Official 2013 Disney Princess Half Marathon Thread - Take 2

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Hi everyone! Congrats to all the princesses! I got back yesterday, and had an AMAZING time!

I just thought I'd post my personal experience re: the corrals and taking pictures and congestion, etc. As many of you know, this was my first half marathon and first RunDisney event, so I had absolutely no idea what to expect.

I do know that I trained for months and months at a 9-10/minute mile pace, and very legitimately submitted a 10K time of 56:17 to earn my place in Corral A. While I did not walk any any point during the entire race, I still did not cross the finish line until 3:30...over an hour after I anticipated finishing based on my usual pace.

Yes, I was forced to slow down quite a bit due to the ridiculous humidity (I've been training in NJ's 30-degree temperatures for the last few months, after all), and I did make a few unexpected pit stops (I was struggling with some stomach issues in mile 8), but I was absolutely one of those runners taking tons of pictures. I stopped for almost every single character and also took various photos along the course, including all of the mile markers, photos in front of the castle, etc. Yes, I would have loved to finish a whole lot sooner, but I have no regrets.

I've run a bunch of 5Ks, 10Ks, etc. and know all about proper race etiquette, so I was always very careful to move to the side to take photos, etc. I was absolutely running as fast as I could (although I was struggling to maintain an 11-12 minute/mile in the humidity) between photo stops, and did find myself doing lots of weaving around slower runners and walkers towards the end when all of the later corrals had caught up with me...but I can't complain, it's my own fault! I know that there were many first-time half marathoners this weekend, and now that I've been through it, I'm not sure that I'd ever run this race with the hopes of a PR...but I would highly recommend it to a first-timer.

It was a ridiculously expensive weekend and I'm a Disney freak, so to me, enjoying my race experience was more important than what the clock said when I crossed the finish line. I can register for any half marathon and put my training to the test, but if you're going to spend the money to take a pricey trip and run through Disney theme parks, I see no reason why you shouldn't allow yourself to have a little fun along the way. I went into this race knowing that it would probably be hot and crowded, and yes I wanted to do my best, but I also wanted to have fun and capture all of those silly photo ops and memories of my first half marathon.

So that's my story of how I ended up finishing among corral H runners, even though I rightfully earned my place in corral A and could have definitely finished in 2:15 or 2:30 if I had been more disciplined with my photo breaks...but I wouldn't have done this race any other way.

Couldn't agree more - this was also my first half marathon :) I was in corral C though - didn't get a ton of pictures but had a great time! The humidity didn't bother me (typical alabama weather) but I didn't expect the route to narrow so much :crowded:
Did you see Jenna Boyd featured at the beginning? She was the last place finisher at the tink and was going for her coast to coast. They brought her up on stage before the race. I just looked at her results and she finished in 4:43 which is way above the min pace. Was she last again? I saw sweepers at mile 3 when I was across the road at mile 9. I wonder if Disney let her finish but swept other people? If so I don't think that is fair.

Any one know anything about it? I know people who have been swept with faster times than hers.

Her clock finish time and net time are the same. Doesn't that mean she started in A? How is that possible? Just wondering, noticed some of the other 4+ hours ones are the same, with finish and net the same time. Which would mean they had 1 hour head start on sweepers. If they are that slow, how did they get in A? Or am I thinking about it wrong? :confused3
Did you see Jenna Boyd featured at the beginning? She was the last place finisher at the tink and was going for her coast to coast. They brought her up on stage before the race. I just looked at her results and she finished in 4:43 which is way above the min pace. Was she last again? I saw sweepers at mile 3 when I was across the road at mile 9. I wonder if Disney let her finish but swept other people? If so I don't think that is fair.

Any one know anything about it? I know people who have been swept with faster times than hers.

I passed her early in the race and wondered if she would finish or get swept. I think she started in Corral C so that probably helped her.

My mom and I were in Corral D and we just wanted to make it to the castle. Our training didn't go as planned due to health issues with my sister. We walked hard to the castle and then just stayed to the right waiting for the buses to pick us up. They never did! So we finished with a time over 4 hours. I think Disney must have allowed extra time because of the heat and humidity.

This was my 3rd Princess Half and I can't decide if I want to do it again. I thought the Expo was beyond disappointing. We stayed at CSR our 1st 2 nights and our ME bus had a hard time getting into the resort. The expo was too crowded. We had to wait in line for 20 minutes to get into the Official merchandise tent. They were out of a few "I did it" shirt sizes. The line for packet pick-up was insane! I'm not a complainer by nature and I'm a diehard Disney World fan, but this was not up to their usual standards.

I thought the race was fun, but lacked a lot of characters. We literally came to a standstill in the castle. After we started moving again, we realized a guy had proposed to his girlfriend as she came thru the castle. They had rundisney people there and a camera crew to film it. I thought it was sweet but a lot of people were upset that we had to stop for it.

The good stuff: I loved doing this with my mom. It was very emotional to see her face at mile 12 when she realized she was going to finish. The atmosphere in the corrals was fun. I was proud to finish my 3rd half marathon!
Here's my guess. She started in A in order to bring her to the stage for run Disney purposes. She wouldn't be allowed that far up if she didn't have A on her bib. So if they were interviewing her at the start this was easiest way for rundisney to get her there

I'm guessing they just let her start there after that or didn't police her moving back

Sean Astin had an A bib at Tink for same reason but moved back to C to start.

If she started in A then the timing is right. They didn't let her finish anymore than anyone else- just let her start in A because it suited their needs. Or it maybe was part of the last finisher perks? Dunno
I was waiting in Corral a on the right hand side and I saw them escort Summer Sander's to the start line. I thought it looked like her, but wasn't sure until after the race and found out for sure she was there and she is fast.

Expo...big disapointment.

Disney need to abide by the rules THEY set for corral placement, time allowed etc....such a a bad message to those that work hard. I understand a late training injury etc, but the hoards of numbers in inproper corrral etc is just wrong.
A question about the photos:

Can only 1 person be tagged per photo?

Hubby and I have a pic together, but it only shows up in my account, not his. (yes, I know they are still sorting. But, just curious how the tagging works since I've seen mention of having to untag a picture to release it back to the unidentified pile)

Makes me wonder about other photo's that might be out there along the course where there are more than one runner in a shot. Does only one of us get tagged and the other person/people in the shot never see it??? That doesn't seem right. :confused3
A question about the photos:

Can only 1 person be tagged per photo?

Hubby and I have a pic together, but it only shows up in my account, not his. (yes, I know they are still sorting. But, just curious how the tagging works since I've seen mention of having to untag a picture to release it back to the unidentified pile)

Makes me wonder about other photo's that might be out there along the course where there are more than one runner in a shot. Does only one of us get tagged and the other person/people in the shot never see it??? That doesn't seem right. :confused3

I have the same issue. I took a pic with a few other girls and it is in one of their files but not mine. I heard you can call or email Marathonfoto and they can put it in both. I am waiting to see if more show up before I do that though.
I read on another blog that Jenna started in A. Probably part of Disney PR to allow her to finish dead last again without a hint of being swept. What bothers me is that they swept others for not keeping to pace. From the outside it looks very warm and fuzzy. To the inside it doesn't make Disney look good to sweep some but not all.
Hi princesses,

Maybe this isn't the best place to ask this but I figured y'all were an informed group to get opinions from.

I finished the Princess in 3 hours, 38 minutes - which was expected with all the character stops and breaks I took. However, this isn't at all indicative of my normal pace, which is 12 minute mile.

The Princess was my first half and while I'm proud of completing it, I really want to know of I could have run faster given different conditions and with less stops. So I'm thinking of signing up for another half marathon that's in two weeks.

Now two weeks sounds crazy soon to me. But I'm also thinking that I've trained for this and would rather try now before I return to my normal running. So what do you think? Is this nuts?

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Hi princesses,

Maybe this isn't the best place to ask this but I figured y'all were an informed group to get opinions from.

I finished the Princess in 3 hours, 38 minutes - which was expected with all the character stops and breaks I took. However, this isn't at all indicative of my normal pace, which is 12 minute mile.

The Princess was my first race and while I'm proud of completing it, I really want to know of I could have run faster given different conditions and with less stops. So I'm thinking of signing up for another half marathon that's in two weeks.

Now two weeks sounds crazy soon to me. But I'm also thinking that I've trained for this and would rather try now before I return to my normal running. So what do you think? Is this nuts?

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You are already trained up! No need to do any major long runs. Just rest and recover get plenty of sleep and eat well. I am doing a major race here in ATL. Last year I did the same race only 3weeks after Princess and because there was no heat yet here in Ga. It was nice cool spring weather and minimal distractions, I was able to keep my normal running pace.
I say Go for it!!! As you can see by many posters, Princess is not one to do for a PR!!!
Hi princesses,

Maybe this isn't the best place to ask this but I figured y'all were an informed group to get opinions from.

I finished the Princess in 3 hours, 38 minutes - which was expected with all the character stops and breaks I took. However, this isn't at all indicative of my normal pace, which is 12 minute mile.

The Princess was my first half and while I'm proud of completing it, I really want to know of I could have run faster given different conditions and with less stops. So I'm thinking of signing up for another half marathon that's in two weeks.

Now two weeks sounds crazy soon to me. But I'm also thinking that I've trained for this and would rather try now before I return to my normal running. So what do you think? Is this nuts?

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I'd say go for it IF you came off the PHM feeling good and recovered within a day or two. You do need to keep training. A couple of short runs during the week and I would do a mid LR this weekend...8ish miles. But only you know your body. Have fun and hope you PR!
Hi princesses,

Maybe this isn't the best place to ask this but I figured y'all were an informed group to get opinions from.

I finished the Princess in 3 hours, 38 minutes - which was expected with all the character stops and breaks I took. However, this isn't at all indicative of my normal pace, which is 12 minute mile.

The Princess was my first half and while I'm proud of completing it, I really want to know of I could have run faster given different conditions and with less stops. So I'm thinking of signing up for another half marathon that's in two weeks.

Now two weeks sounds crazy soon to me. But I'm also thinking that I've trained for this and would rather try now before I return to my normal running. So what do you think? Is this nuts?

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I'm planning on doing the exact same thing! I finished in 3:30, too, and my usual pace is 9-10/minute miles -- I stopped for a zillion photo ops, and had a really hard time maintaining my pace in the humidity. I really want to put my training to the test and see what I can REALLY do without stopping for visits with characters or melting into a puddle of my own sweat, so I'm going to run a local half next weekend. I say if you're feeling good, go for it! Best of luck to you! :cool1: :-D
Hi princesses,

Maybe this isn't the best place to ask this but I figured y'all were an informed group to get opinions from.

I finished the Princess in 3 hours, 38 minutes - which was expected with all the character stops and breaks I took. However, this isn't at all indicative of my normal pace, which is 12 minute mile.

The Princess was my first half and while I'm proud of completing it, I really want to know of I could have run faster given different conditions and with less stops. So I'm thinking of signing up for another half marathon that's in two weeks.

Now two weeks sounds crazy soon to me. But I'm also thinking that I've trained for this and would rather try now before I return to my normal running. So what do you think? Is this nuts?

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Do it! I've got a hilly local half on St. Pat's Day. I'm already trained, so my intent is to do 10 this weekend, 8 next and then do the half the following. I did this last year as well and was fine.

Day 2 of our trip is up! Big day in the MK!
Anyone else notice added a scrolling across all the pictures small and big? I was looking through all pictures and suddenly noticed a change lol
JoyaDelMar said:
Hi princesses,

Maybe this isn't the best place to ask this but I figured y'all were an informed group to get opinions from.

I finished the Princess in 3 hours, 38 minutes - which was expected with all the character stops and breaks I took. However, this isn't at all indicative of my normal pace, which is 12 minute mile.

The Princess was my first half and while I'm proud of completing it, I really want to know of I could have run faster given different conditions and with less stops. So I'm thinking of signing up for another half marathon that's in two weeks.

Now two weeks sounds crazy soon to me. But I'm also thinking that I've trained for this and would rather try now before I return to my normal running. So what do you think? Is this nuts?

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Not crazy at all. I have two sets of back to back 1/2s scheduled this year. Possible adding a third to make it three in a row. Just listen to your body. Don't be afraid to get out there and do some short runs now - just after the princess. Keep your training going.
Hello Princesses and Princes!
I am trying to locate a member of the WDW Radio Running Team. She was wearing the blue shirt that had the WDW Radio/Team logo and a Blue bondiband. I know this sounds stalkerish but I promise you it's not. I just want to THANK this young lady for keeping me focused on the toughest part of the run the last mile! She was so kind and sweet and talked me out of giving up. We both crossed the finish line together and in tears (of joy)! her name is Danielle and she mentioned she's a Cast Member at MouseGears as well. Can someone point me to the right direction?
The congestion issue can be solved in a number if ways

1) start race at 5am and have longer times between corrals

2) less people in each corral = adding more corrals

3) less people all together

4) less character stops OR space them out better. More on the highways less bank to back in MK

I vote for earlier start particularly in hot weather. It was crowded, when I wanted to run harder I couldn't, but I was totally fine with all that

I came to princess to run with girlfriends, have a unique experience, and take a bunch of goofy pictures. Mission accomplished. It wasn't pretty, but it was fun!

Everyone runs for their own reasons- I think this is not the race for some people due to congestion and higher run walkers. Doesn't mean you don't have the right to run it, just means you might need to accept it going in and find a way to just keep swimming! We were in C and quickly fell back to d and e due to pictures. Finished with G runners but I think we took almost every pic on the course. Which was stupid fun. ;)

Tinkeramy and saysay need their own fan club- so fun to run with these gals!

I really like the idea of moving up the start and spreading out the corrals for all the disney races. Their courses are tight in a lot of places. I don't seem them reducing the number of runners so spreading runners out really seems like the only option.

Finally - where are the princesses?!?! I mean, this is the PRINCESS half marathon. Why aren't all the princess characters out in full force? In the MK we saw Belle and then Cinderella, about to be switched out with Aurora. At the very least, they could do what they do with the heroes - a bundle of princesses all at one stop. Just kind of a pet peeve for someone who does this for fun and pictures (and does NOT lie to get into B corral! :thumbsup2)

Amen DW was looking for Rapunzel along the whole course and she wasn't there. We found out later she was at the finish, but why weren't their more princesses along the course?

I think there was some problem at POR - or all their busses were stuck in traffic. There was a lady out there telling us they had called in other busses and they would be here soon, etc. There were tons of us staying there and you'd think Disney could have coordinated the transportation better. Lesson learned. If I had been there 30 minutes earlier at 3 I might have gotten on an early bus and avoided that wait.
We had issues with buses from POR for the January half in 2012 and I think I read that their were similar issues this year in January too. I wonder what's up with the race busses from that resort.

Wow really? I was under the impression you had to email them with actual race results from a chipped 10K or longer. I'm shocked you can just enter a fast time and race and no one checks! That's rotten!
No and if you show up at the expo all you have to have is a typed up time. It would be really easy to fake.

Sean Astin had an A bib at Tink for same reason but moved back to C to start.

If she started in A then the timing is right. They didn't let her finish anymore than anyone else- just let her start in A because it suited their needs. Or it maybe was part of the last finisher perks? Dunno
Sean Started in C at Princess too. He was beside me for about 10 seconds till DW took off at a rediculous 7:30 MM pace.
Im glad i took out one of my bottles on my iFitness belt and used it as a camera holder just in case the marathonfotos didnt come up lol. Here's a pic from race retreat i used with my own camera.


I cant wait to do this again next year, regardless of how crowded it was this year :). I REALLY wanna try to actually meet some of you next time!

Great costume! I saw you a few times on the whizzed by me :) I was Jasmine as well but with a sparkle skirt. Congrats!
Hello Princesses and Princes!
I am trying to locate a member of the WDW Radio Running Team. She was wearing the blue shirt that had the WDW Radio/Team logo and a Blue bondiband. I know this sounds stalkerish but I promise you it's not. I just want to THANK this young lady for keeping me focused on the toughest part of the run the last mile! She was so kind and sweet and talked me out of giving up. We both crossed the finish line together and in tears (of joy)! her name is Danielle and she mentioned she's a Cast Member at MouseGears as well. Can someone point me to the right direction?

Just Pm'd you
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