So Much To Celebrate - LIFE and Sophie Kate!

Love the matching outfits on all the girls. Brooklynn looks quite capable holding Sophie. You're so lucky to get 2 weeks. My grandkids were just off for 6 days and we even had a sleepover one night. Just one of the perks of retirement! I'm in Minnesota and kind of laugh when people post about it being cold at 29 degrees and we're so thankful that it's been staying around 30 and even got to 40. That was the day we left our coats in the car as we were doing errands.:woohoo: I would love to be going to Florida right now with those temps though. We did have 6 straight days of 80 degree temps on our Jan. trip though and it was great. Hope your trip is warm and wonderful!
That picture of the lion is fantastic!!:thumbsup2

The girls all look so cute in their matching outfits! I'm glad the picture was successful!
Prayers and Thoughts for Stasieki and her dd at the wedding.

I agree the picture of the lion turned out wonderful.

I am sending good thoughts your trip will be filled with pixie dustpixiedust: and great memories with your friend.:goodvibes
We just started our 2 weeks off!:cool1::cool1::cool1: It used to be 3 weeks.. which was much better.:sad::sad: They took our extra weeks from Fall break & Spring Break and moved it to summer, so I guess I can't complain too much. :thumbsup2 We have always had year round/modified year round and I love it. I think the kids get to work off all their extra energy that's been building and come back to school nice and ready to go for all the testing (for the most part anyway). They settle in pretty quickly.. especially since they know their Summer break will be here before they know it!

Can't believe it is almost time for you to go. So exciting!
Love the outfits! :cutie:

Little Guy would've seen those people on the boat in the water and would've said "I wanna go fishing with them!" Haha.

That is one big fat toad! :eek:

So's almost time for you to go back! :dance3:
2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: I'M SUPER JEALOUS! We never get that long. I will be praying for stasieki.

This is the first time for us to have two weeks. Next year, we're supposed to be getting two weeks in the fall and two weeks in the spring.

Kim (stasieki) sent a text earlier that said she was feeling 'a bit better', and she was going to try to go to the wedding for a little while.

EEK!!!! Yeah. You are going to have a very hard time getting the kids back into the groove of things. And by the time you do it will be time to go for summer. Good Luck!!! But Don't think about it too much. At least not until after Disney :)

That's what I am thinking, but you are right, I am not worrying about it for the next two weeks.

I had no idea you were getting two weeks off. Lucky duck!!! I'm pretty much ready to go and heading to bed. I have no idea when Marc us going to get his things in his luggage. He has fallen asleep in his chair watching basketball. I will get up early for last minute details before we get Harper and begin the drive to Kansas City and our afternoon flight...

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I guess he got his stuff together, since you are now on your way. Or he's going to buy a new wardrobe when he gets down there. ;)

Have a WONDERFUL time Anita and Marc!

I think they have already started buying things for Harper. Are you shocked? :laughing:

Love the matching outfits on all the girls. Brooklynn looks quite capable holding Sophie. You're so lucky to get 2 weeks. My grandkids were just off for 6 days and we even had a sleepover one night. Just one of the perks of retirement! I'm in Minnesota and kind of laugh when people post about it being cold at 29 degrees and we're so thankful that it's been staying around 30 and even got to 40. That was the day we left our coats in the car as we were doing errands.:woohoo: I would love to be going to Florida right now with those temps though. We did have 6 straight days of 80 degree temps on our Jan. trip though and it was great. Hope your trip is warm and wonderful!

Yes, 29 is cold down here. Sometimes, when we have one of those crazy winters where we have lots of single digits, then 29 feels pretty good, so I totally get where you are coming from. I think 70 is pretty much the perfect temperature. I need to live somewhere where it is always 70. ::yes::

That picture of the lion is fantastic!!:thumbsup2

The girls all look so cute in their matching outfits! I'm glad the picture was successful!

Jill was always just out of camera shot ready to leap in when Brooklynn was holding Sophie. Brook is a good big sister, and she took her job seriously, but still, she's just a kid, so anything could have happened suddenly. I am glad we got some pictures of all the girls together.

Prayers and Thoughts for Stasieki and her dd at the wedding.

I agree the picture of the lion turned out wonderful.

I am sending good thoughts your trip will be filled with pixie dustpixiedust: and great memories with your friend.:goodvibes

I was looking at cameras today. I can in NO WAY afford one, but when I looked at the zoom capabilities, I thought about getting some awesome close-ups at Animal Kingdom.

We will have a good time. We rarely see each other here at home. She lives one city over, but our schedules are completely different. I see her for a few minutes about every 3-4 months. We've been friends so long, though, that we don't miss a beat when we start talking again.

We just started our 2 weeks off!:cool1::cool1::cool1: It used to be 3 weeks.. which was much better.:sad::sad: They took our extra weeks from Fall break & Spring Break and moved it to summer, so I guess I can't complain too much. :thumbsup2 We have always had year round/modified year round and I love it. I think the kids get to work off all their extra energy that's been building and come back to school nice and ready to go for all the testing (for the most part anyway). They settle in pretty quickly.. especially since they know their Summer break will be here before they know it!

Can't believe it is almost time for you to go. So exciting!

We're doing just the opposite. We used to have three summer months, and now they are taking weeks off of that and adding them to spring and fall.
Love the outfits! :cutie:

Little Guy would've seen those people on the boat in the water and would've said "I wanna go fishing with them!" Haha.

That is one big fat toad! :eek:

So's almost time for you to go back! :dance3:

Maybe you can take him fishing at POR.

Yes, that toad is a very large fella - with a face only a mother could love. :upsidedow

I have been packing today. Well, I have been throwing things in the suitcases - some of everything in each, on the minor chance that one gets lost.


Walking on.

An island for feathered friends?


Well, sort of.


Ever watchful.


Seeing the gorillas is always fun.



Around to 'the valley'.





Time for a little shopping.











Bella and Mary Beth get in a little reading time.

Jambo is my favorite way to say hello.


In Amheric, there is a subliminal message that men are better than women. Read it backwards. ;)


Many, many cute plushies.




It is a well-known fact that our girls love pretzel breaks.


And every pretzel needs something to wash it down.


Unattended luggage is not acceptable in the airport, but at this train station, it was apparently fine.


Sophie's first elephant picture.


Some people never go back to this guy's place, but we really enjoy it.






My students would flip out over seeing all of this cool stuff.






Will they touch?



Brooklynn did, but Bella did not.

Wonderful trip to the zoo! Thanks for sharing

My family enjoys much laughter when we are together.


Oh I missed that one on my T shirt mission. I really really like it.

Today was my last day of school for two full weeks, so that is good. :woohoo:

It cost $339 to get a bunch of things done to my old car, so that is not good. :sad3:

I have a car, and it is paid for, so that is good. :yay:

Next week, I will be in Florida, and that is good. :cool1:

I guess the goods outweigh that one bad, right?

It does. It definitely does!


I like this picture, but it was a little nerve-wracking to have a six year old holding a newborn over concrete! :eek:


Oh those outfits, adorable! What a fun morning
I love looking at the Animal Kingdom shops. I never buy anything, but they have wonderful and different items.

The train station is one of my favorite places to just wonder around and read. The no cooking on the train is one of my favorite signs. People that don't take the time to catch the non-thrill attractions at the parks miss out on alot of the simple pleasures and fun of Disney.
I like the jewelry made out of park maps! Very cute and it's a nice Disney touch that nobody has to know about because it doesn't scream Disney.
I love the girls' matching outfits!
Your trip is getting so close! My spring break starts Thursday, but sadly, I won't be going to Disney. I know Disney on Ice is coming next weekend, so maybe I'll go to that.
Frist I get to tour world showcase with you this morning and I think, oh how I would love to be walking there this morning. Then I get to walk around Animal Kingdom with you and think, oh I wish I were there! To have to choose between the two...:thumbsup2 Now THAT'S a good problem to have! 9 more months to dream about it I guess SIGH

Will have to live vicariously through Anita this week and you next week :flower3: In the meantime, we are off to the science center today. Sue the dinosaur is in town and they are having a LEGO build weekend, my boys will be in heaven!
Those darn cars. All of our cars (except Ryan's) needed work this year. Cody's needed $1,700.00!!!:eek:

LOVE the girls outfits. So cute!!

Wow that's great that you have 2 weeks off!!:thumbsup2 How long are you in Disney??

The temps down in Fl look great!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The girls all look so cute in their matching outfits. Did the Friends family coordinate their outfits in advance?
Yay for being done with school for a while!! Do you teach in a year-round school? Your breaks are so much better than mine! :thumbsup2

Great safari got a great lion picture! I've yet to see him walking around, or even sitting up for that matter...he's been asleep on every safari I have ever been on. Last time I rode, they didn't do the whole "Simba 1...Simba 1...there are the baby elephant" business. Did they do it when you were there, or have they stopped doing it?

Last time I went on safari, I took this for Poolrat and your pictures reminded me to post it!


We went to Rafiki's for the first time this January, and we liked it as well!! I would have never visited if it hadn't been for your last TR. I guess we just never thought it was worth it, but it totally is!! ::yes::

The girl's outfits are adorable!!!! Very appropriate for AK!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Yay for packing!!! I love the AK pictures. I cannot wait to be back there. I saw the Magic Treehouse book in your pictures. Cooper just read that for AR. We love those books. He would be happy to see them in a store at AK. I have not even thought about packing but I have more time than you. I cannot believe Anita is already there! I love seeing her pictures on FB. Can you tell I am excited to go?:lmao:
Just read your intro and am so happy you made it through that scary ordeal. Subscribing to read all about your celebration!

Now that we have all that emotional backstory stuff out of the way let's meet the cast.

The stars of all our reports-

Brooklynn, Bella, and in her first trip report, Sophie Kate!


Brooklynn is my amazing 6 year old! She has a love for animals that is beyond understanding and currently wants to be a vet at Animal Kingdom when she grows up. She is a ride daredevil and if it goes fast she LOVES it! She conquered her last height restriction ride this trip - Rockin Roller Coaster and I think she rode it about 6 times during the week we were there. Her favorite ride is a tie between Expedition Everest and Rockin Roller COaster. Her favorite Disney character is Merida. She took her first trip to Disney when she was 11 months old and this was her 19th trip.



Bella is my 3 year old pixie sized tornado! She is a total blur in almost all pictures because if she is awake she is on full speed! Her energy is contagious and you just can't help but smile when you're around her. She is super girly and loves all things sparkly. She loves to dance and dress up. Her favorite ride is Barnstormer followed closely by her beloved horsies on the Carousel. Her favorite Disney character is "all the princesses." She took her first trip at 3 and a half months old and this was her 11th trip.



An our latest addition, Sophie Kate. She turned 6 weeks old the day before we left. Now at almost 6 months old she is a sweet smiley baby.



The rest of the crew.

I'm Jill. The first day of this trip was my 31st birthday. In real life I am an assistant director at the preschool that Bella and Sophie attend. I love spending time in Disney with my family and was very excited to share the Disney fun with Rebecca and her family. I love Toy Story Mania and Space Mountain and my favorite Disney character is Mulan.


John is my DH. He tolerates my Disney obsession. Sometimes he goes on trips and sometimes he doesn't. He was excited for the Food and Wine festival and had made a giant list of things he wanted to try. His favorite ride is Rockin Roller Coaster. His favorite Disney character is Tigger, but he is more like Grumpy when he gets hot, tired or hungry.


MeMom is my mom. There are not words to express how much she means to me. While I was in the hospital she stepped in and took care of the girls so that John could be at the hospital during the few 1 hour visits I got a day. She is beyond amazing and I am so grateful for her. She is my Disney partner in crime and we just have a ton of fun when we are together being silly. Her favorite ride is Soarin. Her favorite Disney character Eeyore.

She doesn't do pictures and whined about the one I had picked. Look for her as a shadow or reflection in a window.

Also joining us this trip was my friend Rebecca, her husband, Jonathan, and their two little girls, Mary Beth who had just turned 4 and Claire who was 18 months.


Okay so I think that has it all covered, now on to our adventures!
I love your Animal Kingdom day! All the girls look so cute in their animal print finery - very adorable. :thumbsup2

The picture of all the girls turned out great, but I understand the fears with baby & the hard ground below! Looks like Brooklyn had her pretty tight.

I'm so excited your trip is THIS WEEK! You'll have such a great time! Mom and I drove to Chicago this weekend, and Caroline & Faith and my sister in law are here all week, so we have lots of fun things planned. Pedicures, lunches with the ladies, etc. We're looking forward to it!

I also have one (maybe two!) more people joining my group at New Year's Eve. :cool1: My youngest brother is a definite in, and my sister thinks she'll be able to go. She graduates in December but doesn't think she starts her internship til later in January, so she should be able to come too! pixiedust:(MeMom and Jill, this is the same brother and sister you met a few Fourth of Julys ago, at OHana). I'm super pumped, it sounds like we'll have a nice group of folks for NYE festivities.

Have a great start to your (Disney!) week!


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