here. It was all so very worth it.


As we were walking along I took this shot and thought, awwww isn't that cute

Until I got around the front and saw this....

After we had our fill of looking at the beautiful falls we walked up into Clifton Hill, a nearby area that is kind of like Las Vegas but for kids. Super tacky and absolutely fun haha. We had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe which was nice so we could get out of the cold. Then we walked around Clifton Hill. It’s full of freak show/haunted house/game arcade goodness and I had promised Fraser we would go to Ripley’s Believe it or Not. I assumed this was going to be a big waste of time and money but I was so wrong. It was really excellent. There was so much interesting stuff in there and the whole family loved it. I could not have been more pleasantly surprised. We saw some truly strange things haha and some really cool unique things.

By the time we were finished here I was starting to feel really unwell and it was getting late in the afternoon so the girls went back to the room but the boys went on to play indoor mini golf and then some 10 pin bowling. They had a blast, super competitive my boys.

For dinner we had reservations at The Keg Steakhouse which was inside our hotel. I’d heard good things about the steak here and it definitely lived up to the hype. What a beautiful meal we all had and the best bit. The whole restaurant is glass and overlooks the falls. Unbelievable.

The falls at night are beautiful. They light them up with colours, not sure how they do it but it’s very impressive. We called it a night early because we had another early start in the morning – off to Boston now.

I wondered how Niagara Falls would compare to the Grand Canyon. I really liked the Grand Canyon but after about 15 minutes I was done looking and ready to leave. Ducking for cover in case I’ve offended anyone lol. But Niagara Falls just had me enthralled. We spent so much time look at it and wandering along beside it. I couldn’t get enough of watching the falls so I would say I loved Niagara Falls so much more.

Highs – those beautiful Horseshoe Falls, yummy meal at The Keg, Ripleys

Lows – sick, sick, sick

Weather – high of -1, low of -9

How unfortunate that you couldn't hold that cold at bay until you got home :sick: Hope you're feeling better now after a restful day. I have to agree I wouldn't be that keen on going outside with a cold if it was a max temp of -16!
What a shame about the cold and all that mucus. I don't even want to think about that particular combination in - 23 F conditions!!

So glad that you loved Niagara as well. For a place where the falls are the major attraction, it has done well to spin off so many different tours and ways to view the falls differently. And yes, Clifton Hill is tacky but a lot of fun!

Hope you got better...and soon!
I have to agree about the Grand Canyon. We stayed in one of the rooms that overlook the canyon, which was amazing, but I could have cut the trip down by 2 nights (we stayed 2 nights:rotfl:) My youngest son (age 9) still comments about how boring it was!!
I haven't been to Niagra Falls, but it sounds beautiful. Maybe one day.
:thumbsup2 I am so glad you stayed at Embassy suites I was wondering what you ended up booking:rotfl2: it is an amazing view and we loved Niagara Falls I really want to go back and see it in Winter ;)

:hug: for not feeling well I hope you got over that quickly.
Just saw your post about Niagara Falls. Glad you were well enough to continue with your sight-seeing since you only had the day there.

I both agree and disagree about the Grand Canyon. We did a mule ride to the bottom of the canyon and LOVED it! We heard some great stories, and were amazed by the changes in scenery and weather the further down we got. In fact, what I thought was the bottom of the canyon (viewing from the top) was actually only halfway!

Having said that, when we first arrived and I first saw the canyon, I was underwhelmed. Yes, it was spectacular and pretty with a layer of snow at the top, but it wasn't interesting to look at for more than a few minutes as you said. Whenever I hear of people going to the Grand Canyon I always emplore them to *do* something, not just to view it from the top and expect to be blown away.

Having said that, waterfalls are by nature more interesting to look at because of the movement factor. But how much more interesting was it on the tour that you did compared to just viewing it from your hotel?
Oh Ms Shuttergirl, I'm sorry to hear that you were so unwell. Its never pleasant when you're away from the comforts of home. But what a champion for soldiering on!

Quebec City and Niagara Falls sounds beautiful, and I know I've said this before but I'm really looking forward to your photos. In one of your earlier posts, you've really sold yourself short! I remember looking at your photobooks and being blown away!

I'm hoping that you improve quickly. :hug:
You wrote, "Above our restaurant was a bar and the guest DJ that night was going to be Boy George. DH and I were a little spewing we had the kids with us, would’ve been fun to check that out hehe." I remember seeing Culture Club as a young teenager at Festival Hall in Melbourne and throwing him a 'marry me' letter... I have no sense :confused3

BTW - it's taken me this long to recover from the hubcap pizzas that's why the Culture Club quote is a bit old :)
So sorry to hear about your cold! Hope you're starting to feel better now. I've been trying to picture Niagara Falls in the snow , we saw it in the Fallbut I can just imagine how beautiful it would be in the snow . So looking forward to seeing your photos...

I also felt more overawed by the falls than theGrand Canyon ( which is spectacular, no denying) but there is just something about that incredible volume of water. :) Personally, Bryce Canyon wowed me more than the Grand Canyon.

Can't wait to hear your impressions of Boston :)


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